“Is she here yet? Is she here yet?” Justin said, bouncing up and down.

“I don’t know. I don’t know.” Chris said, also bouncing. Joey walked up to them, watched for a second, then:

“Have you seen Lance? Have you seen Lance?” He asked.

“No.” Justin said with a straight face as he and Chris simultaneously stopped bouncing.

“You guys suck.” Joey said walking away from them as they laughed at him.

“Hey! Joe! Get on the bus!” JC yelled from the door of Wright Entertainment. “And tell Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb so I don’t have to.”

“Have you seen Lance?”

“If he knows what’s good for him, he’s on the bus.” JC yelled back before disappearing through the door. Joey turned around and headed back towards the buses. Justin and Chris were still bouncing.

“JC says get on the bus.” He said, not falling for it this time.

“But she’s not here yet.” Justin whined.

“Or, maybe she IS here and she’s on one of the buses!” Chris proposed. He and Justin looked at each other for a second before they both tore off toward buses. Joey shook his head and followed behind at a jog.

“Why does God hate me?” Sophie asked herself as she rushed inside Wright Entertainment, shoving her sunglasses on top of her head. She tugged at her gray blazer and straightened the matching slacks and white dress shirt underneath, trying to make herself as presentable and professional as possible. She turned a corner that led to Johnny Wright’s office and slammed into someone. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.” She gasped.

“Hey it’s ok, I don’t think I broke any ribs.” Sophie looked up at whom she’d run into and her breath caught as she realized it was JC Chasez.

“What a first impression to make.” She laughed bashfully and tossed her thick braid over her shoulder. JC liked her laugh.

“Actually, my first impression of you was very good. Green is your color.”

“Well, red is my color right now.” Sophie joked as she blushed, unconsciously brushing her hand against her cheek. “Anyway, you know who I am, and I know who you are, but what do you say we introduce ourselves anyway?”

“I’m up for it. I’m JC.”

“I’m Sophie, it’s nice to finally meet you.”

“The pleasure is all mine.” They shook hands and then Sophie brushed aside a loose curl that hung across her throat.

“Am I really late? My plane was delayed.”

“You’re not too late. I’m sure they’ve already loaded your stuff into your bus.”

“Do you happen to know where Mr. Wright is?”

“I’m right here Miss Regan, and please, call me Johnny.” He said coming from behind them. Sophie smiled at him.

“Alright Johnny, but only if you call me Sophie.”

“Deal.” They shook hands. “Now, we were just about to roll. Normally I wouldn’t agree to this, but for some reason the guys were all very anxious to meet you.” Sophie stole a look at JC who reddened at Johnny’s comment. “So why don’t you just hop on their bus for awhile. Usually they get to know the people they work with, but your father explained that you couldn’t come down any sooner.”

“Oh, yes.” Sophie said. “I’m sorry about that.” She ducked her head and looked at the floor.

“No harm done. We’re glad to have you aboard.” Johnny said benevolently, patting her shoulder. The three walked out to the buses and JC ran off to tell the others before Sophie got on.

“She’s here.” He said with a straight face, before grinning broadly.

“YAAA HOOOO!” Justin yelled.

“I got dibs!” Joey said.

“Nuh uh.” Justin said spinning to see Joey smirking from his seat at the table. “You can’t call dibs man, she’s not a seat in a car. Besides…. I deserve dibs.”

“On what?” The voice made Justin freeze. He looked at Chris standing in the hallway with a look of shock and amusement that Justin had been caught. Then he looked at Joey, who’s jaw had dropped. “Justin?” He smiled, he liked the way she said his name. He turned and looked at her. She’d removed her blazer and held it in the crook of her arm as she stood with a hand on a jutted out hip.

“Dibs on the top bunk.” He said smoothly. Chris busted up laughing behind him.

“Really?” Sophie said, looking confused. “I didn’t know bunks were feminine.”

She smiled and raised an eyebrow at him. Now everyone began to laugh as Justin blushed. “Anyway,” Sophie said, taking the focus off Justin’s burning cheeks. “As I guess you guys already know, I’m Sophie.”

“I’m Lance.” He said, extending a hand.

“I’m Joey, beautiful.” Joey winked as Sophie shook his hand.

“Nice to meet you Joey Beautiful.” She winked back.

“I’m Chris.”

“I’m Justin.” He grumbled, but was having a hard time concealing a smile. Sophie rubbed his shoulder.

“Don’t take it so hard Sugar. JC blushed before you did.” She laughed. Justin’s whole face lit up and he pointed a finger at JC who pretended to ignore him.

“She made you blush?” He began to laugh so hard that he had to grip the sink for support. JC pouted, but Sophie sat down between him and Lance as the bus began to roll.

“Sorry,” she said leaning into him. “But I couldn’t crush the poor boy’s ego. It’s all he’s got.” She smiled up at him and watched JC’s lips twitch. “Come on,” she urged, prodding his side. “Where’s my smile?” JC let out a sudden burst of laughter.

“My grandmother says that.”

“Well then call me Grammy, Sweets, because it works.” JC laughed again and put an arm around Sophie’s shoulders.

“You’re going to fit in real well around here.”

“It’s a skill.” Sophie said under her breath.

“What was that?” Lance said as JC got up to talk to Joey about something.

“Oh, nothing. This is all very exciting.” Sophie said. She looked into Lance’s green eyes and was completely unnerved by them. So much so that she shifted away from him and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Yeah, you’ll get used to it though. I mean, I’m sure you’ve traveled before. Being Mr. Regan’s daughter and all.”

“Don’t bring my father into this.” She said a little too sharply.

“Sorry.” Lance said, and was then quiet. Sophie wanted to tell him it was alright, but it wasn’t. Besides, she didn’t want to have to look into those eyes again until she was really prepared for them.

Chapter 6