The guys had interviews all the next day, which Sophie prepared them for without leaving the safe confines of the hotel. She had argued that she was fine going outside but Randy had been adamant, he had enough to worry about with the guys without having to look out for her.

“Please Noddy, let me come. I need to be there to do touch ups. It’s really hot outside and with all the lights…. You can’t tell me they won’t need it.”

“They probably will need it. And somebody will take care of it. I don’t want a repeat performance of yesterday.”

“You don’t think I did that on purpose do you?”

“No, of course not. It’s just, well, you could have just walked past them.”

“You mean snubbed them. I couldn’t have done that. Think what they would say about my mother.”

“Yeah, the guys told me about that. Are you sure that’s why?”

“That’s always been why in the past. I don’t know why they’re still so interested in her. She, well, she hasn’t been around for a very long time.”

“So you mean it’s sort of a national obsession? Then there’s no chance you’re going out. Who knows what they could be capable of doing to you.”

“They won’t hurt me Noddy. They’d never.”

“I don’t care Sophie. Your safety is right up there with the boys’ and there’s no way in hell I’m going to put you in any position where that would be compromised.”

“You don’t understand.” She said, her shoulders slumping uncharacteristically.

“No Sophie, I don’t. I’ve never been in a situation like this and that makes me very nervous.” He took hold of her shoulders and softened his voice. “I only want what’s best for you Sophie. You’re like family.” Sophie seemed to laugh, but looked up at Randy with a serious face.

“Alright, I’ll stay here.”

“That’s our girl.” Todd said, rubbing her back as he and Randy walked out of Sophie’s room. Sophie sighed and sat on her bed.

“How many times have I wandered around Paris all alone?” She asked the empty room. It said nothing in return and so she lay back on the mattress and stared at the ceiling. There was a knock at the door.

“Hey Dilly.” Sophie said with a smile at the pretty woman in front of her.

“Hey Soph. Listen, I know that Randy laid down the law about you going out, but if you want I can stay here with you.” Dani offered.

“Oh, no I couldn’t ask you to do that. You go with Bubbles and have fun.”

“You sure?”

“Positive.” Sophie smiled and Dani bounced happily.

“Woo hoo! See you later Sophie.”

“Bye!” Sophie laughed as Dani skipped down the hallway. Sophie went back in her room and stretched out on her bed and began to read her book.

She spent the day watching French television and preparing for that night. It was bound to be a good night if everything went the way she wanted it to. Sophie was still reading when evening was approaching and the guys came back from a very long, hot day. She smiled to herself as she heard them tramping down the hallway. They were all laughing and talking and she could hear Joey trying to affect a French accent.

“Did you see that one girl? Wow.” He said, breaking character.

“Which girl? They were all hot.” Justin’s voice answered.

“I don’t know guys. I really liked that tall blonde. You know, the one with the nice rac….”

“Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick, don’t you dare.” Dani’s voice warned, but laughed. The voices all halted at Sophie’s door and she heard a knock. She hopped up and ran to the door.

“We came to see how the prisoner was doing.” Justin grinned at her and held out a bouquet. Sophie smiled as she took the flowers and stepped back to allow them to come in. They took their old positions, only this time Justin and Joey sprawled out on the empty bed, resting their tired bodies for the big party. JC fell onto the other bed and pulled one of Sophie’s pillows under his head.

“So how did today go?” Sophie asked, tucking her legs underneath her and sitting on the bed with JC.

“It was really fun.” JC yawned and laughed.

“I wish you coulda come.” Justin said.

“Me too. But I’m not going to test Noddy.”

“Are you going to come to the party tonight?” Chris asked excitedly.

“Yeah, it’s on a boat, so Randy’s gotta let you come.” Joey added.

“I don’t think so guys. You know I’m not much of a party girl.”

“Oh come on, it’ll be so great Soph!” Dani pleaded. Sophie smiled at them, but shook her head.

“Naw, I kinda like just hanging out here.”

“You’re kidding.” Joey said in disbelief.

“I’m not. It reminds me of my dormitory actually.” Sophie laughed. “Oh goodness, look at the time. You all need to go get ready so I can make you pretty.”

“Would you mind having one extra client tonight Soph?” Dani asked as she was leaving.

“If you mean Bobbie, then no. I don’t think I can help her.” The women laughed. “But if you mean you, I’d be honored.”

“Thanks, you’re a lifesaver.”

“Yeah, the root beer ones. Come on Dani-girl.” Chris whined from the door. Dani rolled her eyes, but hurried after him. Sophie giggled and began to set everything that would be needed for the guy’s hair and Dani’s makeup out again.

The guys headed out to the limos that would carry them to the party. They all looked really nice in their outfits and were excited to be a part of the whole Cannes buzz. No one had spoken to Bobbie all day, even though she made a point to be within reach at all times. It was the least she’d said in the history of them knowing her, which would inevitably become a joke as soon as they were back in the States without her. Randy had once again given Sophie no real choice in what she could do. It was either come with everyone onboard the ship, or stay in the hotel. Sophie had opted to stay away from the party, saying that there was an old school acquaintance living in Cannes who she wanted to call for a chat anyway. She had rushed the boys through their usual preparations and seemed very concerned that they be on time. They all thought it sweet that she was so willing to stay all alone.

However, when the guys got to the ship, Lance couldn’t brush off the nagging feelings he was having. He fidgeted as the photographers took pictures of all the arriving guests. They’d be shoving off very soon and so the cameramen were anxious to get as many shots as possible before they weren’t allowed to follow the boat.

“Lance, what’s wrong man?” Justin asked through a smile as the flashbulbs went nuts.

“I have to get out of here.” Lance whispered.

“What are you talking about, we’re going to have a blast.”

“I don’t know, I just don’t want to be here.”

“Party pooper.”

“Tell it to the judge.” Lance laughed. The photographers began to be cleared away and Lance hurried over to Big E. “E, I know you don’t like parties, so what do you say we get out of here?”

“Serious man?”

“Serious. Get Randy and tell him we’re goin. We can send the limo back after it drops us off.”

“You got it.” Big E smiled and went off in search of Randy.

“You leavin?” Joey asked sadly.

“Yeah, I just don’t feel like doing this tonight.”

“You just wanna be alone with Sophie.” Joey laughed, slapped Lance’s shoulder, and went off shaking his “thang” as he went.

“That’s actually the last thing I want Joe.” Lance mumbled.

“Come on, we got our ticket to ride.” Big E said returning. The two of them took one of the limos back to the hotel just as the boat set sail. When they got up to their floor Big E nodded at Lance and went into his room. There was tight security in the hotel with all the celebrities, so there was no reason for Lance to be escorted to his room. As Lance looked up though, he saw an unfamiliar woman and man disappear through a door. The girl had chin length blonde hair and wore a black dress, so tight it looked more like underwear than a dress. Lance’s jaw dropped as he realized that the room they’d gone into was Sophie’s. Was that her friend from school?

Lance stood very still for what seemed like a very long time. He didn’t know whether to go get Big E, or check it out himself. If he went himself, then Sophie would undoubtedly have something to say to him. But out of respect for the blonde girl and her amorous partner, maybe it was better to go alone. He took option number two and walked slowly down the hallway. As he approached he could faintly hear what was going on in Sophie’s room. He paused before the door and took a deep breath before knocking loudly.

Chapter 32