On the plane that night Joey sat braiding Sophie’s hair while she read and JC once again slept soundly in her lap. Lonnie was reading the in-flight magazine and humming softly to himself. Mike and Dre were talking about something, both leaning into the aisle so they could see each other. Justin was bouncing in his seat to the strains of Jay-Z thumping in his ears, as Wes nodded along with him as he read a newspaper. Lance was on the airfone talking to his sister, while Randy tried to make it look like he was sleeping and not listening in. Todd and Big E were arguing with each other over something they’d disagreed about in the in-flight movie. Chris and Dani were on their laptops, checking up on things at home and Bobbie was snoring, as she lay sprawled out on her two seats.

“Steve’s all excited to meet you.” Joey said, arranging a small braid he’d just finished on top of Sophie’s head.

“Well I’m all excited to meet him too.”

“And we’re gonna take you to all the cool clubs. You’re gonna come clubbing with us aren’t you? Or are you going to avoid them like the parties?”

“I promised you that I’d dance with you, I wouldn’t back out on a promise Joey Beautiful. Besides, I love to dance.”

“You do?”

“Heck yeah.” Sophie laughed. “Didn’t Sugar tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“I’m a dancer, that’s how I picked up all your choreography so quickly.”

“I was wonderin about that. Lift up your head, I missed some hair.”

“Are you making me look stupid?”

“Of course not. You could never look stupid, just more beautiful.” Joey grinned and leaned his forehead against Sophie’s as she giggled.

“Flattery will get you nowhere.”

“It was worth the shot. Anyway, yeah, we’ll go out and party. I can’t believe you’ve never been to Orlando.”

“I’ve never been a lot of places.” Sophie shrugged.

“It just doesn’t fit though.” Joey furrowed his brow. “I can’t believe Justin knew you were a dancer and didn’t tell us.” Joey turned quickly and saw that Justin was distracted. He reached into his bag a pulled out a balled up pair of socks and launched them at his friend. He managed to hit Wes square in the face. “D’oh! Oh all the times to throw like a girl.” He turned back to Sophie with a panicked look. “Hide me!”

Sophie laughed and pulled the blanket out of the seatback in front of her, throwing it over Joey’s body as he ducked down to avoid Wes’ glare. Sophie giggled and ducked down with him.

“I think he’s spotted us.” She whispered.

“Not a chance, he’s like the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. If we don’t move he can’t see us.”

“Are you sure?” Sophie glanced up, her eyes wide.

“Yeah, positive.” Joey replied. “Sophie my love? Soph? What’s goin….” Wes ripped the blanket off Joey’s head and narrowed his eyes at the young man.

“Was it you who pegged me in the face with your stanky socks?” Wes growled.

“Um, no?” Joey said feebly. He looked around quickly. “It was JC.” Sophie slapped a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing as Wes looked over to see JC sleeping peacefully on Sophie’s lap.

“You wanna try that again Joe?” He asked.

“Ok, ok.” Joey held up his hands. “So it wasn’t JC. It was Sophie.”

“Hey!” Sophie cried, punching him lightly and laughing.

“Yeah, sure Joey. It was Sophie. That would explain the Superman socks.” Wes dangled the superhero printed socks in front of Joey’s face. Joey turned quickly to Sophie.

“Oh my God, you like Superman too? We must be soul mates!” He wrapped her in a big hug. Wes just laughed and thumped Joey in the head with the socks before sitting back down.

“You’re a nut.” Sophie said, pushing Joey away and resettling herself, reaching up to touch her braid covered head. Joey slapped her hand.

“You know I’m your hero. Now don’t touch, I’m not done.” Sophie laughed at him and sighed, picking up her book again and letting him resume his hairstyling.

“What cha reeeeeeeeeeadin?” Chris’ playful voice came over the back of his seat. He had his head propped up on his arms and he was grinning down at her. Sophie smiled.

“A book.”

“No way.”


“Wow, I sure wish I could read.” He said sadly with a shake of his head. “I got through school beating up kids like Lance and stealing their homework.”

“You beat people up?” Sophie said with a giggle.

“I beat up people like Lance.” Chris clarified.

“Honey that’s mean.” Dani’s voice said. “Besides, you couldn’t even beat me up.”

“Well sure, but you’re one tough woman.” He replied with a serious look down at her. He turned back to the chuckling Sophie. “Anyway, what’s up?”

“Nothing. I’m reading and looking like a big dork.”

“A beautiful dork.” Joey replied sleepily as he reclined his seat and snuggled down. Sophie rolled her eyes but smiled. “What’s up with you Bubbles?”

“I just emailed Ron. He’s gonna open some dates for us later on in the tour.”

“Wow, great. I really love his stuff.” Chris grabbed his chest at her words.

“You mean you know who Ron is?”

“Ron Irizarry. The first artist to be signed to FuManskeeto productions. Amazingly talented. He opened a lot of dates on your last tour. His album is available through FuManskeeto.com. He writes his own stuff and plays guitar. His music is sort of a folky rock, but not at all cheesy or John Denver-like. Shall I go on?”

“Girl knows her stuff.” Dani said as she looked over the back of her seat. Chris’ mouth hung open.

“Holy crap Sofa-girl.”

“I like music.” She shrugged.

“Yeah, well, you’re just scary. I’m going to sleep. Come on Dani-babe, I need a pillow.” Chris turned and sat back down.

“Why do I put up with this?” Dani winked at Sophie and Sophie laughed in return.

“I guess you’re just crazy in love.”

“Crazy’s a good word for it, yes.” Dani laughed before Chris’ hand came up and covered her mouth.

“Less talking more pillow.” He demanded. Dani bit his hand as she disappeared from Sophie’s view.

“Yeah that’s what you get.” She laughed as Chris whined. Sophie laughed at the pair and looked over her shoulder to see Joey already peacefully asleep. She put her book softly down on JC’s chest and covered Joey with a blanket.

“You’re too good to these brats.” Mike said as he shifted in his chair to find a good sleep spot. Sophie smiled and shrugged.

“I love em Icky.”

“You’re not so bad yourself Miss Sophie.” The large man said with a smile as he shut his eyes.

“I try.” Sophie said softly. She turned back and picked up her book to read again. She sighed contentedly and looked around the cabin of the plane. Big E and Todd were leaning companionably on each other as they slept. Justin had fallen asleep, now with DMX pumping in his ears, and Wes’ head still bobbed to the music as he continued to read the newspaper. Bobbie was sound asleep and sprawled all over, her feet hanging in the aisle. Sophie could hear Dre’s nose whistling as he slept and caught snatches of the familiar BBC World News coming from Lonnie’s headphones. Randy’s face was smashed against the window and Lance sat hunched over his tray table, his head on a stack of pillows. Sophie shivered and snuggled deeper into her chair before reading again. As she read, caught up in the words, she began to absently caress JC’s chest. Joey’s snoring got louder and she focused more on the words than ever. It wasn’t until a hand came over her page that she started out of her imagined world.

“Bubbles, aren’t you asleep yet?” She asked.

“I’m sure he’s out like a light.” JC’s voice came from under her book. Sophie took a quick breath and pulled the novel away from his face. He smiled up at her.

“Sorry, I’ve been laying here thinking of how I could get your attention.” He took the book out of her hands and put it in the seatback as he sat up.

“A simple good evening Sophie would have done the trick.” She said smiling.

“True.” He stretched. “But it somehow lacks the JC touch.”

“I’m not going to ask.” She laughed.

“But I am. What happened to your hair?” He reached up to pull down a braid and let it dangle in Sophie’s face. She had to cross her eyes to see it.

“I was attacked I’m afraid.” She sighed.

“No.” He matched her serious tone. “Our security wouldn’t allow that.” He put a hand to his heart. “I wouldn’t allow that.”

“Yeah, well, as you can plainly see… It happened.”

“Did you get a look at the guy who did it?” JC rubbed his chin and fought to keep a straight face. Sophie crumpled and put her hands on her face.

“It all happened so fast. He, he was wearing a cape. And, and tights. It was just too distracting!”

“Smuggling olives was he?” JC managed to get the sentence out but they both broke out into giggles immediately after it.

“That was so gross.” Sophie said through her laughter.

“Well ma’am, if he’s the same culprit we’ve linked to a series of Twinkie thefts, then I’d have to say that tights aren’t the most flattering thing he could wear.”

“Unlike you I suppose?” Sophie raised an eyebrow, causing JC to blush and duck his head.

“You make a good point. I don’t think any man should ever wear tights.” Sophie squeezed her eyes shut in effort to block any mental images and giggled. “So,” JC started once they’d both calmed down a little. “Are we going to fix that, or are you keeping your hair that way?”

“If I could see it, I’d take it down. But I don’t have a mirror handy.”

“I can help.” JC shrugged. “Here, I’ll get the front and you get the back.”

“Ok.” Sophie turned to face him, found a braid in back, and began to unravel it. After awhile of the two of them sitting in silence and unbraiding, they began to run out. When both their hands would settle on the same braid, their fingers would have a little war. On the last braid, Sophie’s troops lost the battle. She sat still, looking down at her hands resting in her lap, and let JC finish.

When he was done, JC ran his fingers through Sophie’s long, dark tresses. He pulled the strands gently away from her face, being very careful to not poke her in the eye with his fingers. He twisted some curls even tighter than they already were and pulled softly on them to watch them spring back into corkscrews. He smiled happily as he continued to play; arranging the hair and reveling in the silken feel of it. When he reached under her hair to lift it up on top of her head, Sophie shivered.

“Are you cold?” He asked, dropping the thick strands.

“A little.” All Sophie wore were thin socks, khaki drawstring pants, and a soft pink v-neck shirt. “I think I’m just tired.” She said, self-consciously rubbing her arms.

“I can’t argue with that. Let’s go to bed then.” He reclined his seat and motioned for her to do the same. As she lay back, he tucked a blanket tightly around her body. “Snug as a bug in a rug.” He said smiling. Then he lay back and put his arm under her head. When he noticed her resistance he smiled warmly at her. “Hey, it’s the least I can do for you. I got two good night’s sleep on you.”

“Alright.” She said quietly, and rested her head on his chest. “But I warn you now…. I drool.” She giggled.

“Yes!” He cried softly to not wake the others. “I’ll never wash this shirt again.”

Chapter 34