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Hi! And welcome to the section of
Emilie's Tara Lipinski Fan Page
that's dedicated entirely to Truly Tara,
my newsletter. It's lots of fun, at least
I think so! I will send you a sample
JUST for asking! So sign up today!
Truly Tara has everything you could
want in a newsletter!!!

I run a Tara n/l that comes out every month. It includes pics, links, polls, latest news, some original trivias and LOTS MORE!!

It's dedicated 100% to America's beautiful ice princess, the Olympic Gold Medalist at Nagano in 1998-Tara Lipinski!!!!

If you would like to receive a sample copy of this please email me. It is open to all Tara fans and it's fun. I hope you decide to join!

The current subscriber count is 120+.


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