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Shaun's survey

1. your name spelled backwards: nosbig nuahs
2. where were your parents born?: winnipeg
3. what is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: a virus.
4. what's your favorite restaurant?: Cousin's
5. last time you swam in a pool?: At a party in the summer when I got to drunk to fight off the bullies that threw me in.
6. have you ever been in a school play?: yessir
7. how many kids do you want?: I like to eat babies
8. type of music you dislike most?: The Happy Cam.... uh, er, I mean, offensive rap, heh, ahem... *nervously looks for the backspace button*
9. are you registered to vote?: I am now.
10. do you have cable?: yes
11. have you ever ridden on a moped?: no, but 2 days ago I was thinking of band names that I'll never use, and I considered "The Mopeds" as the leading choice.
12. ever prank call anybody?: Hey Nettie, remember who we almost pranked on Friday? heh heh.
13. ever get a parking ticket?: yeah, and I didn't pay it. So 2 days ago I got a letter in the mail saying I owe 60 bones. needless to say, I was less than impressed.
14. would you go bungee jumping or skydiving?: 60 bones! can you believe it?!
15. furthest place you ever traveled: 60! 60! 60!
16. do you have a garden?: soundgarden
17. what's your favorite comic strip?: the one my friend Will wrote for Stylus called 'USA inc.'
18. do you really know all the words to your national anthem?: I know the words to "The National Anthem" by Radiohead
19. bath or shower, morning or night?: shower, morning.
20. best movie you've seen in the past month?: Drop Dead Fred
21. favorite pizza topping?: babies
22. chips or popcorn?: tough call... I choose babies
23. what color lipstick do you usually wear?: whatever matches my underwear
24. have you ever smoked peanut shells?: no, but I once rolled up an uptown magazine and smoked it. my lungs hurt for weeks.
25. have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: I was in a crossdressing contest at school in grades 9 & 10.
26. orange juice or apple?: Five Alive
27. who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine?: Nettie, Bobbi, Kimmie, and Bryan at Perkins, but it wasn't actually dinner, it was more of a snack that cost more than it should have (damn you Bryan!)
28. favorite type chocolate bar?: 60 bones!!!
29. when was the last time you voted at the polls?: The last time there was something to vote for.
30. last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: ick.
31. have you ever won a trophy?: in highschool my friends used to sneak into the basement of the school, and there was a hidden room full of trophy's. We made one into a 'best party' trophy and called it the Holy Grail, and gave it to the person who had the best party. His name was James.
32. are you a good cook?: No sir, I am not.
33. do you know how to pump your own gas?: I manage.
34. ever order an article from an infomercial? I bought Elvis' 68 comeback special when I was little.
35. sprite or 7-up?: ugh
36. have you ever had to wear a uniform to work?: nay.
37. last thing you bought at a pharmacy?: If I had 60 bones I'd buy lots of vitamins, but I don't because of our stupid police force.
38. ever throw up in public?: I hopped a fence on sherbrook and puked in someone's garbage can, and then I went to a Troubled Hubble/Paper Moon concert
39. would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love?: I'd truely fall in love with a millionare and have lots of babies to eat.
40. do you believe in love at first sight?: only with millionares with lots of babies.
41. ever call a 1-900 number?: No. especially after watching Punch-Drunk Love
42. can ex's be friends?: my ex is my best friend.
43. who was the last person you visited in a hospital?: the maternity ward....mmmm... that was a meal and a half!
44. did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby?: as much as I have now.
45. what message is on your answering machine?: I have a message from my best friend Tanya singing Jay Churko's kids song to me to wake me up.
46. what's your all time favorite saturday night live character?: Canteen Boy
47. what was the name of your first pet?: Maggie. She was a dog... I ate her.
48. what is in your purse?: soothers.
49. favorite thing to do before bedtime?: fill out this survey
50. what is one thing you are grateful for today?: Nettie taking pictures of me puking.
51. if you were to die tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to?: Tanya, cause she steals all my stuff anyways.
52. who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with?: Tom Selleck's moustache.
53. what would be the first thing you would do if you woke up one morning and you were the opposite sex? eat a baby.
54. what is your dream career?: merch gal
55. if you could be in any movie as the lead role what movie would it be?: Run Lola Run. I'd get in shape.
56. what CD's would you want if you were stuck on a deserted island?: The Paperbacks upcoming one, New Kids on The Block xmas single, and my 120 Pearl Jam cd's.
57. what would you do if you ruled the world?: I'd change the laws on stupid parking tickets.
58. if you were a superhero, who would you be?: Jay Churko
59. what do you secretly love reading?: Cosmo
60. what do you secretly love watching?: Nettie Camper
61. you're allowed one super power, what would it be?: invisiblity
62. if you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?: it starts with a "B" and ends with "abies"
