
Quickly snapping her cell phone shut, Rachel smiled warmly at the driver as he opened the door of the town car for her. "Thanks so much Brad. I'll need you tomorrow at 10 okay? I've got to go into work a little early." she instructed politely.

"No problem Miss Bishop. I'll be here." Brad said, closing the rear door softly and making his way back around to the driver's side.

"Have a good night." Rachel replied with a wave as she turned and walked into her building, grinning at the doorman as he held the door open.

"Miss Rachel...always a pleasure." the elderly man stated, sweeping the door open with a grand gesture.

"How was your day Hank?"

"Pleasant. Oh, by the way...you have a couple guests waiting for you upstairs." The older man winked slyly as Rachel shot him a sideways glance.

"My stalkers?" she teased, raising an eyebrow.

"If you've given your stalker a key, then you're not as smart as I thought." Hank joked with a smile in return.

"Point taken. I suppose I should get upstairs then before my stalker walks out with my belongings. I'll have to remember to get that key from him." Rachel laughed, tossing her head back slightly. "Good night Hank, see ya tomorrow."

"G'night Miss Rachel."

Making her way into the elevator and up to the 10th floor where she lived, Rachel paused momentarily outside the door in order to dig through her messy bag for her keys. Just as she jiggled them out of the tangle of hairties and cds at the bottom of her purse, the door opened and a dark haired man leaned casually against the door frame.

"Hey blondie."

"Stuff it Steve." Rachel replied nonchalantly as she brushed past him through the doorway and into the living room of the spacious apartment.

"Hey." Joey offered distractedly from his position on the overstuffed couch.

"Did you get my message?" Rachel asked, dropping her bag on the bar in between the living room and the kitchen as she made her way to the refridgerator.


"Sooo...let me guess. You're seeing how long you can go speaking only in one word answers. That's why I get more of a greeting out of your brother than I do out of you?" the blonde woman asked, slightly irritated at Joey's lack of enthusiasm.

Joey peeked over the couch and was met with a slight frown and piercing blue eyes as Rachel gazed at him from the kitchen. "I'm tired."

Rolling her eyes, she walked through the living room and down the hall to the master bedroom. "2 words Joe, wow, hooked on phonics really DID work for you."

Steve, who was now sitting on the couch held in a laugh as he glanced at his brother. "I see who wears the pants in this relationship." he shrugged, his eyes shifting back to the game playing on the big screen TV.

"Pssh." Joey said with a sigh, removing his tall frame from the position he had occupied on the couch for the past 3 hours. "Why don't you go home Steve?"

"Cuz the TV is bigger here and I like the view."

"The view?" Joey inquired, shooting a glance at the drawn curtains.

"Yeah. Blondie's got some nice legs." Steve said his voice taking on a monotonous tone.

"Go home Steve." Joey replied with a shake of his head as he walked in the direction Rachel had disappeared.

"I was just kidding!" Steve's protested, not moving from the couch.

"I heard everything, and I second the motion. Go home Steve." Rachel interjected, brushing past Joe who stood in the hallway and entering the kitchen to grab an apple from the fridge.

"Fine." the Italian grumbled, picking his coat up off the arm of the gray sofa and walking toward the door. "You gonna be home later tonight Joe?" he asked his younger brother.

"Yes. He will be." the blonde said, shooting Joey a pointed look.

Joey just shook his head and laughed, "The boss says no, but she'll change her mind. I'll just talk to you tomorrow afternoon before you go back to Orlando."

The raven haired man shrugged as Rachel nudged him out into the hallway. "Alright. See ya."

As Rach shut the door firmly behind the older Fatone, she turned to Joey who offered her a sheepish grin and outstretched arms. Sighing overdramatically, a brilliant smile began to spread across the pretty blonde's tan features. Her eyes dancing, she allowed herself to be pulled into the warm hug.

Wrapping his muscular arms around the slender blonde, Joey smiled happily. "See, I knew you'd change your mind..." he trailed off as Rachel tilted her face up towards his and their lips met in a soft kiss.


“So, if you don’t mind me asking, what was the urgency?” April inquired, glancing across the table at Jordan over the top of her wine glass before taking a small sip.

“Urgency?“ Jordan’s hazel eyes clouded with confusion for a moment, then cleared as she nodded. “Ohhh. It wasn‘t an emergency or anything like that. Rachie was calling to ask the guys to perform at the VMA’s this year. I guess she figures it’ll be a good idea with the reunion album coming out soon and all.”

The fair haired woman looked slightly surprised. “Wow, that’s great. All the guys agreed to it? I mean…Joey…?” she inquired, referring to the fact that Joey had recently acquired a major lead in a Broadway play that would be opening right around the time of the VMA’s.

Jordan shrugged and continued. “Oh girl, you know Joey‘d do anything Rachel asked him to. He already talked to the director and worked it out so he‘ll join the cast after the VMA‘s in September.” Jordan laughed. “Anyways, from what Justin said, he was the last one to get back to Rach. Apparently all the other guys are really excited about it, I know Justin was absolutely glowing after Rachel proposed the idea to him. He said they’re all meeting back here in Orlando to start rehearsals next week already.” she finished, adjusting the napkin in her lap before taking a drink of her water.

Narrowing her eyes at her friend, April gazed curiously at the water glass Jordan had just set back onto the tabletop. “Are you SURE you don’t want anything to drink? Wine? Champagne?” she offered for the third time since they’d arrived at dinner. “I feel like a lush.” April concluded, shaking her head as she swirled around the remaining alcohol in her glass.

Jordan blushed in the dim light of the restaurant. “I’m fine, I told you. Just because you‘re a raging alcoholic doesn‘t mean I have to be!” she taunted playfully, gesturing to the waiter to refill April’s dwindling glass of white wine.

“So since we’re on the subject of your sister…how are things with her and Joey? Better I hope?” April prodded gently, interrupting briefly to thank the waiter after he finished filling her glass.

Jordan took a bite of her chicken and chewed thoughtfully before replying. “Well…” she started. “Last I heard things were going a little better, but you know Rachel, she’s not going to give up on something she thinks will make her happy.” she concluded, referring to the problems her sister and Joey had been having for some time about his reluctance to commit.

“Well it has been six years.” the blue eyed woman stated dryly, raising an eyebrow at the brunette across from her.

“I know, I know. I hear it from her every time we talk. What do you want me to do about it though?” she retorted, shrugging slightly as she frowned down at her food.

“All I know is that if I were Rachel, I would have spelled it out for him a long ass time ago. I mean, Joey’s a sweetheart and I love him like a brother, but seriously…he’s got to figure out what he wants to do or she’ll move on without him. At least the Rach I know would.” she finished with a pointed glance at the food Jordan was now pushing around on her plate with a fork.

Jordan glanced up, a guilty look flashing across her delicate features as she realized April was staring at her curiously. Quickly placing her fork aside, she folded her arms and rested them on the table as she leaned on them slightly. “I didn’t know you felt so strongly about their situation.” she said with a surprised tone. “But I agree with you…and I do wonder why Rachie hasn’t given him an ultimatum…it’s very unlike her to be so patient. But then again, it is the man she loves…” she stated, pulling the dessert menu towards her and browsing it’s contents.

“Don’t tell me you’re ordering dessert Jordie! You only ate like half of your meal.”

Jordan avoided April’s piercing gaze as she folded the menu back up and pushed it across the table towards her friend. “I wasn’t gonna get anything, just looking. What about you? Want anything? Dinner’s on me.”

April gazed levelly into Jordan’s dark eyes. “Are you SURE there’s nothing going on with you? Seriously Jor, you’ve barely touched your food tonight. I’m a little worried.”

“I’m fine. I mean, I just haven’t been feeling well in the mornings and I dunno…it’ll pass. It’s probably just a viral infection or something.” Jordan stated, dismissing April’s worries with a slight wave of her hand.

Shaking her head, April shot her friend a quizzical look. “Maybe you should go see a doctor…how long have you felt like this?”

“Not long.” Jordan lied, not wanting to tell her friend that she’d been sick every morning for the past month. It was hard enough keeping it from Justin, especially since his studios had recently gone through some remodeling and he’d been spending a little more time at home.

Noticing Jordan shifting uncomfortably in her chair, April paused briefly. “Well if it continues maybe you should make an appointment. I’m sure Justin would want you to as well, you know, just to make sure everything is alright and all.”

Jordan smiled up at her friend as she leaned back in her chair and waited patiently for the waiter to bring their check. Placing a gentle hand on her stomach, she nodded her agreement. “Okay, if it continues…I’ll go to the doctor. But like I said, it’s probably just something that’s going around.” she finished, allowing her thoughts to wander into the past.


Pushing back her damp hair as she gazed into the illuminated mirror above the sink she leaned against, Jordan sighed deeply and took another drink of water before placing the cup aside. She reached for her toothbrush, just to be slapped with another wave of nausea, causing her to quickly bend over the toilet for the second time that morning.

Several minutes later, the brunette had managed to right herself and brush her teeth before wandering weakly back into the bedroom and flopping down onto the large king sized bed. “Ugh.” she muttered, holding back the urge to return to the bathroom she had become all too familiar with for several mornings in a row.

“You okay Jor?” a muffled voice drifted over from the body that lie motionless next to her in the enormous bed.

“How is it that I’ve been sick every single morning for the past week and a half now, and try as I may to pass this virus along to you, you’re still healthy?” Jordan muttered grumpily.

“Good genes I guess.” Justin replied, lifting his head off of the overstuffed pillow to place a gentle kiss on his wife’s forehead. “I’m sure it’ll pass…not many virus’ last more than a couple weeks, right?” he offered helpfully.

“I guess you’re right.” the brunette said, allowing Justin to draw her body in close to his and closing her eyes as she breathed in the faint whisper of cologne on his skin.

“I still say you should go to the doctor though…just to make sure it’s a virus and nothing serious.” he suggested, slight concern evident in his voice.

Jordan’s eyes snapped open and she stared into her husband’s baby blues. “You know I hate doctors J.” she stated bluntly.

“Well if this continues through the weekend, you’re going first thing Monday morning…I worry about you ya know.” he replied softly.

Jordan paused for a moment before nodding her agreement and closing her eyes once more.


As April excused herself from the table, briefly bringing Jordan back to reality, a smile played at the corner of her crimson lips as she remembered how, only three days later, her life had started down a course she hadn’t exactly planned for.


“I’ve got some good news for you Jordan…Justin.” the doctor stated with a grin, gesturing for them to take a seat in his office before he took his own seat behind a large oak desk.

“Please tell me that you’ve got a prescription to make this virus I’ve been stuck with just go away already!” Jordan said with a slight laugh.

The doctor smiled pleasantly at the couple seated in front of him. “Well Jordan, I am sorry to say that there’s nothing I can give you to stop the morning sickness you’ve been experiencing. Fortunately it won’t last more than a couple months…after that you should stop feeling the bouts of nausea that have been plaguing you.”

“A couple months?” Jordan’s eyes were wide and her jaw dropped slightly. “You can’t be serious. What kind of virus is this anyways?” she spoke up, not noticing Justin’s reaction as he sat next to her in shock.

“Morning sickness?” Justin mouthed, a broad smile creeping across his handsome features as he processed what the doctor had just said.

An amused look crossed the middle aged man’s face as he met Jordan’s frantic hazel eyes with his calm green ones. “Jordan…it’s not a virus.” he spoke gently, but was unable to finish due to Jordan interrupting him.

“Then what is it?!” she asked, exasperated.

He laughed slightly, “If you’d let me finish…” he paused, winking at Justin, who still sat mumbling to himself with a goofy grin plastered across his face.

“We’re having a baby.” Justin managed to get out, reaching out a hand and pulling Jordan’s face towards his. His lips moved in and caressed hers gently before he drew back and placed his forehead against hers, gazing into her bright eyes with his own tear-filled blue ones. “We’re having a baby.”

“What? I mean…how? Oh my god. I’m pregnant?” Jordan asked, slightly shocked as she turned away from her husband to look questioningly at the doctor, who smiled and nodded at her from across the desk. Her hand fluttered up to cover her open mouth and salty tears sprang to her eyes as she turned back to Justin, “We’re having a baby! Oh my god. A baby…I should have known…the morning sickness…I’m like three weeks late….oh my god. Justin. A baby.” she spoke haltingly as the tears flowed freely down her tan cheeks like sparkling rivers.


Jordan ran her hand slowly over her stomach, biting her lip as she finished recalling the day her and Justin had found out she was pregnant with Zachary. ‘I can’t believe that was over two years ago now…‘ she thought, smiling as she pictured the rambunctious toddler in her mind.

“Here you go Mrs. Timberlake.” the waiter stated politely, placing the check down onto the table and startling Jordan out of her thoughts. “I’ll take it whenever you’re ready.”

“Oh…thank you Andre.” she replied absently, flashing him a grin as she picked up her purse and began searching for her wallet at the same time as April returned to the table.

“Ready to go Jor?” April inquired, still gazing at her friend with a watchful eye.

Laying down some cash, Jordan looked up and smiled as she rose from her chair. “Yep, I’m ready.”

Chapter 3