The show that night was the best they’d had yet. For obvious reasons Justin was performing his heart out, Joey’s steps were dead on, Chris was more hyper than normal, Lance was finally back to himself, and even JC had put aside his worries about Bobbie and was singing his heart out. They were giving everything they had and more and the crowd was eating it up. Justin was especially proud to look out and see Jonathan singing along to every song while dancing around and holding tightly to Sophie’s hand. During “This I Promise You” Justin watched as his father continued to study Sophie. She had changed specially for Justin’s family and now wore a twirly dark gray skirt with lavender embroidery and a lavender blouse. Sophie blew a kiss at Joey and happened to lock eyes with Justin who was giggling at his father’s mystified face. Justin got his stubbornness from his father and Mr. Timberlake wasn’t about to give up on his suspicion that he had seen Sophie before.

Of course though, Sophie hurried away before the last songs in order to gather her things and hop aboard the bus to await the guys. Jonathan didn’t want to let her go, but she’d slipped away when he was chanting with the crowd. Mr. Timberlake gave her a wry smile. He knew she was heading off towards Justin’s bunk, and although it was totally innocent, no father really likes to know that a beautiful woman will be waiting in his young son’s bed.

At the after party everybody was pretty psyched. All of Justin’s old friends had shown up, plus most of his family. JC was still trying to distract himself from thinking about Bobbie and had taken to dancing with just about anything female. Joey was doing his usual routine, trying to find that special lady friend he could bring back to the hotel. Lance was sitting in a corner booth being very Lance-like and watching everyone else. Sophie stood alone against a wall but as Justin made his way over Johnny got up on the raised DJ platform.

“Hey everybody, I’d like to thank you all for coming out to see the show and to help us celebrate. If I could have the guys back in the VIP room for just a few minutes, I’ll be really grateful.” Johnny’s tone was light, but the guys knew to obey. Justin was about to grab Sophie, but Chris beat him to it.

“Come on Sofa-girl, you’re comin with me.” He dragged her along after him.

“Are you really going to call me that all the time now?” She said over the loud music. Chris just grinned over his shoulder and Sophie shook her head.

“Good Lord it’s loud out there.” Lance said as soon as the door closed behind the guys.

“It’s great!” Joey said happily. The others chuckled before turning their attention to Johnny.

“I know that you guys all have plans for tomorrow and that’s fine. Just make sure that you have security with you wherever you go. And will I be seeing everybody at Justin’s dad’s house?” They all nodded. “Ok good, we can regroup there and that way I don’t have to worry about getting you all back into the hotel safe. Oh, Justin, did you want to stay with your family tonight?”

“That’d be really great if I could.”

“Sure sure.” Johnny nodded smiling. “I’ll send Lonnie over in the morning. Do NOT go anywhere until he gets there though, ok?”

“Ok.” Justin laughed.

“Ok then, with all that straightened out you’re all free to party all you want tonight.” The guys cheered.

“Hey Sofa-girl, you wanna drink?” Chris asked as they waited to go back out into the madness. He held up a blue glass filled with potent liquid.

“I don’t, thanks though.” She said simply. “Actually guys, I think I’m going to go.”

“Oh don’t go Sophie! I haven’t even danced with you yet!” Joey pleaded.

“You can dance with me another time Joey Beautiful.” She said with a smile.

“Pleeeeeeeeeeeease?” He whined.

“I promise, another time. I need to get out of here.”

“Well alright.”

“Are you feeling ok?” JC asked, pushing Joey out the door where the latter was soon enveloped in the crowd of girls. JC put his hand to Sophie’s forehead in the familiar gesture, but the sensation was all too new. Her flesh was warm and not hot, but the texture of her skin was so soft and smooth that JC was almost startled at his own actions. Somehow feeling her skin was not just a friendly motion. Sophie just took his hand off her forehead and gave it a squeeze.

“I’m ok. I’m just not used to this, that’s all. Don’t be worried for me Sweets.”

“So you’re sure you want to go?” Justin asked with a sad face.

“You all look like I’m never coming back.” She laughed. “I’m going back to the hotel and if I don’t see you before, I’ll see you at your party Sugar.”

“Well ok.”

“Thank you for your permission.” She smirked.

“Do you want somebody to come with you?” Chris asked.

“No. I’ll be fine. I’m not a big star like you guys so I won’t be hassled. Besides, I think your fans figured out that I’m not a threat and won’t be rushing any of you off to marital bliss anytime soon.” The three men laughed and looked out into the mass of people and for once didn’t see anybody shooting a female they were talking to dirty looks.

“Well then see you in the morning, cuz I’m gonna party down tonight.” Chris did a little booty shake as if to accentuate his point. Sophie gave him a hug.

“Well then you’d best get to it.” Chris scampered off and Sophie turned to JC who looked a bit nervous.

“Did you maybe wanna come with me to pick up Bobbie?”

“Sure. When should I be ready?”


“I’ll be waiting.” She hugged him tightly and watched as he left the room. “Come here Sugar, and stop looking so disappointed in me.”

“It’s just, it’s a party.”

“And I’m sure there will be plenty of other opportunities for us to party. Now hug me and go have fun.” Justin did as he was told and Sophie sighed as he disappeared into the mass of people. Her only sign that he was ok was when Jon’s body came flying above the heads of the girls dancing as Justin swung him up on his shoulders. Sophie turned to see if Johnny was still there, just so he wouldn’t worry about her. She came face to face with Lance.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay?” He asked, sipping a bottle of water.


“You know, I’d be happy to tell Johnny where you went.”

“That would be nice of you.”

“I believe in being nice to people.”

“Yeah, well, don’t do me any favors.” Sophie turned quickly and stormed out of the room, leaving Lance to wrinkle his brow and take another very long sip of water.

Chapter 22