Sophie turned on some soft music and began to gently brush out Justin’s tangled curls. As she worked she noticed his head droop and jerk as he dozed off and woke up again, so she put the brush down and began to massage his scalp.

“So why didn’t you sleep last night?” Sophie asked quietly.

“I slept.” He replied sheepishly.

“Then why are you falling asleep in my chair?”

“Because you’ve got magic hands?” He turned to look at her with a charming grin.

“I’m not going to argue with you on that.” Sophie laughed. “However, if you’re going to make it all day you should probably get a nap in somewhere.”

“Like when? We’ve got the radio station thing, and then sound check, then the show. I can’t very well sleep on stage.”

“Well,” Sophie looked over at the clock on the nightstand. “You’ve got an hour and a half until you leave for the station, and it’ll only take me five minutes to finish your hair. So….” She turned back to face him. “If you can forgo lunch today, you could sleep now.”

“I can eat later.” Justin said, sliding quickly out of his shoes and into one of the beds. “You meant, sleep here right?” He asked slyly. Sophie rolled her eyes.

“Wherever you’re comfortable Sugar. Now, let me get Joey Beautiful’s remains cleaned up and then I’ll run down and tell the other guys what’s goin on.”

As Sophie hurried to clear away the noisy newspapers, Justin snuggled down into the bed and watched her with an amused smile on his lips.

“Were you ever a dancer?” He asked suddenly. Sophie looked up at him and blew a curl out of her eyes.

“Why?” She asked suspiciously.

“You’re graceful.” He said simply, admiring the form of her body.

“Thanks.” She said, getting back to work. Justin waited for her to answer.


“What?” This time when she stopped and looked up the neckline of her shirt puckered and Justin blushed a little at the thoughts running through his mind.

“Were you a dancer.” He managed to spit out.

“Oh, yes.” Sophie answered, never noticing anything but a few stray locks of red hair on the floor, which she scooped up. She stood up and threw away the wad of paper.

“What kind of dance?” Justin asked. Sophie turned around, hands on hips.

“Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?”

“You’re making noise.” He replied with a giggle. Sophie went back to the table and began to pack up her things. “Are you gonna answer me?”

“If I do will you be quiet?”

“Maybe. What else will you give me?”

“I have to give you something now?”


“Ok, how about I give you…”

“A big kiss?” He wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

“Try again.”

“Um, ok, how about this…. You answer my question about dance, to the fullest extent of your knowledge, and then after you tell everybody what’s goin on you come and stay with me while I sleep.”

“Wow, so not only do I get to answer a question that has nothing to do with anything, but I get to skip lunch, AND watch you sleep? Oh goody goody.” Sophie replied sarcastically.

“I know, I know, try and contain yourself. But here’s the clincher….”


“If you do that…it’s a guaranteed hour of me being quiet.”

“Hmm, that’s true.” Sophie rubbed her chin. “I suppose you’ve got a deal.”

Justin held out his hand and Sophie shook it. “Alright. Start when you feel ready.” He commanded.

“Gee, thanks. Anyway, yes, I was and still consider myself to be a dancer. I took classes every weekend at my school in England.” She was about to stop, but Justin opened his mouth to ask another question so she just filled in what she knew he was going to ask. “Ballet, jazz, tap, you name it, I’ve done it. Can I go now?”

“Only if you promise to come back.”

“I promise.” Sophie said before closing the door. She came back a few minutes later and Justin was still awake. She sighed, but he had a defense.

“I had to stay awake. To make sure you would really come back.”

“So have I proved myself trustworthy?” Sophie said, sliding between the cool sheets of the bed.

“Yup.” Justin smiled up at her as he snuggled into her hip.

“Before you drift off into dreamland….”


“Do I really have to watch you sleep, or can I read?” Sophie said, motioning to the book on the nightstand.

“You can read…I guess.” Justin sighed overdramatically. Sophie rubbed his back soothingly with her free hand as she picked up her book and began to read. “What book is it?” Justin asked with his eyes closed.

“Hush. I’ll tell you later.”

“Ok.” And so, with his arms around her waist, and with Sophie stroking his back, Justin fell asleep.

Chapter 14