
Pulling into the studio lot and placing her SUV in park, Jordan sighed deeply and checked her reflection in the mirror before exiting the vehicle. Locking the car with the press of a button, she walked briskly to the front of the building past the marble sign marked "Celebrity Studios", then entered. Her stomach fluttered slightly with nerves, and she took several deep breaths in an attempt to calm them slightly as she approached the desk where April was busily answering phones.

Jordan smiled and raised her hand in a slight wave as April nodded and rolled her eyes, continuing to hit various buttons on the multi-line phone.

"Hello, Celebrity Studios. I'm sorry, Mr. Timberlake is in the booth right now. No, I'm under orders not to disturb him. No. I'm sorry. You'll just have to hold. No. Okay, I'll tell him you called then. Uh huh. Okay. Good-bye." April stated into the receiver that was propped up against her shoulder.

Placing the phone down momentarily, she looked at her friend with a venomous expression. "I swear I'm going to kill these people."

"Long morning?" Jordan sympathized.

"Always." the fair haired woman returned, shaking her head as the phone began ringing once more. "Justin's in booth six with JC, Brad, and Alex. Go on back, I'll be ready for lunch in about fifteen minutes or so."

"Aight, just come get me when you're ready okay?" Jordan said as she passed, making her way back to the booth her husband was in.

"Oh, Jor?"


"Tell Justin to hurry his ass up, I'm sick of dealing with these people. They have no patience and frankly, it's irritating me." April said with a grimace as the phone resumed it's shrill ringing. Jordan nodded, turning towards the line of rooms as April's frustrated tone carried through the hallway, "I'm sorry, Mr. Timberlake is recording right now. No. I don't care WHO you are..."

Continuing on, Jordan stopped at the room marked with a gold number six above the door. Slipping in quietly, she smiled at Alex and Brad as they glanced over to see who had entered their midst. The men greeted her with wide grins before turning back to the task at hand, adjusting various buttons on the mixing board in front of them. Sitting down on the leather sofa, Jordan relaxed slightly as she observed her husband and JC behind the glass of the sound booth. As the track came to a close, Brad filtered his voice into the recording area where the two men stood with their headphones perched upon one ear. "Hey Justin, you've got company." he stated, gesturing over his shoulder.

Justin winked at his wife through the glass and spoke into the microphone so she could hear him. "Hey baby, what's up?"

Jordan stood and walked over to the microphone near Alex and spoke gently into it. "I came over to meet April for lunch and I had something I wanted to talk to you about..." she trailed off slightly.

"Aight well, we're almost done here, can you just hang on a few minutes?"

"Sure." she replied, her tone easygoing although her stomach was fluttering slightly with nerves.

Justin shot her a megawatt grin as Alex started the up tempo track once more. Shimmying slightly, Justin moved his body to the beat as he awaited his cue, feeling the music as JC sang soulfully into the microphone.

Getting comfortable on the cool leather, Jordan silently watched her husband working behind the glass. The music infiltrated his every movement, causing him to bob along to the beat, his eyes closed as he moved forward to sing the lines of the chorus alongside JC. He was in his element, and his happiness was evident even as he sang the bitter words of the upbeat track.

"I've had enough of you playing games
I've had enough and girl I got to say..."

As Jordan continued to watch Justin and JC, she thought back to earlier that morning and why her stomach now fluttered with nerves.


"Mrs. Timberlake, I think we're done here. If you'd like to wait back out in the lobby, the results of your pregnancy test should be back shortly. The doctor will call you back into his office to inform you of the results as soon as they come back." the nurse stated with a calm smile. Jordan grinned back at her, wishing she felt as calm as the nurse looked. After changing out of the flimsy paper gown and back into her own clothing, Jordan made her way out into the lobby where she tried to distract herself with magazines while she waited. Quite awhile later, after flipping halfheartedly through several women's magazines, Jordan looked up startled as her name came over the loudspeaker in the waiting room.

"Mrs. Timberlake?"

Standing up, she made her way over to the doorway that led back into the area that held the offices and examination rooms. Waiting there was the same redheaded nurse, clutching a clipboard wearing the same patient smile that Jordan found less than comforting. The nurse led her down the short hallway and pushed open a heavy oak door, standing back to allow Jordan to pass. "Dr. Fenton will with you momentarily...have a seat." And with that, she left, shutting the large door behind her as Jordan moved to sit down in one of the cushy chairs in front of the cluttered desk.

Jordan waited for several more minutes before the heavy door behind her swung open and the doctor entered, clutching a clipboard. Greeting Jordan by name, he continued around the desk and took off his glasses, setting them down as he gazed at the young woman across from him. Noting her nervousness, he smiled sympathetically as he spoke in a soothing tone. "Well Jordan, I've got your test results right here in front of me...but first...how are you doing?"

Jordan shifted in her chair, her nerves on edge as she smiled at the doctor. "I'm fine, yourself?" she asked politely of the man that had been her obstetrician since she'd found out she was carrying Zachary.

"I'm doing well, thanks." he returned, folding his hands in front of him as he leaned forward slightly. "And Justin...you two are doing alright?" he questioned, noting that her husband wasn't accompanying her on this visit, unusual considering Justin hadn't missed an appointment while expecting their firstborn.

Jordan nodded quickly, "Things are great actually...he had some important things to take care of at the studios today." she said hastily.

"Ah. And Zach?"

"A ball of fire...definitely Justin's child." Jordan revealed, her face lighting up at the mention of her only son.

"I'm glad to hear it..." Dr. Fenton mused, then glanced down at the papers that were now fanned out in front of him. "Well as we discussed, you called in for an appointment because you'd been experiencing some nausea and fatigue, as well as being several weeks late, correct?"

"That's right." Jordan nodded, wringing her hands slightly out of nervous habit.

"Alright well, as I said, right here in front of me I have the results of your pregnancy test."

"And?" Jordan interrupted.

The doctor laughed, "I was just getting to that. It seems to me that you might want to have a talk with your husband because..."


"Wasn't that tight?!" Justin's voice burst through Jordan's thoughts, startling her.

"Huh?" she said, slightly confused.

"The song...everything...wasn't that tight?"

Jordan smiled up at her husband as he stood before her. "Yeah J, that was really great. It sounds amazing."

"I know, I mean, wow. I knew that I missed it a little bit but I didn't realize just HOW much I need that...you know?" Justin's face lit up as he spoke, the energy just radiating off of him like a little boy on Christmas morning. "Anyways, you said you had to tell me something?"

Jordan flushed slightly as she became very much aware of the other three men in the room. Pulling Justin down beside her on the couch, she lowered her voice discreetly as she spoke. "Actually yeah...remember how I had that doctor's appointment today?" she paused, waiting for recognition.

Justin sat beside her, grooving slightly to the beat that still played inside his head. Turning back to his wife, his smile faded momentarily. "I'm sorry Jor, what was that? My mind was just...whoosh...some place else."

Jordan's heart sank slightly as she gazed at her husband. "I went to the doctor today Justin. Remember I haven't been feeling that well lately? I've had a little morning sickness and stuff these past few weeks?" she stated, not noticing JC look up slightly at her frustrated tone.

Before she could continue, Brad pushed playback on the track they had just finished and Justin stood up, bouncing around as he sang along. Jordan sat dumbfounded as she watched her husband acting like he had just heard his song on the radio for the first time. Her frustration building, she leaned forward and yanked on his shirt, pulling him down onto the couch beside her once more. Opening her mouth, she prepared to blurt out the news that she had found out just a half and hour earlier when Justin spoke, his tone ecstatic.

"I miss this so much Jordan. I can't believe I've stayed away from it so long, ya know? It's in my blood...I love it...every bit of it...the recording, the touring, the live performances..." he trailed off slightly, thinking. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he clasped Jordan's arm. "Damn. I can't believe I didn't think of it before Jor...I mean, Zach's old enough now. He's not in school yet, but he's not a baby anymore so it wouldn't be as much of a hassle taking him on the road..." he enthused.

"What are you talking about Justin?" Jordan asked in disbelief.

"A solo career...mine...it'd be perfect."

"What about the studios?" Jordan blurted out, grasping at straws.

"April knows everything there is to know about the studios...she could handle it while I'm on tour." Justin stood and began pacing back and forth as he worked out slight details. "Mo could manage me...either her or Johnny. I've got all those songs I've been writing, so material wouldn't be a problem..."

Jordan sat stunned as she continued to watch her husband, words having failed her as she thought only of the news she had received earlier and how it would affect everything Justin was planning.

As her husband continued to rattle on about how he had to strike while the iron was hot, and that the timing was just right family wise, Jordan glanced over at the three men standing over the high tech soundboard. JC caught her eye and gave her what seemed to be a sympathetic smile, while Alex and Brad continued to converse animatedly as they fiddled around on the computer. Taking a deep breath, and wondering just how she was going to tell Justin the news, Jordan started to speak but was interrupted by the door swinging open in front of a very frazzled looking April.

“I am ready to go.” she stated calmly to Jordan. As her friend stood up off of the couch, April turned on her boss and friend. “I will be back in two hours, the phones are yours, have fun.” April finished curtly, turning abruptly on her heel and moving back into the hallway.

Justin stopped mid-stride and raised his eyebrow. “Two hours? For lunch? Where ya goin? St. Petersburg?”

April stopped dead in her tracks and ducked her head back into the doorway, a frown gracing her pretty face. “Yes, two hours ya smartass. I have been answering your damn phones all morning, dealing with unruly, no talent people who all want a piece of you. Unfortunately for them and for me, you were busy getting your groove on all morning and so that meant the phone ringing off the hook with demanding ass people who have less patience than I do, and let me tell you Mr. Justin Timberlake, that’s not very much damn patience right at the moment. Got it?”

Justin bit his lip to hold back a laugh, gaining himself a pointed look from his secretary.

“Yeah, laugh it up. I know that I personally wouldn’t want to provoke a woman who’s been dealing with nobody’s that THINK they’re somebody’s all morning. Do you know how many times I heard, ‘Miss, do you KNOW who I am?’. Do you know how many times I wanted to say, ‘No, I don’t know who you are…obviously you’re not too damn important or you wouldn’t be calling here, your assistant…manager…publicist…GRANDMOTHER would be calling FOR you!’?” she sputtered, her voice raising several octaves as she waved her hands around to emphasize her point.

Jordan moved towards her friend, and placing her hands on April’s shoulders, smiled softly. “April. Get a grip.” she teased, then turned to her husband. “Come on…let’s get going. Justin, she’ll see you in two hours, k?”

“Fine, fine…get out of here already would ya? You’re making me tense.” he taunted back.

April shot him a look of warning as Jordan waved good bye to the three other men still in the booth, each attempting to look busy as to not get involved. Giving her friend a gentle push into the hallway, the dark haired woman tugged on Justin’s arm, pulling him close enough for a kiss goodbye. “Do you want me to get you anything?” she asked before heading out of the booth.

Justin shook his head no, turning back to his companions as his wife headed out of the room. Moments later though, he ducked his head out through the doorway just in time to see April and Jordan pulling open the front door. “Wait!” he called out, causing the two women to turn around. “Don’t forget to buy April some sanity while you’re out!” he joked, laughing loudly until the look April shot him stopped him short. Wiggling his eyebrows, he winked and darted back into the booth and closed the door before either woman could respond.


“Feeling better?” Jordan asked quietly. The two friends sat comfortably in a large corner booth at a hole-in-the-wall pizza joint. Although it was already almost one in the afternoon, the quiet restaurant was dimly lit, the perfect atmosphere for de-stressing.

“Yes…much, thanks. You knew just what I needed Jor.” April sighed contentedly, taking another bite of the pizza she held in her hand.

Jordan smiled, taking a sip of her soda before speaking again. “Well I figured with the way your day was going so far, some comfort food was in order.” Shrugging, she raised an eyebrow and then continued. “It was either here, or macaroni and cheese with Zach at home. I figured since you have to go back to work, and the fact that it’s a strong possibility you’d walk away from that meal with pasta in your hair, you‘d like it better here instead.”

“Well I’m glad, cuz I feel so much better. Plus, no offense, but I don’t think I could take the craziness that goes on at your house right now.”

“None taken, but actually Zach’s been pretty mild lately.” Jordan returned.

April snorted with laughter. “I meant Chris.”

Jordan joined in, giggling slightly as she nodded her agreement. The women’s laughter trailed off and the table became silent as they both enjoyed their slices of pizza, pausing occasionally from their meal to sip their beverages.

After a few moments, April eyed Jordan thoughtfully, then spoke candidly. “Girl, how many slices have you had?” she questioned, gesturing to the pie in front of them.

Jordan shrugged, “This is my first?”

“We’ve been sitting here with this pizza in front of us for like an hour, and you‘ve been gnawing on that same piece the entire time?”

“Yeah, so?”

April leaned back in the booth, folding her arms in front of her. “Are you gonna tell me what’s wrong or what? Cuz I’m serious this time. You love the pizza here…and don’t give me that diet bullshit either, I’m not in the mood.”

Jordan opened her mouth to protest, but caught the look in April’s eyes. Setting the slice of pizza down on her plate, she wiped her mouth gently and spoke. “Well…I went to the doctor this morning.”

“And?” April pressed.

“And…I’m pregnant.” Jordan propped her chin in her hand as she gazed at her long time friend across the softly lit table.

A smile broke out upon April’s face as she clasped her hands together. “Oh Jordan! Congratulations! What did Justin say? Have you guys been trying for awhile? I wondered if something wasn‘t up with you, you‘ve been acting strangely lately.”

Jordan paused for a moment, opening her mouth to speak as April continued on. “I get it now…you and Justin have been trying to get pregnant again, but you didn’t want to say anything because you wanted to make sure first. Right?”

The dark haired woman bit her lip slightly. “Um…not exactly.”

“What do you mean?”

“Justin doesn’t know yet.” Jordan explained delicately.

“Well why not?” April stated, confused, then shook her head slightly. “Nevermind, that’s an easy one…he was busy this morning and couldn’t go with you to the doctor. I’m sure you want to tell him in private anyways, which is perfectly understandable…” she babbled, looking to Jordan for confirmation.

“April…Justin didn’t know I was going to have a pregnancy test today. He thought I was going to the doctor because of migraine headaches…” she trailed off, avoiding her friend’s piercing gaze as she began tearing up her napkin nervously.

“You didn’t want him to feel bad that he couldn’t be there? I don’t understand.” she stated bluntly, her eyes moving searchingly over Jordan’s face as her friend looked up at her once more.

Jordan sighed deeply. “I didn’t know for sure if I was pregnant…I mean, I had my suspicions, what with the morning sickness and all. I wanted to be sure before I told him though…ya know?”

April nodded and motioned for her friend to go on.

“Anyways, I went to the doctor this morning and the results were positive. We’re having another baby, which…like I said, is what I figured. So after my appointment I came by the studios to tell Justin the news and he was back in the booth, recording some song for Jayce’s cd or whatever.” She pushed her hair out of her eyes and went on with her story. “He got done laying the track and he came out to talk to me…I was telling him how I went to the doctor and I paused…”

Jordan squinted slightly as she recalled the way Justin had completely blown her off, then proceeded under April’s steady gaze. “He just…ignored what I said. I practically shouted that I went to see about the morning sickness…using those exact words so he’d maybe get the hint, ya know? Like…when we found out we were expecting Zach, he heard those two words come out of the doctor’s mouth and realized what was going on before I did. This time, his mind was elsewhere. All he kept talking about was how he misses recording, and the road…about how since Zach is older, but not quite in school yet, we could go with him on tour…basically that it would be easy, convenient if you will, because we don’t have a baby anymore.” Jordan finished, a blank look coming over her dark features as she watched for April’s reaction.

April mulled that over in her mind momentarily before responding. “Jordan, I’m sure that Justin will be happy to hear that after trying to get pregnant again, you finally are.”

Jordan’s gaze locked with her best friend’s and she spoke softly, but firmly. “We haven’t been trying…this pregnancy was an accident. Again.”

Looking taken slightly aback, April reached out and touched her friend’s arm gently. “You know that Justin loves Zachary more than anything…you saw how ecstatic he was when he found out he was going to be a father.”

“Yeah but I also know that us expecting Zach had a big impact on his career…enough of an impact for him to decide to end it…put it on hold…whatever.” Jordan countered miserably. “And now it’s happening again.”

“Woman, you must be nuts if you think your husband would ever blame his family for making him put his career on the back burner. It was his choice. He wanted to be there for Zach, he wanted to be a father and not just a popstar that passes through town on a tour bus to see his son every six weeks or so. You know that, and I know that he’ll love this baby just as much as he loves the beautiful son you two have together.” April insisted.

“But just last night he said something about how things were perfect just the way they were, and how he couldn’t imagine ever dealing with Zach’s energy plus a newborn baby…” Jordan stated, her eyes dull.

April shook her head firmly. “To Justin…perfect means you Jordan, don’t you see? His life with you, and Zachary, the love you all have for each other…that is what’s perfect. It’s not about his career, the touring, the singing…it never has been. It’s always been about you, otherwise he never would have given that all up in the first place, and you know that.”

Jordan leaned back in her seat, her expression doubtful as April’s voice rang in her ears. “I don’t know…” she mumbled. “I just don’t know…”


Glancing at the clock briefly, the blonde woman sighed, noticing the hands hadn’t moved much since the last time she had looked over. Flipping absently through the Rolling Stone magazine she had found in a drawer, April tapped her foot idly against the side of the oak desk. Breaking the peaceful silence, the multi-line phone rang shrilly, causing April to gaze at it momentarily before continuing to thumb though her magazine. Not saying a word, April allowed the phone to begin ringing once more before reaching over the neat workspace and picking up the receiver, only to place it back on it’s stand without saying hello.

“I saw that.” a male voice stated good-naturedly.

Recognizing the voice, April laughed. “What?”

“That…thing you did with the phone.” JC chuckled, moving to stand beside the chair April was perched on.

Looking up, she shot him a wide eyed glance full of innocence. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She said slyly. “What are you still doing here anyways? It’s almost time to go home ya workhorse.”

JC shook his head as he grinned, “Just finishing up some last minute things that I didn’t get to before our VMA meeting this afternoon. And I’m not a workhorse…I’m…dedicated.” he stated in his own defense.

“Mmm hmmm, that’s what they all say.” April teased, still flipping through the colorful pages of Rolling Stone as she talked. “So did you come all the way up here to observe my phone answering techniques or is there something I can help you with?”

“Actually I just wanted to ask you how Jordan was doing.” JC began, causing April to look up from her magazine with an arched brow. “Well…and how you were doing too…you looked…stressed this morning.” he confessed.

The blonde woman smiled, “I’m fine thanks, especially now that I’ve implemented this low stress method of taking calls.” she joked. “Now…Jordan….she’s fine, why do you ask?”

JC looked mildly uncomfortable as he tried to figure out how to state, in a discreet way, that he’d been eavesdropping. “Well, I…uh…might have…ya know, overheard something she said to Justin today.” he stated casually.

April shot him a suspicious look. “What did you overhear?”

“I don’t know…what did she tell you?” JC inquired

“Well I don’t know either, what did you hear her say to Justin?” April interrogated in return.

“I just heard her say something that might infer that she’s…uh…well, I think you know.”

April folded up the magazine she still had open in her lap and stared into JC’s blue eyes, unnerving him slightly. “If you think you know what I’m thinking that you think you know…then yeah, your thinking is on the right track.”

JC scratched his chin in confusion for a moment and then burst into a grin. “You‘re making me dizzy.” Then, bending down slightly, he lowered his voice discreetly. “She’s pregnant right?”

April nodded as JC righted himself, then spoke. “So what drew you to that conclusion Sherlock?” the blonde woman taunted.

His blue eyes sparkled as he shrugged. “I overheard her talking to a brick wall earlier today.”

“Ah. I take it that wall has blonde curls and bad clothes?”

“Bingo.” JC chuckled. “So how’s she doing?”

“Actually, she’s a little worried.”

“Why?” the man asked, then his eyes lit up with recognition as he remembered the earlier events of the day. “Ohh…I see. She was getting ready to tell him and he was raving about how he couldn’t wait to get his solo career started, am I right?”

“You got it.”

“Well, I know that’s ALL he’s been talking about today,” JC rolled his eyes as April snorted slightly in laughter. “But I’m sure he’ll forget all about his plans, or at least put them on hold when he finds out they’re having another baby. Don’t you think? I mean, I’m sure if they’ve been trying to get pregnant that takes a little more priority in his mind…she just needs to let him know.”

April looked slightly uneasy as she met JC’s gaze once more. “Actually, it was an accident…they hadn’t been trying to have another baby.”

“Again?” he stated, shaking his head as he ran a hand through his short but unruly hair.

April examined her nails, a mild expression dancing across her features. “I know, I know. It’s a good thing some people know what birth control is, ya know what I mean?”

As soon as the words had escaped her lips, April’s cheeks burned a slight shade of maroon. Glancing up at JC, she noticed the crimson flooding his face as well as he fumbled around for a reply. “Yeah…I know what you mean. Um…I think, uh, I have a thing…that I’m, uh…working on. I’m gonna go check on that now.”

The fair haired woman bit her lip to hold in the giggle that was begging to escape as she realized the ridiculousness of the entire situation. “Alright…” she trailed off, looking up at the man beside her.

“Well, we should, ya know, do it again sometime…er, I mean, it was nice talking to…good seeing, you look good…” he struggled.

April sat, bemused as she watched JC stumble awkwardly through his sentences, knowing full well why both of them were feeling slightly uncomfortable about the recent turn of conversation. She raised a brow as he continued to mumble.

“Uh, yeah, I guess I’ll just catch you…tomorrow, I’ll just see you tomorrow.” he finished finally, with a sheepish grin that complimented his flushed cheeks. “I’m gonna just go…” JC gestured slightly as he turned to walk back down the hall. “..ya know, work on that…thing.”

April nodded and turned back to her desk as JC started down the hallway, so caught up in his own embarrassment that he ran smack into a potted plant. A sheepish grin graced his face as Justin hooted loudly from where he was walking further down the hall. “I was just waitin’ for that to happen!”

Justin continued to laugh as he made his way into the lobby area, perching on the edge of April’s desk as JC resumed his trip down the hallway and back into studio six.

April sat slightly dumbfounded as she wondered what just happened. Justin, still seated on the desk, was flipping through a stack of papers in his inbox when the phone rang loudly, startling April out of her thoughts. Reaching over, she picked up the receiver and placed it down immediately, hanging up on whomever occupied the other line.

Justin paused and shot the woman next to him a sideways glance. Arching a brow, he spoke, curiosity evident in his tone. “Aren’t you gonna at least say hello? Or…Celebrity Studios, April speaking?”

“Excuse me? Are you telling me how to do my job?” April demanded playfully, gathering up her things as she realized the work day was coming to a close.

“Well I think most normal people answer their phones with hello, don’t you?”

April stood up and slung her bag over her shoulder as she started towards the glass doors. “If you’re such the expert on telephone etiquette, then answer it yourself.” she taunted, yanking on the heavy door as she smiled at Justin.

“Look woman--” Justin started but was cut off as the phone rang a second time.

“It’s for you!” April shouted over her shoulder in a sing-song voice as she waved a good bye and exited into the parking lot, leaving Justin to answer the call.

Chapter 8