“What do you do with my scissors?” Sophie asked a deflated looking Joey as Justin entered the room.

“I don’t know, stuff needs to be cut and I know you have scissors.”

“So you steal them.” Sophie said shaking her head.

“Borrow.”  Joey returned, with a small smile playing on his lips. Sophie sighed but giggled before snatching the scissors from Joey’s hand.

“You know I can’t be mad at you Joey Beautiful. But,” she shook the scissors at him. “No more.”

“Ok!” Joey cried, throwing his arms around Sophie and giving her a bear hug.

Sophie laughed at him till she saw Justin.

“Sugar! Is your dad gone already? Joey Beautiful, let me go I can’t breathe.”

“If you couldn’t breathe you couldn’t talk.” Joey said into her hair. Justin pulled him away as Chris entered the room. He stood back and surveyed what was going on for a second before raising an eyebrow.

“Kinky, can I join.”

“I don’t think you could handle me Bubbles.” Sophie smiled as Justin pulled her over to a couch in the room.

“You’re really gonna come tomorrow?” Justin asked, ignoring Joey and Chris who were laughing at something.

“I wouldn’t miss it.” Sophie smiled. “Is your family going to come to the after party tonight?”

“My dad probably will. Just to embarrass me.” Justin laughed.

“That’s what dads are for.” Sophie said softly. The door sung open and in came JC and Lance.

“I’m warning you all right now, Bobbie is flying in tomorrow.”

“She’s coming to Cannes.” Lance added.


“No way.”

“C, tell her to stay home.” The other guys were all quick to say.

“She wants to come guys.” He shrugged apologetically. “I know you don’t like her very much, but she is my girlfriend.” The guys grumbled and Chris plopped down in the makeup chair.

“Yo, Sofa-girl my hair needs doin.”

“Sofa-girl.” Lance giggled, but quickly choked his laughter when Sophie shot him a look. She patted Justin’s leg and got up to fix Chris’ hair. Although, not without giving him a nice bonk on the head. JC came and sat next to Justin, heaving a heavy sigh.

“If you don’t want her to come, then tell her to stay home.” Justin said firmly.

“How can I do that J? She’s come a bunch of other places with us, but I’m supposed to say no when we go to France? You know that wouldn’t fly.”

“So then break up with her. You know she’s only using you.”

“Don’t say that.” JC rubbed his temples and buried his face in his hands.

“It’s true though man, and you know it.”

“Yeah, JC, get somebody who deserves you.” Lance added as he perched on the arm of the couch.

“And where am I supposed to find somebody, huh guys? Maybe where you found your girlfriends?” JC barked then softened. “Sorry. I’m sorry, I haven’t been sleeping very well.”

“It’s ok man, don’t worry about it.” Justin patted JC’s shoulder and felt really ashamed that he’d been too busy being jealous to see that his friend needed support.

“Yeah, we understand.” Lance nudged JC until he got his attention and then made a goofy face at him. JC smiled and sighed.

“So the ice queen cometh?” Chris asked, hair all finished.

“Yeah, but could you try and not insult her as much as you did last time?” JC asked wearily.

“It’s not like she got that they were insults, but yeah, I’ll be good.”

“Thank you.” JC looked over to see Sophie trying very hard not to laugh as Joey pranced around her, speaking with a lisp.

“Oh dear me, we’re really going to have to do something with this hair.” He said, pushing Sophie down into the chair and pulling at her long locks. “I can’t work like this people! I need light! I need space! I need spandex!” He struck a pose and it was all Sophie could take. Her laugh filled the room and she doubled over in the chair. She glanced up, only to catch Joey’s eye. “Really! Some people.” He stormed off to the sound of her laughing again. He came and stood in front of the sofa. “I don’t know who’s next, but could someone please hush that girl up? She’s giving me a headache and I’ve got a hot date with Raul tonight.”

With the tone of voice and the faces Joey was making, they all started laughing. JC climbed to his feet first, one hand on his chest, the other slapping Joey on the back as he passed. Sophie was slumped in the chair, recovering her breath, but she hopped up when she saw JC coming towards her. She smiled warmly.

“I’m glad Bobbie’s coming Sweets.” She said as he sat down.

“You are?”

“Of course. It’ll be nice to meet her.” She began to style JC’s hair, watching the others in the mirror as they played around. JC turned around suddenly in the chair.

“She’s not what you think.” He said quietly.

“What do you mean?” Sophie put one hand comfortingly on his shoulder.

“She’s not the kind of girl that, well, that…” He fumbled for the right words but Sophie stopped him.

“I understand Sweets. It’s hard to find real people anymore.” She smiled and JC’s eyes gave her all the thanks she needed for her statement. He turned back around and a devilish grin danced over his features.

“I can’t wait to see what she thinks of you.”

“Well I hope she’s not the jealous type.”

“HA!” Justin’s voice rang out before he slapped a hand over his mouth. JC glared at him, but couldn’t hide the grin on his face.

“I don’t think jealous is the right word.” JC said as he stood up and Justin replaced him.

“Nope, but possessive is.” The younger man quipped. JC smacked his friend’s arm. “What? I had to say it.”

“If he didn’t, I was gonna.” Chris called from across the room.

“I would have used overly suspicious and paranoid.” Lance chuckled.

“That’s three words.” Joey said, rolling his eyes.

“Actually it’s four.”

“I didn’t count ‘and’.”

“Well you should have.”

“Shut up Lance.” The two glared playfully at each other as Sophie’s clear giggle echoed in the room.


Chapter 21