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The Zodiac of PRAIII: Revenge - by Jenny Tran

Hi guys...back so soon. I told you I'd be back!! hahaha and so will they. You guys know the cast by now, no introduction needed:

Louis Koo – Brad Chung aka Leo
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Gallen Lo – Matt Tong aka M.T.
Benny Chan – Eric Leung aka Cancer
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan
Athena Chu – Sheila Kam
Flora Chan – Julie Lee
Joyce Tang – Reina Ng
Andy Lau – General Joseph Cheung (head of security)
Daniel Wu – Michael Wu
Dicky Cheung – Chris Wong
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Kong Wah – Dennis Lam aka Capricorn
Benny Chan – Eric Leung aka Cancer
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung


Chapter 1

Louis Koo – Brad Chung aka Leo
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Gallen Lo – Matt Tong aka M.T.

The street of Kowloon was flooded with people. Everyone was being jabbed by elbows and absentminded people rushing to get to their destinations. She walked briskly against the flow of traffic, carefully merging through the crowd. Her eyes set only at the bus stop where the targeted bus that was arriving within minutes. She quickly spotted the long line of people ready to board “Can I have your attention, I am with the Kowloon Transportation Unit! The next bus is currently full. You might want to take the subway instead!” Erin belted out her voice loud and clear. She quickly ignored the loud disagreements and disbursed them away.

Her eyes traveled up to the roof of the nearby building. She saw Matt looking at her through binoculars. He nodded and she returned it with a grim smile. On the ground, she saw the sewage passage way open and appeared Doug in a black uniform. They glanced briefly at each other and he quickly hid himself when the bus drove over the round metal lid.

Erin took in a deep breath as she climbed onto the bus, they were called upon duty when Matt got a call in from the head. A passenger had called the police through his cell phone, they were being held hostage. She dropped the money into the bin and looked around at the group seated before her. They were all deathly white and not to mention a few people even shook their heads at her urgently. She ignored it and prepared to take a seat. Her eyes grazed over Doug’s shadow lurking at the back of the bus. He was attached onto the hood with no difficulties. His job was to leak out the gas from the bottom so the car will eventually stop.

The minute she sat down, a man jumped up and pointed a gun he was hiding inside his jacket “Sit still and you won’t get hurt!” he wasted no time in warning her.

Erin widened her eyes fearfully “Please…don’t hurt me.” She cowered herself into a ball while other women whimpered and cried.

“Shut up!! I said shut up!!!” The crazy lunatic screamed.

“Johnny! Sit down, are you crazy??!! We don’t want to cause anymore attention!” the driver scolded. He was much cooler and calmer then the guy with the shaky gun in his hands.

“Well, what the hell do you want me to do?! We’re not getting away.” The guy named Johnny shook his head in dismay.

Erin saw Brad, who was also on the bus from the last stop, give her one nod of the head. She began hyperventilating and clutching her chest in pain “Oh my God!” one girl screamed while pointing to Erin “She's having an asthma attack!”

“Someone save her!!” another person yelled hysterically.

“Shit!” Johnny muttered while he turned to his driving partner “What now?”

“Is there a doctor in here?” the guy asked loudly.

“I am a family doctor.” Brad raised his hand unexpectedly.

Johnny pointed to him “Well, what the fuck are you sitting there for, save her.”

“She’s turning blue.” The same girl announced.

Brad pushed his way to the crowd who got up to surround Erin “Give her some air!” he scolded and reached for her arm. He laid her on the ground “Miss, are you okay?” he asked.

“What kind of fucking question is that?” Johnny wiped the perspiration off his forehead.

“I have to ask and make sure she is capable of comprehending my questions.” Brad explained with obvious irritation. Erin was wheezing as she nodded, she sucked in her breath to make her face reddened “Oh God. We have to get her to a hospital. She’ll die!”

“Stop the bus!!” someone yelled.

“The fuck we will. Let her die!” Johnny pointed the gun at Brad “Save her now. Don’t fuck with me.” He threatened.

Brad nodded fearfully “Okay…” he pulled Erin’s head back and moved himself to sit in the front of her head. His hands cradling her neck “I’m going to give you CPR now.” His eyes nodded at her and she knew what they had to do. When they had Johnny’s full attention, Brad slipped his hand under her shoulders and pushed her up and around his back. She used her flexibility and rolled over Brad kicking Johnny straight in the chest. The guy stumbled back and the gun was out of his hands. One of the passengers picked it up and threw it out the window.

“You!!” Johnny yelled as he pushed himself up to face Erin and Brad who were in ready stance.

“Two against one. You lose.” Erin pointed out with a smirk.

But he wasn’t about to lose just yet, he reached out to the first person he saw. The girl was in her mid twenties and looked very week. She cried out in fear as he wrapped his large arm around her throat “Sit down or she dies!” He pulled out a pocket knife from his pocket and pointed it at her neck.

The girl whimpered like a puppy while a few people cowered back “Just sit down! He’s not joking!!” someone yelled from the back.

Erin and the girl met in eye contact, her eye twitched to the right and as if on cue the girl used all her strength to pull the arm of her attacker to the right leaving an open spot for Erin to high kick him on the neck. The guy let go of the girl and she successfully twisted his arm back and took hold of the weapon. Brad moved up to help while the girl pointed the pocket knife at the driver “Stop the car or I’ll slit you’re throat like a pig.” She threatened in a low voice.

The driver nodded calmly as he took his foot off the gas and slowed the bus down. But at the last minute, he took a daring plunged with his foot hard against the brakes. The girl lunged forward and he took a hold of her by the neck and together they struggled to gain control of the knife. Just then a figured showed up by the window next to them. It was Doug, he reached his glove hand back and punched it through the window and into the guy’s right jaw. He was knocked unconscious while the girl leaned back on one of the poles for support “Nice job.” Doug smiled at the pretty young girl.

“Not so bad yourself, Virgo.” Rebecca nodded.

His dimples showed in the sunlight but they quickly disappeared when the sound of police sirens came “Never a minute late.” He mumbled and moved himself to the safe ground while the people were escorted out by the team.

Ted led his team in to capture the two car-jackers and took them into custody. He turned to the smiling team “Brad, Erin, Doug…and you are…” he pointed to the new girl.

“Rebecca Heung, Sir!!” she saluted him like a sergeant.

Ted laughed as he pointed to the girl “She’s funny. Where’d you find her?” he asked Erin.

She shook her head at Rebecca “I picked her up at the zoo the other day. But personally, she poops too much.” She joked. Erin noticed Rebecca’s wrinkled up face “You know I’m kidding, Becca. You’ll always be my favorite.”

“Hey.” Brad complained.

“I meant girl.” Erin corrected "Well after Mia that is."

She was well aware of Erin and Mia's close bond and she was the least bit jealous. Rebecca placed a comfortable hand around Erin’s shoulder “You know if it wasn’t for me, you two wouldn’t be dating.” She pointed out to Brad while he rolled his eyes.

“So you guys all went to high school together?” Ted asked with obvious interest as his arms crossed.

“Well…kind of.” Rebecca explained “You see, I was transferred due to my interesting records. I met Erin and Brad and they befriended me. Not knowing that I was kicked out of my last school for burning the boy’s bathroom down.” She shrugged nonchalantly.

“Wow, you failed to tell me that.” Doug pointed out at Brad.

Brad sighed “Isn’t it obvious why I didn’t tell you?”

“Is it me or is the team getting smaller. This is only four where are the other two?” Ted asked.

“Matt is coming, I’m sure.” Brad nodded “And Darren is on a day off.”

“Trying to convince Mia that he is her fiancé again?” Doug asked.

“Isn’t he always?” Erin joked.

“Can you believe three months already passed?” Doug asked “And still no changes?”

Erin shook her head “No. She seems to fit well living with us but every time Darren comes over, she suddenly had plans.” A sigh escaped her lips “I feel bad for the guy but maybe he should give her some more space.”

“Okay team. How did we do?” Matt walked up into the conversation.

“Good, they caught the two car-jackers.” Ted pointed to the handcuffed guys being driven off after a short questioning.

“Two? I thought there were three?” Matt asked with a stern expression. The team looked pale in the face and he quickly burst out laughing.

“Crap! Don’t do that!” Rebecca hit him across the shoulder “You almost gave me a heart attack.”

“I was about to call back all the cars and passengers.” Ted laughed.

“Just a little P.R.A. humor.” Matt joked.

“Well, next time don’t do one that includes heart stop beating.” Erin shook her head at their lieutenant.

“Anyways, I can take it from here gang.” Ted quickly shooed them away “You know the rules, P.R.A. does the dirty work and the cops clean up and take the credit.”

Matt placed his hand in his pocket and looked at Ted with much admiration “If you like the dirty work, you should come back. We are missing an agent.”

“Thanks for the offer…but I think the police department needs me now.” Ted declined politely.

“What if they don’t need you one day? Will you join then?” Matt pressed. He always felt Ted was a good addition to the team. It was such a shame that he was more loyal to the police. Maybe one day he’ll realize where he really wants to stand. He always seem to balance himself between the team and the department.

“Maybe.” Ted smiled. He liked to keep his options open.

Matt nodded in reply “Fair enough. Team, move out!” he commanded. The group gathered onto the van and drove back to headquarters.

They walked inside thinking it would be empty but they found Darren pacing the floors “Where have you guys been?” he asked while tapping on his watch.

“It’s called a ‘mission’, Darren.” Brad teased “But don’t worry, we all made it out alive.” His words were dripping with sarcasm.

“Sorry.” Darren looked shamefully away “I’m glad you all are safe.”

Doug and Brad exchanged glances as they approached Darren “I knew you cared, man.” Doug was choked up.

“We love you!!” Brad cried out as the two guys sandwiched Darren with a bear tight hug.

Erin and Rebecca looked at each other “He’s YOUR man.” Rebecca pointed out “Or should I say Wo-Man?” she laughed at her own joke and soon realized she was the only one laughing.

The guys cleared their throats and turned to Matt “So?” Doug asked.

Matt’s brows wrinkled confusingly “So…what?”

“Who’s the new agent. Come on. You’ve got to tell us.” Doug crossed his arms in suspense “Is it a girl? Or another guy?”

“Wow, you move on quick.” Rebecca said and who could not hear the hurt tone in her voice “I have been new for only two weeks and now I’m forgotten?”

He laughed while ruffling her hair with his hand “Aww, the new girl’s jealous.”

She pushed his hand away and combed her hair straight with her fingers “Whatever, all I know is, she or he better last longer than that last guy. What’s his name? Adrian? Isn’t that girl’s name?” she said with disgust.

“It’s a unisex name and he wouldn’t have left if you didn’t scare him with your psychotic split personality!” Erin reminded her friend.

“Well, you’d do the same if he hit on you!” Rebecca argued.

“Is that what happened?” Darren asked “I thought the rumor was he couldn’t stand the dangerous life that we lived.”

Matt raised his hand “Yeah, I spread that around cause I didn’t want the truth to leak out. But I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later.” He eyed Rebecca carefully but her lips only curled into a wider grin making Erin laugh. How she missed having her friend around. It was accidental that Rebecca joined the team. She was taking tae kwondo classes with Doug as the teacher. He quickly noticed she was the most experienced student he had and mentioned it to Matt, who in turned recruited her. When she realized her two good friends from high school were in the team, she had no doubt but to join.




Chapter 2

Louis Koo – Brad Chung aka Leo
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Gallen Lo – Matt Tong aka M.T.
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan

The group of six gathered at a dinner table at one of the finest Sushi bars in Kowloon. It was really Darren’s idea since he wanted to talk to all of them. Everyone was talking amongst themselves but it was Erin’s sharp eye that caught Darren squirming uncomfortably to get their attention.

“Hey guys, I think the rich anonymous donator wants to say something.” Erin pointed out.

“Thank you, Erin.” Darren sighed with exasperation “This is serious people. I need your help.”

Rebecca, Doug and Matt were still talking while Brad turned to them “Ahem! Darren’s about to admit he has an alcohol problem. Shhh!!!”

Erin stifled a laugh but Darren wasn’t pleased “No.” he said calmly to Brad “I gave that up when Mia woke up from the coma.”

“How about cigarettes?” Matt asked.

“I...I gave that up to.” Darren replied hesitantly.

“Really?” Erin tilted her head and reached for the pack sticking out of his pocket “So what are these? Bubble gum?”

“I knew I smelled it on your breath!” Brad pointed at his friend.

Rebecca raised her brows at Brad “And when did you get so close that you could smell it off his breath?” she asked teasingly.

“I think that is between Darren and myself.” Brad replied haughtily.

Darren was growing more impatient “Shhh!! Come on guys, I’m trying to pour my heart out here.”

Matt raised a hand to silence everyone “Okay gang, calm down. Let Darren speak.”

“Thanks Matt.” Darren nodded gratefully “Anyways, I have a plan to get Mia to remember everything…” before he could continue everyone began sighing and slumping back in their chairs “What?” he demanded.

Doug shook his head “You need to wake up, Darren. This is what…you’re fifth idea? It’s not going to work. The more you come up with these things, the more she will push you away. I know Mia.” He said firmly.

“I know you two went to high school together, but I got to know the real Mia, the more mature Mia.” Darren argued for his fiancé.

“Are we still talking about the same girl? The one that thought it was fun to switch the sugar with salt in the kitchen?” Brad reminded them “I was choking on that coffee for 10 whole minutes!”

Darren laughed as he recalled the situation “Yeah…that was funny.” He said dreamily.

Erin sighed as she tapped him on the shoulder bringing him back to reality “Earth to Darren.” She waved her hand in front of his face “You’re dwelling too much on the past. Mia is a different person now, you have to come into terms with it before you can pursue her again. I know you can do it…just give her more time to adjust to the changes. Showing up every other night is not helping.” She coaxed gently.

“Yeah, it’s obsession.” Rebecca pointed out.

“I know…but I can’t help it. I miss her.” Darren said sadly “Where does she go when I come over?”

Erin smiled apologetically “Sorry, I promised Mia I wouldn’t tell you.”

“Why?” Darren turned to face her “Who does she go out with? Is it that damn Dr. Chan?”

“Hey, hey…he’s a very nice guy.” Doug stood up for his friend “He only wants the best for Mia.”

“So she does see him.” Darren nodded with narrowed eyes “I swear he’s in love with her. I can tell.”

Doug shook his head “I knew I shouldn’t have told you about that crush he had on Mia back in high school.” Everyone but Darren turned to him surprisingly and he slowly explained “The three of us were best friends back in high school. We made our own group called ‘The Dorks’ because that’s what people called us. Sure it was hurtful but we grew use to it. Ethan was the smart one, hence the PHD degree…anyways, he use to get beat up a lot and Mia would always protect him when I’m not there. He owed her his life. I think he’s just trying to help her regain her memory.”

“By spending more time with her.” Darren finished sarcastically “It’s a sappy story if you ask me.”

“So you’re saying I’m a liar?” Doug was insulted.

“No!” Darren denied quickly “I trust you…I just don’t trust that guy.”

“The honest words coming from any boyfriend with a girlfriend that has amnesia.” Rebecca sighed.

“Thanks for the reminder.” Darren replied sarcastically.

“Anytime!” she said brightly.

Doug shook his head “Okay Darren, if you want. I’ll take you up to the office tomorrow to see what really goes on behind closed doors. Ethan told me about a session he was having with Mia. Then you’ll really know who the bad guy is.”

“And who is the bad guy?” Rebecca asked knowing that whatever Doug answers will push him into a deeper hole.

Doug turned to Matt “Your honor, I don’t want to answer that.”

“Sustained.” Matt nodded firmly “Court adjourned.”

Brad raised his hand “After dinner right?” the team laughed as the food arrived.

* * *

Mia knocked on Ethan’s office door. She had long ago memorized the corridors that led to his office at Yan Sum Hospital. It was soothing to know that she could trust the guy and not to mention he knew her years before. She guessed that Darren would be very upset to know all the times she’s spent with Ethan. But it was strictly platonic and very professional. He’s never once taken advantage of her hypnotic mind when trying to help her relay some memories of the past.

“Come in.” Ethan’s warm voice welcomed. Mia opened and walked in casually “Hi Mia.” He said without tearing his eyes from the pile of paperwork on his desk “Just give me a few seconds.”

Mia nodded and glanced at her watch “Times up!” she announced with a laugh.

Ethan smiled and looked up through his glasses “Okay, I know when I’m beaten.” He took off the frames and pointed to the leather lounge chair he used to have patients lie down while he examined their most inner thoughts.

She shook her head apologetically “Can I not lie on that chair? It makes me feel like a mental patient.”

“Three months of therapy and you tell me now you think it makes you feel mental?” Ethan asked in shock “Typical Mia…” he laughed when she looked sympathetic at him.

“What do you mean?” Mia asked as she took a seat on one of his cushioned chairs. She made herself comfortable while waiting for him to explain.

“Nevermind.” He brushed it away. He never liked to talk about the old past for they needed to concentrate on the present being. Ethan wanted her to remember everything, especially Darren but he knew how she felt about it. He would have to gingerly pull her into the mindset. Every time they were close, she would wake up suddenly as if she controlled her mind to not think of Darren. He failed to research more about Darren and Mia’s life together. It seemed the guy didn’t like him very much, after all he was a head doctor. He wasn’t stupid, he could sense the jealous radar within miles “Okay, so have you had any dreams lately?”

“Hmm, not lately. Since that last one I told you about a few weeks ago.” Mia recalled shortly. She dreamt of falling into an endless hole. She eventually woke up when her alarm rang.

Ethan nodded thoughtfully “I think that might be a good sign.”

“Really? Aren’t dreams made of a human’s most intimate thoughts?” Mia asked.

“Someone’s been reading my books.” Ethan teased openly.

She laughed “Hey, I gotta find a way to sleep somehow.”

He dropped his jaw in shock “Is that what you use them for!”

Mia shook her head “I’m just kidding, they’re actually quite interesting.” He nodded with satisfactory “Ethan, can I ask you something?”

“Anything.” He said honestly.

“Are you ever going to do something about your hair?” she twitched her eye disapprovingly “For some strange reason, I think you would look better with short hair.”

Ethan titled his head to the side “That’s what you use to say back in high school!” he smiled “Are you remembering stuff?”

“I wish!” she sighed “It’s just these instincts or hunches that I get now and then. I don’t think they mean anything.”

“Are you kidding? It’s just the beginning of your memory returning.” He smiled and leaned onto his knees “What other hunches?”

Mia shrugged “Nothing that I can think up on the top of my head. What is this, a pop quiz?” she sighed with exasperation.

Ethan frowned, “Sorry.”

“It’s okay, you know how you could make it up to me?” Mia asked.

“How?” he asked reluctantly. He had long ago realized the sneakiness in Mia never faded. She still got what she wanted.

“Let me see the high school yearbook!!” she blurted out angrily. She didn’t understand why he never let her see it. Surely he wasn’t that self conscious not to let her see him in his dorky stage. She knew about their group ‘The Dorks’ because Doug told her “You couldn’t look that bad!” she widened her eyes at him.

Ethan shook his head “It’s not that…I…just…”

“Sheesh, you’re speaking like a grandma. Spit it out!” she commanded.

“Fine!” he yelled back “It’s up in that bookshelf. I keep all my memoirs up there in that box.” He went to get the little ladder that he often used for his bookshelf which stood a tall 11 feet.

“I’ll get it!” Mia said excitedly as she grabbed the ladder from his hand. She anxiously climbed the ladder.

“Be careful!” Ethan scolded.

“Yes, mother!” Mia teased with a laugh. She was standing on her tippy toes and her hand reached for the box. The minute she touched it, a surge of memories crossed her mind. She remembered the school and their group sessions. It was always the three of them and Ethan was being picked on by bullies. She remembered looking around frantically for Doug but he was nowhere so she ran to his rescue.

“Mia?” Ethan shook her hand but she gave no motion. He laughed nervously “Stop messing around.”

For some reason, she took a step back and missed the ladder completely and toppled over. Luckily Ethan was there as he caught her straight in his arms. Their eyes met and she looked at him differently “Ethan…” her arms were wrapped around his neck “I remember…” she said slowly.

“You do??” He asked anxiously. But they were quickly interrupted when the door burst open and Darren along with Doug were standing there awestruck by what they saw.

“What the hell are you doing? Get your hands off her!!” Darren roared as he charged towards Ethan.

“Darren!” Doug tried to stop but he couldn’t reach him in time. He watched helplessly as Darren took Mia from Ethan’s hand as he placed her on the ground safely. Without warning, he turned to Ethan and punched him across the face.

“Darren!!” Mia cried angrily.

“Don’t you dare touch her again!” he pointed at Ethan threateningly “I told you we can’t trust this guy!” he turned to Doug “I turn my back and here he is trying to seduce her.”

“No, he wasn’t!” Mia argued. She reached out to support Ethan who had stumbled back from the hard punch. She touched his face gently “Are…are you okay?” she asked with sincerity.

Ethan shook his head “I’m okay.”

“Apologize!” she demanded of Darren.

“No.” Ethan shook his head “It’s understandable.”

“Shit, now he’s trying to be the good guy.” Darren widened his eyes with disgust.

“Stop it!” Mia yelled at him “Nothing happened okay? Ethan wasn’t seducing me.” She spat angrily “I was trying to get that box of memoirs of us back in high school. He’s trying to get me to remember things. I missed a step and fell, Ethan caught me. That is all that happened!” she concluded.

Doug nudged Darren on the back “I think you owe someone an apology.”

Ethan shook his head with a smile despite his throbbing jaw “Its okay. I think I would have done the same if I was Darren.”

“How could you with that weak arm?” Mia asked unexpectedly.

Doug wrinkled his brows “You remember, Mia?”

Darren turned to her with hopeful eyes while she shrugged casually “I don’t know. I just remember some things back in high school.” She smiled dazily “I remember Ethan use to get beat up by the jocks and I would come swooping down like Supergirl!” she laughed and it was contagious as Ethan and Doug joined in remembering the good old times.

“I’m sorry.” Darren said sincerely “I thought…”

“Say no more.” Ethan put out his hand to shake out the truce “I’m still alive, although the pain is numbing half of my face.” He was joking but Darren winced painfully “I’m just teasing.” He tried to laugh but quickly grabbed his face instead.

“I’ll get you some ice.” Mia suggested. She turned to Darren “You boys behave.” She directed the warning at him mostly and he nodded firmly. The minute she left, silence overcame the room.




Chapter 3

Louis Koo – Brad Chung aka Leo
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Gallen Lo – Matt Tong aka M.T.

Brad and Erin came home one night from a nice dinner together. But the minute they entered the room, she put her hand up to quiet him when there were unfamiliar noises “Mia?!” she called but there was no answer.

“She always answers.” Brad whispered.

“I know.” Erin nodded as the two tip toed down the hall, they came across Shelly’s room and the muffled voices were coming from inside her room. Erin turned and nodded at Brad. He took his foot back and kicked the door down.

Shelly and Ryan jumped back while clutching their stomachs “Jesus! Ga Jei, what are you doing?!”

Erin let out a sigh “It’s just you guys. I thought we had burglars.” She walked inside and noticed their suitcases haven’t been unpacked yet “You didn’t tell me you were coming back today.”

“Yes, I did.” Shelly widened her eyes as she got up “I told Mia to tell you.”

“Guys! I’m home!!” Mia announced from the living room.

“We’re in here, Mia.” Brad answered.

Mia walked in looked confusingly at the broken door “Wooh, did someone have a little too much coffee?” she laughed and noticed Shelly “Hey, you’re home.” Her face instantly clouded over when she remembered what she had to tell Erin “Whoops…”

“Did short term memory go with your amnesia too?” Erin teased.

“Sorry. I totally forgot about that.” She noticed the young guy sitting at the corner “Hey Ryan.”

“Hi.” He waved.

“How was Hawaii?” Mia asked with interest.

“It was fun.” Ryan replied with a smile “We got a lot of gifts.” He threw his duffel bag on the bed and opened it. Mia’s hand was spread out readily “This is Mia’s.” he handed her a wrapped box of macadameon chocolates.

“Thank you!” she gushed and got up “I’m going to my room to enjoy this slowly.” She sighed.

“Brad, this is for you.” Ryan handed him some dried cranberries “They make the best at this little diner that we found in Ouahu Island.”

“Thanks.” Brad smiled “Now I don’t have to worry about bladder infections.”

Shelly wrinkled her nose in disgust “Is that why you always go to the bathroom in the middle of the night?”

“That’s not me!” Brad argued.

“Of course it isn’t.” Ryan said without much feeling. He dug into the bag and pulled out a wrapped gift “Ga Jei, this is for you.”

Erin smiled as she took the gift in her hand “Thank you, Ryan. And don’t call me Ga Jei. You two aren’t married.”

“But Shelly calls you that.” Ryan argued.

“She does because we’re actually blood sisters.” Erin explained with sarcasm, “I’m not ready to gain another little brother. Not that soon anyways…wait for us to get married first.” She turned to Brad with a smile.

Shelly rushed over and hugged her sister “So you two got a date?! I’m so excited!! I get to be the maid of honor.”

Erin lowered her head and looked at her sister carefully “Actually…I asked Mia.”

“Well then, I get to be a bridesmaid!” Shelly announced happily making Erin laugh.


The team were in the middle of a meeting when Matt received a call from the emergency line that only Joe knew the number to. Matt quickly answered and he had on his distraught expression “Ooh, it must be serious. He looks like he just gained 10 years.” Rebecca pointed out to Erin.

“Shh!!” Erin quieted her friend.

Matt hung up and turned to the group “We’ve got a mission.”

“Alright!!” Rebecca leaned on the table with interest.

“The Mayor has been kidnapped. The FBI has narrowed it down to the deserted school building off of Waverly Lane in Tong Lau Wan Bay. It’s about 5 stories up and we have no idea where Mayor Chan is being held.” Matt looked worried for once.

Brad noticed his sudden silence “It’s okay Matt, we’ll get him back.” He said with confidence but it was more reassuring for Matt.

“I know we will.” Matt sighed, he couldn’t help but feel something different from the pit of his stomach “Something’s not right.”

“Why?” Doug asked curiously.

“The FBI only spotted one kidnapper. How could he possibly get away so fast?” Matt shook his head in wonder “He is armed and extremely dangerous. I want you guys all to have on your bulletproof vests and we even got the okay to use guns.”

“Wow….my first time.” Rebecca sighed “Its like a dream come true.”

Doug arched his brow up “Now if that’s not disturbing, I don’t know what is.”

“How about three grown men hugging like little school girls?” Rebecca tried.

Darren laughed, “Don’t you noticed only men that are confident about their sexuality actually hug other guys?”

“Sounds like an excuse if you ask me.” She snickered. She nudged Erin “Right, Erin?”

“Gee, how am I supposed to answer that? Brad is one of those men.” She smiled at her friend “You’re alone on this one.” Everyone slowly got up to change into their uniforms. When they met back outside, all were surprised to see Matt too in a black uniform and he was adjusted one of the handguns.

“You’re coming with us?” Darren asked.

“Six agents.” Matt reminded them “Come on, let’s move out!” they climbed into the black van and Doug drove off to their destinations. The roads were blocked out to Tong Lau Wan but they were able to get through with Ted’s inspection. When they reached the school, Doug parked the van a few blocks down. Matt reminded them when they were out of the van “Okay guys. We don’t know who this guy is and he doesn’t seem to want to surrender anytime soon. Erin and Brad, you two go up first. Darren and I will follow. Becca and Doug, you two stay at the bottom and make sure that jerk doesn’t get away.”

“Yes Sir!” the five saluted.

Brad and Erin raced up the steps of the school, they could easily spot Doug and Rebecca on the bottom floor from the balcony. Brad checked every classroom “Second floor clear.” He checked in with the rest.

“Good, keep moving.” Matt ordered.

They headed to the third and eventually the fourth “One more.” Erin looked up. They had to be there. The two climbed the stairwell gingerly, aware that they could be attacked anytime. They came upon classroom after classroom until they reached what looked like a lunchroom. In the center was a man tied up on a chair. He seemed to be unconscious “I think we found him.”

“Is the kidnapper there?” Matt asked. They were on the third floor.

“Negative.” Brad replied “It’s empty.” He turned to Erin “Let’s go.” She nodded in reply and he pulled out his flashlight and opened the door carefully. They walked in carefully, their steps echoed throughout the room. It was dark and musty. Erin was alert as she circled around Brad’s back to cover him just in case someone jumped out.

When they reached the tied up man, Erin walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder “Mayor Chan?”

The guy looked up slowly with a wicked smile that Erin knew she could never forget. He wasn’t the Mayor, but it was too late. He reached out and grabbed a hold of Erin “Don’t move or I’ll shoot her!” he warned Brad while getting hold of her gun.

Brad’s gun was aimed at the guy, he couldn’t be older than 35 and he couldn’t get over how the guy looked so normal but his eyes deceived him “What do you want?” Brad asked calmly.

Erin’s heart paced quickened as the gun was shoved into her temple that she had to wince painfully “Who are you?”

The guy laughed, “Who am I? Wouldn’t you like to know…Erin.”

“How do you know my name?” it was scaring her. How could he possibly know her if she had no recollection of him whatsoever.

“Team, I need assistance.” Brad said urgently.

Matt and Darren exchanged glances “They’re in trouble.” Darren said. They two raced up the steps and they were around the fourth floor when Darren did a double take in a classroom “Is that the Mayor?” he pointed to a man that was tied up in a chair.

Matt nodded for the two to enter as they walked in with their guns pointed to the ground. Brad saw the guy smile evilly as he quickly warned the other two “It’s a trick!! Get out!!!” but it was too late, shots were fired and he could hear the cries ringing through his ears.

Erin moved her head to the side when she too heard Matt and Darren’s cries. But the guy wasn’t done playing “Now it’s your turn, sweetheart…” his breath was hot against her cheek.

Brad gave Erin quick eye contact and she glanced to her left where the kidnapper was leading her to. There were metal trays on a rolling shelf and if she could get close enough to run behind it so Brad could cover her. Brad gave three short nods and Erin took her chance as she whipped herself out of his grasp and ran behind the shelf while shots were fired. The guys got into a brutal fight and Brad had the upper hand as he knocked the gun out of the guy’s hands. The guy pulled out two more guns from his back slots that hung on his belt. Brad turned dived behind the counter and joined Erin as the shots continued to fire.

“Come out!! I just want to play!” the psychotic guy was out of his mind. The two looked at each other, they were in way over their heads this time.

Brad put another ammunition container into his gun when he disposed the used one “I see a door over to the right.” He whispered, “We just have to get over there. I have a gun, let me cover you.”

Erin shook her head “No, I’ll cover you.”

“Erin, listen to me. He seems to be targeting you. He won’t kill me.” Of course Brad wasn’t positive but he wanted to assure Erin so that she can escape and get help.

“Be careful.” She whispered after realizing that he wasn’t backing down. He would use his captain stature to push her away. She peeked over the metal trays and noticed the guy had run to the other corner to get something “Now.” She nodded at Brad as the two made a mad dash for the door.

She had her fingers on the knob when a gunshot rang out deafening her ears. She spun around and saw Brad falling to one knee while the gun escaped from his fingers “Go!” he pushed but she rushed back to him “No, you have to go!!”

Her eyes moved up at the guy and he seemed to be walking calmly over to the two of them “I’m not leaving you!” she said through gritted teeth.

“Erin!” Brad cried as his head shot back and saw the guy raise his gun and he aimed perfectly at Brad’s wounded leg. The gunshot again split through his thigh. He yelped in pain while Erin desperately tried to pull him up “Go!” he pushed her towards the door.

“NO!” She was stubborn as can be. He used every inch of strength left in his body and ignored the blood squirting out of his leg. He pushed himself up and grabbed Erin by the elbow. He practically threw her outside while she struggled to pull him along. But it seemed the game was not in their favor, another shot rang out and it hit Brad’s other leg as he fell to the ground. The guy raised his gun at Erin and she quickly ducked to the side. The door snapped shut and she realized Brad was still inside. Reaching for the door she widened her eyes in horror when it didn’t budge. She pushed herself up and looked through the square glass window where she could see Brad crawling towards the door “It’s locked!!!” She screamed while shaking the door hoping some miracle will make it open “Brad!!! It’s locked!!” she yelled again.

Brad turned to the guy while his wound numbed half of his body. He didn’t say a word as the gun raised again and he shot Brad in every place but his chest area where he knew the bulletproof vest was “Stop!!! STOP!!! Please….” Erin sobbed as she yelled over and over. Her tears soon distorted the picture of the man killing her fiancé. She tried the door again but it wouldn’t budge. And then it occurred to her, she had the tools to pick a lock. Her hands shaky as she tried to disengaged the stubborn door. She continued to sob when the shots still rang out. Brad’s cries were growing softer and she knew she had to work faster “Wait…wait for me Brad.” She whispered. But her hands were too shivering out of control “Damn it!!!” She yelled and threw the tools to the ground “Help!!!” she yelled.

After what seemed like an eternity, Rebecca’s voice came on “Guys, Matt has been shot!! He said to retrieve everyone…Erin! Brad! Can you hear me?”

“Becca!!” Erin called over and over and then it occurred to her, they couldn’t hear them anymore. Just then a sharp beeping sound rushed through her ear like a bullet. She pulled out the earpiece and dropped it on the ground. Their signal was being tampered with. She fell to her knees while the shots continue to escape the gun, she could tell when he was reloading when the shots paused for a few seconds. She sobbed while rocking her own body “Stop…” she gulped back the lump in her throat “Please…stop…”