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Jennie's Survey

1. your name spelled backwards: refinnej
2. where were your parents born?: winnipeg manitoba canada
3. what is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: i never download anything, nettie does all that stuff
4. what's your favorite restaurant?:the mondragon
5. last time you swam in a pool?:about 3 or 4 years ago
6. have you ever been in a school play?: yes i was a mouse
7. how many kids do you want?: 1
8. type of music you dislike most?: creed
9. are you registered to vote?: i might be but i don't vote
10. do you have cable?: yes
11. have you ever ridden on a moped?:nope
12. ever prank call anybody?: all the time when i was little
13. ever get a parking ticket?:i am the queen of parking tickets
14. would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?:sky diving
15. furthest place you ever traveled:vancouver
16. do you have a garden?:no
17. what's your favorite comic strip?:hmmm i don't really read comics
18. do you really know all the words to your national anthem?: yup i do!
19. bath or shower, morning or night?: shower anytime
20. best movie you've seen in the past month?: harry potter and the chamber of secrets
21. favorite pizza topping?:pine apple
22. chips or popcorn?: popcorn
23. what color lipstick do you usually wear?: i don't wear lipstick
24. have you ever smoked peanut shells?: nope
25. have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: nope
26. orange juice or apple?: most definately apple
27. who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine?: my mom and dad, we went to this little place that they like called dal's
28. favorite type chocolate bar?:kit kat
29. when was the last time you voted at the polls?:i don't vote
30. last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: this past summer
31. have you ever won a trophy?: yep, nettie and i won a trophy for single handedly maintaining the weakerthans
32. are you a good cook?: depends what i have to make
33. do you know how to pump your own gas?: yes i do!
34. ever order an article from an infomercial? nope but i will one day
35. sprite or 7-up?: sprite
36. have you ever had to wear a uniform to work?: yes i worked at safeway for 5 days and i had to wear black pants, a white blouse, a black tie, and a fake smile i hated it so i quit.
37. last thing you bought at a pharmacy?: naselex and 2 new inhalers for my asthma
38. ever throw up in public?:yep in the perkins washroom
39. would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love?:a millionairre because then i could share with everyone
40. do you believe in love at first sight?: nope
41. ever call a 1-900 number?: nope
42. can ex's be friends?: yes
43. who was the last person you visited in a hospital?:my sister in law when she had my niece last march
44. did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby?:no i had no hait until i was almost 2
45. what message is on your answering machine?: my friend lexi (she is 3)
46. what's your all time favorite saturday night live character?: adam sandler
47. what was the name of your first pet?:digger
48. what is in your purse?: i call it a bag not a purse, but i have my licsence, wallet, a notebook, a pencil case, 2 inhalers, keys, some pictures and i think that is it.
49. favorite thing to do before bedtime?: read
50. what is one thing you are grateful for today?:i am grateful that i don't have much to do since the breaks on my car went and i can't get it fixed until wednesday.
51. if you were to die tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to?: nettie
52. who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with?: jody
53. what would be the first thing you would do if you woke up one morning and you were the opposite sex?i would go back to sleep and hope that when i woke up again everything was back to normal
54. what is your dream career?: i wanna be a touring merch girl.
55. if you could be in any movie as the lead role what movie would it be?: requiem for a dream
56. what CD's would you want if you were stuck on a deserted island?: by divine right(good morning beautiful), greg macpherson(good times coming back again), they might be giants(no!)
57. what would you do if you ruled the world?:i wouldn't know where to begin.
58. if you were a superhero, who would you be?:cat woman (is she a super hero?)
59. what do you secretly love reading?:harry potter
60. what do you secretly love watching?: all daytime television (talk shows)
61. you're allowed one super power, what would it be?:all of the inspector gadget features
62. if you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?:mashed potato's
