“So, why Mississippi?” Sophia asked Justin as the two of them sat in the back lounge. It was late and everyone else was sleeping. They’d all wondered why no one had come to collect Sophie, but nobody really wanted her to leave, so they let it go.

“Lance made us. You knew he was from Mississippi, right?”

“I think the whole word knows that boy is from Mississippi Sugar.” Sophie laughed.

“Where are you from?” Justin asked.

“I was born in New York, raised in California, and schooled in England.”

“Wow.” Justin said nodding. “I’m from Tennessee.”

“I could tell.” Sophie giggled.

“What? Is it the twang? Girl, you should hear my mom.” The two laughed and were quiet for a while. “You aren’t what I expected.” Justin suddenly confessed.

“I’m not?”

“No, actually,” he began to blush but went on, for some reason he felt the need to tell her. “I mean, you’re so beautiful and everything, I sort of figured you’d be stuck up.”

“Beauty has nothing to do with it. It’s just an illusion. You mean, because my father is rich.” Sophie said, trying not to sound as angry as she was.

“Well, that too.” Justin said quietly. He reminded her of Chase when he was in trouble, and she smiled.

“I’m not my parents.” She stated simply.

“Am I what you expected?” Justin asked, a sly smile creeping across his face. Sophie shrugged and kept her expression blank.

“Pretty much.”

“Oh.” He said flatly. She laughed at him.

“I always had a hunch you were adorable.” She said and watched as a lopsided grin appeared on his face.

“You’re my favorite makeup girl ever!” He said happily.

“Forget your stomach, the way to your heart is through your ego.” She said sarcastically but with a grin.

“Beautiful and smart, I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.” Joey said coming through the door. He yawned and lay down on the couch with his head in Sophie’s lap.

“Geeze Joe.” Justin said. “Make yourself at home.”

“You don’t mind, do ya Sophie? My love?” Joey laughed.

“Never Joey Beautiful. Anytime you need a pillow you let me know.” Joey stuck his tongue out at Justin before wiggling around to get comfortable. Justin pouted but Sophie pulled him closer to her and kissed his cheek. “The same goes for you Sugar.”

“If you say so.” Justin said and rested his head on her shoulder, holding her arm like a teddy bear. Sophie just laughed at both of them. The door opened once again.

“Hey guys, I need you to let Sophie go so she can sleep on the right bus.” Lonnie said smiling at the picture the three made.

“Aww, do we have to?” Joey whined. “I’m really comfortable.”

“Yeah, come on Lonnie.” Justin said, squeezing his eyes shut in a desperate attempt to look like he was sleeping. “Can’t she just stay here tonight?”

“Nope. Not tonight. If you want her around more you’ll have to ask Johnny.” Lonnie held out his hand and Sophie took it. With a little effort, Lonnie was able to pry her away from Joey and Justin. As it was they followed her all the way to the front of the bus, waving sadly.

“We’ll miss you Sophie.” They said while pretending to cry. Lonnie shook his head and Sophie laughed.

“I’m Lonnie, by the way.” He said after they’d stepped off the bus.

“It’s nice to meet you. Are they always like that?”

“Worse.” Lonnie laughed. “I’m surprised you managed to not go crazy yet.” Sophie stiffened a little at that comment, but brushed it off easily.

“I have a younger brother.”

“Well Honey,” Lonnie said as the door to the bus Sophie was supposed to ride opened. “Now you’ve got five.”

“I can’t wait.” Sophie laughed. Lonnie smiled back at her.

“See you in Biloxi Sophie.”

“Thanks.” And with that Sophie climbed aboard the bus and began making introductions to the other crew members aboard.

“She’s so nice.” Justin gushed as he and Joey lay in the back again.

“Doesn’t hurt that she’s hot either.” Joey laughed. He and Justin shared a look before Justin laughed, nodded, and the two high-fived.

“I hope Johnny lets her ride with us. There’s room.”

“What about when Steve comes?” Joey asked.

“Joey!” Justin scolded. “Steve or Sophie?”

“You’re right. Steve can run behind the bus for all I care.” Joey laughed.

“There’s some brotherly love for you.” Lance quipped joining them.

“Hey, if he saw her, he’d understand.”

“I don’t think she likes me.” Lance said plopping down.

“Paranoid much?” Justin asked. “Come on Lance, Sophie’s a great girl.”

“Yeah, you weren’t even alone with her for more than two minutes, how can she not like you?” Joey asked.

“I don’t know. She just…I don’t know.”

“You must have said something stupid.” Justin reasoned.

“Lance, have you learned nothing about women from me?” Joey asked.

“Man, that’s probably WHY he said something stupid.” Justin laughed. Joey attacked him and Lance was left to ponder what he might have said to upset such a bubbly and vivacious person.

Chapter 7