Rachel shoved the suitcase she had dragged with her indoors roughly to the side as she stormed through the entryway. Eyes flashing with a controlled rage, she moved briskly into the kitchen where she was met with her sister’s calm hazel eyes.

Jordan shot her sister a sympathetic look as she stepped into the kitchen, shutting the patio door softly behind her. She watched silently as Rachel broke the shared gaze and turned to rummage through the fridge.

Squeezing back tears, Rachel took a deep breath as she steadied her emotions. Reaching into the depths of the refrigerator, she clutched a bottle of water as she turned to face her sibling. In her sister’s place was a tall, dark haired figure that caused Rachel’s defenses to spark up immediately. Bristling slightly, she waited for him to speak.

Joey stood awkwardly in the middle of the large kitchen, shifting back and forth slightly as he spoke. “I’m sorry?” he offered, stepping towards Rachel with a hand outstretched as a gesture of peace.

The defeated look disappeared from her face as her expression grew cold once more. Moving out of the tall Italian’s reach, she held up an accusing finger as she spoke, her voice determined and steady. “Of course you are Joey. You’re always sorry. Do you even realize what you’re sorry for?” she shot out, her blue eyes burning with hurt.

Joey opened his mouth to reply but was silenced as Rachel sighed heavily and the temper fled from her gaze as quickly as it had appeared. “We’ll talk more about this later. Just go, enjoy your evening. I’m staying here, you’ll go to your parent's house tonight.” And with that final pointed remark, Rachel left the room, retreating upstairs to the second floor in hopes she’d find her sister.

Once on the second floor, Rachel walked past several rooms, stopping briefly to peer inside in her attempt to find Jordan. Noticing a light on in the master bedroom, Rachel knocked gently on the slightly open door and glanced inside.

Jordan stood with her back to the doorway as the automated voice on the answering machine announced there was “one new message”. Not hearing her younger sister’s soft knock, she stood waiting as a female voice relayed the message.

“Hi Jordan, it’s Gina from Dr. Fenton’s office. I’m just calling to let you know that we can fit you in tomorrow at 10 AM.” The woman concluded with the phone number of the office in case there were any problems with that time, and Jordan turned back towards the doorway as she prepared to head back downstairs.

“Is everything okay?” Rachel asked, concern evident in her voice as she forgot about her fight with Joey for the time being.

Jordan jumped slightly, startled by her sister’s presence. “Oh lord Rach, you scared me. How long have you been in here?” she asked, narrowing her eyes slightly.

“Just a few minutes…long enough to hear the message from the doctor’s office. You aren’t sick are you Jor?” the blonde pressed, watching her sister carefully.

Jordan rested a hand comfortably on her stomach as she smiled. “Everything’s fine. I’m just going in for a check up, I’ve been a little under the weather lately.” she lied.

“Alright well…if you need me to I can watch Zach tomorrow while you go to your appointment.” Rachel offered, still slightly suspicious. Her sister looked fine, in fact, she was positively glowing, except for the worried look evident in her hazel eyes.

“Thanks…that would be great actually.” Jordan nodded, gesturing over her shoulder towards the open window. Sounds of conversation and laughter filtered into the bedroom from the yard where everyone else still mingled. “We should probably head back outside…” she stated, walking past her sister and entering the hallway.

“Yeah, we probably should…I’m just gonna borrow a sweatshirt, I’ll be down in a few minutes.” Rachel said dully, remembering the recent argument. Jordan murmured a reply and Rachel waved her off as she moved towards the closet in search of a sweatshirt. Pulling a black hooded one off of it’s hanger, she yanked it over her head and sighed as she slumped down onto the bed. Glancing absentmindedly at the bedside table that was littered with papers and a couple photographs, she reached out and pulled a heavy silver picture frame closer. Peering down at picture behind the glass, Rachel’s thoughts drifted lazily to the past.


Tiny white lights twinkled in the darkness, draping the couple on the dance floor in a soft curtain of gold. The extravagant room was full of family and friends, the air filled with the whispering breeze of the ocean floating through the open doors, the music drifting upon it.

“You are every part of me
And with every breath I take
Your love will light my way
And for every day I live
The promise that I make
Is that I will never let you go baby…

I swear I never knew love like this before
And for everything you are
I gotta make you know…”

Rachel watched along with the rest of the guests and wedding party as Justin and Jordan swayed rhythmically in their first dance as husband and wife.

“For your love
I’d give anything for your love
Cuz baby I’ll never make it alone
And forever I’ll stand by your side
I just gotta make you see
I only live for your love…

When I was runnin out of faith
You still believed in me
And never let me fall
And the time I lost my way
You’re the one who held me up
And brought me through it all…

I swear I never saw it like this before
Cuz baby with your love you gave me
The reason to go on…

For your love
I’d give anything for your love
Cuz baby I’ll never make it alone
And forever I’ll stand by your side
I just gotta make you see
I only live for your love…”

As the music floated powerfully out of the speakers, Rachel continued to observe the couple, tears forming mistily in her baby blues.

On the dance floor, Jordan was dressed in a simple white sheath of satin that gently caressed her curves, her face radiating with a glow of sheer rapture. Her hazel eyes shone brightly as she gazed up at her husband, her chestnut hair spilling over her bare shoulders as she moved, guided by Justin’s touch.

Justin held his bride in his strong arms, his blue eyes sparkling as a million dollar smile slid easily over his handsome features. He spoke in low tones, audible only to Jordan as he tilted his face toward hers and indulged in a loving kiss.

Feeling Joey’s strong hand slide gently across her back, Rachel smiled as she glanced over at him. They sat at the head table reserved for the wedding party, both clad in formal wear that matched the rest of N Sync and Eternity’s. Shifting her gaze down the long table, she noticed everyone else’s eyes were still locked on the newlyweds.

Rachel turned back to the dance floor as the song was drifting to a close and sighed wistfully, leaning her head on Joey’s broad shoulder. Although happy for her sister and her new brother-in-law, she wanted so much for something so wonderful and so true to be hers as well.


"I am the King of the Skeetos and I will not stand for your laughter midget boy!" Chris bellowed from where he lay on the grass, Zachary lying crossways on top of him.

Zach, his chestnut hair shining in the setting sun, squealed in laughter as he bounced slightly atop the older man's chest. "Mommy!" he sang out, noticing Jordan walking across the expansive lawn. Struggling to maneuver his short legs over Chris' upper body, he finally managed to stand and waddle over to his mother.

"Hey Zach baby, are you wearing out Uncle Chris?" Jordan asked, her eyes sparkling with happiness as she stared down into her child's cherub like features.

"No Mommy." he replied haltingly, shaking his head soberly.

Jordan tossed her chestnut locks back gently as she laughed, leaning in to place a kiss on Zachary's forehead. "Of course not angel."

"How dare you escape me!" Chris shrieked, shaking his fist wildly in the air as Zach squirmed to get out of Jordan's grasp. Bending down to release her son, she watched him toddle eagerly over towards Chris, who was now sitting upright and making obnoxious facial expressions. Shaking her head, she turned around and was met with a charming smile complimented by a set of brilliantly blue eyes.

"I don't know where he finds all that energy but I'm glad he's got it, otherwise we'd have lost our sanity a long time ago." Justin joked, gesturing towards Chris who was now running around in circles with Zach cradled in his arms.

Jordan smiled and leaned into Justin's broad chest, closing her eyes contentedly as she murmured her reply. Her eyes snapped open however, as Justin continued.

"Can you imagine having a baby in addition to Zach during this toddler stage? Talk about insane!" he rambled, still watching his son laughing wildly. Before Jordan could find her voice to respond, he changed the subject once more. "How's Rachel doing? And you...are you okay?"

Jordan stepped back to look her husband in the eyes. "Yeah, Rachel's fine..." she started, glancing up at the house quickly, noticing the light still on in the master bedroom. "I'm great...why do you ask?"

Justin placed an arm around the brunette as the pair began walking over to where everyone else stood, the table of drinks and food nearby. "Oh I dunno...a little bird told me that you hadn't been feeling well lately. Is everything alright?" he inquired with a raised eyebrow as he stopped to fill his wine glass, offering Jordan a glass as well.

Waving the alcohol away with a slight motion of her hand, Jordan's cheeks flushed as she avoided her husband's questioning gaze. "Does this little birdie have a name? Like...I dunno...April?" she asked, shooting a furtive glance at her friend who was conversing cheerfully with Joey nearby.

Justin tugged gently on Jordan's wrists and pulled her slightly away from where their guests were socializing. "She told me only because she was concerned about your health Jordan. I'm a little worried too, you haven't been acting yourself lately..." he began, silencing her with a glance before she could protest. "Refusing a single glass of wine, getting out of bed every morning for the past three weeks...maybe longer...at 5 am, only to lie back down at eleven. Have you seen a doctor?" he questioned.

"Justin." Jordan began, her mind working quickly as she tried to figure out what to say to her husband. She didn't want to mention anything that wasn't 100% just yet, and it would only be a couple of days after visiting the doctor that she would know for sure. "I just don't want any wine tonight...that's all. And about getting out of bed so early...well, Zach's been getting up extra early...not like you'd know anything about that..." she trailed off, shooting him a pointed glance. "So then I just catch up on my sleep when he takes his morning nap." she said casually, finishing with a slight shrug.

Justin gazed into Jordan's chocolate colored eyes as he studied her. "So...have you seen a doctor?" he repeated.

Jordan sighed tiredly. "I told you, I'm fine."

Justin ran a hand absently over his cornrows. "Let me rephrase the question...if you're fine, why are you going to see the doctor tomorrow?"

Jordan's brow wrinkled slightly as she opened her mouth to speak. Justin spoke first, interrupting her once more. "Yes, I heard the message...hell, Jor, it was on the main line's answering machine. If you wanted to be sneaky you could have at least had them call your cell phone. Now are you gonna tell me what's going on or do I have to call the doctor's office tomorrow afternoon to find out myself?" he demanded, his pitch rising slightly.

Jordan glanced uneasily over her shoulder at their guests, who seemed oblivious to the conversation the couple was having. "Justin..." she hissed. "It's not a big deal. If you must know, I've been having migraines for awhile...so I'm going to the doctor to see if there's anything he can prescribe." she lied, then quickly turned and made her way over to where Zach was now being fed strawberries by an overzealous Mo.

Justin watched his wife with a confused expression on his handsome face, his thoughts interrupted by JC approaching, a smile dancing on his chiseled features.

Chapter 5