
By eleven o’clock both teams were totally absorbed in the competition. This “Mouse Hunt” was more involved than they had first been lead to believe. They were forced to participate in some sort of event (something like going on a ride a specified number of times) before they were presented with the clue. Neither team had yet to venture into the World Showcase, but they knew they were about to. Team Millennium had just finished their third time on the Test Track and were waiting for someone to give them a clue.

“Hey!” A young man called. “Are you guys Team Millennium?”

“Yeah. Do you have our clue?” JC asked, holding out his hand.

“Here ya go. Good luck. My sister loves you.”

“Thanks man.” JC said with a smile as Chris paused in his ripping open of the envelope to grin.

“Ok people,” Chris said. “The clue says, don’t ‘Blame Canada’ if you get a little woozy before finding your next clue.”

“Oh God.” Brad groaned. “I’m gonna loose my Denny’s Grand Slam, aren’t I?”

“Probably.” JC laughed at him. “But that’s just too bad. Come on!” They all ran off in the direction of Canada.

Meanwhile, Team Imagination just gotten to China and were looking around for where the next clue could be.

“There’s no ride or anything, so what do we do?” Steve asked.

“Just look around I guess.” Joey replied.

“Hey guys, look.” Lance pointed to the Chinese acrobats that were setting up their things in preparation for a performance. “They do the coolest stuff.” He turned to who was next to him and was surprised that it was Sophie.

“What do they do with those big pots?” She asked.

“They roll them around with their feet while they’re on their backs. I wish we had time to stay and watch.”

“Well if we don’t find the clue we’ll be here forever.” Justin said with a shake of his head. “Now come help us look through the shops to see if it’s there.”

“Could I please stay to watch Sugar?” She took the camera out of Lance’s hands. “I could tape it. Just think what it’ll look like if the others only have footage of them running around like chickens with their heads cut off and we’ve got some nice relaxing footage of acrobats.”

“Ok, that’s a good idea. But Lance, you’re coming with me.” Justin dragged Lance away and went to catch up to Joey and Steve. Sophie looked back to see the confusion on Lance’s face and smiled at him.

“Oh my God I think I really am going to throw up.” Brad said, as he leaned on JC.

“I told you to just look down.”

“Yeah dude, it’s your own fault for not listening.” Alex chimed in.

“Ok boys, be nice to each other. Just because we haven’t found the clue yet isn’t a good enough reason to yell at poor Brad for being a lameass.” Dani said sweetly. They laughed and a girl came rushing over.

“Hey! You guys finished watching ‘O Canada’ right?”

“Yeah.” They answered.

“Well here. It’s your next clue. Sorry about not giving it to you right away, Jenny was supposed to give it to you. But some kid yammied in the aisle and then Jenny felt queasy so she told me to do it.”

“Ok, great, thanks.” Chris said with a smile as he took the envelope. “You can go back to work now.”

“Oh, oh yeah. I have your album, it’s awesome.”

“Thanks a lot…Sarah.” JC smiled at her and nodded.

“No problem. Tell Justin I said hi.”

“We’ll do that sweetie.” When Sarah had gone JC looked over Chris’ shoulder at the clue. “I bet you’re so happy to be out of Canada that you’re doing the ‘Mexican Hat Dance’.”

“You heard the man.” Dani said. “Let’s pick up the wounded and go to Mexico.”

“Oh my gosh.” Sophie said under her breath. She made her way through the crowd, thankful for her anonymity and the fact that the camera crew had all followed the guys. She popped her head into one of the shops. She spotted the camera and called out. “Sugar I found the clue!” Justin spun around.

“No way, where is it?”

“In the pots! With the acrobats!” She yelled happily as Justin, Lance, Joey, and Steve fought their way through the small shop and out the door.

“Seriously?” Justin asked.

“It’s in the red and black one. I saw it while I was taping the performance.” They all rushed over just in time to see the show end.

“Um, excuse me.” Lance said to one of the acrobats. “We’re Team Imagination. Do you know where our clue is?”

“Yes I do.” The young girl smiled up at him. “Here you go.” She reached into the pot and pulled out a silver envelope just like the others they’d gotten.

“Thank you so much.” Lance said, hugging her small frame. The girl giggled and ran over to her friend who was waiting for her.

“Good luck!” She called over her shoulder.

“Thank you!” Justin called back. “What’s the clue Lance?”

“You’re music is played all over the world. Even on ‘Mexican Radio’.”

“Hey, I remember that song. I’m on a Mexican, whoa oh, radio.” Steve sang.

“And that’s why we don’t let him in the group.” Justin teased as they headed out.

“It’s lucky you pointed out the acrobats.” Sophie said to Lance.

“Well, it seems like luck has been on my side lately.” He said softly.

“Come on Sophie my love, we’ve got a date with Mexico.”

“I hate how dark this place is.” Alex said as Team Millennium entered the Incan Pyramid.

“Well it IS El Rio del Tiempo.” Chris said back to him in a thick accent. Alex looked at him funny and Dani laughed.

“This is his favorite country in the World Showcase. All the tacos he can hold.”

“OH YEAH BABY!” Chris yelled.

“Did you find the clue?” JC asked excitedly.

“No. But I heard somebody say taco.”

“You’re a freak.” JC chuckled and shook his head as he moved away from the others to explore some of the kiosks set up to sell Mexican wares. He scanned the assorted colorful blankets set up on a table with his camera until through the viewfinder he saw some very familiar legs. “Mia!”

“Hey Sweets!” She gave him a hug as though they’d been parted for weeks. “Is your team here too?”

“Yeah, we came from Canada.”

“China.” She pointed to herself and laughed. “That sounds so weird.”

“Have you guys already looked through all the crafts?”

“I don’t know. We just got here actually, but we think the clue is going to be somewhere on the ride.”

“What does El Rio del Tiempo mean anyway?” He asked as they both made their way over to the ride entrance where the teams were gathering “I never took Spanish.”

“It means, The River of Time.”

“That still doesn’t explain why it’s always so dark in here.”

“I noticed that too.” Sophie said with a laugh.

“Somine, no fraternization with the enemy.” Justin said as he took her hand and led her onto one of the little boats.

“You’re too much Sugar.” She said, but leaned into his body when he put his arm around her shoulder. He moved his mouth close to her ear.

“Speaking of it being so dark in here.”

“Sugar?” Sophie said in her most serious voice.


“There are two professional camera men, and many nosey friends around. Dark or not, this is in no way the Tunnel of Love, nor will it ever be.” With that she prodded his side and he jumped away form her.

“Ok, I get the hint. Sheesh, you didn’t have to resort to tickling.” He whined. Sophie laughed at him and stroked his cheek.

“I’m sure you’ll forgive me.”

“You’re right.” He returned with a shrug.

“Ok, so what’s the clue?” Dani asked as both teams remerged into the bright sunlight after getting their envelopes. JC read it.

“One of your band mates is an ‘Italian from New York’ but he can’t help you get the clue.”

“That’s cool the way they fit that in.” Brad said with a nod.

“Feelin better?” Chris asked him.

“Yes, much. Damn Canada. I knew there was a reason I moved here.” They laughed and looked over at their opponents. Justin was reading the clue as the others stood around him. Steve’s hand was inching towards Sophie’s rear and JC was about to say something when she suddenly grabbed the wayward hand and bent it back, causing Steve to yelp in pain.

“She’s one tough cookie.” Dani commented with a smile. “But no more staring, it’s clue time.” Team Millennium headed out to Italy.

“Just because you get the next clue doesn’t mean you’re ‘Turning Japanese’.” Justin read. Steve cried out and they turned to look at him.

“Mosquito.” He mumbled.

“Right.” Lance said; he’d been watching the whole thing. “Let’s go to Japan.”

“Can we take the boat across the lagoon? It’d be faster than going through all these people.”

“Good idea Joe.” Justin said with a pat to his friend’s back. “Let’s go.”

“I saw what you did to Steve.” Lance said lowly to Sophie as the team walked to the boat landing. Sophie laughed.

“His mother should have taught him to keep his hands to himself.”

“Are you talking about me?” Justin yelled back to them.

“No Sugar, you can do whatever you want with your hands.” All the guys stopped short. “I was just kidding.” She pushed against Joey’s back. “Hurry up, the boat’s about to leave!”
