
Early the next morning the guys rallied at Johnny’s house again. JC was dozing on Johnny’s couch, Brad and Alex were talking to Steve, Joey was telling Chris and Dani about how great it was when Sophie actually came out to dance, Lance and Justin were goofing off and taking turns playing the bongos on Lonnie’s head. The other bodyguards were just standing around and talking, waiting for the vans that would take everybody over to the park.

“Is everybody ready for today?” Johnny asked with a big smile on his face.

“Is it ok if I wear a hat or something?” Justin asked. “I mean, I know that we’re going to conspicuous enough with the cameras and everything, but….” He trailed off. Suddenly Joey started coughing.

“J? I don’t think you have to worry about people looking at you.” He managed, pointing toward the hallway. There stood Sophie. She had just run in from her car and her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. They all took in the sight of her. Flip flops and pink painted toenails, perfectly tanned legs, green Roxy board shorts, a matching tube top with black bikini strings tied back around her neck, her hair in a braid, and sunglasses pushed on top of her head.

“Sorry, I got stuck in traffic.” She said with a small smile. “I didn’t make you all late did I?” Everyone came back to life.

“No, no, actually we’re still waiting for the vans.” Johnny said smiling at her. “But could I talk to you for a second?”

“Sure.” Sophie smiled and winked at the guys as she passed them. “What can I do for you Sir?” She asked as the two of them stood in the grand kitchen of his home.

“I just want to thank you for humoring me yesterday with this Disney thing.”

“Oh, don’t thank me. The guys would have said no if you hadn’t told them it was a good idea.”

“Don’t even try that Baby girl.” Johnny said with fake menace. “I know those boys and they’re going to this because you sat there and were willing to listen to all the details they never would have asked about.”

“You mean like the fact that it’s for charity?”

“Exactly. I plan on telling your father how indispensable you’ve become around here.” Johnny put his arm around Sophie and they walked back to the living room.

“Thank you for thinking so highly of me.” Sophie said with tight lips.

“How can I not?” Johnny said with a laugh. “You’re a perfect fit in our family.”

“I try my best.” Sophie mumbled.

“The vans are here Johnny!” Wes called.

“We better hurry, or they’ll take all the good seats.” He gave Sophie’s shoulder a final squeeze and hurried off to make sure everything was running on schedule. Joey ran up to Sophie and pulled her along.

“Come on Sophie my love, you’re sittin in the back with me and Steve.”

“Should I be afraid?” She asked with a smirk. Joey pulled her close to him.

“Oh yes.” He grinned. She giggled and pulled away, racing him to the van where Justin and Lance were already seated.

When they got to the park everyone was briefed on what the hunt would entail. They’d all start at the Spaceship Earth ride and make all the introductions to the show and then they’d be given their clues and let loose to reek havoc on Epcot Center. Some of the clues would have them going where normal guests were not allowed, but the staff had been alerted that they were there and what they were going to be doing, so everyone would help in any way they could.

As they began the walk from the “backstage” area to the Spaceship Earth pavilion Sophie reached over and clasped Justin’s hand.

“It’s so big.” She whispered. Justin couldn’t help but laugh.

“I’ve never heard that in public before.” She slapped his arm.

“You know what I meant.”

“Yeah.” He smiled at her and kissed her hair. “I forgot what it’s like to see it for the first time.” He paused for a second. “Did that sound nasty to you?”

“Did what sound nasty?” Joey asked, dropping back to walk with them.

“Nothing Joe.” Justin replied, and pulled Joey’s baseball cap further down on his face. A woman in a business suit and a friendly smile greeted them in front of the huge silver globe that was Spaceship Earth.

“Ok, are you guys ready? We’ll do the show intro first. Just ‘Hi, we’re Nsync and this is Disney’s Mouse Hunt.’ You know the drill with stuff like that. Then you’ll want to introduce who’ll be on which team. Oh! By the way, the team names are Imagination and Millennium. Before you gag and die, let me just say that all the celebrity teams will be called this, so it’s not just you. So anyway, introduce yourselves and your friends and tell everybody your team’s name.”

“I call Imagination.” Justin said with his fingers pressed to his lips in a concentration stance.

“That’s fine. Alright then, ready?”

“Yep.” The guys answered and got into “Hi, we’re Nsync” stance.

“And 3, 2…”

“Hi, we’re Nsync and welcome to Disney’s Mouse Hunt.” They all said, Justin continued, reading off the cue cards.

“Today we’re going to be running all over Epcot Center here in Orlando, Florida trying to find clues that will lead us to the grand prize.”

“We’re going to be split up in to two teams. Team Imagination led by Justin over there,” JC said pointing. “And team Millennium led by your truly. So come on, let’s get this party started.”

“And cut. Ok, let’s just go over that a few more times and then we’ll do the team intros.”

“You ready for your television debut?” Justin teased Sophie, as they got ready to introduce the different teams. She grinned at him.

“How do you know I’ve never been on TV before?”

“Have you?” He asked, stunned.

“No, but you didn’t know that.” She laughed. He just shook his head and waited for the countdown.

“Hey guys, I’m Justin and this is team Imagination. The other members of the team are Joey, say hi Joey.”

“Hi Joey.” He smiled and laughed.

“Joey’s brother Steve, who hangs with us all the time. Lance, you know Lance. Right Lance?”


“And one of our newest crew members, this is Sophie. She does our hair and makeup.”

“Except today.” She added.

“Yeah, except today cuz we be styling already.” Justin ran a hand over his hat as though it were hair. “Well what are you waiting for? Let’s go!” He cried with a grin. He began to dance. “2K team’s goin down. Down down down.” Joey, Lance, and Steve all picked up on the chant and they kept doing it until the woman called cut.

“Ok, JC.” They turned the cameras on him.

“I’m JC and this is team Millennium. With me are two great producers and good friends of mine Riprock and AG. And this is Chris.”

“I’m Chris.”

“Yes, very good. And this is his girl Danielle.” JC leaned towards the camera. “Just to let you in on a little secret, we’re going to whup the other team’s butts.”

“Bring it on man!” Justin yelled. JC began to giggle and the woman yelled cut again.

“That was just great guys. Perfect. I’m Connie Parker, if you need anything while you’re hunting just let somebody know and they’ll get to me right away. Ok, one last segment and then you’re on your ways. Could you all sort of bunch up in here a little, great. Can you get all of them Bob?”


“Ok, then. 3, 2…. Ok guys, now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the first clues. This is for Team Imagination and this is for Team Millennium. Good luck to you both.” Justin and JC pounced on poor Connie and ripped the envelopes out of her hands. From then on the cameras would be rolling non-stop.

“It says we should go where the “Heart of Rock and Roll” is still beating.” Justin read.

“I love that song.” Joey said to Steve, who nodded.

“Me too. Huey Lewis.”

“I bet they’re talking about that Body Wars ride.” Lance said.

“Then let’s go!” Justin yelled. He grabbed Sophie’s hand and Team Imagination was off and running towards their second clue.

“Ok guys, the card says, somewhere “Beyond the Sea” you’ll find your next clue.”

“That’s so easy!” Chris yelled, slapping his leg.

“The Living Seas, right?” JC asked.

“Right.” Dani and Alex said together.

“Woah, serious?” Chris asked with wide eyes. “I was totally going for The Land.”

“And that’s why Lance never lets you play Clue.” Dani quipped as Team Millennium headed out.

“That and because he always insists that it’s Professor Plum in the Ballroom.” JC laughed.

“What?” Chris returned. “The guy’s got such beady little eyes. I know he’s up to something. And the BALL Room is just funny.” They were all laughing as they wove through the crowd.

Chapter 39