As crewmembers lit their way with flashlights, Nsync sprinted away from the stage. They were all yelling and laughing, filled to the brim with the energy that had reverberated throughout the building that night. It had been the perfect kick-off of the tour. As they jumped aboard the bus they all felt invincible. Nothing was going to stop them now. At least, not until Chris slammed into a stationary Justin.

“She’s not here.” The dirty blonde said as though his puppy had just died.

“Well,” JC started, trying to be practical about things. “Johnny probably thought that it would be better if the fans didn’t see her on here. I mean, there’s enough rumors going around without adding her to the list.” JC looked at Lance for reassurance. Lance nodded and then he and JC both began to take off their sweat soaked clothes and replace them with fresh.

“I don’t think I’d mind Sophie being on that list.” Joey laughed through the shirt that covered his head.

“You’re right, but still,” Justin walked to the middle of the bus where he could breathe. “He could have at least let her watch the rest of the show.” He pulled his shirt off and sighed as he leaned against the bunks.

“Oh, I saw plenty Sugar.”

Justin jumped at the sound of that voice. Prickles of pleasure ran down his body as he ripped away the curtain covering his bunk. There lay Sophie. Her nearly raven hair was in sharp contrast with the white pillow it was splayed over. It mirrored the forever-deep irises set against the white of eyes and teeth. Her body was almost feline in it’s position and Justin had to use every ounce of willpower he had to not jump into the bunk with her; closing the curtains and shutting out everything else in the world for the rest of their lives.

“Don’t be such a whiner Jus… Sophie!” Chris said emerging from the back section.

“Hey guys!” She chirped happily as she sprang from the bunk. She walked past Justin and allowed her cool fingertips to drag across his burning abs. He nearly grabbed her then, but she was out of reach and toweling off Joey’s head.

“We thought Johnny wouldn’t let you ride with us.” Joey’s muffled voice said from under the towel. Sophie purposefully moved the towel so it covered his mouth and then put her hand over it.

“What was that Joey Beautiful?” Sophie asked, her eyes dancing with mischief as she looked at JC.

“Yeah Joe, we couldn’t quite hear you.” JC said, returning Sophie’s playful gaze. Joey began to make spitting noises beneath the towel.

“Ick, I’ve got terrycloth mouth. Sophie, I think I’m dry now.”

“You sure?” Sophie bent over and peeked under the towel at Joey.

“Yes, I’m sure.” He said and grabbed her waist. She lost her balance and fell into his lap. They all expected her to jump up and be a little embarrassed, but instead she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and snuggled closer to him.

“You guys did an amazing job tonight.”

“Thanks Sophie.” Joey said nuzzling her.

“Really, thanks.” JC made his way to the back and rubbed her back as he passed.

“And you probably see a lot of concerts too.” Lance chimed in. Sophie turned away from Joey to look at him. She had steel in her eyes.

“You mean because of my father?” She said coldly.

“Uh, yeah.” Lance replied, sorry he’d said anything at all.

“What video are we watchin?” JC called from the back.

“You guys like Ferris Bueller?” Sophie asked.

“One of our favorites.” JC replied.

“J’s especially.” Joey added. “Where is he anyway, he’s been pretty quiet.”

“Why don’t you finish changing, because although I care deeply for you Joey Beautiful I don’t want to smell like you, and I’ll look for the boy.” Sophie said pressing her forehead against Joey’s.

“Hey I smell li….”

“No you don’t.” Sophie cut him off smiling.

“I don’t?”

“No, you don’t. I’m going to sleep.” Lance interrupted moving to his bunk.

“Well fine then. If you people can’t appreciate Joey au natural then I guess I’ll put something on.” He said with an injured tone.

“Aww. Poor Joey Beautiful.” Sophie cooed into his ear. She kissed his earlobe before getting up to find Justin.

“I can complain more!” Joey called after her. She laughed and shook her head.

Sophie “found” Justin lying in his bunk. He was lying on his belly with his pillow stuffed under his chin. Sophie put a hand on his now clothed back.

“Are you ok Sugar?” She asked concerned. He rolled over stared at her delicate face.

“I’m fine. I was just thinkin’s all.” He drawled slightly. Sophie’s eyes smiled, but her face stayed serious.

“Are you going to watch the movie?” Sophie felt the magnetic pull of Justin’s cobalt eyes.

“Yeah, I’ll be right there.”

“Kay.” She said, barely above a whisper. She turned to leave.



“Will you promise me something?”

“Of course Sugar.”

“Will you hide in my bunk every night?” When Sophie heard that she threw her head back and laughed.

“Anything for you.” She said, still laughing and making her way towards the back.

Chapter 11