“Ok, somebody check her for the cell phone.” Chris said loudly as he blocked the door out of the “hair and makeup” room the next day before sound check.

“Do you think this calls for a strip search?” Joey asked Lance with a big smile.

“You wish.” Sophie said, laughing as she playfully shoved him away. “Look, there’s the phone on the counter.” They all turned to look and sure enough, there it lay. “Satisfied?”

“Hmm, I suppose so.” JC answered, stroking his chin. “What do you think Lance?”

“Whatever.” Lance rolled his eyes and moved around Chris and left.

“Um, ok.” Chris said.

“He’s been so weird lately.” Joey said as they filed out into the hallway.

“Yeah I wonder what’s wrong with him?” JC added.

“Oh, he’ll snap out of it.” Chris said with a wave of his hand. “Although, Justin hasn’t snapped out of his, ahem, mood.”

“Chris, I swear to God I’ll hurt you.” Justin growled as they all put in their in ears.

“What? She can’t hear me.”

“So why say anything?”

“Just to piss you off.” Chris grinned cheerily. Justin shook his head.

“Whatever man.”

“Hey guys?” Tim said from the soundboard. “You know that problem we had yesterday? Well, we’re havin it again.”

“It’s ok Tim.” JC said. “We need to work on something anyway.”

“Makes Me Ill, right?” Justin asked.

“Yeah, what happened last night?”

“That was me.” Joey raised his hand. “I got lost or something. I don’t know.”

“Well, let’s run through it and see.” They all nodded and got to work. Suddenly Sophie was up on stage and took JC’s hand mic.

“Hold up a sec guys. Joey Beautiful, you’re missing the third count. You’re a beat ahead and so that’s what’s messing you up.” The guys stared at her. “Oh, I’m sorry. I was just trying to help.”

“No, no.” JC laughed. “It’s just…”

“How in the heck did you learn the dance?” Chris chimed in.

“I have watched you do it.” She shrugged.

“Twice. You’ve seen it twice, and you know all the steps?” Justin asked.

“I pick things up.”

“Then do it with me Sophie, cuz I’m still lost.” Joey said. She nodded and stepped to the side of the stage where he could see her but she wouldn’t be in the way. Every step and count was perfect.

“Damn girl, can you do that with all of us?” Chris marveled.

“Sure, I don’t see why not. Sugar and Sweets have it the easiest, since they get to step out and work the crowd.”

“You think it’s easy?” Justin asked with his hands on his hips, an arrogant smirk on his face.

“You misquoted me Sugar. I said you had it the easiest so far as remembering the dances. I never said that anything you all do is easy in comparison to a normal person.”

“I bet you couldn’t do it.” Lance said coolly.

“I bet you’re right.” Sophie replied easily without even looking at him. “So were there any more choreography questions my dear boys?” She said smiling.

“I don’t think so, but stick around, I’m sure I’ll screw something up.” Joey laughed. Sophie put an arm around his waist and gave him a squeeze.

“I’m here for you if you need me Joey Beautiful.”

“HEY!” Chris suddenly yelled. They all turned to look at him.

“What?” Justin asked with concern.

“We haven’t ever asked Sophie what she thinks of the show!” He exclaimed.

Justin laughed. “You’re right. Here we’ve been bugging everybody else around, and we never once asked her.”

“And she is a fan.” JC smiled, remembering his brief encounter with Sophie’s legs.

“You’re going to have to ask her later fellas, because Milla the magic man has got your system up and working.” Tim said triumphantly from his position behind the mix board. Sophie laughed as the guys groaned good-naturedly as they got into position to work. She handed JC back his mic, not oblivious to the way he allowed his fingers to slide slowly over hers, and hopped back down to the floor of the arena. “Come here dance girl.” Tim said and Sophie turned and ran back to the board to watch the sound check with him.

“Sophie?” Johnny’s voice interrupted Sophie and Tim’s playful banter as the two watched the guys.

“Yes sir?” She asked with a smile.

“I need to talk to you.”

Chapter 18