Sophie smiled inwardly at how adorable all the guys looked when they were nervous. They all sat waiting for their turn to be “prettified” as Justin had said. She’d seen pictures of how they liked their hair, and how they were used to having it done, so she decided that since everything else was going to be different for them with the new tour, she’d leave their hair they same old way. Of course, she’d change it later, but for now she just wanted them to be comfortable.

“You guys seem kind of nervous.” She said, watching them jump at the sound of her voice. They had noticed it too and laughed.

“Maybe a little.” Justin grinned at her. Sophie laughed and looked at Chris in the mirror as she gelled his hair.

“You want me to turn some music on?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No!” Joey and JC answered together from the couch.

“Good God woman,” Chris said with wide eyes. “Are you trying to kill us?”

“What?” Lance asked from him place leaning against the wall.

“Nothing.” The other four replied quickly. Sophie just laughed and patted Chris’ arm.

“You’re all done. Who’s my next victim?”

“Me.” JC stepped forward and sat down. Sophie worked quickly to style his hair and when she finished she gave his shoulders a quick rub.

“You’ll be amazing Sweets.” She whispered into his ear. He smiled at her and motioned for Joey to take his place.

“Are you going to whisper sweet nothings into my ear too?” Joey asked laughing.

“I’ll be amazed if I can FIND your ear Joey Beautiful.” Sophie joked flicking his growing out mane. “Who let you do this to yourself?”

“Jenn did, she liked it.”

“Well partner,” Sophie said, affecting a Texan accent. “There’s a new sheriff in town, and I don’t take kindly to yer type.”

“This town ain’t big enough fer the two of us Sophie. So, I guess that means I’ll be leavin.” He giggled as she slicked his hair back and smeared it with some glitter gel. Then she leaned over and wrapped her arms around him in a backwards hug.

“Be warned, next stop on this here wagon train you’ll be meetin me and my trusty scissors.”

“Alright. It’s pistols at high noon.” He got up and bowed deeply. “I hate to do this to ya ma’am, but…” Justin shoved him out of the way.

“It’s the law of the West, yeah we get it.” He said, plopping into the chair. Joey just laughed and walked over to where Sophie had left a bowl of jellybeans.

“Hi.” Justin said smiling up at Sophie.

“Hi.” She replied laughing. She worked faster than normal, in efforts to impress him, knowing full well how much time it could take to tame his wild curls.

“I wish you could have watched sound check.” He said, loving the way she bit the tip of her tongue when she was concentrating.

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that.” She said, her eyes meeting his with a genuine look.

“Do you mind me asking who it was?”

“My father. You’re done.” Sophie replied quickly. “And looking lovely, if I do say so myself.” She stood back to admire her work. He came towards her, glancing quickly to see if the others were looking. They weren’t.

“No hug for me?” He asked.

“Nope.” She replied. She watched as his face fell and then stepped quickly forward to kiss his cheek. “Now, isn’t that better than a hug?” She laughed and moved around him to pat the chair. “Next.”

“I guess that’s me.” Lance said cautiously.

“Good guess.” Sophie said under her breath before sighing and grabbing the gel.

She did her best to not look at him. She still wasn’t ready to see those eyes again. Green eyes. “Stupid,” she thought to herself “you knew the boy had green eyes.”

“Are you ok?” Lance asked. Sophie seemed almost startled.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Ten minute call guys.” A man Sophie hadn’t met yet said, sticking his head in the door. “Hacky while the hackyings good.” The guys all took a collective breath to clam their nerves and Sophie smiled. She skipped over to the door and put her hands on her hips.

“Who wants to smack my ass for luck?” She asked turning and standing on tiptoe so her rump was pushed out. The dumbfounded looks on the guys’ faces were priceless. “I’m kidding. Go play your little hack game.” She laughed and they joined in.

“Sophie, you’re too much.” Chris said walking past her and out into the hallway. “Even for me.” They other guys laughed as they followed him. Justin and Joey both made attempts to actually give her a smack, but she wiggled away from them.

“Thanks.” Lance said quietly. He reached to give her hand a squeeze but she jumped away from him.

“No problem.” She mumbled turning away from him and heading back to put away her things. Lance shook his head and furrowed his brow. “What is with that girl?” He thought to himself before being hit in the head with the hacky sack.

“WOULD YOU GUYS STOP DOING THAT?” He yelled, laughing.

“Sorry man.” JC called back. “But that’s what you get for being slow.”

Chapter 9