Sophie had run to the VIP seating area as soon as she heard the opening chords being played. She stood watching the guys as they flowed through dance moves as though they’d been doing them since birth. When her eyes happened to settle on Lance she didn’t allow them to linger for very long, but she noticed that Chris did everything with a conscious perfection that Sophie admired. He wasn’t as crazy as he wanted people to think. “Sloppy.” Sophie thought with an arrogant smile. “Don’t bother pretending if you aren’t willing to really play the game.” She watched Joey and Justin share glances and laughs on stage that only they knew the meaning behind. Her eyes focused on JC as he began his solo in “This I Promise You.” Sophie studied the masculine features and ruggedly cut angles of his face. She felt herself blush when he happened to glance her way.

Justin turned just in time to see Sophie watching JC. He saw the rose bloom in her cheeks when JC returned her look. Justin gritted his teeth and clenched his fist forgetting to smile all the way back to the stage and back to change. There was no way he’d let JC take Sophie away from him when he was so close. There was something about that girl, something that made Justin comfortable and at ease; it was something that he desperately craved in his world of false friends and fame-seeking women. Besides, Bobbie wouldn’t be very happy if she knew that “her man”, as she was so fond of saying, was looking at another girl. Justin grinned at the thought of watching Bobbie rip JC a new one. “I guess she’s not ALL bad.” He thought to himself and laughed.

“Baby baby we can do more than just talk!” He shouted and rushed to get in his place for the opening of “Digital Getdown.” He looked out to the soundboards where Sophie had been standing a moment before. His face fell when he saw that she wasn’t watching him, but talking to Johnny. Chris kicked him in the butt and gave him “a look” to tell him to snap out of it and start singing again. Justin nodded stiffly before flashing a million dollar at the audience and singing his heart out. “He’s probably telling her she isn’t allowed on the bus. Damn it.” He though, and punched his dance move a little harder than normal. Sophie had been mesmerized by the guys and everything else around her had melted away. She jumped when Johnny’s voice interrupted her gawking.

“I’m gonna lay it out on the table here Sophie.”

“What?” She asked, turning to face him so she could hear him over the screaming.

“The guys asked if you could be on their bus.” “They did?” Sophie said smiling. She wondered who’d had the balls to ask.

“Didn’t you know?” Johnny asked confused.


“Oh, well, they did. And I decided that I don’t want to see you on that bus.”

“Ok, it’s your call. I can see how me being there might be a problem with the fans.” Sophie said, trying to sound professional while hiding her disappointment.

“I don’t think you heard me Sophie.” Johnny said with a twinkle in his eye. “I said, I don’t want to SEE you on that bus.”

“You mean, if I were to somehow sneak on the bus after you’d checked it and sneak off before we got to the hotel…” Sophie trailed off and began to giggle as Johnny shrugged.

“How would I even know you were there?”

“Gottcha. Thanks Sir.”

“No problem. Enjoy the show Sophie.”

“I’m sure I will.” She said.

“You want me to break the news to them?”

“No.” Sophie replied, grinning wickedly. “I think I’ll figure out a way to let them down gently.” She and Johnny laughed and he patted her shoulder before walking away. Sophie giggled to herself and scampered away. She could watch the end of the show some other night, right now she had more important matters at hand.

Chapter 10