The guys completed sound check in a few minutes and all but Lance headed off to the “hair and makeup” room, assuming that Sophie was there. Lance turned the other way, sighing and rubbing his temples. He’d known the girl four days and not only did she seem to hate him, but he was feeling a similar emotion for her. So when he heard her and Johnny’s voices echoing down the hall, he was less than thrilled. They had been laughing over something or another.

“I’ve never seen the guys take to somebody they way they have you.” Johnny praised. Sophie ducked her head and smiled.

“They’re really wonderful people, you all are. I’m just honored to be here.”

“We’re glad to have you aboard. I was telling your father about it just the other day.” Johnny said with his usual cheerful demeanor. Johnny stood on one side of the hallway with Sophie on the other, so as Lance stood a little ways down the corridor, partially hidden by some cases, he could see without being seen.

“My father called you?” Her posture straightened considerably, as though William was in the hallway with them.

“Yeah, he was very anxious to hear how you were getting on.”

“Yes.” She started in a low tone. “Yes, he does that a lot.”

“I just thought I’d pass on that I let him know just how much we all love you around here.”

“Thank you very much Sir.”

“Yep, well, I’ve got to run. And you’ve got boys to make presentable. Tell your father I said hello, the next time you talk to him.” Sophie just nodded stiffly and Johnny bustled off down the hall to be intercepted by Tim complaining about the soundboard. Lance was suddenly captivated by Sophie. She stood perfectly still, her eyes focused on the wall in front of her, without seeming to see it at all. He jumped when she lifted her right hand to the side of her head, dragged the palm of her hand across her eye, and made a fist.

“Don’t bother passing a message through me Johnny, you can tell him the next time he calls to make sure I’m behaving myself like a good little girl.” Her voice was soft and deadly cold. Lance shivered and was about to turn away, but in the corner of his eye he saw Sophie swing her arm backwards, slamming her elbow into the concrete wall behind her. The crack echoed in the empty hall and Lance gasped.

“Oh my God, are you ok?” He asked, springing forward. Sophie looked up at him, startled. Her eyeliner made a black smudge across her temple and her skin was pale, Lance couldn’t tell if it was from rage or pain.

“I’m fine.” Sophie quickly recovered. She straightened her kaki shorts and white linen shirt and smoothed her dark hair. “It’s time to get ready for meet and greet.”

“Are you sure you’re all right?” Lance asked worriedly, she didn’t seem to be in any pain, but there was no way that she hadn’t at least bruised her elbow. He reached out and touched her shoulder. She jerked away from him and started briskly down the hall.

“I said I’m fine.” She paused and he saw her sigh. “Thank you for asking.”

“No problem.” Lance muttered. He waited till she was out of sight to start walking to the room. At least she’d said thank you, and maybe the sound he’d heard was something else.

However, Lance’s suspicions were confirmed that night on the bus. Sophie had rolled the sleeves of her shirt down and buttoned them at the wrists. Normally he would have assumed that she’d gotten cold, but it was in the upper 80’s outside, and the arena wasn’t much cooler. He also noticed the minute flinch in her face when Justin happened to touch her elbow to get her attention. If he hadn’t seen what she’d done, he’d never even have noticed it, but it was there.

“I’m goin home, I’m goin home.” Justin sang happily as he stretched on the bed. He rolled onto his side and threw an arm around Sophie’s waist. “You get to meet my dad and my little brother Sophie.” He mumbled into her hip.

“And we get a day off.” JC said with a heavy yawn. Sophie smiled at him.

“You guys could use a good rest. I don’t think you’ve been sleeping much.”

“Yeah, C.” Joey giggled, leaning back against Sophie’s folded legs. “You usually don’t stay up and watch movies with us.”

“And this is the first I’ve seen of Lance. Where ya been man?” JC skillfully avoided any links to his change in behavior and Sophie’s presence.

“Just tired I guess.” He shrugged.

“You feelin ok?” Justin asked, once again speaking into Sophie’s hip.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He paused and looked once pointedly at Sophie. “Thank you for asking.”

“No problem man. Sophie, you have the best hips.” Justin giggled, and then playfully bit her shorts. She squirmed and laughed.

“Tell me he’s only like this when he gets to see his family.”

“Or when he’s with a beautiful girl.” Joey said, tipping his head back to look over Sophie’s knees and wink at her.

“Must be the family.” Chris said with a decided nod. Sophie met his eyes and stuck her tongue out at him.

“I love you too Bubbles.”

“Oh Soph,” Chris replied as he began to walk over Justin to get to her. “You know I love ya.” He stood over her, one foot between her legs and Justin’s chest, the other wedged between her and the wall of the bus. She looked up at him and tried very hard to repress a smile. She lost it when he made a goofy face and tapped her nose.

“Man, your feet stink.” Justin whined and pushed at Chris’ leg. Chris’ face straightened out and he looked at Sophie.

“Everybody’s a critic.” He bounded off the bed and landed with a thud on the bus floor. “Sleep time!” He yelled, and skipped off to his bunk. The others were left to chuckle and shake their heads at his clowning around. Joey yawned again.

“Move over Justin, I want a piece of that hip action.”

“No way. These beauties are mine.” Justin answered, tightening his hold around Sophie.

“Now now boys. No fighting over me.” Sophie laughed. She wiggled down until she was lying almost flat. “Ok, who wants a hip and who wants a shoulder?”

“Shoulder!” Justin cried and moved quickly to claim his spot, snuggling under Sophie’s arm.

“Damn.” Joey said softly, but contented himself with sliding up Sophie until his head rested on her stomach. She gave him a wary look, but he just grinned at her and snuck a hand up to slide her shirt away just enough to kiss her side.

“Go to sleep Joey Beautiful.” She giggled and swatted at his hand. He chuckled and closed his eyes. With no room left on the bed, JC took his exhausted body to sleep in his bunk. Pausing only to get a one-armed hug goodnight from Sophie. Lance too, went to sleep in his bunk. He needed to stop thinking about Sophie, and as hard as all the guys were finding that to be, it was even worse when she was in the room with you.

Justin was thinking the same thing as he pretended to sleep while the others left. He lay there, cuddled by her arm, with his wrapped tightly around her middle. Her breathing was barely audible above the video playing but he felt every breath and could hear the rhythmic beating of her heart. All he could think about was his proximity to Sophie’s soft mouth. He almost jumped when supple fingers caressed his cheek and warm lips brushed his forehead. Instead he opened his eyes and shifted up so that he lay looking down into Sophie’s face.

He was about to move to draw her face towards his, but she moved first. Careful not to shift her torso, her free arm reached out and grasped the back of his neck, pulling him into a hungry kiss.

Chapter 19