
Justin turned away from the story Lance was telling as he noticed Jordan approaching, a sleeping Zachary cradled lovingly in her arms. “Out for the count?” he asked, gesturing to his son with a wide grin.

“Yep.” Jordan stated, glancing down at the tiny boy and placing a kiss on his forehead. “He’s not the only one either…” she trailed off, nodding over to the chairs where Chris sat in between Mo and Rachel, his head drooping.

“Ahh, he can’t help it, he’s old.” Justin shrugged with a laugh.

“I think it’s time to put the boys to bed.” Jordan suggested, causing the others to chuckle slightly.

Justin shot Jordan a helpful glance, “Want me to take him up to the house?” he offered with outstretched arms.

Jordan smirked, “If you took Zach, then who would carry Chris?” she teased. Leaning forward, she shifted her little boy in her arms in order to place a loving kiss on her husband’s lips. “Thanks for the offer though…maybe I’ll reward you for being so helpful after everyone leaves.” she implied with a wide grin.

Justin’s eyes lit up slightly as he turned back to the group. “Aight! Party’s over!“ he bellowed, causing Jordan to laugh even as she held a finger to her lips and cast her eyes down at the sleeping child.

Everyone laughed as Justin held up a half empty bottle of champagne and stated plainly, “Last call!” as he proceeded to fill several cups. Stopping in front of April, he pursed his lips and looked her up and down, the bottle poised over her cup. “And you miss, are you planning on driving anywhere this evening? You look a little tipsy to me.”

April rolled her eyes and swatted at Justin with her free hand. “Actually no, I was thinking of camping out on your front lawn.”

“As long as you remembered your tent. Oh…and make sure you’re gone by six…the neighbors really hate when we have the poor and…unusual sleeping on our front stoop.” he teased back, filling her cup and moving on.

“So if April gets to stay does that mean I can too?” Mo asked playfully, joining the crowd from her position on the lawn chairs.

Justin shook his head firmly as Lance piped up, “Yeah, how bout us too?” he added, giving his friend a hard time.

“New rule!” Justin shouted with a grin. “Ya don’t have to go home but ya can’t stay here! This isn’t a youth hostel for god’s sake!”

Twenty minutes later, everyone was making their way slowly to the front door, saying good bye until the next evening, when meetings for the VMA performance would take place. JC and Mo left in a car provided by his label, en route to the hotel they would be staying in until the group headed to NYC for the few stage rehearsals they were permitted before the show. Rachel said a short goodbye to Joey and headed upstairs, leaving him to find a ride to his parent’s house by way of Chris. April, having driven herself over, was standing in the doorway waving goodbye to Meredith and Lance who had just left when Jordan made her way downstairs.

“So everybody’s gone?” Jordan asked, yawning as she leaned against Justin’s sturdy frame.

April nodded as she reached for her purse, which casually perched on the coffee colored sofa. “I brought up some of the food, it’s in the fridge. Is there anything else you need help with before I head home?” she inquired.

“No, thanks for bringing some of that stuff up for me…you’re great.” Jordan stated with a smile.

“No problem girl. Aight, I guess if there’s nothing else you need my help with, then I’ll leave you two to your own devices and get outta here. See you tomorrow Justin? 9 o’clock?”

Justin cocked his head to the side as he attempted to look thoughtful. “What time is it now?”

April looked slightly confused for a moment, then glanced at her watch. “Almost midnight. Why?”

“How much more clean up do you have to do?” he asked Jordan, ignoring April’s question.

“How much clean up do I have to do? Don’t you mean we?“ she taunted, then continued. “I don’t know, I should get the rest of the food and put the dishes in the dishwasher…the rest can wait I suppose. Probably about fifteen, twenty minutes tops. Why?”

“And Zach’s been asleep how long?”

“About an hour or so. WHY?” she repeated, gazing up at Justin.

Justin flashed her a quick, calculating smile as he turned to April. “Make that ten o’clock.”

“Okay…” she trailed off, totally confused. “Any particular reason?”

The fair haired man shrugged, “Well it’s almost midnight now, you aren’t gone yet…” he smiled charmingly as April shot him a dirty look. “We still have about twenty minutes of party cleanup, and Zach’s been asleep for…we’ll guess…an hour and a half. He’s been kinda weird lately, waking up about every three or four hours….so that leaves us roughly 1 ½ to 2 ½ hours. So that’s what…still only 7 hours of beauty sleep if I go into work at 10?” he rambled.

“I did not follow one word you just said.” April said tiredly.

“Ditto.” replied Jordan with a confused expression gracing her features.

Justin sighed heavily and shot April an exasperated glare. “We are wasting precious time standing around talking about this. I am in desperate need of a bed right now, don’t you see?” he explained candidly, pointing to Jordan discreetly so she wouldn‘t notice.

April nodded with a knowing laugh and smile as Jordan looked up in time to see her husband gesturing towards her. “Is that all you think about mister?”

“Of course.” Justin stated simply. “Cuz I am one tired boy.” he taunted with an impish grin.

Jordan rolled her eyes as she reached over to give April a hug good bye. “I’ve got a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning and Rach offered to watch Zach so I’ll come by and we’ll do lunch okay?”

“Sounds good to me, from what I hear there’s going to be more testosterone in the air than I can handle tomorrow.” the fair haired woman responded, opening the door to let herself out.

“Why’s that?” Jordan inquired curiously, shooting her husband a sideways glance.

“JC’s coming into the studios with Brad and Alex tomorrow afternoon.” Justin stated casually.

“That sounds like JC, always the workaholic.” Jordan commented.

“Aight, well I’m heading out. See ya tomorrow…don’t wear him out, k Jordie?” April chided with a wink, letting herself out into the warm Orlando night air before Jordan could respond.


The fancy sports car Jive had provided for JC’s use while he was in Orlando sailed easily down the freeway with Mo behind the wheel. Heading to the hotel, the ride was relatively quiet until Mo broke the silence within the vehicle. “So, have you thought anymore bout what we discussed earlier?”

JC scratched his head in confusion as he gazed tiredly over at his companion. “Which would be…? Refresh my memory.”

“The VMA’s…who you’re taking? Ring any bells?” Mo rolled her eyes as she maneuvered the car around a less than speedy passenger sedan in her lane.

Reclining his chair slightly, JC frowned. “You shot down all the people I thought of, and I don’t KNOW any other women I would willingly spend an evening with.”

Mo raised an eyebrow. “You named people that I wouldn’t force my MOTHER to spend an evening with. That’s why I shot them down JC.” she explained matter-of-factly.

“That’s not very nice. What about Chloe? You like her don’t you?”

“Oh no, she’s great. That is, if you like bitchy, overly made up actresses who…gasp, can’t act their way out of a paper bag.” she snorted.

“Okay, so you want me to take someone who’s not only smart, but talented to boot. Would that assumption be correct?”


“And who, out of the women I know, meets those high standards of yours Miss Melissa?” he inquired.

“Ooh, my full name.” she mocked, then continued. “Someone who meets all of my requirements hmm…you want a name…the pressure of a name…”

“See, it’s harder than you thought isn’t it?”

Mo tossed him a sideways glance, “Oh hush you. Let’s see…who’s witty, yet poised…successful, yet modest…smart, yet sophisticated?” she pondered. “Oh! I know!” she all but shouted triumphantly.

“And who’s the lucky lady that meets the requirements set by the pickiest woman alive?”

“Duh. Me.” she stated, as if it were totally obvious.

“Okay.” JC replied agreeably. “So will you do me the pleasure of joining me at the VMA’s?”

Mo shook her head defiantly. “Nope.”

“Well why not?” he whined in return, confused.

“Joshua, I may be your manager, your publicist, your personal assistant, and your friend all rolled into one very attractive package if I do say so myself…” she paused to shoot JC a dirty look as he chuckled slightly. “However, I am not a last resort, which is what you just made me out to be. Besides…Chris already asked me tonight. You missed the train Buster, sorry.”

Slumping down in the seat, his eyes closed, JC grumbled an inaudible response.

“Well, if you are gonna be that way, I won’t tell you the other person that just slipped into my mind.”

JC’s blue eyes opened. “So…who is it?”

“April.” Mo stated, as if it were the most obvious choice and she was shocked she hadn’t thought of it sooner.

“April?” JC repeated, mulling over the idea in his mind.

“Yeah…why not? I mean, you’ve known her forever so it’s practically impossible for you to have a BAD time with her as your date. Plus, she’s cute and as an added bonus, I won’t have the hassle of dismissing those horrible rumors that always circulate for weeks after you take one of those actress friends of yours to an award show.” the dark haired woman explained bluntly.

“I knew there was a reason you vetoed every single woman I mentioned.” he replied knowingly.

“No. Okay…well, you’ve got me there. But that’s only part of it!” Mo protested, defending herself quickly. “The rest of the reason is that they’re all whores.” she finished solemnly.

JC laughed as he ran a hand over his face tiredly. “I’ll think about it and let you know okay?”

“What’s there to think about?” Mo rattled on impatiently.

‘Plenty’, JC thought to himself, drifting back to a time and place where his world was turned upside down and things were very different between April and himself.


Standing in the crowded party atmosphere, JC was lost in his thoughts, his appetite for social interaction in this magnitude having disappeared since the recent breakup of N Sync. His gaze darted around the room methodically, stopping on his friends and former group members as he noticed them mingling around the room.

Justin, he noted, was standing with Jordan as they both spoke animatedly to a man whom was obviously a reporter. The clean cut individual was holding a delicate silver tape recorder out as Justin nodded and smiled, answering his questions, most likely about what his plans were in the up coming year now that N Sync was officially dissolved.

Shifting his gaze over to the slew of tables that littered the right side of the room, he noticed Joey, Rachel, Chris, and Mo seated comfortably. They seemed to be laughing and joking as they chatted with several other Jive artists that had been invited to Johnny’s New Year’s Eve party.

Continuing to sweep the floor with his brilliant blue eyes, he saw Lance and former Eternity member Ashlee conversing with their host and his wife. Occasionally a reporter would come over for a brief statement, holding out their slim recording devices and pretending to be interested.

JC was doing his best to avoid the roving journalists and radio personalities that seemed to be scouting him and his friends out that evening, sticking to the outskirts of the party and trying to blend with the crowd. He didn’t mean to be anti-social…he just had a lot on his plate, he reassured himself. Truth was, this party’s focus…the new year…did little to ease the pressure he’d felt in his chest since the day Justin had vocalized his reason for proposing the end of N Sync.

Justin, deciding that being a good father to his new baby didn’t include touring six…or even three months out of the year, proposed the disintegration one day shortly before Christmas. Lance quickly agreed, mentioning how he’d been concentrating all of his energy on his management company lately anyways, and it just seemed a good time to make the transition complete. Chris and Joey were also content with the decision, each wanting to branch out in their own directions as well. JC remembered how he had been the only one to express some discomfort, unsure of where the end would take him. Although his singing would most likely take the natural progression to a solo career, he would sorely miss the companionship on the road and in the studio.

And so, they had each had their own reasons, their own solo projects, and now very different lives to contend with, and it just seemed natural for things to come to an end. However, he hadn’t realized the conclusion of the group that had allowed him to grow into himself, so to speak, would hit him so hard.

“Whatcha thinking about?” a distinctly female voice interrupted, jolting him out of his thought process.

He turned to see April, nursing some sort of alcoholic beverage, her blue eyes sparkling as she gazed at him. “Hey there.” he said in a friendly sort of voice, although feeling rather introspective, he was relieved to have someone other than the press to converse with. “Oh, nothing really…” he trailed off, answering her question.

April shot him a doubtful gaze. “JC. You can level with me. It obviously wasn’t nothing when your expression vaguely reminds me of my brother’s when he knows he’s in trouble. No offense but you looked pretty pitiful. So spill.” she nudged, sweeping a drink gracefully off of a passing waiter’s tray and handing it to JC with a smile.

“I look that bad eh?” he shook his head slightly and grinned back at her before taking a sip of the champagne she had snagged. “I was just thinking about the New Year.”

“What about it?” she asked, interested.

“Well, just how it feels so strange to for once, not know what the coming year holds. To be entering into the unknown without my four best friends next to me is kind of weird. Does that make any sense at all?”

April mulled that over in her head before nodding slowly in understanding. “I get what you mean, and I totally hear you on the unknown thing. I think though, that you don’t have to feel you’re entering uncharted territory without your four best friends…I mean, they may no longer be beside you, but they’re behind you and totally support you 100%. You know that.”

“I suppose you’re right. I just wonder if I can really do it alone, like a solo thing. It’s been six years and this is the first time that I’ve really had to think solely about myself, and what’s best for me. I’ve been doing this N Sync gig for so long that I forget what it’s like to do anything else. I just worry that I don’t have a lot of options if the solo thing doesn’t pan out. I feel like I have no control over what‘s going to happen to me.” JC explained.

“Joshua Scott Chasez, I can’t believe you don’t realize how talented you are. You’ve got the voice of an angel and good looks to match…it’s not like people are going to suddenly think you suck because you don’t have Justin to fight with for solo time. Plus, IF the singing didn’t work out, you’re an amazing songwriter and I can personally think of about ten people who could use a little of your writing to spice up their totally lame careers. It’s not like you’ve been mooching off your friends like I have lately.” she stated bluntly.

JC looked down at her with concern in his brilliant blue eyes. “I appreciate the kind words, but why do you say that you’ve been mooching? Justin and Jordan would never think of you as freeloading off of them whatsoever. You’ve been a huge help to them, I’m sure they’d agree in saying they never could have made it through that first month or so with the new baby if you hadn’t been there to help them adjust.”

April averted her gaze to the aforementioned married couple, who were now talking to Johnny near the dance floor. “I guess so…but eventually Jordan won’t need my help with Zach. Maybe I should just go home.” she stated, looking down into her drink.

“Don’t do that because you feel you have no other options April. Didn’t Johnny offer you a personal assistant job with N Sync before the breakup? I’m sure that the offer still stands, with a different artist of course. Maybe you should talk to him about it, see what kind of jobs he’s got to offer you right now.” JC suggested.

April shook her head slightly. “I already talked to Johnny. He’s got an opening with Aaron Carter, it’d be a traveling personal assistant job and I really don’t want to go out on the road again. I asked if he had some sort of clerical position at the Orlando office but all that’s open right now is a secretarial position in Los Angeles.” she stated, in a slightly disappointed tone.

“I could see if anybody I know needs some sort of secretary or personal assistant, but it’ll be hard to find a local gig. Everyone’s so mobile and it’s hard to find a job that requires little or no travel in this industry.”

“I know, and that’s what sucks. Everyone’s gotta be traveling all the time, why can’t something open up in Orlando where I actually LIVE?” April stated, smiling up at the brown haired man.

JC opened his mouth to reply when a trim young woman sidled up to him and stuck a slender recorder in his face. “Hi JC, my name is Cassie and I’m with the Orlando Setinel. Could I ask you a few questions? It’ll only take a moment of your time.” she asked politely, glancing over at April as she spoke, a fake smile plastered on her face as she took in the fair haired woman’s snug black party dress and glass of alcohol.

“Sure.” JC said tiredly, not wanting to do the interview, regardless of how brief it would be, but also not wanting to receive bad press.

“Great. Your manager Johnny Wright and his assistant Melissa Warren announced the breakup of N Sync today at a press conference held here in New York City. Could you tell me what your plans are now that your career with N Sync has come to an end?” she pressed.

JC grimaced slightly as he answered her question. “As of right now my plans are uncertain but I will most likely try to break back into the industry as a soloist.”

“So what you’re saying is that the six years with N Sync were spent laying the groundwork for your eventual solo career?”

“No. My time with N Sync was a great experience and only in lieu of recent events have I had to ponder where my career would go musically or otherwise in the future.” he stated politely.

“I noticed that you arrived at the party with a petite, busty blonde woman. She looked very familiar, would you mind stating, for the record, who she is?”

“I arrived tonight with a large group of several individuals. If you mean the person that I walked in beside, I do not recall. However, I assume, with your description, that you are referring to Ashlee Allen, formerly of Eternity.” JC returned, obviously annoyed by the woman’s bold question.

“Yes, now I recognize the name. If I recall, she is the only one out of the quintet that blossomed into a solo artist after the unfortunate break up of Eternity early this past year. Is that correct?” Cassie interrogated.

“She is, however, each of the girls have taken their careers in the direction that suits them best. I’m sure Ashlee could answer your questions about her better than I, however, so if you’ll excuse me please.” JC replied, his irritation masked by his fine tuned media training. He smiled briefly as the reporter thanked him and scurried away to find another interviewee.

“You handled that well.” April complimented, her expression mild as she shot JC a sideways glance.

“I wanted to take that recorder and shove it down her throat.” he laughed, as April joined in.

Their laughter subsided and April looked up into JC’s baby blues, a smile still dancing playfully across her rosy lips. “Ya know, it sounds kinda corny but I’m really glad you’re here. With me, right now. I mean, it’s good seeing you again…“ she fumbled slightly as JC shot her a questioning gaze, his features subdued. “You kinda disappeared for awhile there after the decision about the breakup. I’ve been thinking about you quite a bit, so I’m glad we got the chance to talk amidst all…this.” she added, glancing around at the noisy, bustling party as midnight loomed before them.

JC stroked his chin thoughtfully and grinned back at April. “You’ve been thinking about me? Really…that’s rather interesting.”

The fair haired woman blushed slightly, then shook her head abruptly. “You know me, I worry about everyone. I saw how you reacted at the announcement to the staff after you guys had your meeting to finalize the decision to disband…” she trailed off as JC spoke up again.

“You don‘t have to explain yourself, it’s just funny that you mention that because you were on my mind as well.” he explained.

“I was?” April asked, slightly taken aback.

“Yeah. I was a little worried about you too…I knew Johnny had recently offered you that job with us and so the breakup affected you also.”

“Ahh the worry factor, gets us every time, doesn’t it?” she joked in reply.

“Something like that.” he answered with a coy smile, his eyes taking in April’s elegant beauty as he sipped at his champagne.

“JC! I’ve been searching for you all evening. If you don’t mind me interrupting, I’d like to ask you just a couple questions.” a slightly older man asked, his lips pursed as he awaited JC’s reply.

“Sure, just a couple though, it’ll be midnight soon and I’d rather not ring in the New Year answering questions. I’m sure you understand.” he returned, his tone polite.

“Of course. First let me introduce myself…my name is Mick Bradford and I’m with the New York Times. I was just wondering JC if you would possibly mind telling me what do you foresee for yourself in the coming year now that N Sync is no longer together?”

JC cleared his throat and answered the nagging question that he’d been asked countless times throughout the evening, as well as tending to a few others that Mr. Bradford asked before ending the interview. He turned to April as soon as the older gentleman excused himself and glanced at her with an apologetic look in his eyes. “I’m really sorry.” he stated.

“JC, it’s fine. I’d think that by now, I should be used to this. I was with Eternity for what? Three years or something?” April retorted with an easy grin.

“Yeah, but you’re not working, and neither am I for that matter. This party’s supposed to be fun and instead it’s become a boring chore with these reporters coming up and asking me the same unoriginal questions every five minutes.”

“You do have a point. But what other choice do you have? You can’t be rude to them.” she shrugged in response. “Besides, don’t worry about me. My friend Mr. Absolut and I are having a GREAT time together.” April added, pointing to her drink.

JC laughed aloud and gently snagged April by her elbow, taking her by surprise as he pulled her in close enough to whisper to her in the loud party atmosphere. “Well, we could play deviants and leave.” he suggested. “You up for it?”

April pulled back slightly and nodded her reply as JC swiftly took her free hand and began pulling her through the crowd. Stepping into the hallway through the ballroom’s double doors, the pair headed to the lobby in the upscale hotel.

“Where are we going?” she asked, walking alongside the slender man.

“Good question. Got any ideas?”

“Well, we could always go down to Times Square…it IS almost midnight. Plus there’s enough craziness down there that no one would notice a popstar in their midst I’m sure.” April said thoughtfully. “Or we could just go to a club…”

“Or…we could just go upstairs.” JC stated bluntly, coming to a stop as they turned the corner into the enormous lobby.

April’s questioning reply was drowned out by several screams of “JC! JC! Over here!”, and she gaped in amazement at the scene in the lavish room. Flash bulbs were going off at a fervent pace, reporters shouted and shoved microphones out into the air, hoping to catch a statement. Fans mingled in between the rows of press that were not released to get into the exclusive party, and everyone’s attention was now focused on the two people standing at the head of all the activity.

JC moved in close to April once more and half shouted “Upstairs?” into her ear. She nodded quickly and he grabbed her hand tightly as he began weaving his way through the crowd, his head down.


“So?” Mo demanded, her voice becoming irritated, jolting JC out of his memories.

“So what?”

“Ugh. Clean your ears out or something. I said, what’s there to think about?” the dark haired woman replied. “Ooh! There’s our exit!” She exclaimed, veering across two lanes so that she wouldn’t miss the turn off.

JC shook his head and laughed at his friend’s driving skills as he continued to avoid her questioning. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to take April, he told himself, but things were just…complicated…and had been ever since that night.


Joey stretched out on the overstuffed couch as best he could, trying to get comfortable enough to sleep. His thoughts kept wandering back to the argument that had taken place earlier and had landed him the spot he now occupied in the living room of his parent’s house. Hearing someone shuffling around, he sat up and squinted toward the now illuminated kitchen where his brother was rummaging absently through the fridge.

“Excuse me?” Joey asked, running a hand over his rumpled hair.

“Why? Did ya fart?” Steve snorted at his own joke, then continued milling through the refrigerator contents before deciding on a can of beer. Cracking it open and taking a large drink, he wandered aimlessly into the living room and turned on the television, oblivious to Joey’s disconcerted look.

“I’m trying to sleep here.” Joey stressed, glaring at his brother.

“So, I’m trying to watch TV here. I’m older, and I still live here.” Steve retorted.

“Point being?” Joey asked, exasperation filling his tone.

“Has Blondie been riding your ass again or something? What’s your problem tonight man?” the raven haired Fatone stated bitterly, flipping through the channels.

“My problem is that I am OBVIOUSLY trying to sleep here, because, unlike you, I have things of importance to do tomorrow.” Joey returned venomously.

“No, your problem is that your woman and you got into it tonight. That’s why you’re sleeping on our couch, and that’s why she’s not here on the couch WITH you.” Steve retorted.

“I’m sleeping on this couch because you took my room you freeloader.”

“Correction. I took your room because you moved out.” the older Italian replied. “And you must have fought with Blondie or you wouldn’t be avoiding the subject of her.”

“Maybe I just don’t want to discuss my girlfriend with you, ever think of that Steve?” Joey grumbled.

“Let me guess…she wants a car….nah, she’s got one of those already. A nice one too. Uh…she wants to move in with you…no, her apartments bigger anyways. I got it! She wants a ring on her finger, she wants you to pop the question and you won‘t. Is that it?”

Joey just rolled his eyes. “You have no idea what you’re talking about, as usual.”

“I’m very observant little brother, I know exactly what I’m talking about.”

Raising an eyebrow, Joey snorted his response. “You observe for a living Steve, but that doesn’t mean you know why Rachel and I were fighting.”

“Ah, so you WERE fighting, damn I’m good.” Steve gloated as Joey shook his head, obviously annoyed. “And I do not observe for a living, I videotape.”

“So you’re a professional voyeur…same damn thing.”

“Anyways, as I was saying, I get what you’re doin to Blondie…stringing her along all these years. You’re just keeping your options open, I know how it is…guys like us have a lot of love to spread around.” The raven haired man explained confidently. “Besides, why buy beef when you already have the cow?”

Joey furrowed his brow in utter confusion. “Don’t you mean, why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?”

“Whatever.” Steve muttered, flipping off the television and walking back down the hallway to his room, leaving Joey alone to ponder the conversation they had shared.

Joey lay back down and resumed his attempt to get comfortable as his thoughts focused in on his brother’s words. Although incoherent, Steve had hit upon something that Joey hadn’t quite thought of. He knew Rachel wanted him to propose, as that was usually the focus behind their frequent arguments, especially as of late. It HAD been six years, on and off of course, but more on than off, as neither of them seemed to be able to stay away from one another for long. But several questions nagged at him even as sleep began to drift in, clouding his thoughts. Why didn’t he ask Rachel to marry him? What was he holding back from? Was he afraid of the commitment, or was he more afraid that after all this time, the love of his life would turn him down?

Chapter 7