
When they got back to the hotel that night Justin and Joey were sprawled out in Sophie’s room. She’d called room service and they were all ready to watch a movie and munch. There was a knock on the door and Sophie ran to answer it as the boys argued over which movie they were going to get.

“Is the She-bitch here?” Chris whispered through the door. Sophie laughed and opened the door wide.

“Nope, just us chickens.” She giggled. Chris shoved her out of the way and yelled.

“WHAT’S UP MY HOMIES?” Joey and Justin both called happily back to him and Chris began strutting around the room. “Oh yeah. Hey ugly? Word up smelly. To your mother.” He began to dance to the music in his head and make goofy faces. Justin, Joey, and Sophie all stared at him. “What? I am getting my groove on. Getting down with my bad self. Raising the roof. Pushing the walls. Lowering the floor.” Justin shook his head and with a single well-directed shove with one arm, he sent Chris toppling over the edge of one of the beds.

“That floor low enough for ya?” Justin grinned and moved to peer at his friend who was now doing the backstroke as he lay on the carpet. Chris spoke out of the side of his mouth.

“I can’t talk, I’m underwater.”

“Uh, yeah.” Joey said with a bewildered look.

“May I suggest that you stop taking the drugs?” Sophie asked as she stood over Chris. He paused before jumping up and giving her his “metal” face.

“I don’t like the drugs but the drugs like me!” He wandered off into the bathroom, still mumbling to himself. “Don’t like the drugs the drugs the drugs.”

“He needs help.” Sophie said with a nod.

“He needs to get lai…. Um, I’m not talking.” Joey said, turning all shades of red as Sophie raised an eyebrow at him. She laughed and playfully tousled his newly washed hair. She walked up to the bathroom door and called to Chris.

“We ordered food already, do you want something?”

“Can I have Mountain Dew?”

“NO!” Justin and Joey shouted together.

“I guess not Bubbles. Anything else though?”

“Um, no. I’ll just mooch of you guys.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Just then there was a knock at the door and Sophie answered it.

“Um, room service.” The young man stammered. Sophie smiled at him.

“Thanks Joel.” She handed him a twenty.

“How’d you know my name?”

“You’re wearing a name tag?” She said, pointing to the plastic pinned to his shirt.

“Oh, oh yeah.” He laughed nervously before his eyes widened.

“Somine, is that our food?” Justin’s voice came from behind Sophie. He wrapped a well-muscled arm around her waist and looked over her shoulder at Joel.

“Yep. And this is Joel.” Sophie gestured to the boy.

“Thanks man. Good to meet you.” Justin nodded, pulling both the cart and Sophie away from the door and shutting it. Sophie turned around to face him.

“What was that you called me?”

“Somine. What’s wrong with that?” He asked innocently. “Joe calls you his love.”

“That’s true.” Sophie studied Justin’s face for a moment. “Ok, I approve.”

“Woo hoo! Now let’s eat.” Justin said, stuffing a chicken wing in his mouth. He pounded on the bathroom door. “Hey geezer, get outta there and eat.”

“I’m busy looking around.” Chris’ muffled voice sounded.

“That’s what you’re doing in there?” Sophie laughed.

“Yeah, you got some cool stuff under here.”

“Under where?”

“Ha ha, I just made you say underwear.” There was a pause. “Hey, why don’t you wear this more often, it’s sexy.” The door swung open and Chris’ lips were ruby red. Sophie was speechless so he strutted out to the guys. “Wouldn’t our little Sofa-girl look hot in this shade?”

“Man, you’re officially crazy. Take that stuff off.” Justin said, rolling his eyes.

“Yeah Chris. That’s the complete wrong color for you. Don’t you know you’re a winter?” Joey scoffed. Now Justin’s stare was focused on Joey. “What?”

“Yeah, I think that red dye did seep into your brain.” They both giggled and Chris walked back to the bathroom, kissing Sophie’s cheek on the way.

“I’ll be out in just a minute Honey.” He said sweetly.

“Great.” She mumbled, still a little bewildered. There was another knock at the door.

“Hi.” JC said nervously.

“Hey Sweets.” Sophie’s reply was absentminded.

“I just want to apologize for Bobbie today. She’s said some nasty things to the guys but they’ve always sort of deserved them. You know, they’re always ripping on her for stuff. But what she said about you and your father was totally uncalled for and even though she’s too much of a, well, anyway. I thought that I should come and make amends… Sophie, are you listening to me?”

“Did you know Chris just had my lipstick on?”

“What?” JC asked with a furrowed brow. Chris picked this moment to walk out of the bathroom, singing.

“I feel pretty, oh so pretty. I feel pretty and witty and g….” JC pulled Sophie out into the hallway and closed the door.

“I came here to apologize.” He said.

“You shouldn’t have to apologize Sweets. You’ve never done anything wrong.”

“I started dating that witch.” He laughed hesitantly. “Anyway, I really am sorry for what she said. I know that it’s not directly my fault, but I did bring her here and so I feel responsible.”

“Well thank you. Trust me though; nothing she says has any bearing on my life. I can take anything she can dish out. However,” she smiled, “I can’t guarantee that Sugar won’t beat the daylights out of her.”

“He’d take any excuse to give her a good bitch slap, and I can no longer say that she doesn’t deserve it. But if defending you is his new excuse, I can’t think of a better one.” Sophie smiled at him as he brushed his knuckles over her cheek. “I, uh, I’m sharing a room with Lance tonight and they’re making arrangements for Bobbie and I to have separate rooms in Cannes.” He stopped suddenly and then started again. “I don’t know why I’m telling you this.”

“Well, it’s good that you did. I got a room with two beds tonight.” She motioned to the door. “That’s why all the guys are in there now. We’re all going to watch a movie, by the way, so you’re welcome to watch with us. And, if you want to stay the night, I wouldn’t have a problem with it.”

“Oh, no. No, I wouldn’t dream of it.” He said quickly, shaking his head.

“Not even dream?” She smiled warmly. He blushed. “Come on, come watch the movie. And if you fall asleep then we just won’t wake you.”

“No, no really. I promised Lance we’d have a talk.”

“Oh, ok. Well then I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Ok. Thank you Mia.” He placed a tender kiss on her cheek.

“What was that for?” She asked, knowing that even without the lipstick still smeared on one side, her cheeks would be red.

“I don’t know. But it needed to be done. Goodnight.”

“Night.” She whispered and watched him walk down the hallway. The door opened and Joey stuck his head out.

“Come on Sophie, my love, the movie’s starting.” He hooked an arm around her middle and pulled her inside, never noticing her fixed gaze on his band mate.

Chapter 27