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The Zodiac of PRAIII: Revenge - by Jenny Tran

Chapter 28

Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung

After Chuck left, Darren supported Erin’s elbow as he traced her back to the hospital bed. She quickly noticed he was extra quiet “Something on your mind?” He shook his head “Is that a yes?”

He suddenly felt like scum for forgetting “I’m sorry. I forgot…No, nothing’s wrong.” He was reluctant.

“You could fool a blind person.” She joked.

“That’s not funny.” Darren replied solemnly.

“Sure it is.” Erin laughed “See, I’m laughing.” She pointed to herself.


“Oh no, there’s the fatherly tone.” Erin sighed “If you are going to lecture me, you might want to save it. I got an ear full from Uncle Chuck.”

Darren smiled “Somehow I think that’s not a bad thing.”

Erin shook her head, a girlish grin on her lips “Not at all. For years, I had so much freedom and independence. No one ever dared tell me what to do. But I craved for that scolding tone of voice.”

“Why didn’t you say so!” Darren was shocked “I could have filled that void in your life.”

“I bet you would.” Erin shook her head “So are we going to keep talking about nonsense or are you actually going to tell me what is really bothering you?”

Darren swallowed back the lump in his throat as he took a seat on her bed. His head lowered “I give up.” Erin’s smile disappeared “I’ve had plenty of time to think about it, there’s nothing you can do to change my mind.”

She nodded after a long moment “I respect your decision.”

“You do?” Darren was stunned “I expected a scolding or a kick in the leg or something. Is it strange that I’m scared right now?” he laughed nervously. Considering how close the girls were and how Erin was so determined to save his faith when Mia was in the coma. He was surprised at how well she took his decision.

Erin tilted her head “I do feel like slapping you out of your senses…but at the same time I know how difficult it is for you to hang onto something that is fading. Maybe this is the break you two need. But my main concern is what if she remembers one day and you have moved on? She will be so devastated and I guarantee you will be torn.”

“Maybe you’re right. But I believe this is what she wants.” Darren was positive.

“When did you become a shrink?” She asked with sarcasm “At least give her a chance to tell you what she thinks.”

“I already know.” Darren replied in a heartbeat “The dodging eyes each time I try to make eye contact, the light way she blows me off when I try to make conversation and the oh so popular ‘I’ve got plans’ excuse. Works like a charm.”

She felt pity for him, he was already making his own assumptions “Sometimes things are not as easy as they appear.” There was a double meaning behind her comment that he ignored.

Darren snickered with his head shaking. Suddenly, his pager began to vibrate, he pulled it out of his jeans and took a look “It’s Chuck.”

“I want to go.” Erin said as she arched her neck towards Darren when she felt him getting off the bed.

“No, it could be dangerous.” Darren vehemently refused.

“If you don’t take me along, I’m going to starve myself for the next two days.” She threatened. He laughed while her face turned solemn “If I can say it, I will do it.” She was a person that kept her word and he knew it. He didn’t want to be the one responsible for the mishap.

Darren snuck her out of the hospital, letting her wear his long coat and a hat he stole from the next room patient who happened to be sleeping. The drive was short as he read the directions that Chuck paged for him. It was in the heart of Kowloon where tall apartment buildings stood. They were old and rusted, most looked abandoned.

He got out of the car and rushed to the other side to let her out “I don’t see the others.” He commented.

After he said it, Becca rushed out of the alley between two apartment buildings “Pstt!!” She hissed at Darren, who turned with a nod. He quickly wrapped an arm around Erin’s waist and took her with him “Erin?” Becca asked “Why did you bring her?” she rushed over to help Erin.

Erin laughed “I’m blind, not crippled. I only need one cane, Becca.” She teased “Don’t be mad at Darren, I threatened him to take me here.”

“Weak.” Becca shook her head sternly at him.

Together the three walked into the alley where the rest were already standing there discussing the discovery “Ah Wong told me that they saw TK right here. He climbed down from the fire exit and rushed down that alley.” Ted pointed to the end of the alley where it was a dead end. The only escape was over the picket fence.

“Why do you think he came here?” Mia asked. Her eyes darted back to Erin when she saw Darren and Becca with their now blind agent “Erin!”

Ted turned his head as he too walked briskly over to Erin “Shouldn’t you be resting?”

“Sorry, force of habit.” Erin smiled casually “I don’t like the hospital, it makes me depressed.” She felt the tension when Darren let go of her hand and shifted his feet. Just as she guessed, Darren was avoiding eye contact with Mia, who only glanced at him briefly “So what did you find, Unc?” She already shortened her calling to Chuck.

“Ted got a clue from a reliable source that saw TK hanging around this building.” He pointed and then remembered “It’s on your left side.” He added for Erin’s sake.

She nodded and stepped towards the building. One of the many disadvantages for her impaired vision was that she could not see where she was going. Erin easily tripped over a box and could have toppled over if it wasn’t for Ted’s quick reflexes. He caught her in time “Are you okay?” he asked worriedly.

Erin shook her head “I’m fine. I guess you guys know what to get me for my birthday. A cane.” She flipped her head towards the direction of Ted’s voice “Can you take me closer?”

He nodded and brought her closer to the building, she touched the walls and the fire escape that TK supposedly climbed down from “What are you looking for?” Ted asked.

She shrugged her shoulders “I’m not sure. But I have a feeling he was here.”

“Sixth sense?” Chuck smiled.

“No, pure stupidity.” Erin shook her head as she turned up to the sky “How high is this building?” she asked randomly.

“18 floors.” Doug replied while the others were counting. They turned to him strangely “What do you think I do when I’m not talking? Pondering clues and ideas how to catch the freak?” he snickered “I have better stuff to do.”

“Like count floors of buildings.” Mia finished with sarcasm. She pointed to the one behind her “Tell me quick, how many floors is in that building?”

He rolled his eyes “I’m not THAT bored.” The team chuckled and after a few seconds Doug answered “26.”

“Wow, you have a talent.” Becca admired.

“Yes, only you would find his ‘special power to count the floors of buildings in 10 seconds’ at talent.” Mia quipped. She turned to Darren with a laugh “Can you believe this?”

Darren didn’t respond as he nodded with a grim smile. He turned his attention back to Erin and Doug who were still walking further to the end of the alley. Chuck quickly spotted the tension “Hey guys, let’s stay focused okay?” He waved for them to follow him as he jogged to catch up to Erin “Got any more hunches?” he asked.

Ted shook his head “Even if he was here, we have no idea why he is here. I’ve already checked his background, he has no family and even if he did, I doubt he would be stupid enough to stay with them.”

“Hey guys.” Erin put her hand up to silence them “Do you hear that?”

The five turned to each other and shook their heads “Hear what?” Becca asked.

If she concentrated harder, she could hear the slight tapping sound of a pipe “It hasn’t been raining has it?”

“No.” Ted turned to the others strangely “Erin, are you hearing things?”

She nodded with furrowed brows as she stepped towards the sound. Her hands reached out to touch the object, she felt a cold cylinder object vibrating under her fingers “Is this a pipe?”

Chuck followed her hands as he flipped his head upwards “Yeah.” The pipeline traveled up to the rooftop “What about it?”

Erin turned to the team “Does anyone know how to decode Morse code?”

This time everyone stepped closer to Erin as their eyes followed the pipe “I was in girl scouts and we were forced to learn that damn code crap. I don’t think I could ever forget it.” Becca shuttered at the thought of staying up late just to learn the different combinations that her leader blew out from whistles and made them decode it into sentences. Every time she would nod off, a shrieking whistle would be blown into her eardrum.

“Good.” Erin reached her hand out and Becca quickly placed her hand over it “Decode this.” She began tapping her two fingers over Becca’s palm.

Becca nodded as she picked up the first letter “L-P-M-E…R-O-O…F-T-O-P-H-E.” she turned to the team “What the hell does lpme roo ftophe means?” she shook her head “Are you sure the codes are right Erin?”

She nodded “Positive.”

“Wait, let me write that down.” Mia pulled a pad and pen out of her bag and spelled out the words. Her brows crunched together as she handed it over to Darren “I can’t tell, can you?”

He took the pad from her hand as he looked it over. Suddenly, his face cleared up and a smile appeared on his lips “I know what it is.” He took the pen from Mia’s fingers and began writing it out. He held it up for the rest to see ‘Help Me Rooftop’.

“Someone’s trapped on the rooftop?” Becca asked while her eyes trailed up the fire escape “Why would TK have climbed down…”

“The Mayor!” Mia and Darren replied at the same time.

Mia turned to him with a giggle “Jinx! Now you can talk until someone says your name!” she pointed at him playfully.

“Darren.” Erin could see the daggers Mia was throwing her way, it was a good thing she couldn’t see “Does the fire escape go all the way up to the roof?”

“Yes.” He replied with a small smile, he knew what she had done.

“Then what are we waiting for?” Chuck asked.

“For your orders, sir!” Becca replied.

“When do you ever wait for my order?” he asked “Fine, get your ass up there before I make you give me fifty!” he hollered. The group laughed at his lame attempt to be a real lieutenant “Oh, you think I’m kidding.” He nodded at them with a forced laugh “Give me ten.” He pointed to the ground.

“You serious?” Mia asked after everyone stopped laughing.

“Yes.” He replied firmly. Erin smiled as she began to get on her knees until Chuck reached out and stopped her “What are you doing?”

“I’m part of the team. If you want to punish them, I can’t be left out.” She could tell he was stumped when Becca stifled a laugh so ready to explode.

Chuck clenched his teeth as he replied “I thought we were on the same team.”

“We are.” Erin whispered in reply.

“Okay, you want to play tough. Ted, you stay down here, everyone else come with me!” he pointed to the ladder as Darren and Doug pulled it down. He could see Erin’s grim expression as she was left behind.

Ted watched and made sure everyone was on the rooftop safe and sound until he turned to Erin “Sorry you had to be stuck with me.”

“I’m not stuck, just stranded.” She kidded.

He smiled at her with admiration “How could you kid at a time like this?”

“You mean because I’m blind and have a money obsessive freak trying to kidnap me lurking around the corners? It’s the best time to kid around.” She laughed as she turned and began stepping out to the streets.

“Where are you going?” Ted quickly stopped her as he pulled her back, his hand still rested on her elbow.

Erin sighed “I don’t want to feel crippled Ted. Could you just let me explore on my own? This is the first time I get to be around the city with my loss vision. I don’t want to depend on my human canes forever.” She pulled herself away from him as she walked out to the curb, she could hear the bustling sound of people walking back and forth.

Ted stood two feet away from her out of respect but he would randomly reach out his arm when someone bumped into her and she looked ready to lose her balance, but before he could get to her, she had caught her own stance. After a couple of minutes, he stepped up next to her “Let’s go back.”

She eventually gave in “Okay, we’ll do this some other time.” She was determined to regain her freedom. After seeing how much her teammates cared as they were willing to take turns to escort her around, she knew she couldn’t let them down. Brad would be proud, she told herself.

Suddenly, a gunshot rang out and the crowd began to scream and shout while they scattered in different directions. Ted quickly placed a protective arm around Erin as his eyes darted around, he didn’t see where the shot came from but no one seemed to be hurt.

Erin was frightened but she told herself not to show it. She felt safe with Ted there. That is until she felt a hot breath scraping the side of her neck “Your welcome.” A male voice whispered.

She turned to the voice quickly and patted at Ted’s hand “Who was that that just walked by me?”

Ted snapped his head back but only found a chaotic group of people pushing each other to get out of the way “No one. What’s wrong? Did someone hurt you?”

Erin shook her head “No. Maybe I’m just being paranoid.”

“Come on, let’s go back.” He said when he heard the sirens in the distance. They got to the alley in time to see the team climbing down. Doug was the first to jump down as he turned up to help the Mayor down “Bingo.” Ted sighed.

“Who is it?” Erin asked anxiously.

“Who do you think?” Ted asked with a broad smile “You saved the Mayor.”




Chapter 29

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung

The team escorted the Mayor to Yan Sum Hospital for a checkup. Chuck wanted to make sure he had no broken bones or strange substances injected into his body before the police took over for questioning. After an hour of probing and blood test, they concluded he was only dehydrated and suffered from slight malnutrition, otherwise he was okay for any normal daily activities.

The doctors advised Mayor Chan to stay in the hospital for at least one day. The team surrounded his little room while he graciously thanked them “I was prepared for death, I had no idea why I was kidnapped and who did it. He kept me blindfolded during the whole journey. I don’t know how to thank your team.” He smiled at Chuck, who he guessed was in charge.

“You can thank my lovely niece.” Chuck placed an arm around Erin's shoulder as he moved her closer to the bedside “She was blind due to the same man’s kidnapping but thankfully her senses were strengthened.”

“My uncle is just being humble. If we didn’t get a tip, we might have not found you.” Erin said.

“You are all very humble.” The Mayor smiled broadly, he was just glad to see normal people “What is this team called? I’m certain you are not FBI’s.”

Chuck laughed “No, we are no where compared to the FBI.”

“That’s because we’re BETTER!” Becca exclaimed. The team laughed while the Mayor smiled at the forward girl “We’re called the P.R.A. which stands for Private Rescue Agency. Look us up in the yellow pages.”

“Honey, I don’t think we’re in there yet.” Mia laughed.

“Well, you should be!” The Mayor exclaimed, “I will make a call into the head of security.” The group exchanged knowing smiles as they nodded politely “Have you found the kidnapper?”

Ted shook his head “Not yet. He’s a tricky little bastard. Each time we get close, he seems to be one step before us. It was as if he has a helping hand and he knows what we were thinking.”

“That’s because he’s been getting ideas from our little jailbird friend.” Erin voice toughened at the thought of Reina.

“Reina?” Darren asked.

Erin nodded “That’s how he found me.”

“So you’re his target?” The Mayor asked curiously.

“You could say that.” Chuck replied for Erin “It’s quite complicated and not to mention personal. But you were only a pawn in his little game of chess, he wanted to use your power of attorney to sign a marriage certificate.”

“It sounds difficult.” The Mayor nodded “We’ll I’m just glad it’s over.”

“Sir, I don’t think it’s over.” Doug shook his head sympathetically “He made a slip this time, I don’t think he’ll let it happen the second time. But don’t worry, we’ll make sure there won’t be a second time!”

Erin arched her ear towards the door and Ted followed her direction. Ethan was standing there quietly not wanting to disturb the meeting “Ethan.” Ted greeted as he waved him in.

“Hi guys. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Mayor Chan needs his rest. I’m going to have to shift you guys out.” He waved his hand to the door with a grim smile.

“I guess we should let you rest.” Chuck said to the tired man “There are bodyguards hired from the police force standing outside this room. Call them if you see anything strange.”

“Thank you. All of you.” He added with a nod.

When the team trailed back to Erin’s room, Chuck received a call from Joe. They had a new mission “Team, we’ve got a problem.” He noticed Erin’s arched brows “Erin, I want you to stay here.”

“Maybe I should stay with her.” Ted offered.

“No, we need you.” Chuck replied firmly.

“Don’t worry, the hospital has staff and security all around. She’ll be okay here. I’ll stay with her until one of you comes back.” Ethan suggested.

Becca snickered “What are you going to do if TK comes? Bore him to death with your psychology talk? I think it’s better if a trained agent stays with Erin.”

“I’ll be fine.” Erin insisted with a smile “Ethan can keep me company. You guys go ahead.”

Mia nodded at Ethan “If she looses a strand of hair—”

“You’ll have my neck.” He finished “Yes, yes, I know the routine. Don’t worry, I took an aikido class back in college.” He smiled assuring them.

“Very well, I guess we have no choice. Team, let’s go.” Chuck nodded. He gave Erin’s shoulder a squeeze “Be safe.”

She nodded “I will.”

After they left, she turned to Ethan “I guess it’s just you and me.”

“I’m sorry.” He joked while escorting her back to his office. He glanced behind his back and then closed the door. His face went pale when he saw TK sitting in his chair behind the desk. A gun in his hand as he waved to Ethan to sit down.

Erin noticed Ethan’s pause “Anything wrong?”

He wanted to warn her but knew the gun TK was waving playfully would not be as kind. Ethan led her slowly to the chair “Nothing. I just thought of something I had to do tonight. It doesn’t matter, have a seat.” He said casually.

She nodded and sat down on the chair he directed her to “Maybe we could start the session now?”

Ethan turned his head towards TK who nodded with a grin, he pointed the gun at Erin and widened his eyes threateningly. Ethan stuttered as replied “Ye…Yeah…that’s a great idea.”

“Should I lie down on your couch or just sit here?” Erin asked, she knew he didn’t have a preference but felt it was polite to ask.

“Let’s have you lay on the couch.” He replied and helped her over to the long couch. His heart was beating fast while he could almost feel the gun being pointed behind his back “I’m going to try something different on you.”

Erin nodded “I’m open to new ideas.”

Ethan moved his eyes slowly over to TK who again gave Ethan a nod to hurry along “Everyone has a safe place that they go to when they are stressed out or sad. Do you have one?” Erin nodded with her eyes closed “Good, go there. Imagine there are no worries, no stress, no pain. Go to the place where you know you are happy, content and relax. Where the endless blue sky is above and the grass is perfectly green, where birds are singing in the distance and you are barefoot walking against the meadow. The grass tickling your feet as you giggle. Your hair billowing from the soft cool breeze, the sun is perfect, not too hot…Are you there?”

Erin let out a slow easy moan “Mmm.”

“Now tell me your biggest fears.” Ethan asked in a soft even tone.

“Losing people that I love.” She answered in a monotone.

“Who are those people?” Ethan continued as TK got up and pulled a seat next to Erin. He watched in amazement as Ethan had hypnotized her with his words.

“Shelly, Mia, Darren, Uncle Chuck, the rest of the team…and especially Ted.” Erin smiled at the thought of Ted “I miss Brad.” Her smile slowly faded.

Ethan was about to ask when TK spoke up “How about TK?”

“I would kill him with my bare hands if I see him.” Erin replied coldly.

“What if he was regretful?” TK asked when she was still in her deep stage.

Erin paused for a few seconds “It doesn’t matter, he killed Brad.”

“But he didn’t want to.” TK insisted “IT was Reina that wanted him dead, he was only pressured into doing it. He had no will to kill Brad. There was no reason.”

“Yes, he wanted the inheritance.” Erin replied blankly.

“No, he wanted to trace down the only connection he had to his parents. For years, he traveled the city alone and dug trash cans for food. He didn’t want to live in an orphanage so he hid behind alleys and shared dinner with the cats. His life was not any better than yours. You two are soul mates, he is the only person in this world that understands you. Ted is no comparison, he had a happy life, he had family that loved him. How could he ever feel the pain that you and TK shared? Even your sister Shelly was raised in a loving family. No one understands you, Erin.” TK finished.

Ethan eyed the guy carefully as he spoke, he said it so earnestly and it was disturbing the way he seemed to know what to say to hit Erin’s weak spot. Maybe writing his book on human sociology wasn’t a good idea after all, he never expected it to fall into the wrong hands. Erin didn’t reply right away “Erin, what are you thinking?” Ethan asked.

“You’re right.” Erin let out a short sigh “No one understands me.”

“But TK does.” TK added quickly. He knew she was at her weakest mind during hypnosis, it was now or never if he wanted to brainwash her “You should forgive him. Find him and let him apologize. He is earnest, you’ll see.”

“Maybe.” Erin concluded.

Ethan wanted to break her hypnosis and warn her to run while he held TK down. But the guy appeared to know what Ethan was thinking as he waved the gun at his face again “Don’t try anything funny.” He warned in a whispered voice.

By this time Ethan was perspiring as he quickly nodded “I have to take her out. She can’t be hypnotized for too long. It weakens the mind.” He lied.

TK nodded as he got up “It better work, Dr. Chan. If not, you’ll be getting a lot of visits from me and my friend.” He nodded to his gun. He got up and hid the gun behind jacket. He walked over to the door and before he left, he turned to Ethan “I mean it, no funny business. You try something and you'll find yourself saying farewell to your pretty little Mia.”

Ethan nodded vigorously as TK left, he finally let out a sigh of relief. He turned to Erin “Snap out of it, Erin.” He snapped his finger near her ear and her eyes snapped open.

She let out a yawn “That was tiring.” She shook her head “Am I suppose to feel dizzy?”

“Just a little.” Ethan replied “Do…do you remember what you said?”

“Am I supposed to remember?” Erin asked with a laugh “Because I don’t.”

He let out a sigh of relief “How do you feel though?”

“Tired.” She sighed “But better, emotionally I mean. I feel lighter like the weights have been lifted from my shoulders. Although I have the sudden urge to forgive someone, but I’m not sure whom.” Her brows knitted together as she pondered the feeling.

“That’s a normal reaction.” Ethan said quickly “You let out all your fears and worries so you feel light as a feather and want to keep the peace with everyone.”

“That makes sense.” Erin nodded “But I still hate Reina for what she did.” She got up on her feet “I guess TK wasn’t all to blame.” She smiled at Ethan “Thanks for the session.”

“Anytime, I’m glad it made you feel better.” Ethan was reluctant as she began to walk towards the door “Let me walk you back, Erin.”

She shook her head “No, I want to try it on my own. I’ve memorized the hallways and corridors around here. If I get lost, I’ll just call for a nurse.” He watched and gave her a head start before following her. He kept a long distance just to see if she can indeed do it on her own. A few people bumped into her and they quickly apologized when realizing that she was blind. Erin smiled and continued on her way feeling the doors. Her fingers moved across the room numbers as she read them out loud “305…307….309.” she sighed as she finally got there. Using her hands as she turned the knob and opened the door. Ethan’s body washed over with relief. Erin halted as she turned slowly towards Ethan “I told you I could make it back.”

He was completely stunned “How…how did you…”

Erin laughed “My senses are out of control.” She nodded to him “I’m safe now. You can go do your stuff. I’ll be fine in here.”

“Okay.” Ethan reluctantly returned to his office. But before that, he went to the reception area and asked that a candy striper was assigned to watch Erin and make sure she was never alone. The girl promised and Ethan felt more at ease.




Chapter 30

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Benny Chan – Eric Leung aka Cancer
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Charlene Choi - Jenna Cheung

The team drove together towards a downtown area where a building was being burned down. Becca frowned when a couple of people began to bump her after she was out of the car “Are you sure this is the right place? Looks more like a job for firefighters.”

Chuck shook his head “This is the address Joe gave me.” He too wondered what they were doing there “I guess we should take a look.” He nodded to everyone as they followed him closer to the building.

They were in the middle of a chaotic group of people who were screaming for their loved ones who were stuck inside the burning building and some who were injured. Ambulances maneuvered around the firemen and people as they rushed to get to the hurt people. Eric was working on the hose when he turned up and found the team there. He waved for a co-worker to take over as he approached them “What are you guys doing here? Do you have family in here?”

Everyone shook their heads “We got a call in from Joe to come here.” Ted advised their former agent “Maybe there is someone in this building? Someone important?”

Chuck nodded “My thought exactly.”

Mia tilted her head “It’s a nice building. How could it have burned?”

“Arson.” Eric guessed, “I hear there is a girl trapped on the top floor. Everyone else is being saved since it’s burning from top to bottom.”

“Well we don’t want to bother you. You should get back to work.” Doug nodded as he saw a few firemen looking towards their direction. After Eric left he turned to the group “There should be a reason why Joe asked us to come.”

As if on cue, Chuck’s cell phone rang. He picked up the call and after listening for a few seconds his face turned solemn “Yes, don’t worry, we’ll get her out.” He hung up and turned to his team “Joe’s daughter lives on the top floor. She had called him when the fire started and is in a panic. She’s afraid of heights and would not climb down the ladder.” He turned up to the sky as he found a young girl looking out her window, she clutched her chest and returned to the smoke filled room “Shit…we have to get her out.”

“We don’t have the uniform or equipment to get inside.” Doug reminded them.

“We can’t just let her die.” Mia turned up to the sky as she shielded her eyes with her hand “She’s going to suffocate.”

“I’ll go.” Darren offered. Before he got the okay from Chuck, he was already rushing over to the firemen. He talked to Eric, who then turned to his father for assistance. The man said some words and Darren was put into a suit.

“What is he doing?!” Mia asked as she turned back to the team.

“Being the hero.” Becca sighed.

“But it’s dangerous!” Mia cried “Is he crazy?”

Chuck felt that Darren was doing out of determination. Maybe he was trying to prove something to himself or maybe he was just finding something to distract him from Mia. He remembered Erin telling him what a difficult time Darren was having “Let’s just hope he knows what he’s doing.”

Darren put on the last part of the uniform before he was put on the ladder that reached the top floor “We tried to calm her earlier but she refused to come down. If she doesn’t not follow you, you have to come back down or the building will blow up. We don’t know how long until the fire leads to the gas pipe.” Eric warned Darren.

“Okay.” Darren nodded as he got on the ladder and began climbing it. As he got closer, he could see the girl more clearly, she was coughing and crying hysterically “Miss! Come with me, the building is going to collapse!”

She shook her head “I can’t!” she pointed to the ground and quickly turned her head when the sight made her dizzy.

“It’s okay, I won’t let you fall.” Darren assured her with his hand reaching out for her.

She shook her head vehemently “I can’t!!! I’ll faint!” she yelled over the noise.

“What’s your name?” Darren asked urgently.

“Jenna.” She replied, her eyes darting behind her “The fire is coming in!!” her voice screeched while her began to tear up again.

“Jenna, listen to me.” Darren tried to get the girl to focus but she was too frightened “You have to trust me. Please, I don’t want to leave you to burn to death. Your father is waiting for you.”

“You know my father?” for a second she forgot about her fears “He sent you?”

“Yes, he sent me to save you.” Darren held onto the subject that apparently calmed her “Come on, take my hand.” He reached out for her “Trust me.” He said solemnly.

She nodded slowly as she reached out and took his hand. She was dressed in a pair of pajamas with no shoes on. Her foot was placed on the windowsill as he pulled her closer to him. But at the moment, her foot slipped off the edge and she fell through the gap between the ladder and the building. Her voice echoed around as the onlookers gasped. Mia took a step forward, her eyes worriedly watching on. Darren’s hand gripped around Jenna’s as he nodded down at her, she looked like a scared puppy “I’m going to die!!” she cried.

“No, you’re not!” Darren said firmly “Jenna. Jenna! Look at me!!” he commanded. Her eyes moved up and he nodded “Good, keep looking at me, You’ll be okay.” He soothed as he used his full force to pull her closer to the ladder. Slowly one foot at a time clung on, his hand would not let go of hers even when she was safely on the ladder next to him “You’re safe now.” He coaxed when he felt her shivering.

When the ladder began to move down, he could hear the applause that rang through the crowd. Jenna’s fingers were still gripping on his arm when they were finally on the roof of the truck. Darren gently shook her arm loose “I’m scared.” she whimpered.

Darren smiled for the first time since he saw the fear in her eyes “Don’t be. You’re okay now. I’ll guide you down.” He nodded and began to climb down. Darren was safe on the ground as he turned up. She was dangling on the roof while his arms were pointed up to her “Jump, I’ll catch you.” He assured her.

Jenna nodded as she closed her eyes and pushed herself off the truck, he caught her with his arms around her waist, he had timed the catch to perfection. She opened her eyes and looked directly in his eyes, they were smiling back at her “Thank you.” She whispered before he let her down to the ground.

“You’re welcome.” Darren smiled as he turned up to his teammates who were grinning proudly.

“I didn’t know you had it in you!” Becca jokingly hit his arm with her fist “You’re my new hero for today.”

Doug pouted but didn’t comment. But Mia was quick to catch his expression “I think someone’s jealous Becca.” She nudged her friend.

Becca turned to Doug with a teasing smile “Aww, you’re my hero all the other days.”

Doug had an obvious smile but he tried to play it off “Like I want to be.”

Chuck shook his head at his agents. He turned back to Jenna “Your father was very worried.”

She looked up to him “You know my father? You all know him?” They nodded in reply “Can I see him?”

“Don’t you know that he’s in Beijing?” Darren questioned “When was the last time you saw him?”

“5 years ago.” Jenna replied.

“What?” Doug shook his head “Five years? Shoot, we didn’t even know Joe had a daughter but you two haven’t seen each other in years? How is that possible?”

Her serious face curled into a smile “I’m just kidding! I just saw him last month.” She laughed while pointing to Doug’s shocked expression “You should see the look on your face.”

Mia pulled out a mirror and handed it to Doug while he rolled his eyes “No thanks.” He retorted sarcastically.

“How about we take you to a safe place?” Chuck offered.

Jenna nodded “Okay.” She turned to Darren “Can I ride with you?”

He turned to his teammates and caught Mia’s face twitching “Uh…well…we kinda drove together.”

“Yeah, sorry there’s not enough room for you.” Becca said with slight defense.

“Hey…don’t be so mean. She’s Joe’s daughter. I’m sure she can fit with us. We’re not that crowded.” Ted knew Becca was trying to protect Mia “I can take a cab.”

“Or I can sit on your lap!” Jenna suggested, her eyes glued adoringly to Darren.

He laughed nervously “No, I don’t think so.”

“What’s wrong? Afraid your little girlfriend would get jealous?” she nodded her head to Becca.

“She’s not his girlfriend.” Doug corrected.

“Right, I’m his girlfriend.” Becca pointed her thumb at Doug.

“Ye…No!” Doug shook his head, he glared at Becca “Stop that!”

Chuck laughed along with the others “Look guys, we could stand here all day but frankly, I want to be in a more quiet surrounding.” He nodded at Darren “You guys don’t mind sharing the back row do you?”

“No!” Jenna answered for them as she began tugging at Darren’s hand “Come on!” she pushed.

Becca walked up next to Mia as they began trailing along “Cute as button isn’t she?” sarcasm dripping her the tone in her voice.

“As a matter of fact…she is very cute.” Mia replied with a straight face. Becca snickered and Mia turned to her friend “No, I’m serious.”

“Oh come on! She is so hitting on Darren, aren’t you going to do something about it?” Becca was stunned “If some girl was touching Doug, I would have chopped her hand off by now.”

Mia laughed at the picture she painted “But you’re crazy. Its almost expected of you, Becca. I think I’m a bit more mature than that…anyways, Darren is just a friend to me.”

“Really?” Becca arched her left brow up “Last time I heard, you were engaged to the guy. You’re telling me, you didn’t feel a little pang of jealousy when he rescued her and caught her in his arms?”

“No.” Mia answered too quickly.

“Yes, and if you say that one more time, maybe you’ll really believe it.” Becca shook her head “You are so in denial.” She quickened her pace when the team climbed onto the van and they were waiting for the final two. Becca climbed in a quickly chose the seat between Darren and Jenna “I don’t like sitting next to the window, it makes me sick.”

Jenna shrugged as she turned to Darren “So, how long have you been a fireman?” she asked brightly.

He smiled and shook his head “I’m not.”

“Wow, but you weren’t afraid of the fire! You were so brave!” Jenna gushed.

“Anyone would have done what I did.” Darren replied humbly, his eyes glanced over at Mia, who turned her head out towards the window.

Jenna giggled “No one that I met. That one fireman that they sent up couldn’t even get me to talk.” She nodded with wide rounded eyes.

“Really?” Darren asked without much feeling.

“Yeah, he—”

“Okay, let’s switch seats. I hate being in a middle of a conversation.” Becca shook her head as she waved Jenna over into her seat. She let out a sigh of relief “Much better.”

Chuck turned in his seat as he waved a finger for Becca to come closer “Good job, now you just made Darren squirm and Mia is fuming with jealously.” He chuckled while pointed his head towards them.

Becca stifled a laugh as she turned to see Darren nodded with a plastered smile while the girl continued to talk on and on. Mia on the other hand was leaning her head on the chair, her reflection from the glass showed that her eyes were closed “Yeah!” Becca whispered back to Chuck and suddenly her face froze, the smile dropped as she flicked her brow up “Don’t talk to me like you’re my friend or something. I don’t know you that well.” She sat back and crossed her arms.

Chuck smiled knowingly as he moved his body closer to Ted’s passenger seat “Hey, did you call the hospital to check on Erin?”

“I just did, they said she’s napping.” Ted replied with a smile “You’re acting like a worried father.” He teased.

“I’ve taken the job since the moment I found out.” Chuck sighed, “I can’t help but be worried, she’s weak right now. I thought I had to worry about Shelly but now Erin…” he trailed off.

“She’s strong. She’ll be just fine.” Mia was listening but her eyes were still closed.

They got to headquarters and entered the place through the backway. Jenna looked around in complete shock “Wow, this is like a futuristic type of operations. What do you guys do?!” She was curiously bouncing around.

The team exchanged glances “You don’t know about your Dad’s work?” Ted asked.

“No. He never told me and I never asked. Wow, I didn’t know Daddy was like an agent or something. Oooh, does he run a mission impossible agency or something?” Jenna asked with wide eyes.

“Crap, we’re in deep shit now.” Becca muttered.

Chuck shook his head “That’s going to be at least 100 push ups for me.”

“Just kidding!!” Jenna cried as she blew up into giggles “I knew. Although I was grounded for a month when I snuck into Daddy’s studies and read about the P.R.A.”

Becca smiled forcefully at the playful girl “Could you warn me when you are about to pull a ‘just kidding’? My heart is too weak.”

“Sure!” Jenna replied brightly “But to be honest, I’ve never seen the headquarters, I’ve only seen blue prints.”

“Just kidding right?” Becca asked sarcastically.

Jenna shook her head with a straight face “No, I’m serious.”

Doug stifled a laugh while Becca threw him a glare “She’s funny.” He commented with a smile that he knew would only tick Becca off.

Becca rolled her eyes as she turned to Chuck “Hey, the doctor said I would go postal if I was around ‘cute’ and ‘funny’ people too long. Can I go home?”

“No. Jenna has no place to go. I need one of you to let her stay over for the night until Joe gives me further instructions.” Chuck looked at everyone sternly.

“I only have a one bedroom.” Becca raised her hand.

“My roommate won’t let me have girls over.” Doug replied and everyone turned to him strangely “He’s gay.” They began nodding with understanding.

Mia was about to offer her place when Darren spoke up “I’ve got a house full of empty rooms. She’s welcomed to stay there.”

“A guy and a girl alone in a mansion?” Becca asked with her head shaking like a disapproving mother “No can do.”

“You have a mansion?!!!” Jenna squealed in delight “I have to see this!”

“I’m not going to get arrested for sharing a place with a girl. She is of age…” he turned to Jenna “Are you?” he was unsure himself.

She nodded “Twenty one.”

“See.” Darren pointed out.

“Fine. But you are in charge of her. If anything happens to her, you are in charge of reporting to Joe.” Chuck pointed out.