Sophie stood in her hotel room laughing at the guys. They’d all piled in there so she could get them ready for an appearance at a radio station and record store.

“Bubbles, can you not jump on my bed please?” “I’m still amazed you have your own room. Do you know how many years I had to room with Lance?”

“Well, that’s a real shame, but really…do you need to take it out on my poor mattress?” Sophie laughed.

“Ummmmmmmmm, no.” Chris said and with one final bounce landed on his rump.

Sophie shook her head and continued cutting Joey’s hair.

“I hate you for this Sophie. I’m never going to talk to you again.” He muttered, looking longingly at the red bits of hair that had fallen on the newspapers Sophie’d laid underneath his chair. “You don’t hate me Joey Beautiful. And even if you do, your fans will ADORE me for doing this.”

“But what’s better? Me or a bunch of twelve year old girls?” Joey pouted.

“I thought you weren’t speaking to me.” Sophie teased.

“She got you Joe.” JC said with one eye open as he lounged on Sophie’s bed.

“Yeah, well….” Joey trailed off. Chris pointed and laughed at him.

“Now boys, none of that. Joey Beautiful is having enough trouble dealing with the increased lightness in his head.” Chris interrupted Sophie by laughing harder, but she continued. “So we should all be extra nice to him today.” Joey perked up as Sophie purred in his ear.

“How nice?” He grinned.

“Well, that depends, do you still hate me?” Sophie said, standing in front of him with her hands on her hips. His eyes ran up and down the length of her lithe frame. She wore white socks that set off the deep tan of her legs, dark denim shorts, and a navy tank top with a scoop neck. The silver teardrop charm hung between her cleavage and her hair was pulled back into a low, loose, bun at the nape of her neck.

“I was only kiddin Sophie. Come on.” Joey said with his charming smile. He patted his lap and motioned for her to sit.

“Watch it Joe.” Lance warned. “She’s got a sharp object in her hand.”

“Eek.” Joey jumped suddenly and crossed his legs. Sophie shook her head at him, but grinned.

“Get out of my chair Joey Beautiful, you’re done. Congratulations on looking like an employed person again.” Joey got up and ran to the nearest mirror. The other guys applauded him.

“Wow.” He said. He turned around and began to rub his chest and stomach. “I’M DEAD SEXY!” He shouted. Chris was quick to join in on the Austin Powers humor.

“You look like a baby. GET IN MAH BELLY!” He cried as he stood on the bed.

Sophie glared at him. “Yikes. I mean,” he hopped down, “GET IN MAH BELLY!” They all laughed and Sophie turned to work on whoever had sat in her chair next. It was Lance.

“So Sophie….”

“Zip it.” She said cutting him off and turning around to get some blue temporary dye. The other guys laughed at Lance’s expression. They didn’t see Sophie’s completely serious one.

Once again she worked quickly. Often joining in on the conversation Chris and Joey were having, but never starting one with Lance. When she was finished all she did was tap his shoulder with one finger while calling to Chris to get his hyper little butt over to her chair.

“Did you sleep well last night Bubbles?” She asked, gelling his short coif.

“Before or after Joey punctured my lung with his toenail?” Chris started in a totally serious tone.

“After.” Sophie replied, adopting the same tone.

“Oh, just great. Well, you know, as well as could be expected with only one lung working.”

“Sounds fun.”

“It was. That’s why I’m not going to the doctor see, I kinda like only having to use one nostril.”

“But what about the concert tonight?”

“It’ll be ok. If I can’t sing, I’ll just have you come on stage and sing my part. You’re a soprano right?” Sophie nodded, stifling a grin and waited for him to continue. “Yeah, so, and then if I’m having trouble dancing the fans will just assume it’s because I’m old.” He flashed the room a big cheesy grin and they all started laughing.

“I think there’s a few flaws to your plan Bubbles.” Sophie giggled.

“Oh yeah? Like what?” Chris said indignantly as he got up.

“I doubt Sophie knows the words to the songs.” JC replied from where he still feigned sleep on Sophie’s bed. She turned, walked to the edge of the bed.

“I’ll have you know that there isn’t a song you guys sing that I don’t know the lyrics to.”

“Oh really?” He asked, raising an eyebrow but refusing to open his eyes.

“Really.” Sophie got an evil little smile on her face before climbing onto the bed and straddling JC’s lanky body. Now he opened his eyes in shock, but covered it well.

“Uh, you didn’t tell us you were a fan.” He said, fighting the urge to put his hands on the smooth, toned legs on either side of his waist. Sophie bent down over top of him until their noses almost touched.

“You never asked.” She whispered, allowing some fallen curls slide from her neck onto his face. “Now get up Sweets, it’s your turn.” She dismounted quickly and JC followed almost as rapidly, with the others either frozen in place or sharing “I can’t believe that” glances. Sophie saw them and laughed. “Oh come on guys, I know you’ve got fans older than me.” She winked and they laughed, the amazement was broken.

Sophie had almost finished putting styling wax on JC’s hair when Lonnie came in the door.

“Lunch time.”

“Thanks Lulee.” Sophie said. “Ok guys, you’re all done…except for you Sugar. Do you guys mind waiting while I finish him?”

“Naw, it’s ok Sophie. They can go.” Justin said, almost too quickly. Luckily the others were halfway out the door already. Sophie giggled as the door slammed, leaving Justin and her alone. He dragged himself over to the chair and sat down.

Chapter 13