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Our Best Show Yet
December 16th, 2001 with BY DIVINE RIGHT & The Paperbacks

On December 16th, 2001, the happy campers played their best show yet. They played at the Royal Albert (yeah I know we said we'd never play there again) opening for The Paperbacks & By Divine Right. This show was a lot of fun and featured many guest performers inside and outside of the tent. First Ethan brought up his good friend Daniel to do some beat boxing while Ethan rapped Fox in Sox by Dr. Seuss. This was a lot of fun and even nettie, jennie & terry had to peak outside the tent to take a look.

For the last song of the night, the happy camper cheer, the gals had special guest boys inside their tent. This is the first time anyone has ever been allowd inside the tent so you know these boys were special. They were Dylan aka "the dill" & Brian from the band By Divine Right. These sweet boys were kind enough to squish into the tent and play with us.

Thanks so much to all our guests that night, we had a blast and we love you.

Here's a pic of the happy camper gals and the Lovely boys from By Divine Right.
From l-r: Brian, Jennie, Terry, Nettie & the Dill.
