Within hours the back of the bus looked more like a battlefield than anything. Chris had curled up on the floor and Sophie had covered his entire form with a blanket, so he was just a huge lump. On the bed, Joey was fast asleep and snoring with one hand thrown over his head and resting on Sophie’s tucked up legs. Sophie was propped against Justin, and JC was sprawled out on the couch. Sophie stretched. She moved her arms gracefully in front of her and then diagonally away from her body, arching her back. Justin saw the heat in JC’s stare as he watched Sophie slowly roll her neck.

“When’s Bobbie coming C?” Justin asked. He grinned when the fascination in JC’s face faded.

“I’m not really sure. She’s got a lot going on right now.”

“I’d love to meet her.” Sophie said, finally resettling herself against Justin. He put his arm around her when he felt her shiver a little. “She’s got to be a great girl for you to fall for her.”

“Well….” JC trailed off and looked almost hurt by Sophie’s comment. “It’s not like we’re going to get married.”

“Ah.” Sophie nodded.

“I’m goin to bed.” JC said, avoiding any further questions about his girlfriend.

“Sweet dreams Sweets.” Sophie held out her arms and JC crawled happily onto the bed and fell into them, hugging her tightly.

“Night J.” JC said trying not to kill Chris on his way to the bunks.

“Night.” Justin mumbled. He shifted away from Sophie and went to pout in the corner JC had left vacant. Joey yawned and sat up, managing to kick Chris as he swung his legs down to the floor.

“Hey.” The large blanket lump grumbled.

“Sorry.” Joey said, yawning again. The lump just rose up and stumbled down the hallway to its bunk where it collapsed again, sliding the curtains shut. Sophie took the opportunity to lie down on the bed, putting her head in Joey’s lap. He smoothed her hair back with his large hands.

“Tell me about Bobbie.” She said. “I would feel bad if I couldn’t pick her out of a line up.”

“She wears too much eye makeup.” Justin grumbled.

“My sister wears too much.” Joey quoted, smiling down at Sophie. She giggled and sat up.

“People think she’s a whore.” She returned. “But really, is she nice?”

“She’s ok.” Joey shrugged. Justin just snorted.

“What about Bubbles’ girlfriend?” Sophie asked tucking her long legs back underneath her.

“She’s a sweetheart.”

“She’s the best thing that’s happened to him. Well, except me.” Justin said. His boyish grin returning.

“And what about you Joey Beautiful?” Sophie said reaching over and twirling some of his red-dyed hair around her fingers.

“Kelly’s one of my best friends.”

“Best friends make the best marriages.” Justin teased.

“I don’t believe that.” Sophie said. “You shouldn’t want to sleep with your best friend, and you shouldn’t want to talk about the opposite sex with your spouse.” She said it so nonchalantly and with such conviction that Joey and Justin bust up laughing. They had to close the door to the back so they didn’t bother the others.

“I never thought about it like that.” Justin giggled.

“Besides,” Sophie continued, “just because you’ve known some one forever, doesn’t mean that they’re the right person for you.” She looked back and forth between Joey and Justin. “It could be some one you just met.” The three felt the bus lurch and stop. “I should get off and get to my own bus. If I fall asleep on here Johnny won’t let me come back on.” She got up and kissed both their cheeks. “Night.” She whispered and then opened the door and made her way into the darkness of the hallway and off the bus. Justin and Joey were both quiet for a long time. They were lying on their backs, thinking the other was asleep when Joey said,

“What is it about her that…” He couldn’t finish his thought. Justin picked it up.

“That makes you want to throw out every rule you made with yourself not to trust people you just met?”

“Women especially.”

“I don’t know Joe. I wish I could figure her out.”

Chapter 12