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The Zodiac of PRAIII: Revenge - by Jenny Tran

Chapter 37

Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Gallen Lo – Matt Tong aka M.T.
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung

The following morning, Mia cooked a simple breakfast for her and Erin. She handed Erin the fork and pushed the plate closer to her “It’s right under your chin.” She advised before taking her own seat.

“Thanks mommy.” Erin joked “So…how did you sleep last night?”

Mia frowned at her friend “What’s with the hidden questions? If you have something to ask, just ask.”

“Okay, I won’t beat around the bush. I sensed that you weren’t exactly comfortable last night with Ethan by your side.” Erin could almost see the uncomfortable look on her face.

“You’re sixth sense is so screwed up!” Mia laughed “I was fine, Ethan was fine and we were all happy.”

“Denial.” Erin rubbed her eyes when they itched.

Mia was in disbelief “I am not in denial. You’re sounding more like Ethan each day. That’s all he wants to do to me…analyze everything I do and say.”

“Aww, so you don’t believe a doctor?” Erin asked.

“Not if he’s my boyfriend.” Mia dug into her food. When she looked up, she saw that Erin was rubbing her eyes roughly “What’s wrong?”

“It itches.” Erin said while the corner of her fingers continued to rub her eyes.

Mia grew worried instantly as she got up and knelt down next to her friend “Stop, you’re making it red.” She pointed out.

“But it really itches.” Erin continued to rub it. But the more she did, the more it began to itch.

“That’s it, I’m taking you to the doctors.” She pulled Erin up by the arm and grabbed her keys and purse.

The two entered the hospital and were admitted to a room right away “The many perks of having the head doctor as a boyfriend.” Erin joked. Her finger was still rubbing her eye.

Mia shook her head “It’s not a time to be funny.” She scolded while yanking Erin’s hand away from her eyes “You’re going to rub your eyeball out!”

The nurses took Erin in for examination while Mia sat outside waiting. She called Chuck and Ted to tell him they were at the hospital. Before she even told them that it wasn’t important, they hung up and were on their way. Within minutes, Ted showed up “How is she?” he asked hurriedly.

Mia put up her hand to calm him “She’s fine. Her eye was itching.”

“That’s not good.” Ted shook his head worriedly.

“Oh, I didn’t know you were a doctor?” Mia said sarcastically and she quickly felt guilty when he began to wring his fingers together “Ted, she’ll be fine. I’m sure it’s nothing life threatening…I mean how worse can it be? She’s already blind.”

He nodded slowly “I guess you’re right.”

Chuck came in after a few minutes “Mia, Ted, what did the doctors say?”

“We just got here about 15 minutes. She’s okay, I’m sure.” Mia assured him.

Erin was inside a private room while the optometrist checked out her eyes “Is it serious?” Erin asked; she too was worried.

“No. It’s just a side effect of the smoke and soot during the fire. I’ll just prescribe you some drops, the itching should go away after that.” The elder man smiled warmly.

“Thank you.” She nodded.

“You can leave after I come back.” He left the room to find a nurse to get her the drops.

Minutes later Mia, Ted and Chuck entered her room “Erin! Are you okay?” Ted asked worriedly.

She laughed “Did you bring the whole gang?” Erin asked Mia.

“I just called to tell them but before I got to finish, they were on their way.” Mia explained.

“What did the doctor say?” Chuck asked more calmly after seeing her smile.

Erin shrugged “He said it was a side effect. He’s getting me drops and then I could leave.”

“You think it’s a sign that her vision is returning?” Mia was thinking the same thing as Chuck.

“Maybe.” Chuck replied shortly. He was no doctor and surely he wasn’t capable of making that kind of a judgment “Is it the first time it’s happened?”

Erin nodded “Yes, but I still can’t see. Maybe you guys are thinking too far into this.”

“We’re just trying to be positive.” Ted patted her hand.

The door opened and the doctor looked up at the new faces “I just left for two minutes and you’ve got a party going on.” He joked.

“Dr., is this side effect a good sign?” Ted wasted no time in asking.

“Yes and no.” he nodded for Ted to move aside while he put some drops in Erin’s eyes “The good part is that her eyes is making an effort to fight off the blindness, the bad part is that the effect is tiring out her eyes.”

“Are you saying there’s a chance she’ll recover completely?” Mia was hopeful.

The man turned to them “I don’t know. We’ll just have to wait and see.” He smiled at them “But it doesn’t hurt to be positive.” He shifted his vision to Erin “Miss Yeung, you can leave now. Here are the drops and make sure you do them twice a day, it doesn’t matter what time of day. Don’t lose the bag.” He warned her carefully. Erin’s brows furrowed slightly but she nodded instead of asking the question in her mind.

Ted was quick to help her to her feet “I’ll meet you guys in the front, I want to see Ethan.” Mia smiled while the guys looked at her with teasing eyes. She was a few yards away from Ethan’s office door and noticed a male nurse leaving the room She shook the eerie thought away and entered the office “Guess who!” she greeted him playfully.

Ethan jumped back in his chair as he clutched his heart “Dear Lord, you scared me!”

Mia frowned “What’s wrong?” she hurried to his side “Why do you look so pale?”

He rubbed his face “I do?”

She looked at him strangely and then turned her head to the door as she recalled the male nurse that left his office “Was he just here?” Ethan nodded and Mia was on her feet “I’ll catch him.”

“No!” he raised his hand to stop her “He’s armed. I don’t want you to be in danger. I’m fine now.”

“What did he want?” Mia returned to her seat.

“He wants me to continue the session with Erin. Mia, he’s crazy. He wants me to convince Erin that she’s in love with him. I can’t do that.” Ethan shook his head.

Mia walked around the desk and knelt down in front of him “We’re not going to give him a chance. I think we need to talk to Joe about this. He’ll know what to do.”

“But the more I pull into this circle, the more will be in danger. I’m already risking it with you knowing. I don’t want another life to be in danger because of me.” Ethan refused “No. I’ll find a way to deal with him. But I don’t want you to breathe this to another soul.”


“Promise me.” Ethan interrupted.

She understood his fears as she nodded reluctantly “I promise.”


The following day, while the team were called into a meeting; Erin was home alone. She decided to take a walk. She had grown use to being alone with her red and white cane. She easily found her way out to the streets, people were more careful as they walked around her. With the help of a policeman on patrol, she was able to get a cab. Erin had an urge to go out to the beach.

She stumbled her way out to the sand. Being blind had too many disadvantages but she had learned to live with them. She followed the sound of the waves crashing “I didn’t know you like the beach.”

Erin tilted her head to the familiar voice “TK?”.

“Have a seat.” He stepped over and pulled her down to the sand “What brings you here?”

She smiled contently “I use to come here when I was unhappy.”

“Use to?” he looked at her with interest.

“I haven’t been here for months. Because each time I come here, it’s usually because there is an unfixable problem that I can’t stop thinking about. I don’t want to be afraid of coming here.” She let out a sigh.

“I see.” His eyes turned to the waters “I come here to forget about everything.”

“Everything?” Erin asked.

“Yeah. It’s my escape. I hate my life!” he blurted out suddenly “I wish I was dead.”

“Don’t say that!” Erin scolded “What about your little girl?”

TK lowered his head into his knees “Who am I kidding Erin? I haven’t seen her in years…she’s probably dead! How am I supposed to face Ellie’s grave?”

“You’ll find her.” Erin insisted “I’ll help you.”

He dared to reach out and touch her hands “Thank you.”

Erin pulled away “I want to help.” She said softly.

“Are you afraid of me?” TK asked hurtfully.

She shook her head “No…it’s just…it’s hard for me to be close to another man… after Brad. Anyways, I still have doubts about you.”

“I don’t blame you.” TK said understandingly “It’s getting late, maybe you should go home before they send out a search party.”

Erin nodded as she allowed him to help her up “You should rest too. How do I contact you if I want to see you?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll find you.” TK said it casually yet his eyes were threatening.

“Did you follow me here?” Erin asked forwardly.

TK laughed “No. But when I do see you in the streets, I follow to make sure that you get to your destination safely.”

She smiled kindly “Thank you. But you should be careful, the team is looking for you.”

“I know.” He took her arm and led her out to the streets where he called a cab “Waverly Lane, apartment building 320.” he said to the driver and prepaid for the ride.

Erin’s smile faded as she turned to the driver “Can you take me to somewhere else first?” she asked the driver. After a long drive, the car stopped in front of a home. She got out of the car before paying him the extra amount for the longer driver. She was careful with the steps up the driveway. She’s only been to the home a few times but it was enough for her to remember what it looked like. Erin found the doorbell after feeling the walls around the door.

Matt’s wheelchair could be heard from outside when he opened the door “Erin?” he was surprised to see her “Shelly and Ryan are out.”

“I know, I came to see you.” She smiled.


Erin returned that night with Ted and Mia pacing the floors “Erin!!” Ted cried as he took a hold of her the minute she walked through the apartment door “Where have you been? We were about to put in a missing report.”

She laughed “Don’t be silly. I’m okay. I just took a walk that’s all.”

“Where to?” Mia asked.

“The beach.” Erin replied nonchalantly. She covered a yawn with her hand “Its late guys and I’m pooped. I want to rest.”

“Is the beach the only place you visited?” Ted asked suspiciously. He could tell she was not being completely honest.

She sighed “I don’t feel like playing 21 questions right now. Can this wait for tomorrow?”

Ted was about to argue when Mia shook her head at him “It is late. You should go home Ted. I’ll make sure she’s safe in bed.”

He hesitantly nodded “Okay. Good night.”

“Night.” Erin muttered.

Mia walked him to the door and after she shut it, she turned to Erin “Who else did you see?”

She let out a sigh “If you must know…I went to see Shelly. But she wasn’t home so I talked to Matt instead.”

“That’s all?” Mia asked unsurely.

“Yes.” Erin replied curtly “I feel like a prisoner.” She sighed.

“I’m sorry.” Mia said sympathetically “We’re just worried.”

Erin shook her head “I’m fine. How many times do I have to tell you?”

“I just don’t want TK putting crap in your head. You’re very vulnerable at this time.” Mia reminded her friend.

“He could never convince me of forgetting Brad’s death. Trust me.” With that said, she returned to her room quietly, leaving Mia following her with a worried look.




Chapter 38

Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Athena Chu – Sheila Kam
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung

One week later, Ted took Erin to the hospital to do a checkup with her eyes. The doctor wanted to make sure she was okay with the drops. After doing a quick examination, he told her she would be okay “No strange symptoms.” The doctor jotted down notes on his pad “Is your vision the same?”

“I’m still living in darkness, if that’s what you mean.” Erin said calmly.

He smiled “No need to be discouraged, Miss Yeung. With my experience, I have seen a few of my patience regain their vision up to 90% from smoke and fire incidences. You could very well be one of them.”

“I don’t want to give myself false hope.” Erin said hopelessly.

“Positive thinking can be good for you.” He smiled.

She shook her head “Not for me.”

“I guess my yapping cannot be that helpful.” He helped her off the chair and gave her a bag with the prescription inside “Here is the next set of drops. The itching should stop very soon.”

Erin nodded with a small smile “Thank you.”

“Did you get the doctor’s note in the last bag?” he asked.

She understood the meaning as her nodded “Yes, I did. Thank you.” Erin found her way outside and Ted was quickly by her side.

“How was it?” he asked.

“As good as it gets.” Erin nodded.

“Are you hungry?” Ted asked when they were outside the hospital grounds.

She smiled “I could eat a pig.”

He laughed heartily “Sure. Where do you want to go?”

“Hmm, how about Shun Kei?” Erin suggested.

“Um…Okay.” He wasn’t sure why she chose the busier part of town. The little deli was in a bad part of town where most gangsters dwelled and loitered. When they got out of the car, the two received dirty glares of obvious gangsters that checked them out carefully.

Erin noticed the pause in Ted’s step “Is something the matter?”

He moved her closer to him “Not if you call ten pairs of eyes dogging you normal.” He whispered.

“They won’t hurt us, we’re just here to eat.” Erin patted his hand. They stepped into the deli and were seated in the corner.

Ted couldn’t shake away the threatening glances he got “Maybe we should take this to go.”

Erin nodded “Okay.”

They quickly ordered and the food came out in a bag within 10 minutes. They walked outside and Ted made a double take on a person “Ah Bat?” he said more to himself.

Erin had her hand on the door “What is he doing here?”

Ted rushed around to Erin side “I don’t know, but the police has a warrant for his arrest. Let me follow him. Stay in the car, I’ll be back.” He gave her the car keys and quickly rushed away.

The group of five gangsters saw Ted run off while Erin stood by the car. One of the guys threw down his cigarette as he nodded to his group to get up. They approached Erin “Where are you from?”

She shifted her eyes away “No where.” She knew they were asking if she was from another gang.

“Shit, she’s blind.” One of the guys said as he waved a hand in front of her face.

“Got any dough?” the head asked.

Erin shook her head “No.” she was not scared, but knew here disadvantage was in her vision. She could easily take them out if she could see, but unfortunately she couldn’t.

“Yeah right, your boy drives a beamer.” The guy pointed out to Ted’s car.

“It’s not his.” Erin said calmly.

“Now you’re just fucking with us!” he threatened “Give me your wallet!”

Erin backed to the back of the car as her hands felt against the metal machinery “No.” she tripped over the curb and pulled herself up only to be pushed to the ground again “Help!” she yelled but it only made the guys laugh.

She pulled herself up and waved her hands frantically. She was standing a few feet from the car in the middle of the street but the gangsters were standing in her way. By the time she heard a car getting closer, it was too late, her legs were crushed beneath her as she fell to the ground in pain.

The guys were scared as they quickly ran away. The driver got out as he bent down next to Erin “Miss, are you okay?” her legs were bleeding and she was going into shock.

TK witnessed the whole thing from his run down apartment as he rushed downstairs to her rescue. He pushed the man away “Get away from her!!” he cried angrily “Erin! Are you okay?” he asked while she pointed to her legs. He quickly picked her up with his arms and took her to the nearest hospital.

Her arms wrapped around his neck as her head leaned against his shoulder “TK…it hurts.” She groaned.

“I know.” He said running out of breath “I’m taking you to the hospital.” He entered the old run down hospital as he called for a doctor “What the hell are you looking at?? Call a doctor!!!” he yelled rudely at a nurse standing around looking at them with wondering eyes. He found a wheelchair as he placed her on it with care “You’ll be okay, Erin. Don’t worry.” He coaxed. She nodded in tears while the nursed pushed her into the emergency room.

Ted was given the runaround by the person but by the time he caught the guy, he realized it was not Ah Bat at all. It was a guy that looked very similar to him. He returned to the car and his eyes began to dart around for Erin. He ran up to his car and looked inside, she was not there. He stepped closer and noticed his feet had hit something. It was his keys.

He bent down and gripped the keys in his hands “Erin.” He whispered her name while cold chills ran down his spine. He stood up and looked around for the group of gangsters but they were gone. His heart began to race as he rushed up to the first person he saw “Auntie, did you see a blind girl right over there?”

The woman shook her head “I just walked by.”

He let her go as he turned to the car again, this time he saw some red blood on the ground behind his car. Ted sprinted over as he touched the blood, it was still warm. Was it Erin’s? He wondered to himself. Where could she have gone to? He wasn’t about to give up as he ran around the blocks looking for her.

An hour later, TK was able to visit her in her room. She was asleep and both of her legs were wrapped up in a cast. His eyes moved over her legs. What if she becomes crippled? He took the broken chair next to her shared room, his hand smoothed her bangs aside. She stirred at his touch “TK?” she asked, her eyes wandered.

“I’m here.” He quickly took her reached out hand “I won’t leave you.”

She nodded while tears spilled out “They…they said…I can’t walk.” She said between gulps “I’m crippled and blind!” she cried openly while TK quickly pulled her into his chest while her body convulsed with each sob.

“Shhh…” he hushed “Its okay, Erin. We’ll work through this. You’ll be okay…don’t worry, you’ll walk again. I guarantee it. You’re a strong person, there’s nothing you can’t overcome. I’ll help you get through this.” He promised.

Suddenly she pushed him away “Oh my God! Uncle Chuck…they’ll be so worried. I’ll become a nuisance again.” She moaned “And Shelly…she’s getting married, I can’t have her crying over my problems! No…they can’t find out.” She grabbed his arm and gripped it tightly “TK…please you have to help me.”

“Do what?” he asked.

“Take me away from here. I don’t want anyone to know. Not until I get better.” Erin began wiping her tears quickly.

“What if you don’t?” he asked carefully.

Erin paused “Then…I won’t come back.”

“You would follow me?” TK smiled at the thought.

“I don’t want to bother you….” She said guiltily.

“You don’t!” he insisted “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to have company. No one likes me and I’m being followed like a hound. If you go with me, I’ll make sure we’ll be safe.”

Erin smiled between tears “I believe you. Thank you so much.” She said earnestly.

TK took her hands in his “Thank YOU. I don’t have to live a lonely life for the rest of my days.”

“Let’s get out of here. Ted might trace us down. He came here with me.” Erin warned.

TK nodded as he picked her up with ease and left the hospital grounds through the back way, where an alley led back to his apartment “I live on the third floor.” He said after catching his breath “I have to piggy-back you.”

She nodded as he placed her on the stairwell that stunk like pee. He turned his back and she wrapped an arm around his neck as he carried her all the way up the stairs. They walked through the narrow hallway and into his even smaller apartment. It looked like a hideout for killers in the movies. He placed her on a chair with ease and gave her a cup of water “Thank you.” She said politely.

He smiled “Don’t be so polite with me. I don’t know what else to offer you. I guess it’s good that you can’t see where I’m living.”

“I don’t care where we live. I just want to be away.” She said sadly.

He nodded understandingly “Tomorrow, I’ll look for a better place to stay. I don’t want you to have to pretend that you can’t smell the pee in the hallway.”

Erin smiled “I was going to hold that in a little longer.” She joked and then remembered her condition “My life hasn’t been exactly the best…how could I expect better? I have learned to accept a lot of things.”

TK knelt down in front of her “You deserve much better than what God has given you. From here on out, I promise that I will give you the best and only the best. Because you have earned it.”

“I don’t need materialistic things. I need companionship, someone that honestly cares about me. Not people that constantly question my heart and mind. I’ve grown tired of the lifestyle. Nothing is real…” her eyes welled up “You are real, TK.”

“I just don’t want to disappoint you.”

“You can’t.” she insisted. Her smile grew as she asked “Can I call you Tay?”

“The only person that ever called me that was Ellie.” He said sadly. Seeing her smile fall, he quickly added “But I guess it’s fair that you call me that too, since you’re now the woman in my life.” He took a hold of her hand.

Erin pulled them away “I’m sorry…I’m just not ready.” She felt an awkward moment of silence “Please don’t be angry.”

“I’m not.” He replied quickly “I would never be angry with you. I’ll wait. Whenever you’re ready.”

She smiled thankfully “I hope I will be one day.”

He nodded in agreement “Okay Missy, it’s time for bed. Doctor’s orders.” He sighed with a laugh as he picked her up in his arms, which were growing weary “We have got to get you a wheelchair.”

She laughed “I thought you wanted to work out your arms.”

“I wouldn’t need to now.” He let her have his room while he stayed in the living room.


After half a day of looking, Ted gave up. He returned to Erin’s apartment to tell Mia. But there was not just Mia, Chuck was cooking, Shelly and Ryan were setting the table and Mia was on the phone with Ethan. Ted walked in looking weary and no one seemed to notice.

Mia said good night to Ethan as she looked up at Ted “You guys are home a little late. Another hour and we would have put in a missing person report.” She joked.

Ted’s face was pale and his eyes refused to look at them in the eye “Erin…” he couldn’t even bear to say it.

“Where is Erin?” Mia asked casually as she got up from the couch.

“I…” he felt his stomach knot up “I lost her.”

Mia arched her neck to him “What?” she shook her head with a nervous laugh “Did you just say you lost her?”

He nodded with his eyes glued to the ground, he couldn’t even look at her in the eye “I looked…but…” his head shook while a tear dropped to the ground.

“Dinner time!!” Shelly announced happily as she walked into the living room. The atmosphere was eerie “Wooh, I feel like I just walked into a funeral.” She laughed at her own joke “Hi Ted, where’s Ga Jei?”

When Ted didn’t answer, Mia turned to Shelly “Can you call Chuck and Ryan out here?” she asked calmly.

Shelly nodded as she fetched the other two. They walked out and Chuck’s heart nearly fell after seeing Ted’s pale face. Something had happened to Erin “What happened?” he was afraid to even ask.

Ted continued to look at the ground “We went to eat at Shun Kei—”

“The one where the gangsters hang out??” Ryan exclaimed in shock.

“Why would you take here there?” Shelly asked.

“She wanted to eat there after I picked her up from the eye check up. I figured, they wouldn’t try anything on us. We ended up ordering the food to go. When I got to the car, I saw someone that looked like Ah Bat. I gave Erin the keys to sit in the car and wait for my return.” He quickly covered his face in humiliation “I got the runaround from the guy that wasn’t even Ah Bat!!” he gritted his teeth angrily “By the time I returned to the car, she was nowhere. I don’t know what happened, I asked the passerby but no one paid any attention. How could I be so stupid!!!” he grunted.

Shelly was gulping back the tears while Ryan patted her on the shoulder “Its okay, we’ll find her.” He was sure of it.

Mia couldn’t believe it was happening “When is it going to stop?” she whispered.

Chuck shook his head at the two of them “I can’t believe you two. Giving up before we even started. Is that what this team teaches you?!”

Mia took in a deep breath “Fine…what do you suppose we do, lieutenant?” she said sarcastically.

He ignored her angered question as he turned to Ted “Tell me in detail again.” He ordered.




Chapter 39

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Flora Chan – Julie Lee
Joyce Tang – Reina Ng
Daniel Wu – Michael Wu
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck

9am – P.R.A. Headquarters

Chuck stood in front of the room, there were bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep the night before. Ted wasn’t doing that much better than the lieutenant since he stayed awake with Chuck. They found it hard to make sense of the whole situation. Joe also came along as he sat quietly at the opposite end of the table, giving his expertise advices here and there.

Ted was telling the rest of the team of his discoveries “I asked around the block after I discovered Erin was gone. No one seemed to know anything. But there were a few people who refused to meet me in the eyes, my guess is they didn’t dare say anything because something would happen to them. I recall a group of gangsters hanging outside the café, when I came back they were gone.”

“You think they had something to do with her disappearance?” Darren asked thoughtfully.

Chuck nodded “Maybe, but we are not positive.”

“So what do we do now?” Mia asked. She spent most of the night saying prayers for her friend to be safe. It was unlike Erin not to leave them a clue. Even if she was kidnapped, there should be at least one sign or a slip up “Is it safe to say that TK is behind this?” it was her own guess.

Becca snorted “Isn’t it obvious he is?”

Doug nodded in agreement “Didn’t Ted say he showed up at the ball? Why didn’t anyone catch him? And he was dancing with Erin…what did he tell her?”

Chuck crossed his arms with a frown on his lips “There are too many unanswered questions. It’s useless to sit here and wonder, why don’t we go find out for ourselves?” he turned to Joe who looked dazed “What do you think Joe?”

His eyes moved up slowly “I agree. We should all split up and look for clues. Ted and Mia, I want to talk to you two separately.”

The two didn’t have time to exchanged glances as they were hurried into the private office of Chuck’s. The rest of team watched on in wonder while Chuck continued “Becca, I want you to look for Ah Bat. You think you can do that?”

“I found his fat ass once, I’ll find it again.” She growled.

Chuck nodded to confirm “Darren, I want you to—”

“Sorry, I’m late.” Ryan rushed into the room completely out of breath “I had to take Dai Lou to the hospital.”

“Is Matt okay?” Doug asked.

Ryan nodded “Just some physical therapy that he had to do. Did I miss anything?”

Chuck shook his head “Not much. Doug can fill you in after I’m done. Darren, I want you to keep a lookout at Yeung Memorial. This is where Erin’s parents are buried. I have a feeling she would come back in two days.”

“I didn’t know you could tell the future.” Becca was sarcastic.

“It’s her parent’s death anniversary.” Chuck replied grimly and Becca knew her place as she lowered herself in the seat “We’ll keep in contact with our headsets. Doug and Ryan, I want you two to go around the gangsters’ properties and see if you can dig up anything about what happened yesterday.” The team nodded with understanding “Good. Let’s move.”


Mia and Ted listened intently to Joe’s plan. After he was done, Mia shook her head “It’s too dangerous. What if she finds out?”

“It’s a chance we’ll have to take.” Joe knew the chances were low but they had to do it “She is our only link to TK.”

“She won’t believe us.” Ted nodded in agreement with Mia.

Joe smiled “She might not believe us, but you think she’ll believe her only sister?”

Mia’s lips slowly moved into a sly grin “Maybe.”

“I guess we’ll take a detour before we go to the county jail.” Ted nudged Mia to get a move on.

Again, they went through the tough security of the jail. Instead of getting one telephone and a glass window, they were able to enter a barred room with chairs and a table separating the prisoner from the visitors. Reina was taken out with handcuffs around her wrists, she looked at them with a fierce cold look “You two again.” She sighed “When will you learn to give up?” she took a seat and placed her feet on the table comfortably. The guard cleared his throat roughly and she put her foot down before rolling her eyes “Who pulled the strings to get us this fancy room?”

“Joe.” Mia replied shortly.

“Ah…the creator. Right, I almost forgot he was the Head of Security.” Reina snickered.

Mia turned to Ted and gave her head a nod, he leaned into the table and stared at Reina in the eye “Did you tell TK where Andrew and Dave was buried?”

That seemed to catch her attention as she sat closer into the table “What the hell is that suppose to mean?”

“It’s a question.” Ted said flatly “Did you or did you not?”

She wrinkled her brows and dazed away as if trying to recall if she indeed told him about it “I might have mentioned it.”

Mia hid her sigh of relief with a louder sigh “Great!” she muttered.

“Why?” Reina almost had a paranoid look in her eyes “What happened? Isn’t it buried at the Wu Memorial?” she had learned this from Chris, her partner in crime months before she was put in jail.

“Yes, but last night, they were dug up and the bodies were stolen.” Ted explained.

Reina shook her head in disbelief “But how…why…who would do such a thing??!” she cried with anger. Her eyes red with crazy hatred as they moved up to Mia and then over to Ted. Suddenly, her fears were replaced with a smile “Not bad…I almost fell for your little trick. Nice try. You couldn’t put the blame on TK. He wouldn’t do that. I’ve done too much for him.”

“You think this is a joke?” Mia had a stunned look on her face “Andrew was with the P.R.A. too. We have no reason to hate him, if you think about it he didn’t do anything wrong but fall in love with the wrong person.”

“You don’t have to use Andrew against me. I don’t believe your bullshit!” Reina spat angrily, but her teary eyes told Ted and Mia otherwise.

Reina was about to stand up when Ted’s booming voice stopped her “Fine! If you don’t believe us, you will believe your only sister.” It was more of a command than a question.

She slowly sat down when Michael and Julie were escorted into the barred room. Seats were pulled up for them. Julie’s eyes never left her sister’s “Sam Jei, it’s true. Dai Lou and Andrew’s graves were dug up. Michael and I were about to visit them this morning but we discovered the holes were dug up. We quickly called the P.R.A. for help.”

She was still not willing to believe them but seeing Julie’s earnest face, her heart began to soften “Really?” she asked hesitantly.

Michael nodded “I went to find the guard that is suppose to stand guard 24 hours a day, but I found him unconscious with a huge bruise on his forehead. He has a concussion and is in the hospital, if you don’t believe me, I can bring him in here later tonight.”

“No.” Reina replied slowly “Okay, I believe you guys.” Julie’s smile appeared but was quickly slapped away from Reina’s words “But I don’t think TK did it. I think the team did it.”

“Sam Jei!” Julie cried in dismay “I’m telling the truth. I have never lied to you. Why would the team do that? Why now? If they wanted to do that, they could have done it ages ago.”

“Now they have a reason to do it.” Reina replied stubbornly refusing to believe them.

Mia looked at her with sympathy “Reina. Don’t be in denial…you don’t trust TK as much as you hate the team. What we’re telling you is the truth, I know we can’t make you believe us. I know it’s even harder for you to help us. I’m not asking you to help Erin, I’m asking you to help us find TK so we can bury Andrew and Dave back where they belong. Do you remember three years ago during a mission that called for us to dangle from a wire and jump into a truck full of pillows? I was crying and crying but you held my hand the whole way down. Even when we missed the target, you didn’t let go…you could have saved yourself but you didn’t. You held on…and we ended up landing on a bunch of newspapers filled cardboard boxes.” Her eyes were brimming with tears “We were in the hospital for days…do you remember?” Reina’s eyes were distant as she nodded “Please, we’re begging you…help us. For old time sakes.”

Reina looked up and a tear escaped her eyes “Fine. I’ll help you.” The four let out gasps of surprises and smiles were contagious “But I have one request.”

Ted knew it was too good to be true “What is it?”

“Let me out. I want to catch that son of a bitch myself. Once I’m done…I’ll go back to jail. No questions asked.” It was hard to read her face.

“That’s impossible.” Michael said with furrowed brows.

Reina smiled as she sat back in her chair “No, just ask them two.”

Ted and Mia exchanged glances “We can get the Mayor and Joe’s signature combined in order to let a prisoner out.”

“I almost forgot you were a cop.” Reina clapped her hands in a rhythmic tone.

“What if you run?” Ted asked coldly “Then we’re screwed.”

She shrugged nonchalantly “Then I won’t help.”

“Fine.” Mia replied while they turned to her in shock. She looked at Ted “I’ll put my life on it that she won’t run.”

“Mia!” Ted shook his head.

“I’ve decided.” She turned to Reina “If that’s what it takes.”

Reina showed no sign of emotions as she prepared to get up “You’ve got guts.” She left without another word leaving the four in awed silence.

Outside, Mia and Ted shook hands with Michael and Julie “Thank you so much for your help. It wouldn’t have gone that well without you.” He said specifically to Julie.

She smiled “Your welcome, but I think Mia did most of the work.”

Michael turned to them worriedly “I just hope you guys know what you’re doing. Reina isn’t exactly a saint. She could turn on you like a bomb.”

“I know.” Mia nodded “But we have to get Erin back. She risked her life to save me, this is the least I could do.”

“Okay.” Michael nodded knowing it was in their hands now “Just be careful and let me know how it goes. I want to know about Erin’s safety.”

“Thank you.” Ted nodded “We’ll keep in touch.” The four parted ways and on the ride back to the headquarters, Ted asked Mia “Do you know the consequences if Reina does run on us?”

“I go to jail?” she guessed jokingly.

“It’s not funny.” Ted said sternly “You will pretty much do her duty in jail…life in prison.”

“One life for another.” She sighed sadly “I may not be the cause of her time in prison but I was an addition to her pain and suffering. I had no idea she hated the team that much.”

Ted shook his head “Don’t blame yourself. She brought this upon herself. The pain of her life is not measured by what others do unto her. It is what she chooses to do. You don’t control her, she has her own mind. I’m just worried she will take advantage of your big heart.”

Mia lowered her head with a crooked smile “I know you’re right…but I can’t help feeling somewhat responsible.”

“We’ll have bigger things to be responsible for. You just better pray she won’t run.” Ted said solemnly as he pulled up to the headquarters. He got out of the car and paused when he remembered the question he asked her "Hey, how did you remember about that mission?" even though he wasn't there yet, but he didn't recall Erin talking about it.

"Uh...I guess it just came to me." Mia stuttered.

Ted nodded as he began walking towards the entrance "I won't tell."

Mia was grateful "Thanks, Ted."