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Ethan's Survey

1. your name spelled backwards: nahte
2. where were your parents born?: dad: saltspring island, b.c. mom: fork river, manitoba
3. what is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: my computer still operates on cassette tapes...
4. what's your favorite restaurant?: mondragon bookstore and cafe
5. last time you swam in a pool?: 2 years ago, at my uncle's
6. have you ever been in a school play?: yes, the nutcracker in grade 4
7. how many kids do you want?: lots
8. type of music you dislike most?: tie: gender bands and new country
9. are you registered to vote?: no, democracy still doesn't work...
10. do you have cable?: shhh, don't tell shaw, but....
11. have you ever ridden on a moped?: yes
12. ever prank call anybody?: yes
13. ever get a parking ticket?: once or twice
14. would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: i would drop everything to do both
15. furthest place you ever traveled: venice, italy
16. do you have a garden?: full of yummy veggies!
17. what's your favorite comic strip?: bizarro
18. do you really know all the words to your national anthem?: fuck national anthems
19. bath or shower, morning or night?: both and both
20. best movie you've seen in the past month?: the two towers
21. favorite pizza topping?: black olives
22. chips or popcorn?: british "chips" or the tv show?
23. what color lipstick do you usually wear?: ummm, i'm not a tranny
24. have you ever smoked peanut shells?: are nuts? hahaha....uh, no.
25. have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: i came in last
26. orange juice or apple?: oj with lots of pulp
27. who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine?: my excellent friend marni, little saigon
28. favorite type chocolate bar?: tropical source vegan chocolate bars
29. when was the last time you voted at the polls?: 2 years ago
30. last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: 2 days ago
31. have you ever won a trophy?: yes
32. are you a good cook?: i try
33. do you know how to pump your own gas?: i like to jump to the pump
34. ever order an article from an infomercial? fuuuuuuck, no!
35. sprite or 7-up?: neither
36. have you ever had to wear a uniform to work?: at imperial parking we had to wear red ties and black pants and a white shirt
37. last thing you bought at a pharmacy?: i know not
38. ever throw up in public?: i threw up greasy taco filling outside my friends' house after eating his mom's tacos
39. would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love?: TRUE LOVE!!!
40. do you believe in love at first sight?: absolutely
41. ever call a 1-900 number?: no
42. can ex's be friends?: yes
43. who was the last person you visited in a hospital?: my friend
44. did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby?: ask my mom
45. what message is on your answering machine?: call my place to find out, my brother keeps changing them and i gave up caring
46. what's your all time favorite saturday night live character?: spinal tap
47. what was the name of your first pet?: my cat, slyder
48. what is in your purse?: i told you i'm not a tranny
49. favorite thing to do before bedtime?: convince myself that i won't go blind
50. what is one thing you are grateful for today?: not having any problems
51. if you were to die tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to?: people that really needed it
52. who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with?:paul yee
53. what would be the first thing you would do if you woke up one morning and you were the opposite sex? i'd answer all your feamle questions
54. what is your dream career?: oxymoron, i dream to not have one
55. if you could be in any movie as the lead role what movie would it be?: did you get this question from people magazine or something. ugh.
56. what three CD's would you want if you were stuck on a deserted island?: east bay grease by tower of power, joni mitchell's blue, less talk more rock by proaghandi
57. what would you do if you ruled the world?: give all the money back to the people that earned it and resign.
58. if you were a superhero, who would you be?: captain caveman
59. what do you secretly love reading?: "slam" magazine
60. what do you secretly love watching?: west wing, for the dream of democracy...then i laugh my ass off at my naivetie
61. you're allowed one super power, what would it be?: heal all that ails
62. if you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?: my mom's tofu roast w/ perogies
