During a delay in the sound check that afternoon, Lance sat down by the drum set and took in his surroundings. Chris and Justin were dancing to the music in their heads and JC stood off to the side, waiting patiently for things to start up and sneaking glances at Sophie. She stood cradled backwards in Joey’s arms, smiling and teasing him about his hair, while her head rested on his shoulder. They were swaying slowly together looking out at the empty arena. Joey squeezed her a little tighter and Sophie began to laugh so he held his mic up to her face and all the guys had her intoxicating voice fill their ears. This made Justin and Chris jump and, being who they were, begin to act paranoid about where the voice could have come from. JC had a strange look on his face, somewhere between bliss and anger. Sophie laughed again and pulled away from Joey.

“Look what you did to the kids.” She said pointing to Justin and Chris who had moved on to playing Charlie’s Angels, using their hands as guns.

“Hey, it wasn’t me.” Joey held his hands up in protest. “You’re the one who laughed.”

“And you’re the one…” Sophie started to argue with him but the glimmer in his eyes made it impossible. She just started laughing again and grabbed his mic.

“Yes, that’s right boys, this is the voice of God. And you’re all going to hell for perverting the minds of twelve year old girls around the world.” Justin and Chris looked at each other and screamed before busting up laughing.

“I didn’t know God was a girl.” JC said from his position on the side of the stage. Sophie looked right at him and smiled coyly. “Are you calling me a liar?” She said, slinking towards him.

“Of course not.” He said with a satisfied grin as he noticed Justin and Joey watching Sophie’s every move.

“Well that’s good. Because I’d hate to have to smite you down at the peak of your popularity.”

“And then were would we be?” Lance said.

“Yeah, and we never doubted you for a second Lord.” Chris said, flinging himself at Sophie’s feet. She laughed.

“You’re right. Where was my head? You are absolved my son.” Sophie said, reaching for JC, but being hindered by Chris who clung to her feet. Justin pried him off and was about to say something when JC reached for Sophie and pulled her to him.

“It’s highly unlikely that I’m your son.”

“Well of course you aren’t. I’m younger than you. Besides, I leave my kids at home when I travel.” She teased.

“Kinda like Joey?” Chris laughed. Joey came quickly up behind Sophie and pulled the mic to his mouth.

“Real funny man. Aren’t you the one with a wife and two kids?”

“Oh yeah, I should really give them a call.” He turned to Justin and nodded in a fatherly way. “You know, little Johnny is turning eight on Saturday.”

Just then Sophie’s cell phone rang. She pulled it from her pocket and once again leaned back against Joey, stifling a laugh at Justin and Chris as she answered.

“Hello? …. Chase Baby!” Joey had the mic close enough that all the guys heard that, and perked up. “But I did call. …. I swear I did. …. I talked to Miranda; she said she’d give you the message. …. Oh Baby I’m sorry. …. Really, I’m sorry. …. Baby please don’t be upset.” Sophie’s face was now twisted in worry.

“Hey guys. It’s all fixed, so let’s go.” Tim’s voice echoed from the soundboard.

“Baby, can you hold on a sec? …. Ok.” Sophie looked at the guys. “Sorry, looks like I’m going to miss another sound check.”

“It’s ok Sophie.” Joey said rubbing her arm.

“Yeah, go talk.” JC nodded.

“Thanks.” She smiled apologetically and dashed off. The guys exchanged looks but got down to business.

When they were through with sound check the other guys headed off to play some basketball before the meet and greet, but Lance went to find Sophie. It was eating away at him how comfortable she was with the others but how stiff she was with him. He’d always considered himself easy to talk to and yet this obviously outgoing girl wanted nothing to do with him. He found her in the “hair and makeup” room applying some lipstick in the mirror. “Sophie?” He said quietly. She jumped and smeared her lips.

“You scared me.” She said quickly, wiping it away and applying fresh.

“Sorry. Listen, I just came in to talk to you.”

“Ok.” She answered; never taking her eyes off her mirrored self. “Talk.”

“I’d feel better if we could sit down.”

“Well, I’d feel better if I could stand. So why don’t you sit down and I’ll keep doing what I’m doing.”

“Ok….” Lance tried to find the right words as he sat down. “I’ve noticed that I seem to offend you a lot.”

“You don’t offend me.”

“Then how come you don’t talk to me?”

“What do you call this?”

“I mean,” he sighed. “I mean, how come you don’t have conversations with me? How come you never look me in the eye?”

“I don’t like green eyes.” Sophie answered simply, and blotted.

“My grandfather told me that it’s not the eyes that are important, it’s what’s behind them.”

“Aww, how quaint.” Sophie said sarcastically. “And when he was done imparting his hillbilly wisdom did he turn to your grandmother and say ‘Sis, how’s about we have some more youngins’?”  Lance was totally taken aback by what she’d said, and stammered to answer her.

“You know, I was taught to treat others the way you’d like to be treated.”

“Oh yeah? Well, I was taught to curse in three languages but you don’t see me expecting that out of other people, now do you?”

“Are you always such a….” Lance trailed off, trying to control his temper.

“A what? A bitch? Yes, I am. Thanks for noticing too. I suggest you suck it up and take it like a man.”

“What have I ever done to you?” Lance asked, now allowing himself to be angry.

“You’re here? That’s pretty much all it took. Thanks for dropping in, but I think it’s time for you to go. Don’t let the doorknob get you up the ass on your way out. Unless of course you’re into that sort of thing.” Sophie pointed to the door, never even turning from the mirror where she still surveyed her face. Lance stormed out and slammed the door. Sophie smiled, but grunted when she saw lipstick on her teeth. She wiped it off with a quick swipe of her tongue and then headed out to find the guys.

Chapter 15