
“Johnny, what are you tryin to do to me?” Joey whined as the guys rode the elevator up to their floor.

“Don’t bother Joe, I said no after party.” Johnny folded his arms over his chest and repressed a smile as Joey stuck out his lower lip.

“So, does that mean I can just go club solo?”

“No. That means you’re going to go to bed. I saw the way ya’ll were dragging tonight. You need some sleep.”

“Was it really noticeable?” Justin asked.

“I don’t think anybody else would have noticed. Sophie?”

“Nope. You’re right sir, the crowd thought this was the best show they’d ever seen. However, after another night of not sleeping, they will notice.” She nudged Joey with her elbow and he giggled before putting his arm around her and giving her a squeeze.

“If the wise and fair Sophie says sleep, we sleep.” Johnny turned around at his words and gaped at Joey.

“What am I chopped liver?” He asked. Justin laughed at him and took a hold of Sophie’s free hand.

“Yeah pretty much. Sorry Johnny.”

“I suppose I’d listen to me if I looked like that too.” Johnny mumbled.

“Hey.” Sophie laughed; she kicked at the back of Johnny’s legs but he stepped out of the elevator before she could get him. JC and Lance were waiting for them.

“Did you guys hear? No after party.” Joey called to them.

“Yeah, we heard. Are you sure Johnny? We don’t want to disappoint the fans.”

“Don’t worry about it Lance,” Johnny said in a fatherly tone. “There was never any official announcement made that there’d be an after party.”

“But it’s sort of a tradition.” JC added.

“But you need to rest tonight. Don’t tell me you’re going to turn down sleeping.”

“Isn’t that the fourth sign of the apocalypse?” Chris asked, strolling up with Dani at his side.

“I’m just saying that….” When he noticed that everybody was either not paying attention to him or getting ready to laugh. “Oh never mind.”

“Anyway, I want you guys all in bed at a reasonable hour tonight ok? No chasing skirts in the lobby, Joseph.”


“And I’d really rather you didn’t spend all night playing video games either, Justin and Chris.” Johnny continued. Chris and Justin looked at each other.


“And JC, Lance, no business. Just go to sleep, no lyrics, no calls to Brad and Alex, no searching for new talent.” Lance and JC picked up on the trend.


“And Sophie?”

“Yes sir?”

“Just get some sleep Baby-girl. I heard you were too busy taking care of the guys to get much rest on the plane.” Sophie blushed when Johnny lovingly patted her head.

“I’ll do that.”

“Alright then, go shower. You guys stink.” Johnny yelled and the guys scattered, running happily to their rooms. Sophie laughed at Joey as he jumped on Lance’s back and gave him a nuggie. She made her way to her own room and her own shower. Johnny was right, it had been a long day for everyone.

A little later there was yelling going on in the hallway. Sophie went to investigate and found the guys fighting with their bodyguards.

“Johnny said you freaks were sleeping tonight.” Todd said, helping Lonnie block one of the elevators.

“Come on! We’re all too hyper to sleep.”

“Yeah, we wanna go out!”

“This isn’t fair, we’re not criminals!”

“It was the one armed man that killed my wife!”

“Soilent Green is made of people, PEOPLE!”

“They’re cute aren’t they?” Dani asked as she walked up beside Sophie.

“I thought they were ok with going to bed early.”

“They got together in our room and decided to mutiny. They’re delirious.”

“At least they’re used to it.” Sophie giggled.

“This is true.” Dani laughed back. “You think we should intervene?”

“Didn’t you say anything to them while they were in your room?”

“Heck no, I was too busy de-Chrisifying the bathroom. That man makes a bigger mess than twenty pug dogs after a speed binge.” The two women were serious for a moment before they broke up laughing. The guys turned to see what was going on and Sophie took charge.

“Johnny said no going out. That means, no going out. I want to see all of you in bed in five minutes.”

“Or what?” Chris said, hands on his hips.

“Do you really want me to say it out loud Christopher Alan?” Dani replied, striking the same pose.


“That’s right.” Sophie nodded. “So you had all better march to your rooms and get to sleep.”

“What will you give us?” Joey asked with a smirk. Sophie was quiet for a second, but a sly smile formed on her lips.

“I’ll tuck you in. How’s that, Sugar?”

“Good with me. Come on guys.” Justin jumped into action and pulled Joey along with him. The others were bewildered, but followed Justin’s lead and went into their rooms, leaving the doors cracked so Sophie could come in.

“I don’t think I’m going to ask what that’s about.” Dani said with a smile.

“It’s totally innocent.” Sophie said with a shake of her head.

“Oh I don’t doubt that, I know you’re a good girl.”

“Who told you that?” Sophie laughed.

“Justin, oddly enough.” Dani walked away and Sophie giggled as she made her way to Joey’s room.

“Are you decent?” She called into the dark room.

“I guess you’ll just have to find that out for yourself.” Joey’s voice growled.

“Or I could just leave.”

“Damn.” He whispered. “Yes, I’m decent.” Sophie walked in and sat on the side of his bed.

“Good. I could never forgive myself if I came to an event overdressed.” She purred.

“Ah man. You’re so mean Sophie my love.”

“I know.” She laughed. “Now go to sleep and have sweet dreams.”

“Oh I will. Because you’ll be in them.” Joey kissed the back of her hand. Sophie rolled her eyes, even though she knew he couldn’t see her.

“Good night Joey Beautiful.” Sophie kissed his forehead and pulled his blankets up to his chin.

“Night Sophie my love.” He closed his eyes and snuggled down into the bed. He was already snoring lightly when Sophie closed his door and listened for the click of the lock. She moved on to Justin’s room.

“Are you decent?” She called.

“Who do you think I am? Joey? Of course I am.” He called back. She laughed and moved into the room.

“I know you don’t sleep with the lights on Sugar.” She said, motioning to the bright lamp that was still glowing.

“I was hoping you’d turn it off.” He said with a shrug.

“I see.” She clicked it off. “Is that better for you? Because I can’t see a thing.”

“Just follow the sound of my voice.”

“Then you’re going to have to keep talking.” She laughed.

“Good point. Ok, well, I’m really glad that you’re here. It’s so nice to have somebody to come home to every night. Even if the bus isn’t really home. You sort of make it feel like it is. I can’t even remember what I did without you here and I just hope that you never….”

“Found you.” Sophie said softly, as she sat on the bed.

“And I found you.” Justin breathed.

“Was I lost?” Sophie joked as she pulled his covers around him.

“I don’t know. I think we’re all a little lost.”

“Nope, no deep conversations Sugar. It’s time for sleep and I don’t want you up all night pondering the meaning of life.”

“Ok. But if I can’t sleep….”

“Just call me and I’ll come.” She caressed his cheek and kissed him softly on the lips. “Good night Sugar.”

“Good night Somine.” He could barely make out the silhouette of her body as she left. “Somine?”

“What?” She paused at the door, out of his view.

“Are you glad you’re here?”

“Words can’t describe Sugar. Now go to sleep.” The door closed behind her and left him in silence.

“Two down.” Todd smirked as he watched Sophie walk to Chris’ room.

“Hey, just be glad you’re not the one doing it Oddish.”

“Tru dat Soapy, tru dat.” Sophie just giggled and shook her head before walking into Chris’ room. Some one screamed and she slapped a hand over her eyes.

“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry!” She yelped.

“It’s ok Soph, it was just Chris. You can open your eyes.” Dani called. Sophie uncovered her eyes and grunted before covering them again. Chris was shirtless, with a pair of Dani’s panties on his head. Dani lay with a pillow smashed over her face trying to smother her laughter.

“Just get under the covers. I don’t care what you do, just get under the covers.” Sophie said with mock-disgust.

“Ok. I’m under.” Chris laughed.

“Now, when I open my eyes am I going to want to immediately gouge them out?”

“No.” Dani laughed. “I promise it’s ok now.”

“Ok.” Sophie opened one eye and was greeted with a normal scene. She moved forward and kissed Chris and Dani on the forehead.

“Good night you two.”

“Night Sofa-girl.”

“Night Soph.”

“Do you want me to turn out the lights when I go?”

“Naw, but if you could throw me that pair of furry handcuffs it would be greatly appreciated.” Chris smiled at her. Sophie backed away slowly.

“I’ll just be going now.” She bolted for the door and closed it quickly behind her. “Did you know that was going to happen?” She said, pointing a finger at Todd.


“I hate you.” Sophie said, narrowing her eyes.

“No you don’t. I’m your idol and you know it.” Todd laughed. “Now hurry up with the other two.”

“Yes sir.” Sophie saluted and scampered across the hall and into JC’s room. She was about to revert to the “are you decent” question, but as she pushed the door open a little she heard his even breathing. Making sure to be quiet, she slid into the dark room and made her way over to his bed, occasionally tripping over things and bumping into furniture. She caught her foot in the folds on the comforter and landed heavily next to JC’s legs.

“Having trouble?” He laughed lightly.

“How long have you been awake?” She said, struggling to free her foot. He sat up to help her.

“Ever since you nailed the dresser with your hip. Are you ok, by the way?”

“I’m fine.” Sophie sighed. “Sorry I woke you.”

“It’s ok. I wouldn’t want to miss out on being tucked in. I haven’t gotten this sort of treatment since I was home last.”

“And when was that?” Sophie asked, as JC settled back onto his pillows and she pulled the covers up to his chest.

“Two months ago.” JC laughed. “My mom still thinks I’m her baby.”

“That sounds nice.” Sophie smiled.

“It is.” JC replied. “Do you see your mother much?”

“Not for a very long time.” Sophie said shortly. “Now go to sleep again. And this time I promise not to fall on top of you.”

“There goes my plans for later.” He teased.

“You’re getting as bad as Joey. Now go to sleep.” She leaned down and kissed his cheek. “Good night Sweets.”

“Night Mia. Thank you for earlier.”

“You never have to thank me for being there for you.” She looked deep into his eyes. “Understand?”

“Yes.” He said softly. “But thank you all the same.” He picked up her hand and kissed the palm. “Sweet dreams.”

“You too. I’ll see you in the morning.” She got up and worked her way out of the room with much better accuracy this time. She moved on to the next door.

“Night.” She called and closed the door. Lance sighed and rolled on to his side. At least she said goodnight.

Chapter 36