
Lance sat easily in a chair sipping on a soda and staring off into space. JC was stretched out on the big bed, yawning.

“You know, you could go to sleep.” Lance said laughing.

“Naw man, you wanted to talk. And you’ve been acting all weird, so the floor is yours. What’s up?”

“I don’t know. I mean, it could just be all the album stuff and all the tour stuff and now with the productions…. It’s a lot.”

“Well yeah, and nobody blames you for being tired and all, but you’ve been tired before and you’ve never acted like this.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that. Do the others think I’m just being a bitch or what?” Lance laughed. JC joined him.

“I don’t think the word bitch was used.” He paused and laughed harder. “Well, not concerning you anyway.”

“Bobbie.” Lance scoffed into his soda can. They both chuckled softly to themselves before JC sighed and rubbed his face wearily. Lance continued to nurse his Sprite. The room was silent except for the hum of the air conditioner. JC snuggled into the pillows and closed his eyes. Lance took a deep breath.

“What do you think of Sophie?”

“What?” JC said, propping himself back up and looking at Lance.

“What do you think of Sophie?” Lance repeated, staring at the ceiling.

“I heard what you said,” JC laughed, “I just don’t know what you mean by it.”

“I mean,” Lance sighed and looked at his friend. “I mean, do you remember when we first saw her?”

“Of course I do.” JC answered, lowering himself back on the pillows and smiling.

“And do you remember how we wanted to know all those things about her?”

“Like why she didn’t look like her family?”

“Well, yeah, but we know that.”

“Yeah, because she’s from his first marriage. So?” JC closed his eyes and Lance tried again.

“What about the other things we wanted to know about her?”

“What other things?”

“Like, why she’s treated like the nanny. Do we really know anything about her?”

“Of course we do Lance, what kind of question is that? We know everything about her. She’s William Regan’s daughter, she went to school in England, then she came home to live with her dad, and that’s about it.”

“And that’s everything?” Lance asked with a condescending tone.

“Well, no. I guess not. But we know what kind of person she is, and that’s enough for me.”

“And what kind of person is she exactly?”

“Lance, dude what are you talking about? You’ve got to be tired. Sophie’s wonderful.”

“Wonderful.” Lance echoed softly.

“Yeah. She’s so loveable and sweet and smart. She’s like the missing piece.”

“The missing piece?” Lance nearly choked on his drink.

“Yeah.” JC nodded and rolled over, yawning deeply. “When she’s around, nothing’s missing anymore. We’re whole.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“No.” He yawned again. “But I am going to sleep. And with all you’ve got to do, you should sleep too.”

“Goodnight then.”

“Night.” JC said softly, already well on his way to dreamland. Lance still sat there in the dim light of one lamp and replayed the conversation over and over. He shook his head in disbelief.

“Why am I the only one who sees it?” He whispered into the night. “What power does she have?”

Sophie yawned and stretched her lengthy frame as the credits rolled. She angled her upper body over Joey’s back and then relaxed fully, letting her arms drape over him. He relaxed too and let the hands supporting his head fall over the edge of the bed. They both giggled softly. Chris looked up from his place on the other bed.

“DOG PILE ON JOEY!” He yelled.

“Oh God.” Joey moaned while Sophie let out a shriek and managed to hop over Joey’s body and squish herself beside him, just before Chris landed. “OOF!” Joey groaned. “Chris, too many funnel cakes.” He gasped. “Get off!”

“You know I’m your hero.” Chris laughed, rolling to Joey’s other side. Joey grinned at Sophie before shifting his hip and pushing Chris off the bed. Justin smirked as Chris landed with a loud thump. “Ouch.” He whimpered.

“Break a hip?” Justin asked, rolling onto his back and stretching.

“No! I take Oscal for all my supplemental calcium needs, thank you.” Chris struggled to his feet while the others laughed.

“Dude, what time is it?” Joey said, turning over and putting an arm around Sophie. She snuggled into him.

“It’s time for all good little boys to be in bed.” She said softly, closing her eyes and nuzzling her cheek against his shoulder.

“Well good then, that means I get to stay up.” He said lowly. She laughed and gave his chest a light smack.

“Nope, we’ve all got to go to bed. You heard what Lance said, early interview.” Justin said quickly, getting up from the bed he was laying on. Chris and Joey both groaned, but Joey unwrapped Sophie’s arms from his waist and got up. “Yup, that’s right. There’s a lot of sleeping to be done tonight. We’re going to have a great time in France but for right now, we’ve got to get out of Sophie’s room and go to bed. Come on guys, that’s the way.” Justin now began pushing his band mates towards the door. Chris went willingly enough, but Joey struggled, blowing kisses to Sophie as she sat on the bed.

“Night Joey Beautiful, sweet dreams. You too Bubbles. And you Sugar.” She called as they disappeared from her view. She heard the door close and laid back on her bed, sighing deeply. Suddenly, the lights shut off and she gasped.

“I didn’t like the movie very much.” Justin’s voice came from around the corner. Sophie let out the breath she’d been holding and put on hand to her heart.

“You just love scaring me, don’t you Sugar.”

“I’m sorry, did I scare you?” His voice was smooth and soft and it slid over her like velvet as he moved through the room.

“Yes.” She breathed.

“I just wanted to tuck you in.” His hands found their way in the darkness and slid over Sophie’s. “Come on.” He whispered. He guided her to the top of the bed and pulled down the cool sheets so she could slide in.

“Sugar….” She started, but he interrupted.

“Shh. You would do the same thing for me, wouldn’t you?” He asked softly, she could feel his weight settle on the bed as he sat up by her shoulders.

“Well, I might not do it in the dark, but of course I’d tuck you in.”

“I’d do anything for you.” His voice was no more than a whisper, but it only gave his words more weight in the still air. “And I want you to relax and go to sleep, for me. Will you do that?”

“Of course. I’ll see you in the morning?” Sophie could feel him leaning down over her before she could see the shadow of his body.

“Sweet dreams Somine.” He whispered, allowing his lips to brush against her forehead as he spoke. Then he kissed her softly, once, twice, on her temple and got up.

“Goodnight Sugar.” She said to his retreating shadow as it soundlessly crossed the floor. The door opened and closed and Sophie’s eyes fluttered shut and she went to sleep. Justin slumped against the door and looked down the hallway to where Andre sat at a makeshift desk. Justin sighed. “I love you.” He mouthed and walked to his room.

Chapter 28