Sophie stood surveying the styling products before her. “All this for a bunch of guys?” She thought aloud. “You’d think they were supermodels.” She laughed at her own joke and began to unpack her own supply of gels, mouse, spray, and because she’d done her homework about the guys, bright colored dye and glitter spray. When she was done she batted some of her own hair out of her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. She sighed and began to brush out her thick, russet curls.

Justin, Chris, and Joey stood like the Three Stooges outside the “hair and makeup” room with the door cracked just enough for them to watch Sophie. She was barefoot, wearing hip-hugging jeans, a lavender spaghetti-strap top, and the every-present teardrop charm. They listened as she hummed to herself and watched as her hips began to sway along to the tune. She put down her brush and twisted her hips and shoulders while running a hand through her hair. She slid over to the boom box on the counter and turned up the volume. Enigma’s “Sadness” filled the room and Sophie’s body instantly fell into the rhythm.

“Is she coming?” JC asked coming up behind his band mates. They all jumped and spun to silence him.

“Dude, shut up.” Joey whispered.

“Why?” JC asked in his normal voice.

“Sssh!” Justin whispered. “Look.” They all returned to their peeping and JC reluctantly joined them. His mouth dropped open.

Sophie stood in the middle of the room, directly in the guys’ view and danced.

She ran her fingers down the side of her face, over her chest, and down to her hips where they rested while she swiveled her hips around in achingly slow circles. Her eyes were shut and she bit down slightly on her lower lip and bent her head back as she turned around, letting her hair brush against the bare skin between her shirt and jeans. Suddenly she turned as the music stopped abruptly and with a brazen look in her eyes, panted along with the woman’s voice on the song.

“See something you like boys?” Sophie asked before throwing her head back and laughing a throaty and seductive laugh. The guys tripped on each other while trying to straighten up and fell into the room. As they scrambled to get to their feet Sophie sat down in one of the chairs.

“We came to ask you if you wanted to watch sound check.” Justin asked quickly.

“Sure.” Sophie said, still grinning at them. She stopped the music and then walked out the door, stepping over Joey who still sat stunned on the floor.

“What was that?” JC asked after Sophie disappeared down the hallway.

“I don’t know dude, but I think J just became a man.” Chris joked, patting Justin on the shoulder.

“Shut up man.” Justin replied shrugging off the Chris’ hand. “At least I managed to form a sentence. More that I can say for you.”

“I think Joe’s dead.” JC said in a mock-serious tone. Chris and Justin forgot their argument as they both turned to see Joey staring at the carpet.

“Joey? You ok man?” Justin asked laughing.

“Why do I feel like having Johnny pay her in ones?” He asked confused. The other guys laughed and helped him up.

“Too bad Lancey missed that.” Chris said as they walked out the door and to the stage. The others just laughed.

“What’s goin on guys?” Lance asked as he met up with them outside the wardrobe room where he’d had a last minute fitting. Joey and Justin just giggled harder, but JC smacked them.

“Nothing. We just invited Sophie to sound check.” He told Lance as they all reached for their ear monitors.

“What did she say?” This sent Justin and Joey into another fit of giggling, but Chris just tapped Lance’s shoulder and pointed to the front row.

“Why don’t you just ask her yourself. Oh, but Lance?” Chris took hold of Lance’s arm. “For your mother’s sake, always knock before you go in the makeup room.” Now even JC laughed as he hopped to center stage to signal the start of sound check.

“You’re all insane.” Lance said rolling his eyes. He took his place and noticed Sophie leaning against the front of the stage. Just as they were about to start she jumped a little, and then pulled a slender cell phone from her pocket. She answered it and with an apologetic look to Joey and Chris (who were also watching her), she dashed off.

Chapter 8