Justin wasn’t in his game that day. Chris was killing him, JC had gotten three shots off, and even Joey sunk a few baskets, but Justin had bricked every shot. Every time he looked to shoot he could hear Sophie’s voice in his ears. “Chase Baby!” “Oh Baby I’m sorry.” “Baby please don’t be upset.” Whoever she’d been talking to was really important to her. More important than sound check and more important than him. He threw another shot and this time it was good. He wanted to be important. Another shot, nothing but net. He would be important. Swish. But first he had to find out who that was.

“Hello? Paging Justin Timberlick, paging Justin Timberlick.” Chris’ voice interrupted Justin’s planning.

“Dude, get off my head.” Justin whined as Chris thumped him again on the forehead.

“Just checkin to make sure you’re there.” Chris answered with a shrug, and took the ball away.

“Yeah, J you seem really distracted lately. You ok?” JC asked with his usual big brother concern.

“I’m fine.” Justin shrugged.

“I think he’s in looooooooove.” Joey giggled.

“Justin and Sophie, sittin in a tree.” Chris mumbled. He and Joey laughed as Justin shot them both death looks.

“If you have to be distracted by something, she’s not a bad choice.” JC added with a shrug of his own. “But don’t let it affect the show, ok?”

“I won’t.” He said with a pout. “AND I’M NOT DISTRACTED!” Joey and Chris continued to snicker. JC sighed and patted Justin’s shoulder.

“Come on guys, it’s time to get ready for meet and greet.”

“I was just going to say that.” Sophie’s voice came from around a corner.

Justin closed his eyes and prayed she hadn’t heard them teasing him. Joey grinned a big goofy smile and Chris laughed to himself before sinking another basket. Justin grabbed it before it hit the ground.

“Did you see Lance on your way here Sophie?” JC asked as she came into view.

“Not on my way, but I’m sure he’ll show up on time.”

“Promise me that you’ll catch at least one sound check on the tour.” He said lowly to her. Sophie reached for his hand and squeezed it briefly.

“I promise. I really am sorry about that. Next time I’ll leave my phone in the room.”

“Was your boyfriend really upset?” Justin said with a sideways glance at Sophie as he threw one last shot.

“My boyfriend?” Sophie asked before Joey came to put an arm around her and Chris began laughing.

“Yeah,” Justin answered, glaring at Chris. “Chase Baby.” He mumbled, avoiding all eyes as they walked to the dressing room to get cleaned up.

“That was smooth.” Chris said sarcastically and laughed again.

“Jealousy is the green eyed monster J.” JC teased, although just as anxious as Justin to hear Sophie’s answer. Joey felt Sophie flinch and pulled away.

“Do I stink?” He asked with a pathetically adorable face.

“No Joey Beautiful, you’re smelling pretty good actually. Very manly.” Sophie wiggled her eyebrows playfully and growled. “And as for your question Sugar, I don’t even know what you’re talking about. I don’t have a boyfriend.”

“You don’t?” All four men stopped dead in their tracks. Sophie turned to face them.

“No, I don’t. I was talking to my little brother. He was upset with me because I didn’t call him yesterday to tell him you weren’t all molesting me.” The guys exchanged looks but were back in motion.

“Well now that I know somebody’s going to be checking up on you I guess I’ll have to keep my hands to myself.” Joey said with a sad shake of his head.

“Yeah, that’ll happen.” Sophie laughed.

“HEY!” Chris yelled. “That was so mine.”

“I guess you’re just too old and slow.”

“I’ll show you slow.” Chris said and made a lunge for Sophie. She darted away and took off down the hallway with Chris on her heels. Sophie let out a shriek.

“Somebody help me!” Was all she had to say before Justin, JC, and Joey all took off, shoving each other and laughing.

“I’ll save you!” Justin, who was the first to catch up, cried and grabbed Chris around the waist to slow him down. Unfortunately all he managed to do was send both Chris and himself tumbling to the floor, sliding across the smooth surface and landing with a thump against a wall. JC stopped to see if they were both all right, but Joey continued on a few more feet to where Sophie skidded to a halt.

He picked up Sophie’s lengthy frame and slung her over her shoulder.

“Looks like I won!” He shouted happily and walked away with only laughter and some smacks to the rump as a protest from Sophie. The others just stared at him and then at each other.

“Now how do ya like that?” Chris said indignantly with his hands on his hips.

“Come on guys!” Sophie called as Joey turned a corner. They didn’t need to be asked twice to follow her.

Chapter 16