
JC knocked on Sophie’s door a little before ten the next morning. He took a deep breath and cleared his throat out of nervousness. He wasn’t in love with Bobbie, that much was very clear to both of them, but he did have obligations to her. She was his girlfriend and had been for some time. Whatever her motives were for wanting to be with him and whatever his reasons were for not leaving, they didn’t ever discuss. It was fairly obvious; she wanted an in and he wanted someone. After a little pause he could hear her light footsteps jog up and the door swung open.

“Hey Sweets!” Sophie said happily. “Can you hold on just a second?”

“Sure.” He nodded and stepped through the door, closing it behind him.

“How was the party last night?” Her voice came from the open bathroom door. He followed the sound and leaned against the frame. She was putting in her earrings.

“Pretty much like all the rest. Well, except for the part when Chris did a table dance for us all. He gets a little crazy when he drinks.”

“What?” Sophie’s eyes were wide as she turned to face JC. He couldn’t hold back the giggle that shook his body.


“You suck.” She returned, shaking her head and giggling along with him. She picked up her necklace from the counter and reached around to put it on. There was an uncomfortable silence as she struggled with the clasp.

“Here, let me help you.” He said moving towards her. He caught her eye in the mirror and saw a blush paint her cheeks.

“It’s ok, I think I got it.” She answered quickly. Unfortunately she also dropped one end of the chain. JC caught up the loose end and took the other as well.

“Just let me help ok? I promise I won’t bite.” He smiled at her in the mirror and she smiled back.

“Damn, there goes my plans for later.” She laughed, snapping her fingers.

“You wear this a lot don’t you.” JC’s fingers brushed the back of Sophie’s neck as he arranged the silver chain just so.

“I keep it on most of the time. Same with you and your lion.” She turned and tapped the pendant that hung at his throat. They stood very still and looked at each other. “We have to get Bobbie.” Sophie said, her voice hardly above a whisper. JC’s face fell.

“Right.” He nodded and stepped back.

“Why do you let her hurt you Sweets?” Sophie asked, taking his hand.

“She’s my girlfriend.” He answered with a hopeless shrug.

“No one should be able to hurt you just because they’ve got a title.”

“She loves me though. I mean, she says she does.”

“But actions speak louder than words?”

“Yeah.” He walked out of the bathroom, taking Sophie with him, and sat on her bed. “And her actions aren’t exactly loving. I’m sure the other guys have told you some stories. Justin hates her.”

“They haven’t really told me anything about her.” Sophie sat next to him. “I was hoping you’d tell me.”

“Maybe later, huh?” JC’s eyes were sad.

“Sure.” Sophie stroked his cheek before putting an arm around his shoulders and giving him a squeeze. “Come on, we’ve got a plane to meet.” She said cheerfully, pulling him to his feet.

“Thank you for this.” He said, tightening his hold on her smooth hand.

“Anything for you.” She said with sparkling eyes.

“Is it good luck?” He said as they walked out of the room and Sophie handed him her room key to put in his pocket.

“What is?” He chuckled at her confused face.

“The necklace. Sorry, that was random.”

“It’s ok.” She smiled. “And not really. It’s just sort of meaningful I guess.” She stopped but as he opened his mouth to speak Sophie amended her statement. “I mean, since I’ve had it so long.” Now JC just nodded.

“You ready?” Dre asked from his position near the elevator.

“As I’ll ever be.” JC retorted.

“And what about you Sofa-girl?” Dre said, his lips twitching.

“Oh no.” Sophie firmly shook her head. “I’ll let Bubbles slide with that since he started it, but not you too. Don’t be like that Dadoo.” Dre put his arm around Sophie and laughed as the three of them got into the elevator.

“Ok Soph. But if I come up with something equally demeaning?”

“Then feel free to use it.” She laughed back at him. Dre turned to JC.

“Are you sure about this man?” He said, motioning to Sophie.

“Yeah. I don’t care if she has a problem with it. Sophie’s part of the family now and she’s just got to accept that.”

“That’s one way to look at it.” Dre nodded. Sophie turned to JC.

“Sweets, if my coming along is going to cause problems then I could really just stay here.”

“I do believe J has already requested that I call Lonnie the second you’re free for the day.” Dre stated with pleasure.

“See? I don’t want to be in the way.” She seemed nervous. JC put his fingers to her lips and held up his other hand in a warning.

“Hush. I want you to come.” He took his hand away and grinned inwardly. He’d been waiting to do that for a long time. Sophie ducked her head for a moment before taking a deep breath and smiling at Dre.

“I guess that mean’s I have to come, huh Dadoo?”

“Sure sounds like that to me… Soapy?” He looked hopefully at JC and Sophie. The two shared a look before groaning at him. “That’s a negative on the nickname then?”

“Yeah.” JC and Sophie said together before all three of them laughed and stepped into the lobby of the hotel, ready for anything.

Chapter 24