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The Zodiac of PRAIII: Revenge - by Jenny Tran

Chapter 40

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan
Joyce Tang – Reina Ng
Andy Lau – General Joseph Cheung (head of security)
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung
Jordan Chan – Ah Bat

Ted and Mia walked into Chuck’s office after checking the conference room. He looked up from his desk “She agreed to help us.” Ted spoke up.

“But…” Chuck knew it would not be that easy.

“She wants out.” Mia replied. Chuck nodded as his eyes diverted to the door where Joe stood. The two turned to see him walking in “I know it’s risky but I think we have a good chance of catching TK.”

Chuck shook his head “It’s too dangerous. Do you know what would happen to the team? Her ethics are not great.” He held up the thick folder on his desk, he had been studying it and after reading halfway, he knew it was suicide what they were doing.

“I agree with Mia.” Joe spoke up silencing everyone “It’s a chance but I think we can turn her around. She might surprise you.” He smiled at Chuck.

Mia’s lips curled up “Thank you, Sir!”

Joe laughed, “Don’t thank me yet. We have to convince the Mayor into signing the form.”

“I’ll come with you.” Mia offered. Joe nodded as the two waved goodbye to Ted and Chuck.

“What do you think?” Ted asked, his gaze still lingering at the door.

“I think it’s crazy. But if we have to go to the last resort to save Erin…it’s worth it. How could I face her parents if something happens to her?”

Ted’s eyes hardened “She’ll be okay.”


Erin woke up to the sound of a slamming door. For a second she almost forgot where she was. Getting up was a challenge since she wasn’t sure how the bed was faced. She reached around the side to find her cane and felt it on the floor below her feet. Erin picked it up as it guided her out, she could feel the tiny hallway “Tay?” she asked feebly.

He was grabbing all the belongings and stuffing it in a duffel bag “We have to go. They found us!” he said hurriedly.

“They did?” Erin wrinkled her brows “Are you sure?”

“Ah Bat just called me. Right before they got him…his cell phone dropped and I could hear him yelling in the background. We have to go.” He said again. When she made no movement, he turned to her slowly “You don’t want to go?”

Erin shook her head calmly “No, it’s not that. I was just thinking how long we have to live like this.”

TK quickly dropped his things and reached out to touch her shoulders “Hey, we’ll be okay. Don’t worry, as long as I’m here, they won’t ever find you. I promise.”

She smiled with a slight nod of the head “Okay. Could you give me a hand?”

“Of course.” He gathered up her few things and they were off into another unknown place. The two took a ride to a village where she did not recognize the name to. Erin wondered to herself it he was still suspicious of her. No matter what, she would have to stick it out and earn his trust the only way she knew how. The inheritance.


With Mia’s help, Joe was able to convince the Mayor to let Reina out for a temporary period of time. Until she finds TK for them and he is captured. The two rushed over to the county jail to escort her out. Reina cringed from the bright sunlight, after so many months of looking at four gray walls, it was like heaven to be in the heat again.

She took in a deep breath with her eyes closed. Mia had never seen her so content before, the smile was almost angelic, that is until she opened them and turned to the two “Aren’t you afraid I’m going to run?”

Mia shook her head confidently “I know you won’t.”

“You’ve got balls.” Reina snorted as she nodded to Joe “So what now?”

“Do you know where TK hides?” Joe wasted no time in asking.

Reina nodded “I guess.”

“Can you take us there?” Mia asked.

“Sure.” She shrugged carelessly while the two led her to the car. They called Ted on the way to meet them up. Reina recalled TK mentioning where he was staying. It was a rundown old building where druggies and gangsters lived. A place where cops didn’t like to go. They stopped in front of the building Reina pointed out. The four got out of the car as they followed Reina inside.

She came upon a door and prepared to knock when Ted stopped her “Are you sure this is his apartment?”

She turned to him coolly “Do YOU know where he lives?” Ted dropped his hand and Reina snickered “I didn’t think so.” She knocked on the door and waited for an answer. When there was none, her knock became louder. Still there was no answer. She turned to Ted and crossed her arms “Would you like to do the honor?”

“Gladly.” He shifted them aside as he stepped back and gave the door a hard kick. The lock broke but the door opened with ease. The four walked inside the darkened apartment, he noticed the clothes that were left behind “Looks like they just left.”

Mia looked around the hallway and came upon the bedroom. Her eyes widened in horror as she called “Guys!! Come in here!”

Reina walked casually into the room, her face emotionless. Joe cringed as he shook his head in dismay “It’s a shrine.”

Ted muttered under his breath “Oh my God…” on the walls were clips of articles or pictures of Erin and the Yeung family. He was obsessed. One picture was the most disturbing. He took a picture of Erin and Brad in the street, cutting out Brad’s head, he replaced it with his own picture.

Mia was shaky as she pulled off the paper from the wall “Maybe we should be glad Erin can’t see this.” She handed the paper in her hand to Ted “Looks like he’s got a target.”

“Is this from the article when the Mayor was saved and our picture was taken?” Ted asked for confirmation.

Mia nodded “I think so.” The picture had a red ‘X’ on Ted’s face.

“Do you have any idea where he may have gone?” Joe asked Reina, who seemed to be enjoying the psychotic room.

She turned to him with a beaming smile “What do I look like, his mother? How the hell would I know where he went.” She snapped.

Mia was more patient as she turned to the girl “But you can contact him right?”

Reina nodded with a crooked grin “Looks like you got smarter after your amnesia.”

“But it’s a shame you’re not the same person.” Mia’s eyes dug into hers desperately. She wanted Reina to turn around and walk back to the light. Unfortunately, the girl had fallen too deep under the spell.

“Did your cute little boyfriend teach you that?” Reina snarled.

“How did you know?” Mia was amazed by her knowledge.

Reina laughed, “I have my connections. My guess is TK will aim for Dr. Chan next. He wants Erin to fall for him so he can get the inheritance.” Ted and Joe looked at her blankly “Hypnotism. Which doctor wrote a whole book about it?” she asked with annoyance.

Joe turned to Mia “Where is Ethan now?”

“At the hospital.” Mia’s face turned pale “What if we’re too late?”

“We will be if you guys keep standing here analyzing.” Reina yawned with boredom.

Joe nodded “Come on. Mia call Ethan and warn him now. Hopefully we’ll get to the hospital before he does.”

Ted got in contact with Chuck and all the other teammates were able to hear. Darren was hiding out behind a tree at the memorial when he got the message. His first thought was Mia, she could be in danger. Knowing he would be in punished for leaving his post, he quickly left the scene and rushed to the hospital.

TK took Erin to remote home, it was actually abandoned and he knew people would not enter as there were rumors of ghosts inside. He wasn’t a believer. He told her he was going out to buy food and she should stay there and rest. She agreed. After he locked the door behind him, he rushed over to the hospital. Ethan would have a little visit. He hid behind a doctor’s white coat that he long ago stole. A thick black rimmed glasses gave him a dorky look, where most people didn’t pay attention to. The gun in his hand was hidden behind a pocket. He entered Ethan’s office without notice “Hi, old friend.”

Ethan was startled as he dropped his pen “You…”

“No time for small talk, come on.” He ordered with the gun waving at Ethan.

“Where are we going?” Ethan got up slowly. Suddenly, his cell phone began to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket “It’s Mia.” He said to TK.

“Drop the phone and come with me.” TK said calmly.

Ethan knew his life would be in danger if he tried to do the opposite. He put the cell phone on his desk and let it ring. Then he followed Ethan out the door. They walked down the hall casually, laughing and talking as if they were friends. No one seemed to notice anything in peculiar until they rounded an empty corner and were yards away from Darren “TK!!” he pointed.

TK acted fast as he pulled out his gun and pointed it at Darren. Ethan quickly pushed his hand away and the shot was fired into the light bulb above their heads. Darren ducked as he rolled away while Ethan and TK wrestled to gain control. Unfortunately for the doctor, he had no experience with self defense and TK quickly outdid him. The gun still tight in his hand as he pointed it at Ethan “Try that again and you won’t get a chance to say farewell to your sweet Mia. Now get us out of here!” he commanded.

Ethan glanced back at Darren who was safely away from the aim. He nodded and led TK to the employee exit. They turned corners after corners until they hit the emergency exit door that led to the back of the hospital.

Mia rushed to Ethan’s room and noticed it empty, she turned to see Ted rounding the corner “He’s got him!” she rushed off again.

“Mia, wait!” Ted cried while she continued to run down the halls, she wasn’t even sure where she was going.

Eventually, she ran into Darren “Darren!” Mia cried in shock “What are you doing here? Did you see—”

“TK was here. He’s got Ethan.” He nodded.

Ted looked up and saw the broken bulb “What happened?”

“He fired.” Darren replied, “He almost got me, but Ethan pushed his hand up and he shot the light instead.” It was his close shave with death “He saved my life.” He said it more to Mia.

Ted shook his head “It’s not the time. Come on, maybe they didn’t get too far. Joe and Reina are in the car.” Together the three rushed out of the hospital only to be greeted by Joe and Reina “Did you see them?”

Joe nodded sadly “The minute I got out of the car to see how you guys were doing, his car zoomed passed us.”

“Why didn’t you chase him??!” Mia cried angrily. Then she remembered her position and lowered her head “Sorry Joe, I didn’t mean…”

“I’m not upset Mia. Don’t worry.” Joe assured her “I didn’t want to follow because it would only cause Ethan’s life to be more in danger. He could use him against us and for sure he would not lead us to Erin.”

“You’re right.” Ted nodded.

“So what do we do now?” Darren asked.

“Return to your post.” Joe replied, “The rest of you come back with me.”

They didn’t bother blindfolding Reina when entering the headquarters “Aren’t you afraid that I know your secret hideout?”

Joe turned to her with authority “Once an agent always an agent. You may have been a traitor but you had earned the name of a P.R.A. agent at one time. There is no need to hide anything from you.”

She couldn’t admit that she was touched, instead she cover her teary eyes with an icy look “I'm weeping.”

Chuck turned to his team “Becca is returning with Ah Bat.” He smiled “She always manages to find him. Must be a past life owe.”

“Or bad Karma.” Mia snickered with a laugh.

Minutes later Becca hauled Ah Bat in, he was tied in ropes from neck to feet. He took mini steps while Becca pushed him to move faster. She smiled smugly at Chuck “You didn’t think I could do it.”

“I never said that.” Chuck smiled. He turned to Ah Bat “Well, well, well looks like you can’t stand to be away from us.” He mocked sarcastically.

“Please let me go…I’ll do—”

“Anything, right?” Becca snapped. She used the back of her hand to smack his head “Whatever. We heard it once, we heard it a million times.”

Ah Bat shook his head vehemently “This time, I’m serious!”

“Oh! So the other times you were just kidding?” Chuck raised his brows with interest “Well, I didn’t know were just playing the whole time!”

“That’s not what I meant.” Ah Bat laughed nervously “Please don’t kill me…I’ll do anything.” He nodded convincingly.

Reina laughed suddenly catching everyone’s attention “You guys are so pathetic. Why do you let him play you again and again? Just cut off his balls or something, that way he’ll finally understand the meaning of regret.”

Becca cringed at the thought “That’s sick…but if it works.” She sighed while slapping Ah Bat’s frightened face “I’ll get the knife.”

“No! Oh God…please…don’t...” he quickly knelt down “I promise, I won’t betray you anymore…I’ll be honest. Please just don’t hurt my only essence for living!” he was sobbing hysterically.

Becca frowned at him “You’re pathetic.” She turned to Reina with a smile “You’re good. I’m Becca by the way.” She put out a hand to shake.

Mia smiled when Reina introduced herself “Reina.” The look on Becca’s face was irreplaceable “Nice to meet you.” She added with a mocking touch.

“Nic…nice…to…” Becca couldn’t even finish her sentence as she backed away towards Mia “Who let her out?”

Reina smiled slyly “The President.” She whispered while leaning towards Becca.

Chuck laughed, “We finally found something Becca’s afraid of. Or should I say someone. Can we keep her?” his comment earned a threatening glare from Becca.




Chapter 41

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung

TK’s eyes darted back and forth from the mirror to the side of his car. He was acting paranoid and Ethan could sense it. He pulled up a few hundred yards from the home, just in case the team had followed him “Come on!” he grunted as he rushed around the other side and yanked Ethan out of the car.

“What do you want with me?” Ethan asked fearfully.

TK laughed, “Do you have to ask Dr. Chan?” he came upon the door and paused abruptly “Don’t try anything funny. I had a hard time earning her trust.”

“You kidnapped Erin?” Ethan widened his eyes in shock.

“No, you idiot!” TK snapped, “I don’t have time to explain, just don’t try to warn her or anything.” He opened the door and pushed him inside. The place was a two floor and it looked like one of the homes people used to film movies in. Erin was nowhere in sight and TK grew worried for a second “Erin?!” he called.

“I’m up here!” Erin replied.

TK was relieved as he walked up the steps hastily. He found her feeling the walls in the hallway “You scared me, I thought something happened to you.” He quickly took her elbow and assisted her.

“I was just getting use to the home. Did you get the food?” she was careful with each step down. The house was old so the floors creek each time a weight was put on it.

“Yeah.” He brought her safely until announcing, “Guess whom I brought to see you?”

“Who?” curiosity taking over.

TK widened his eyes at Ethan as he stepped closer “It’s me, Erin.”

“Ethan?” Erin turned to TK “Why did you bring Ethan?”

He let out a worried sigh as he took her hands in his “Erin, I know you claim that you are okay with this. But I know inside, you are hurting from being away from your friends and family. I just want Ethan to help relax your mind and help you find peace.”

She smiled slowly “You’re so thoughtful.”

“Only to you.” He nodded to Ethan “I’ll give you two some privacy.” He stepped towards the door and opened it. Instead of getting out, he closed the door pretending that he had left.

Erin let out a short sigh as she turned to Ethan with a smile “I hope he didn’t scare you. Tay is harmless but sometimes he acts really tough. Despite his worries, I’m actually fine with this lifestyle.”

TK watched Ethan with extra care and made sure he wouldn’t try anything “You like him?” Ethan asked Erin.

She tilted her head thoughtfully “I don’t know. He’s different. He knows how to take care of me and sometimes his kindness shocks me. But somewhere in my mind, I still think he wants the inheritance money, I mean if I didn’t have the power to give him all of it you think he would still be so nice to me? But maybe I’m just being too suspicious.”

“Maybe.” Ethan felt defeated. She had fallen for the enemy without knowing it. TK motioned for Ethan to continue “How about we do some hypnosis therapy?” he suggested.

She nodded in agreement “Sure. Whatever the doctor orders.”

He used the same method to bring her into a dazed mental stage. After she was successfully semi conscious TK stepped up carefully as he took a seat on one of the empty chairs “Erin, are you still upset at TK for killing Brad?” Ethan began.

Erin nodded and then shook her head “I’m not sure.” She replied dazily.

“Even if he’s willing to risk his life for you?” TK spoke up.

“He’s done too much. I can’t repay him.” Erin replied.

“Sure you can.” TK added quickly “You are by just being with him. He really cares about you Erin. No one in the world can understand him the way you do. You are his life.”

Erin was hesitant “That’s a lot of stress on me.”

“No, he’s not asking anything from you. He only wants to take care of you for the rest of his life. But right now, you guys are on the run. Everyone is looking for you and they want him dead.”

“He can’t die!” Erin cried suddenly.

TK smiled “He won’t. Do you know why he hasn’t asked you to marry him so that you two can get the inheritance money?” Erin shook her head “Because he doesn’t want to push you to do something you don’t want to do. Did you know all the food you eat is from TK’s hard earned money? He only has water and bread just to keep you healthy. If you ask me, a guy has got to be madly in love in order to starve himself.”

“That’s not fair for Tay.” Erin whispered, “If we get married, the inheritance will be his.”

“And yours.” TK added, “He loves you Erin. He only wants the best for you.”

“I have to bring her out.” Ethan interrupted. TK glared at him but he eventually nodded “Erin, it’s time.” He snapped a finger and Erin’s eyes were wide open “How do you feel?”

Erin smiled “Great.”

“Really?” Ethan asked. He saw TK tiptoed towards the door, he knocked on it lightly “Come in.” Ethan pretended to answer.

TK walked inside with a smiling voice “So, how did it go?”

Erin reached her hand out as TK took it “It was great. Ethan, you are a magician of all minds. I feel so much better now.”

“Good.” Ethan’s face was grim.

“I guess you should be heading back. Mia would be worried.” TK said with darkened eyes. Ethan had a feeling his death was near. TK patted Erin on the hand “I’ve got to drive Ethan back, I should return in 15 minutes.”

Erin nodded with a wide grin “Okay. By Ethan, thanks for everything.”

“You’re welcome. Goodbye Erin.” Ethan was saddened as he was pushed out the door. They got in the car and instead of returning him to the hospital, they drove out to a deserted lake. He came upon a short cliff before stopping the car “What are you doing?” Ethan was not prepared for the worst.

“You’ve said your goodbyes and you’ve done your job. Of course it’s time for you to go.” TK said dully. He got out of the car and popped his trunk up. Inside were a cotton material bag and a few gags. It took him a while to pull out the 40 pounds ball. TK pulled out his gun as he waved for Ethan to come closer. When Ethan did, he began gagging him up. He chained the ball on his left foot and lastly covered him in the bag. He pushed him closer to the edge “Thanks for the memories.” He laughed viciously before giving Ethan a hard kick making him fall into the lake with a loud splash. TK didn’t bother glancing back as he walked to the car and drove off.

He returned to Erin after buying some groceries from the village “Is that you Tay?” Erin asked when the door opened.

“Yeah. How about I cook dinner?” TK offered jokingly.

She laughed, “I don’t think we have a choice, could you imagine me cooking? We might have to find a new place to live.”

He walked over and took her hand “It doesn’t matter if you never see again, I’ll always be here for you.”

She smiled as she leaned into his chest naturally “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Suddenly she moved away “Tomorrow is my parents’ death anniversary. Can you take me?”

“Aren’t you afraid they might be there waiting for you?” TK warned.

She nodded “But I have to go. All these years I did not do my duty as a daughter, I can’t stop now after I know where they are buried. Don’t worry, even if they catch me, I won’t let them get you.” She said solemnly.

It seemed to work as he nodded “I trust you.”

She smiled as her hand covered her stomach “My stomach is growling.” She laughed embarrassingly.

TK patted her on the shoulder “The food will be out faster than a flying pig!” he rushed the food into the kitchen. Her smile slowly faded as she prayed and hoped that Ethan made it home alive. She was too deep in the game to give up. They were too close. She could easily lure him to the City Hall to have arrangements for their ‘wedding’. He would easily have her complete trust. Even if he said he did, she felt he was still suspicious.


The following morning, the two set out to the Memorial. TK’s eyes never stopped darting around as he looked for any signs of the team. Erin’s arm was linked through his as he slowly walked her up the stairs. Darren had spotted them since the moment they got out of the cab “The snake is out of the desert.” He warned his team.

Chuck and the rest of the team were not far “Okay guys, surround them. Make sure Erin is not being held hostage.”

“Yes sir.” Ted, Doug, Ryan and Becca rushed out of the van as they scurried around the back side of the hill. The steps were endless and they continued to stay out of TK’s sight since he was looking around like an owl in the night.

TK spotted the trees moving towards his left side as his head shot up. He paused and Erin noticed quickly “What’s wrong? Is someone here?” she asked.

He shook his head “No. Just a cat.” He walked her down the aisle of the top of the hill “I think we’re here.”

She nodded as she turned to the stones and knelt down “Mom, Dad…look who I brought? You remember Tay? He was Uncle Keung’s son. I’m sure you won’t forget them. Such a shame you two are not alive today to see what a righteous man he has grown to be. I’m so proud just to be his friend.”

TK was distracted but the minute Erin started talking, he turned to her with earnest eyes. He bent down next to her “It’s my honor to be your friend.”

She tilted her head “Why are you so nice to me?”

He turned to her “Because you are nice to me.”

“Is that all?” she sounded disappointed.

“What else did you want to hear?” he laughed at the expression on her face.

Erin bowed three times at the grave stones as she got up “Nothing.” She began walking away when he stopped her with his hands.

“Are you mad?” he teased.

She wiggled free from his grasp “No.” she pouted.

TK smiled crookedly “I think someone’s upset.” He pointed out “Tell me what you want to hear and I’ll tell you.”

“That defeats the purpose of something heartfelt.” Erin replied with a small smile.

“I guess.” TK noticed the movement behind a tree over Erin’s shoulder.

“I think he sees us.” Darren warned.

“He’s too close to Erin, I can’t get a shot.” Ted had the gun held up.

TK sensed something was going to happen as he ushered Erin towards the step “Come on, this place gives me the creeps. I feel like we’re being watched.”

Her smile faded “Okay.” She let him take her down the stairway.

“He’s getting away!” Becca hissed.

“Don’t let him escape.” Chuck ordered.

TK could see Darren clearly as he pulled out his gun and pointed it to Darren but decided to move his target over to Erin. Afterall, she was blind, she wouldn’t be able to see what he was doing “He’s got the gun pointed at Erin.” Darren told the others.

“Bastard!” Becca growled.

“Don’t do anything hasty.” Chuck spoke up “Let them go.”

“Chuck!” Ted disagreed.

“We don’t know if he’s holding her hostage.” Chuck sighed.

Ryan shook his head “I think she’s with him by free will. Didn’t you see the way she smiled at him? I don’t think he’s holding her hostage.”

“We don’t know for certain.” Chuck watched from the van’s tinted window as TK drove off with Erin “Come back team.”




Chapter 42

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung

The team gathered in the van to meet up with Mia at Yan Sum Hospital. When they got there, she stood outside Ethan’s operating room “Mia.” Ted announced their arrivals “How is he?”

“I don’t know. They’ve been checking all night.” She looked worried “Did you guys catch him?”

Chuck shook his head “He had Erin with him the whole time, we didn’t have an open target. We’ll get him next time. Right now, we need Ethan to be okay. He’s the only one that knows where they’re staying.”

Mia nodded “I know.” She let out a sigh “If only we were a step faster.”

“TK was determined to get Ethan, there was no stopping him. Don’t feel so bad.” Darren assured her “We’ll all pray for him.”

She smiled gratefully “I know I will.” Hours later, the doctors finally emerged from the operating room “Is he okay?!” Mia popped up from her seat.

“He was held underneath the lake for a good 7 minutes, his lungs were filled with algae and fluids from the lake. We cleaned out as much as we could. He’s in stable condition but still very weak. Only one person can see him at one time.” He nodded while the team thanked him.

Mia turned to her group “We won’t fight to be the first.” Doug teased as he pushed her in.

She smiled and threw a glance at Darren who nodded at her. Mia turned and hastily walked through the swinging doors. When she got to his room, she found Ethan with tubes in his nose and monitored wires throughout his chest. His face was pale but his heart was beating from the rhythmic beeping sound of the machine. She looked at him from head to toe, her heart ached as she reached out lightly to touch his face “What did he do to you?” she whispered.

The sound of her voice woke him up as his eyes fluttered “Mia…” his voice was hoarse but he managed to give her a warm smile. She covered her mouth to hold in the cries “What’s wrong?” his eyes turning to worried.

“I thought I had lost you.” She managed to let out in a shaky voice.

Ethan smiled with his head shaking “I can’t die that easily. I have to help you guys find Erin.”

She nodded “How did you get out of the lake?”

His eyes distant away as he tried to recall the situation, but it was too hazy in his mind “I’m not sure. I remember struggling to get loose but after a couple of minutes I gave up. I couldn’t hold my breath that long and I had fainted. When I woke up, I remembered I was in the hospital and they were pulling me into a white room. I don’t know who saved me.”

Mia brows wrinkled above her eyes “We got an anonymous call from a person that said you were at a deserted lake. He even gave us directions. Ted and I got there and we found you unconscious, the ties around your arm and leg were cut. There was a chained ball locked at the bottom of your feet. No one else was in sight.”

“Strange.” He said it more to himself.

“Well, don’t you worry. There won’t be a next time…I’ll protect you.” Mia said courageously. He laughed and then winced in pain “Ethan!” she stroked his face softly.

“Don’t make me laugh.” He groaned painfully “It hurts.”

“That’s what you get for making me cry!” She scolded playfully.

He frowned “When did you cry?”

She smiled “It’s not important.”

“No, it is. Did you cry last night?” he was worried.

“Just a little.” She smiled guiltily “But I’m okay now!” she grinned wider to show him.

He shook his head “Mia, I don’t want to ever hear that you cried again. Even if something happens to me…I don’t want you to be sad. Life is about death, there’s nothing you can do when it’s calling for you. I only want to see you happy, because that is who you are. And that is how I want to always remember you.”

She began tearing up again “You talk like you’re about to die.” She gripped his hand tightly “Hey, after we catch the psychopath, how about you and I take a vacation?”

He smiled slowly “That sounds nice. Where do you want to go?”

Mia raised her brows as she wiped the tears at the corner of her eyes “Does my ears deceive me? Dr. Chan is not putting up a fight? No more good things to say about Darren or trying to convince me that I don’t like you?”

Ethan shook his head “I trust your judgment.”

“Well it’s about time!” she teased.

“At the beginning, I thought you were doing it out of pity. But I can tell that you are serious about your feelings. I think it’s time I stopped being in denial. After this incident, I have learned to be more appreciative of the things that I have. I’m not letting go.” He squeezed her hand tightly.

Mia sighed as she gave him a warm smile “Same here.”


TK walked Erin into the abandoned home, she had sensed his tense hands since he walked her from the car “Is something wrong? You seem a bit tense.”

He was reluctant but eventually came clean “I lied to you Erin. When we were at the Memorial, I saw the team. They were hiding behind trees with guns pointed at me. I think if you weren’t there, I wouldn’t be standing right now. Maybe you should return to them.”

Her face frowned “I shouldn’t have dragged you with me.”

He shook his head vehemently “No, I want to be with you. It’s my choice. But I think it’s a matter of time that they’ll find us.”

“Let’s get married.” Her request was sudden as he was taken aback.

TK arched his neck towards her “What?” he laughed, “I thought you just said let’s get married.”

“I did.” Erin said solemnly, she sensed his hesitation “I’m serious, Tay. Let’s just do it. That way we’ll get the money and leave this country. We’ll go to America, where they’ll never find us.”

He knew it was too good to be true, but the earnest in her voice could not be hidden. Maybe the hypnosis worked too well? Eventually, he nodded “Okay. If that’s what you want.”

She sighed out a smile “Let’s do it right now. Before they get here, they won’t guess what our plans are.”

“Someone’s in a rush.” He tilted his head playfully “I’ve been waiting for this day for a very long time.”

She was beaming “I don’t want to wait any longer.”

He agreed as they quickly packed up and left the home. They drove straight to city hall and made reservations to sign their nuptials that very night. The paper work took most of the day as they had to retrieve their birth certificates, find a witness and get new clothes.

She wore a simple white dress that the sales girl picked out and TK had on a simple black suit that he rented. The witness was a person he paid $1000. bucks to stand in as a close friend. He was careful at the bank when they signed to get their certificates from the safety deposit box.

“Were they suspicious?” Erin asked when they walked out of the bank.

He turned his head over his shoulder “I don’t think so.” No one had followed them out.

“Is it time?” she asked hurriedly.

He nodded “15 minutes.” They rushed over to City Hall again and prepared to say their vows. The judge began right on time as he read the nuptials. TK was holding onto Erin’s hands the whole time and she had a plastered smile on her face. When he announced that they were husband and wife, TK leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. He was about to move to her lips when she quickly hugged him.

“Thank you.” She whispered into his ear.

He smiled while hugging her tighter “You’ve just made me the happiest man alive.”

They broke apart and the judge handed over the marriage certificate “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” TK nodded as he took Erin’s hand and led her outside.

“Where are we going?” Erin asked when they were in the car.

He began driving off “Somewhere that the team won’t find us. You don’t mind that we’re not in a hotel for our wedding night do you?”

She shook her head “I don’t care as long as I’m with you. I wouldn’t be able to see the beautiful room but in my mind it’s gorgeous.”

He reached over and took her hand “I’m so lucky to have found such an understanding wife.” They came upon a run down three four warehouse that use to be dominated by sewing machines. But now, only cobwebs were its tenants. The metal door slid open with a loud creek. TK led her up the stairs until they were in an office like room. An old couch was the only homey effect. He placed the bag of candles he had in his hand down on the table. Lighting up a few, he looked around at the musty room “Maybe it’s good that you can’t see this room.”

“That bad huh?” Erin smiled as she found her way over to the couch “What are we doing next?”

He returned to her side on the couch “We’ll stay here for one night and then tomorrow we have to head off to the City Hall again. The inheritance forms were sent there. Originally there were two copies, one was kept by the lawyer present and the other was left at the City Hall.”

“I see.” She nodded and let out a tiring sigh “Maybe now we can live in peace.”

“We will.” He smiled as he looked over at her. She was glowing in the candlelight. He reached out and touched her flawless face “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered.

She lowered her head shyly “You’re just saying that.”

TK placed both hands on her face “I’m being dead serious. You are all that I need. Trust me, no one will ever find us. You won’t have to ever worry about them again…”

Erin hid the chill running through her body as she leaned her head onto his shoulder “I will go wherever you go. If you don’t want to return, I won’t either.”

“You have the heart to leave them all behind?” TK asked. There was a double meaning behind his threatening words.

She nodded against his chest “They’ll forget about me one day.” She let out a slow yawn and he his head turned to down.

“You tired?” he asked and Erin smiled in response “Take the couch. It’s too small for the both of us.” He moved so that she could lie down, his fingers combing her hair back from her face “I’ll take a raincheck for this special night. We have a long day tomorrow. Good night.” He kissed her on the forehead.

“Night.” She whispered. Her eyes closed but she knew that he had already left the room.

There were other things he needed to take care of. He rushed to the car and got out the explosives he had bought a few weeks back. He placed on each four side of the building and one in the center of the second floor. TK was ready for the team, he planned on getting them once and for all. The next morning when Erin wakes up, he would send a cab to take her to a hotel where he would meet up with her later. The plan could not go wrong, it was his only way to get the P.R.A. off his back for good. He didn’t want their lingering shadows following them.

After an hour, he returned to the office where he found Erin sleeping peacefully. Her face angelic while her breathing was slow and steady. He knelt down in front of her face as he began stroking her hair and cheeks with the back of his fingers. She stirred a little but didn’t wake “They won’t bother us again.” He said softly “Never…” he promised.