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The Zodiac of PRAIII: Revenge - by Jenny Tran

Chapter 34

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung

A week soon passed and it seemed as if the waves had stopped crashing. Ethan only received one visit from TK where he commended him for the beautiful job he did on Erin. He was shocked at how she stood up for him and turned against her friends to save him. Ethan was neither proud or willing to let TK threaten him to do another session on Erin. Surprisingly, TK didn’t put up a fight, instead he left him alone for a couple of days.

Chuck received a call from Joe, who was flying down for an event party hosted by the Mayor. The entire team was invited and Chuck called a meeting just for that. Erin too was present “This is a prestigious honor or our team, we are finally recognized by another authority besides Joe, who actually wanted to keep the P.R.A. a secret. But from the past few years, things didn’t allow us to stay in hiding. I’m glad though, maybe one day we will be honored like the police force or FBI’s.”

“Well it’s about time!” Becca blurted out.

“You’re the one to talk, you’ve only been here a couple of months. How about a hand for those that have been here longer?” Doug pointed out Erin and Mia, who were the originals.

“We’ve lost too many…” Erin sighed sadly.

Mia smiled as she reached her hand over and squeezed Erin’s shoulder “They’ll never be forgotten.”

“That was what the Mayor said.” Chuck nodded at his team, he had grown so attached to all of them that it broke his heart just to think that he would lose one member “I know we’ve had some peace throughout the week, but I want you guys to be careful and be on your toes. We don’t know if TK is lurking around the corner waiting to pounce on us. Don’t let your guard down, but remember to have fun.”

“Well, if that’s not ironic, I don’t know what is.” Becca shook her head in dismay “How could we have fun if we have to constantly turn our backs?”

Doug chuckled as he got up “Like this.” He pretended to shake someone’s hand “Hi there…” suddenly he whipped his head back and put his hand up in fighting mode then a second later, he was normal again.

Mia narrowed her eyes at him “You’ve got problems.”

“You’re the one to talk.” Doug snickered.

Darren lowered his head while Mia threw her friend an evil look. Ted cleared his throat to keep the tension down “Is it formal Chuck?”

“Kind of. The theme is old England. When petticoats and penguin suits were in. It’s going to be like a masquerade.” Chuck explained with a smile “I have to dig through my closet and find the old monkey suit I wore to a Halloween party years ago.”

“Are you sure you can still fit it?” Becca asked with a snort.

Chuck turned his head to her “The same way you’ll fit into your old prom dress…oh wait… you probably didn’t go. No guy could bear standing next to you for a whole night.”

“That’s what you think! I’ve got a date.” She leaned over and linked her arm through Doug’s with a smile that would make Chuck puke.

“Shh…” Doug twitched his lips to the side to hush her. He wasn’t ready to expose their affair but she could careless.

Mia stifled a laugh while Erin too had a smile on her face “Are you ashamed of us?” Becca exclaimed loudly.

“No.” Doug whispered, “Lower your voice.”

“It is lowered!! This is my calm voice!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Mia covered her face while her body trembled with each laughter. She tried hard not to make any sounds but when Doug turned to her “What are you laughing at?”

She turned up with a reddened face from suppressing all the laughter “Nothing.” Mia was unsuccessful at keeping a straight face.

“Doug, why don’t you admit it.” Ted smiled as he turned to the group for assurance.

Darren laughed “I’m not sure if I should congratulate you or feel sorry for you.”

Mia pointed at him while blowing up with giggles “I was thinking the same thing!”

“Any guy would be lucky to date me!” Becca retorted with defense.

“Isn’t that what your mother use to tell you?” Erin pointed out with an apparent grin on her face “Dear, parents would say you look gorgeous eventhough you look like an ape.”

“My momma would not lie to me!” Becca gaped at Erin in shock “I thought you would agree with me…traitor.” She was joking but Erin’s smile quickly faded as she remembered some things.

Mia quickly caught on as she turned to Becca with a shaking head “I guess I would be one too. I agree with Erin.” Mia said.

Becca backed down as she relaxed herself “I thought girls were suppose to stick together.”

“If that were true, Doug would be on our side.” Mia cracked, suddenly she stopped laughing “Wait…he is on your side. What was I thinking?”

“Okay, spit it up. How did the affair start? Did Becca lure you to her cave while she poisoned you with red wine?” Darren asked as he pictured it in his head. He turned to Ted with a wink while he looked at Doug pitifully “The poor lad didn’t even have a chance.”

Becca nose began to flare, a sure sign she was upset “I’m not that bad!!”

“No, but you are bad.” Ted laughed as he joined in the bashing “We know how weak Doug is when he drinks.”

“Tell them!” Becca turned abruptly to Doug and pushed him on the arm almost causing him to fall off his chair. Chuck laughed with his head thrown back, he was enjoying it too much.

“That it’s all true?” Doug asked innocently. Her face looked ready to burst as he put up his hands in defense “Okay, alright…wow you sure drive a hard bargain. Becca did not seduce me or make me drink any wine. I actually approached her for a lunch date and she agreed. We are just seeing each other, it’s nothing serious.”

After he finished there was an awkward moment of silence, no one said a word until Darren let out a sigh “Damn, you’re whipped.” Mia began laughing slowly as she too nodded in agreement.

“I guess we know who wears the pants in that relationship.” Ted added with wide eyes.

“Whoop-pack!!” Chuck made a whipping motion with his hand while the guys laughed.

“What the hell is that?” Becca arched her neck at him.

“It’s like a whip…” Chuck explained as he mad the motion again. Becca rolled her eyes as he quickly cleared his throat “Meeting adjourned. I want everyone to meet outside the Hilton Suites at 7pm sharp. We’ll enter together, it’s this Sunday so don’t forget.”

“Can we bring dates?” Mia asked when everyone began to get up.

Chuck turned to Darren who seemed emotionless “Sure…I don’t see a problem in that.” He snapped his finger when a thought came to him “Oh and Darren, Joe asked me to tell you that Jenna would want to attend. Which means you have to escort her.”

Darren nodded “I figured that.” He turned to Mia with a smile “Are you bringing Ethan?”

Mia nodded shyly “Yeah.”

“Good, I haven’t seen him for a while. It’ll be nice to thank him for the sessions.” Darren replied politely.

“God, they act like they just met.” Becca whispered at Doug.

Doug smiled with his arms crossed “Yeah, isn’t it great? It’s like a brand new start.”

“Who side are you on?” Becca hissed while pulling him out of the room.

“My friend’s.” He replied nonchalantly “I know Darren is my friend, but Ethan has been my friend longer.”

“What kind of reason is that? Darren is perfect for Mia!” Becca darted her eyes back to make sure the two were not within earshot.

“So is Ethan.” Doug stood up for his friend “Anyways, it’s not our choice, it’s Mia’s. Just let her take her own strides.”

“I guess…” Becca sounded defeated.

Ted assisted Erin up while Chuck followed the two outside “I’ve got to go pick up Joe right now. So I’ll see you two later for dinner.”

Erin nodded “Okay.” She allowed Ted to take her arm “Can we take a walk downtown? I haven’t been there for ages.”

“Sure.” He agreed. They casually walked through the crowded streets. Everyone seemed to be in a rush while they looked like they were in slow motion compared to the others “Erin…”

“Hmm?” she asked with her brows lifted.

“I wanted to ask you but didn’t want to embarrass you earlier…but…will you-” Ted was cut off by her answer.

“Sure.” She smiled at his shyness.

He paused in his steps causing her to stop too “You know what I wanted to ask?”

Erin nodded “Of course.”

Ted let out a sigh of relief, he was so nervous thinking of how to approach her with the question. He knew she was not ready for a step ahead “I thought you would say no.”

“It was either you or Uncle Chuck.” Erin giggled as she imagined his blushing face “To be honest, I’d rather have you as a date. I don’t think my uncle wants me hanging around while he’s trying to scope out the women.”

“You think that’s what he’ll do?” Ted laughed at the thought of Chuck clumsily flirting with other women.

“I’m just guessing.” Erin smiled. She turned her head to the side when she heard a lady calling out a sale on live lobsters “Let’s make lobster legs tonight. Uncle Chuck likes it.”

Ted nodded but then he caught his eyes on another seafood open market “Hey, they have fresher food over there.” He pointed “I’ll be right back.”

Erin wasn’t paying attention when she began talking to the lady “Is it fresh?” she asked the woman who insisted it was the best in the market “Ted?” Erin’s smile faded slowly “Ted?” she spun around in circles with her hands pointed outward “Ted!!” she began walking down the street calling out his name, but there was no answer. Suddenly, she felt a body bump into her, she lost her balance and fell to the side of the street. Then a shoe stepped right over her hand, which had landed on some sharp pebbles. The person mumbled a quickly apology while Erin whipped her hand back into the safety of her body. It was bleeding, she could feel the liquid seeping through the cut.

The hundreds of footsteps crossing by in front of her made her nervous since it was obvious no one noticed her there. She squeezed herself against the wall, while she held onto her hand. The pain had numbed the cut but she herself felt useless. The tears brimmed her eyes but she pushed them back in. I’m not going to cry. She told herself it was not a big deal, that Ted would be back for her.

Ted had bought three lobsters, all of which were about four pounds. He paid for them and returned to the place where he had left Erin. When he got there, his heart nearly dropped, she was nowhere in sight “Erin!” he yelled while returning to the woman that Erin had approached “Auntie, did you see the girl I was with?”

“Who are you?” the woman asked blankly.

Frustration hovered over him as he snapped “The blind girl that was asking you about the lobsters! Where is she??”

“Lunatic.” The woman muttered while she went about her business of selling seafood.

He grunted in dismay as he began running to his right “Erin! Erin!!” he yelled over and over.

His voice was calling her in the distance, she could hear it. Erin had no idea how far she had traveled to until Ted’s voice began bellowing out. She pulled herself up with the help of the wall as she began walking towards his voice, only to be bumped in all directions by passerbyers.

“Ted!” she called back in return.

His head arched to the familiar voice as his eyes darted through the crowd and spotted Erin, reaching out blindly “Erin!” he rushed over to her as he dropped the bag of lobster and embraced her. His hand reaching over the back of her head as he soothed out her tied up hair “You scared me!” he scolded.

“I didn’t know where you were…I tried looking but there were too many people.” Erin whimpered, the tears she was trying to hold in eventually got loose “I was scared, Ted.”

“It’s okay.” He continued to stroke her hair “I’m here now…I’m sorry, I won’t let you out of my sight again.” He pulled away and pulled his palm over her face, his fingers carefully wiping the tears off her cheeks “Its okay.” He soothed.

Erin nodded with a smile, her nose and cheeks red “I know…because you’re here.” She fell against his chest softly as the two hugged each other, oblivious to their surroundings. A few onlookers stared at the strange couple while others continued to their destinations.

Hundred of yards away stood TK, hiding behind an alley. He was about to come to her rescue when Ted found her. He punched the wall roughly “Damn nuisance!” he cursed the guy.




Chapter 35

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Gallen Lo – Matt Tong aka M.T.
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan
Athena Chu – Sheila Kam
Andy Lau – General Joseph Cheung (head of security)
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung
Charlene Choi – Jenna Cheung

The day of the event came and the team arrived by couples at the Hilton Five Star hotel. Camera bulbs were flashing and reporters were there to interview the stars that were invited to come. Erin hand was linked through Ted’s as she smiled up at him, her face glowing “What does it look like?” she asked giddily “I’ve never been to the Hilton.”

Ted smiled as he adjusted her feathered eye mask, it was required by everyone to wear it. At the end of the night, the mayor would announce for everyone to take them off “It’s a really tall building with beautiful rose bushes around the edges. There’s a red carpet laid out and it’s raining gold and silver confetti.”

Erin smiled as she pictured it in her head “It sounds gorgeous.”

“Ted! Erin!” Mia waved to them as she came arm in arm with Ethan, who looked handsome in a gold and black suit. Ted was more filled out in his silver and black suit. Erin matched him in a silver ball dress that Shelly helped her get into. Mia had on a sky blue sequined dress, the feather of her mask ticked her head each time she walked “You look so pretty!!” she gushed over Erin’s dress.

“Thank you. Shelly described it to me but she didn’t do it too well. She said it was light gray with sparkling thingys.” Erin laughed.

“Well, you look beautiful.” Mia concluded as she reached her finger up and itched her eye under the mask “Do we have to wear this thing the whole night?”

“I think so.” Ethan nodded “Well until the Mayor announces us to uncover them. Otherwise, they stay on. And stop scratching your eyes, you’ll make them red!” he scolded playfully while slapping her hand away.

“But it itches!!” she exclaimed.

“I’ll take you to the restroom.” Erin reached out her hand for Mia’s “Wait…that’s not right.” The girls laughed easily “A blind person leading the way, you should be scared.”

The guys made sure the girls were able to pass security and entered the large hallway of red carpet “How is she doing?” Ethan asked.

“Better.” Ted nodded “I think she’s having a hard time depending on others but she might be adjusting better than I imagine.”

“Is there anything strange about her?” Ethan was careful not to hint anything.

Ted was thoughtful as his brows furrowed above his eyes “About a week ago, but she’s back to normal now.” Ethan nodded blankly while Ted continued “She was really forgiving towards TK and the last that I heard from Chuck, they had an argument about it.”

“She really needs our support right now. It would only drain her emotionally if we tried to reason with her.” Ethan advised “If she ever leans towards a wrong idea, give me a call. I’ll help her.”

“Thanks.” Ted smiled, the guy was growing on him and the fact of the matter is he’s dating Mia. It was more of a reason to like him “You are dedicated to your job…or is it because Erin is Mia’s best friend?” he teased.

Ethan laughed “Yes and no. Mia would kill me if I didn’t help and Erin has a special case that I haven’t dealt with in ages. I just want to do everything in my power to help her.”

Their talk was interrupted when Darren arrived in a dashing gray with tiny silver trims at the hems of his suit. Jenna was in a red and gold ball gown, she was also clinging onto Darren’s arms. However, Darren was wiping her hands off his elbow every few minutes. When he couldn’t handle the girl any longer, he took his hands and placed them over her arms as he pushed her forward “Where’s Joe?” that was his greeting.

“Hi to you too.” Ted teased. His eyes traveled down to Jenna “Don’t you look cute.”

“Thank you.” She curtsied adoringly “Did you two guys come together?” she asked with a joking grin.

Darren was growing impatient as he placed his hands over Jenna’s ears “Where’s Joe? I need to give him his package before it explodes.” He whispered.

Jenna wiggled out of his grasp as she turned up to Darren “I can still hear you! And why are you in such a rush to get rid of me? Am I that unbearable?”

He instantly felt guilty as he shook his head “No…you’re not that bad.”

“Really, so you love me now?” Jenna’s eyes were beaming as she bounced up and down.

“Sweetie, if you are going to be that forward at least warn the guy.” Joe walked up to their left wearing a black and white suit. He shook his head at his little girl “Is that how you greet your father?” he warned.

Jenna pouted her lips as she turned her chin up at him “Yes.”

“Jen.” Joe used his fatherly tone. She eventually walked over and gave him a half hearted hug “Is someone sour because she lost a bet?” he teased.

“NO!” Jenna frowned and then answered “Yes. I don’t want to go up to Beijing, it’s boring!!” she began throwing a tantrum.

“A bet is a bet.” Joe stood his ground as he nodded to the guys “Nice to see all of you again.” He pointed to Ethan “I’m not sure I know you.”

Ethan laughed “For a guy that asked me to help out his team for no charges, you sure forget fast.”

“Ethan!” Joe exclaimed with a laugh as the two hugged “I didn’t recognize you. You were invited too?”

“No, he came with Mia.” Darren replied with a pressed smile.

Joe nodded with understanding “Let’s go inside.” He led the group into the ballroom where hundreds of sparking streamers hung from the ceiling. Inside, he saw Chuck talking to a few people, his suit was not very fitting but it made him look thinner. Joe approached them “Hey Chuck.”

Chuck turned to the familiar the voice “Joe! You recognized me? I came inside first on purpose to see if anyone would noticed.”

“Are you kidding? I couldn’t miss that stomach anywhere.” Joe teased openly.

“Still aiming for the stomach?” Chuck shook his head sadly “I thought you would find something new to hit.”

“Not if it works every time.” Joe chuckled.

“Where are the girls?” Chuck wondered out loud.

Jenna pointed to her dad “See! I’m not a girl! You don’t need a son.”

Darren nudged Ted as he pointed to Joe and Jenna “Maybe she’s adopted?” Ted stifled a laugh while Darren turned away and found Matt, Ryan and Shelly walking in together. Matt was still in a wheelchair “Well, hello stranger!” Darren greeted their old lieutenant with a hug.

Matt laughed “I guess you guys have forgotten about me.”

Ted joined in as he brought out a hand “I’m Ted, what’s your name?”

Matt slapped his hand away as the guys too hugged. Darren turned up to Ryan and Shelly “Did you guys see Doug and Becca outside?”

Shelly shook her head “No. We just came inside. Where’s Ga Jei and Mia?” she quickly noticed the missing people.

“In the restroom.” Ted replied “But we’re still missing two more.”

“Where do you suppose they went?” Darren wondered.

Ethan nodded when he spotted them coming into the room “Speak of the devil.”

The group turned and saw Becca in an olive and silver gown while Doug was dressed in a gray-olive green suit. They walked towards the group calmly and with poise “Hello everyone.” Becca bowed her head slightly to greet them.

No one knew how to react to her politeness “What do we say?” Chuck whispered to Ted.

Doug frowned at the group “What’s with you guys?”

“I thought you said you were bringing Becca?” Ted asked.

He quickly picked up the joke “Oh…she acts like a lady when she’s in a dress.” He explained with a laugh.

Darren sighed, “Thank God, I thought she was possessed.”

“Ingrates!” Becca said haughtily.

“Aww, Doug is a little strange, but he’s not an ingrate.” Mia teased from behind as she walked Erin back after catching Ethan’s waving hand.

“I was talking to everyone BUT Doug.” Becca replied without much feeling.

“What’s with her?” Mia whispered to Erin.

Erin smiled slowly “When Becca puts on a dress…any dress…she turns into this upper class woman that looks down on people. I remember during a formal dance in high school, she walked around and called everyone a peasant. It’s like she’s taken on a special role, just ignore her and it’ll go away.”

“Well, that’s easy!” Chuck began hurrying the group away leaving Doug and Becca to stand alone.

“Look what you did!” Doug pointed at the group laughing and talking “We should be there. That’s it, take off your dress!” he ordered.

“Excuse me?” Becca turned her foot around “You are not the boss of me.” She flipped her dress back and walked away. Doug turned to the team and then back at Becca. He let out a sigh and dragged his foot over to her.

After another 15 minutes, the Mayor finally arrived in his own suit as he took over the podium. He gave a short speech welcoming his guests and hoped that everyone had a good time. After he was done the live band began playing slow soft ballads. Jenna’s eyes beamed “That’s my favorite song!!” she turned to Darren “Come on!” she practically yanked him out to the dance floor.

Joe grimaced when Darren almost tripped over his own foot “Remind me to send him a basket of fruit.” He said to Chuck.

“Or a basket of pest repellent.” Chuck said with a laugh.

“You want to dance?” Ethan asked Mia when he saw her staring at the dance floor.

She turned up with a smile “I’d love to.”

Matt looked up at his brother and soon to be sister-in-law “Why don’t you two join everyone? I’ll just sit with the cool guys…and Chuck.” Erin smiled at his easy choice of words while Chuck scowled.

Shelly and Ryan excused themselves as they joined the growing group of people on the dance floors.

Ted reached out and took Erin’s hand as he linked it over his elbow “Do you want to dance?”

She shook her head “I don’t want to step on your feet.”

“You won’t.” Ted chuckled as he began leading her away, he placed her hand on his shoulder and put his own over her waist as they began swaying with the music of the piano. He led the whole time while she followed his steps “You’re not bad.”

“For a blind girl.” She quipped. He was silent and she knew what he was thinking “Hey, I’ve accepted it, it’s time you do.”

Ted smiled at her with envy “How do you do it?”

“Being blind?” Erin asked.

He laughed “No, silly. How are you so strong?”

“That’s easy…I have you guys.” Erin smiled as she felt their entwined hands moving onto his upper right chest. He then moved his other hand over her waist.

Ted was about to say something when a hand tapped him over the shoulder “May I cut in?” the gentleman asked with a slight bow. Ted recognized the suit and mask.

“Of course, Mayor Chan.” Ted nodded with a smile as he took Erin’s hand and placed it into his ready hands.

“This is a beautiful event.” Erin smiled as they began swaying “It’s a shame I can’t see it with my own eyes.”

The man smiled “It’s not as beautiful as you.”

Her smile inched away slowly until they were pressed tightly together “You’re not Mayor Chan.” She said with a low voice.

TK was impressed “I guess being blind doesn’t have ALL the disadvantages.”

“What do you want?” her heart turned cold in a second.

“Nothing. I just wanted to see you.” TK replied nonchalantly “I mean no harm. Really.” He insisted while they continued to sway.

“Why did you let him go?” Erin asked, curiosity burning her.

“The Mayor?” TK asked and she nodded “It was my last attempt to go against Reina. I knew it was wrong to do it but she would not let it go…finally, I had enough and showed my face in the alley when I knew a patrolling policeman passed by there everyday. I only hoped that he had recognized me. I’m glad he did.”

“What does she have against you?” Erin had too many questions that were unanswered.

“It was back in the days of her and Andrew. He was a good friend of mine. I saw the influence she had on him and always tried to persuade him to move away from her. But he was too in love…look what it caused now. He’s gone…all because of her.” He sniffed back the fake tears while Erin shook her head sympathetically “Then my girlfriend at the time was pregnant and Reina knew…but she wouldn’t let me go that easy. She’s a person that remembered her enemies. Whatever you do to her, she’ll repay you a hundred times.”

“I think we all know that.” Erin replied sadly.

“She killed my girlfriend and stole my baby. I don’t know where she hides her but even when she went to jail, she never told me where my girl was. I begged her over and over but she wouldn’t let it pass. Then one day, she gave me an ultimatum. Kill Brad or lose my girl…I had no choice.” TK explained “But I should have known she would not keep her promise. She threatened me again…she wanted me to kidnap the Mayor because he had the power of attorney to give her a get out of jail card. But she needed a signature. My conscience wouldn’t let me do it so I let the Mayor go.”

Erin felt her heart weaken “I didn’t know…”

“It’s okay.” He said “Everyone thinks I’m the bad guy…and I really don’t care. But I only want you to believe me.”

“Why me?” she asked.

“Because for a long time, you were my only friend. When we were small, I treated you like my own sister. I was the only child and always wanted another sibling to play with. So you can imagine how happy I was each time your parents came to visit. At that time, your mother was pregnant with Shelly.” He knew her weak spot as he talked about the old times. The content smile on her face told him she was falling for the trick “I should go. Your boyfriend is staring at me with daggers.” His eyes on Ted, who was talking to Joe and Chuck while his eyes wandered to Erin.

Erin nodded understandingly “Stay out of their eyes. I can’t save you when the whole team is here.” She warned in a low whisper.

“I know.” He stopped dancing as he took her hand and pulled them up to his lips as they grazed together softy “Thank you.” His pace quickened when he heard someone yell for him to stop. He made it outside safely.

Ted rushed over to Erin as he grabbed her arms “Did he hurt you?!” they had just realized the Mayor was talking to a group of people at the corner of the room. So it only made sense that the person dancing with Erin was TK.

“Why would the Mayor hurt me?” she asked calmly.

“He’s not the Mayor, it was TK. Didn’t you recognize the voice?” Ted turned his eyes at her with suspicion.

Erin’s brows lifted “Are you accusing me?”

“No.” he said with earnest eyes “I didn’t mean it that way. I’m sorry…What did he say to you?” he couldn’t help but ask.

“We talked about my blind situation. That’s all.” She replied shortly “If you don’t believe me, I have nothing to say.” Erin was colder than earlier. Ted was only worried about one thing. She was lying.




Chapter 36

Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Gallen Lo – Matt Tong aka M.T.
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan
Athena Chu – Sheila Kam
Andy Lau – General Joseph Cheung (head of security)
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Charlene Choi – Jenna Cheung

One hour later into the party, the Mayor approached the podium once again to announce the dinner, which was the time to take off the masks. There were gushes and whispers as well as chuckles from people who met for the first time. The team had the honor to sit in the front of the dinner room. Freshly prepared plates were set in front of everyone. They were pre ordered and most of the team ordered Filet Mignon or Sea Bass as the main entrée.

After they ate, the Mayor began his speech “I want to thank everyone for coming today. It’s great to be back and I hope who ever kidnapped me will be punished, he had better change his sex or move out of the country because when we catch him. He will be in jail for a very long time.” There was a hush in the crowd as he continued “I have some people to thank for giving me back my life. A secret special team called The P.R.A., obviously it’s no longer a secret because they will be on the front page of every magazine.” The audience laughed at the light joke “I want to introduce our head of security, Mr. Joseph Cheung who will give the Honor Award to this great team.”

A wave of applaud rang throughout the room as Joe straightened his jacket to get up and take over the podium. Jenna placed her finger and thumb at the corners of her lips as she blew out an ear piercing whistle “Whoo!! Go Daddy!!!”

Darren winced painfully as his ears began to ring “Thanks, now I’m deaf.” He said with sarcasm.

Joe nodded to the important guests “It is an honor to have formed this team as it was my dream to develop a skilled group of six that would exceed all my expectations of what agents are suppose to be. I would have never guessed five years ago, when I first thought of this idea that it would turn into a beautifully crafted team. Without them, I would have not existed and without me, this country would never have uncovered such intelligent people. I want to present this award…” he held onto a crystal tear drop on a black marble stand “to my special team. I would like to ask Lieutenant Charles and Captain Ted to approach the podium.”

After he was done, a thunderous applause crashed through the crowd like a wave. Chuck turned to Ted with a nod as the two walked together to the front of the room where all eyes were on them. Chuck smiled broadly as he nodded at everyone “Thank you very much for this award. I want to dedicate this to the team, who works harder than anyone I’ve ever known. Ted, Erin, Mia, Darren, Doug and Becca…I have learned so much from each and every one of you…although Becca, I am still waiting to be impressed.” Everyone laughed while he gave her a quick wink.

Chuck nodded to Ted so he can take over “I want to dedicate this to not just the team but the fallen agents that we have lost throughout the year. To Jessie, who always gave a hundred percent, even when she was in pain, she never gave up for the lives of her teammates. And to Brad, the former captain. He will never be replaced and we could never find a better captain. They will forever be in our hearts. This is also for Matt, a former lieutenant…we expect you to walk one day. And to Dennis, a retired lieutenant, we are as proud of him as he was to us. Thank you.”

Hours later, the party ended and everyone walked outside together. Matt, Ryan and Shelly were the first to leave. Mia and Ethan were gone next. After that was Becca and Doug. Joe turned to his daughter “Come on, I’ll give you a ride home.”

She shook her head “But I want to go with Darren.”

“Don’t bother him anymore, it’s getting late.” Joe nodded at Darren to agree with him.

“It’s okay Joe, I’ll take her home.” Darren offered. He didn’t feel like driving home by himself “Anyways, her stuff is still at my home.”

“Yeah.” Jenna nodded with beaming eyes “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Where are you staying?” Erin asked.

Joe put his hands in his pocket “Not too far.” He nodded to the Hilton “Just behind you.” Ted raised his brows “The Mayor insisted on getting me a suite.”

Chuck placed a hand on Erin’s shoulder “You should go home too. Ted could you…”

“You don’t have to ask.” Ted smiled as he took Erin’s hand and walked her to the limo.

“Are you leaving Chuck?” Joe asked.

“You want to talk to me about something?” Chuck guessed.

Joe nodded as he turned to his daughter “Don’t be a nuisance to Darren.” He warned.

“I know!” she rolled her eyes with annoyance. Darren and Jenna watched as the two walked into the Hilton “Finally!” she let out a sigh and reached down as she took off her heels and lifted her gown with both hands “I can feel my feet…Ah…” she walked around to get the circulation back in her feet.

Darren laughed “Well, if you told me you were in so much pain, I would have bought tennis shoes for you on the way to the ball.” He pointed to his personal limo which was pulled up minutes ago.

She crawled into the car when the driver opened the door for her “Its okay, the pain reminds me that I’m a girl.”

“I thought PMS cramps was enough?” Darren joked.

“Oh…right.” Jenna groaned when she was reminded “Hey, can we go somewhere?!” she asked excitedly.

“Yes, we’re going home.” Darren nodded firmly.

“No, somewhere else.” Jenna shook her head vehemently “It’s really nice.”

Darren nodded after a moment “Sure, where do you want to go?”

“Mountain Peak. The night view is beautiful.” She sighed dreamily while picturing it in her head.

“You’ve lived in Hong Kong most of your life and you still haven’t been to Mountain Peak?” Darren was curious.

“I go there whenever I can. But I’ve never taken anyone up there. You’ll be my first.” She pointed out with a sly grin “You should feel special.”

He smiled shortly and for the rest of the ride, he let her babble on about her childhood days. But his mind was on Mia. She was different that night. While he was dancing with Jenna, he could feel Mia’s eyes on him. When he stole glances at her, he noticed she was staring at him too. When they limo stopped, his mind returned to reality. Jenna pushed the car door open, instead of waiting for the driver. She waved to Darren to come out. Her feet were bare against the cold cement, but the tiny pebbles didn’t bother her feet as she skipped her way over to the gazebo. Darren took his time as he embraced the night air and the lights of the city were even brighter than the moon.

“This is relaxing.” He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

“And romantic.” Jenna winked at him with a not so subtle meaning. He began to squirm uncomfortably while she laughed it off “I love seeing you get all nervous and jittery. Reminds me of my first boyfriend.”

“Poor fellow.” Darren snickered with his head shaking.

“Hey!” she was insulted “I was a very good girlfriend.”

He smiled with a tilted head “Really? Then why did you two break up?”

Jenna’s usual smile faded as she turned to the view “He died.”

Darren was about to apologize when he guessed what she was up to “You almost got me there.” He laughed.

She turned to him with a straight face “I’m serious.” He knitted his brows together. Jenna let out a sigh “I wouldn’t kid about it.” Her eyes moved to the moon “He used to take me up here all the time. He was too poor to take me out to a nice restaurant, so he would set up a sandwich dinner up here once a month. It was our caviar and red wine.” It was too dark to see her tears but Darren could hear the quivering of her voice as she talked about the past “We were like Romeo and Juliet…two young people madly in love. Daddy didn’t know about Kevin. I didn’t want him to worry about me, plus he was always so busy with the P.R.A. that he barely noticed that I was growing up. In his eyes, I would always be a little girl.”

He wasn’t sure how to react. Darren too had fallen under her act, who would have guessed such a mature heart was under the playful exterior “I’m in shock myself.”

Jenna laughed, her eyes glued to the moon “I know. I grew up too fast…so I had to find a way to keep my youth, especially in front of my Daddy. It was bad enough my mother died when I was young, he only had me most of his life. I couldn’t let him know that I was independent. That’s why I took so long to finish school…and now I’m starting culinary arts.”

“That’s not fair to you.” Darren said sadly “You should be able to do what YOU want to do. I’m sure Joe would agree. Have you tried telling him?”

She shook her head with a laugh “He’s so busy with his work, he wouldn’t have two minutes for me. I’m not upset with Daddy, I know he’s got important things on his mind. But sometimes, I’d wish he would just take a break and we could hang out together. Like father and daughter.” She wiped the tear that slid on her cheek “I remembered when I was four, my mom passed away…I didn’t know what happened, but I remember clearly my dad crying over her dead body. He didn’t even notice I was standing there crying too. I was confused, not sad…I’ve never seen him break down before. After that night, it happened again and again. Then I was scared. It took him years to move on. After that, he moved us to Beijing. When I hit my early teens, he wanted me to attend a Hong Kong school, so we moved back. During my high school years, Daddy was constantly traveling to Beijing while I stayed with a Nanny. She was great, but she wasn’t my Daddy.”

“I didn’t know your life was so hard.” Darren’s heart went out to her “I always thought you were overprotected and too sheltered. I think we all saw a different you.”

Jenna turned to him with the playful grin “Is that good or bad?”

“I’m not sure.” Darren answered after a moment “I’m glad that you have a mature side and you are way smarter than you give yourself credit for.” Jenna looked at him with questioning eyes “You picked that lock in my room. I knew after looking at the lock closely.”

She shrugged her shoulders guiltily “Oops…You discovered my secret.”

“Why don’t you tell Joe? He’d love to have you train for the team one day.” He could imagine Joe cheering on his girl.

Her eyes widened and her face paled “No…” she shook her head slowly “My dad would never allow it. It’s too dangerous, Jen. Girls are not made for this kind of work.” She mimicked her dad’s stern tone “If he knew I was messing around with spy work, he’d send me to a reform school in England or worse, marry me off to some doctor.”

Darren chuckled “Really? I find Joe to be more open minded about things.”

“Yes, to other people. But to his own daughter, he’d rather chain me to his feet, that way he would know where I was all the time. You should have seen his face when I told him I wanted to do bungee jumping when I was 16. He practically fainted…but he knew I was determined so he took the class with me and even bungeed with me.”

“Really?” Darren laughed at the thought of Joe bungee jumping off a bridge.

Jenna nodded with rounded eyes “But after that, I stopped telling him the dangerous stuff that I did, because he would panic every time. I was afraid if I told him, he would come with me.” She laughed.

He looked at her with a new outlook, just from that night, she had turned into a completely different person that he met and got to know. Jenna grinned ear to ear when she caught him staring at her “Sorry.” He muttered.

“For what?” she teased.

“You’re different.” He commented “I think Becca would like you if she got to know the real you.”

Jenna snickered, “Becca. She’s judged me from the minute you rescued me from the burning building. But it’s understandable. If my friend’s ex fiancé was a hero to another girl, I’d be jealous for her too.”

His head whipped over at her “How did you know?”

She smiled with her eyes closed “Nope…not telling.” She shook her head adoringly.

“Did you feed Doug wine?” Darren took a wild guess.

“No, I didn’t have to.” Jenna said with sarcasm “I just asked him over a friendly lunch… where we had a taste of 20 different red wines.” She added with a laugh.

“Now that everyone knows his weak spot.” Darren shook his head in awe “So you know now.”

She nodded “I was only teasing you most of the time. But in all honesty, I think Mia still loves you. Her amnesia is just her excuse of fighting her feelings. Didn’t you see the way she kept stealing glances at you?”

“You saw it too?” he exclaimed.

“14 times.” Jenna nodded firmly “I counted.”

Darren smiled but slowly it disappeared “But what use does it do? She won’t be honest and I refuse to push her.”

“Ooh! I got an idea!!” Jenna raised her hand like a student.

He tilted his head “What? Knock her head with a metal stick and hope her mind de-amnesia?”

Jenna’s face slowly fell “So you thought of the same thing too huh?”

Darren rolled his eyes as he began walking back to the car “It’s not going to work.”

“How about I fake to be your girlfriend and make her jealous? That’ll show her!!” Jenna lifted her dress as she skipped beside him “Girls don’t like competition.”

“NO!” Darren said firmly “I don’t want you meddling in our affairs. I just want to let nature take its course.”

“If you wait for nature, Mia would be married to Ethan, with two kids and a pretty little home with a picket fence.” She was convinced.

“Good for her. At least she’ll be happy.” Darren opened the door as he pointed for her to get inside.

“But how do you know she’ll be happier with him?” Jenna asked stubbornly.

He let out a sigh and pushed her from the back “There are some things you just know.”