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The Zodiac of PRAIII: Revenge - by Jenny Tran

Chapter 43

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Joyce Tang – Reina Ng
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung
Charlene Choi – Jenna Cheung

At the crack of dawn, Ted received a phone call from TK. He was instantly awake at the sound of his voice “Where are you? Where’s Erin?? What have you done to her?” he demanded.

TK’s laugh was like a stab in Ted’s heart “She’s not yours to worry about. Erin is my wife now.”

“LIAR!!” Ted cried angrily.

“You don’t have to believe me. But the marriage certificate was signed yesterday at the City Hall. You’ll be happy to know that she was the one that suggested we get married. Looks like she finally made a good decision.” He laughed haughtily.

“Bastard!! I know you pressured her. Where is she now?? Let her go!” Ted was out of bed as he changed at the same time. The team would have to move fast.

“No, I don’t think you listen very well.” TK gritted his teeth “She is mine, she belongs to me! Not you! Leave her alone. But don’t worry, soon you won’t be able to find us.”

Ted sat on his bed with a hand over his forehead and eyes “Please…don’t hurt her. I have to see her…I just need to hear that she has moved on. Then I will leave you two alone. Please…I’m begging you.”

He guessed that Ted would pull this card “Okay. I’ll call back at 9.” Without another word, he hung up leaving Ted flabbergasted. He combed his fingers through his hair, how could she? He asked himself the question over and over.

Ted took a jog down the beach after being awakened by TK. He returned home to take a shower. He pondered whether if he should tell the team or not. In the end, he decided not to tell them. They would only talk him out of it, but he was desperate to see Erin. If indeed she had moved on with TK, he would let her go. He sat in his kitchen staring at the clock on his microwave until it turned 9am. That was when his cell phone rang. He reached for it “Hello?”

“Meet me at the old Fuk Yee Manufacture located on the outskirts of Lam Village. You only have one chance.” TK’s voice was solemn as he spoke.

Ted stared at his cell when it went dead. He let out a sigh and reached into his bottom drawer to retrieve his gun. He checked the bullets and hid it behind the belt of his jeans. Putting on an overcoat, he prepared to leave. It was either TK or him.

Erin was standing outside when she heard TK rushing out the doors “I don’t understand why I can’t go with you.” She whined.

“Because it’s a lot of hard work. I want you to rest. I’ll get the plane tickets after the inheritance papers are completed. I’ll meet you back at the hotel.” He insisted as he rushed her into the cab.

“Call me when you’re done.” She heard the door slam and the car quickly drove off.

TK returned to the third floor as he pulled out a cigarette to smoke. It was a nervous habit he couldn’t break. He walked around the rails where an opening center was designed so bosses could see the employees. When the metal doors slid open, he dropped the butt into the floor and crushed it under his shoes. Ted’s footsteps could be heard as he climbed onto the stairwell “Welcome to my humble home!” TK’s booming voice left an echo as he announced to Ted.

He looked up from the second floor “Where’s Erin?”

“What? No small talk? Don’t you want to visit with me?” TK asked mockingly while Ted took the stairs up until he faced him.

“Where’s Erin?” he asked more sternly.

TK shook his head “Tsk, tsk, tsk…no wonder she didn’t chose you. What a bore. Don’t you have anything else to say?”

“Not to you.” Ted growled, “Where is she?” TK crossed his arms with a teasing smile and Ted knew he had fallen into the trap. Why did he even bother to give the guy the benefit of the doubt? His eyes hardened “She’s not here.”

TK clapped his hands with a laugh “Ladies and Gentlemen, he DOES have a brain!” he pointed to the imaginary audience. He stepped around the corner of the rail “No, she’s not here. But it doesn’t matter where she is, it matters that you will die.” Ever so slowly, he pulled out a gun and aimed it at Ted.

Ted smiled crookedly as he pulled out his own gun and pointed it at TK “I may be naïve but I did come prepared. Go ahead, let’s see who dies first. I came here ready to die.” He stepped closer until the two were at arm’s length.

“Don’t you want to know where Erin is?” TK tried, he wasn’t ready to risk his life.

Ted shook his head “As long as she is safe, I don’t care about anything else.”

TK’s quick kick threw him by surprise as the gun flew out of his hands and into the second floor below. Ted was ready as he kicked the raised gun from TK’s hand before it shot out a bullet toward the ceiling “You’ll pay for that! It’s my lucky gun!” he charged at Ted with punches while Ted’s head whipped to the sides as he dodged the attack.

The two were trained well as they fought off each attack and with every kick there was a blow into the stomach. They fell to the ground in unison, Ted gripped his stomach as he eyed the guy with hatred. He let out a grunt and got on his feet to attack TK. The fighting went on for a long moment and when TK made a slip up by blocking the wrong part of his body, Ted reacted quickly as he threw a left punch into his face. He quickly fell against the ground and reached his hand up to wipe the blood trickling down his chin.

TK used his feet as he moved himself back, he spit out the blood roughly “Enough fun.” He snickered as he pulled his left leg up and yanked out a tiny silver pistol he hid for emergencies. Ted quickly froze as TK pushed himself up with the help of the rail “I was going to have a little more fun but…frankly you’re good.” He laughed disgustedly while he walked closer to Ted with the gun pointed to his forehead “What’s wrong? Where’s all the energy now?” he mocked. He punched him abruptly in the stomach causing Ted to fall to his knees in pain. TK then kicked him in the face making him stumble backwards “Loser!!!” TK laughed heartedly.

Suddenly his face fell when a hard object pushed behind his back “No, I think you lose.”

His eyes twisted to the side “Erin?” he whispered her name.

“Surprise, dear husband?” she asked with sarcasm. She stepped over to his left slowly.

“How…why…you lied?!” he was stunned. All this time, he had fallen for her weak girl scheme. She was on their side the whole time.

“You didn’t think I would forget about Brad’s death did you?” she shook her head sadly at him “It’s such a shame you didn’t run while you could.”

“But the marriage…the promises.” He looked like a sad puppy.

“Fake…everything is fake.” Her eyes were not concentrated on him.

“But you’re still blind…” he realized as he raised his hand to hit her away. Instead, she blocked his arm and kicked at the back of his knee.

Erin turned her head to the side “I may be blind but I know what your next move will be. All those days living with you…I got you know really well.” The gun still pointed at the figure “Ted, are you okay?” she asked worriedly after not hearing his voice.

He managed to move himself up “I’m okay.”

“Really?” TK was back to his old self as he pointed the pistol at Ted “You’re not the only one with the gun. Your precious little Ted doesn’t have one.”

Erin snickered as she used her free hand and pulled out the other pair of her twin guns hidden behind her jeans and tossed it over towards Ted. He caught it with ease “He does now.” Erin said coldly.

Ted’s hand was pointed at TK but his eyes moved over his shoulder “Reina. What are you doing here?”

Erin turned her head and instantly regretted when TK took his chance and knocked the gun from her hand as he twisted around her back and pulled her arm behind her. His other hand wrapped around her neck and the gun was pointed into the side of her neck “Not so quick now are you?”

“Reina, get him!” Ted instructed. But to his surprise Reina made no attempt to hurt TK.

Instead she walked over to her partner in crime with a smug look “I told you I’d get out.”

“You tricked us?!!” Ted cried angrily. His eyes widened in horrified shock “After Mia gave you her word and trust?” he inched closer to them.

TK backed up with Erin on his arm as he spoke to Reina “Fine, I lose this time. But how are we gonna get out of here?” he could only guess that the team was on it’s way “They probably have us surrounded.”

Reina rolled her eyes “What happened to Plan B?”

Suddenly he began laughing “Right! I almost forgot about it.”

“Love makes you crazy.” She snickered into Erin’s ear. Her eyes moved up to Ted “Say goodbye.” She whispered teasingly before laughing with her head thrown back. TK started laughing as he joined in with Reina. Abruptly, she stopped and turned to him “Wait, I have a question. Why did you dig up my brother and Andrew’s graves?”

“What?” TK looked confused.

Erin felt his grip loosen around her neck as she used her full strength to yank his arm away while Ted let out a gunshot into his right arm. He let out a painful cry and pushed Erin towards the rail. She screeched when her body flipped over the ledge but luckily Ted was close as he made a dug over the rail. One hand was on the metal piece and the other had caught Erin’s dangling arm “Erin.” He shook his head “Hold on.”

TK was gripping on his wound that was bleeding profusely, he looked up at Reina “What are you waiting for? Shoot them!!” he ordered.

“If you didn’t dig up the graves then….” Reina turned to Ted with the gun raised.

“NO!” Mia’s voice echoed in the warehouse as she raced up the stairs. She looked at Reina in the eye “Don’t, please Reina. The graves were never touched…it was a scheme to get you to help us. I know it was wrong but you can’t get away. The team is here and the SWAT team is on their way.”

TK smiled despite the perspiration dripping down the side of his face “Looks like you guys found my little present.” He used his free arm to pull out a control in the side of his jacket “One button will send you guys to hell!! Go ahead bring them all here. The more the merrier.”

Mia held her gun up at Reina “Drop it.”

She turned her chin up at an angle “What if I don’t? You’ll shoot me? You know you won’t.”

Slowly, Mia lowered her gun “You’re right. I can’t.”

Reina’s eyes were cold but she masked her emotion through a laugh. Ted was able to pull Erin over the ledge as he turned up to Mia “You’re to soft hearted Mia.”

She shook her head, her eyes glued to Reina’s “No. I’m not cold hearted.”

“What the hell are you waiting for? Kill them now!!!” TK ordered Reina again.

She let out a sigh and turned to him with an exasperated look. Raising the gun, she pulled the trigger that aimed at his leg. He cried painfully while glaring at her in shock. Mia was startled as she gave a little jump “I’ve had enough of your shit!” Reina spat “All you do is complain. Oh woe is me…” she mocked “I’m a pathetic little shit head with no one to love!” she shook her head “You might as well be a woman.” She said with hatred.

He crawled away from her “We were suppose to be partners. You wanted to destroy the P.R.A. I helped you kill Brad!!!” he reminded her.

She shrugged “Yeah, well I changed my mind. I guess I didn’t want the team dead after all.” She snickered “But I realized what a whinypuss you turned out to be. You are my pet peeve.”

Mia was grinning as she shook her head “Still the unpredictable Reina.” She raised a hand and Reina happily gave her a high five.

TK was in shock as his plans turned upside down. Anger and rage was written all over his face as he pulled out the control and pressed a few numbers into them “Mia!” Ted pointed to TK who was now laughing hysterically “Stop!!” he ordered but the guy was out of it.

Reina raised her gun and began shooting him, Mia stopped her after the third one and he was no longer moving “Don’t…” she bent down on her knees in front of him. His eyes still opened but he was no longer breathing. She picked up the control and the red numbers read: 2:43:60. The seconds were flying and the numbers were lowering “I think we’ve got 2 minutes. Come on, let’s get everyone out.” She touched her ear “Team, we need to move out. The bomb will detonate in 2 minutes!!”

“No.” Reina said.

Ted was supporting Erin as he turned to her “What do you mean?”

“I’m not going. I don’t want to go back to jail.” She said sternly.

Mia stood up and walked over to her side “Reina, don’t do this. I can’t watch you die like this.”

“You’ve done enough. Just save yourselves.” She seated herself down and refused to move.

Outside, the bomb unit had arrived as they worked on each bomb. Becca and Darren stood by one of the bombs “If we stop one, they all will stop.” Becca said hopefully.

“What are you going to do?” he asked when she unscrewed the box and found three wires inside.

“I’m going to try…” she followed the trail of the white, yellow and red colored wires “This one goes to the time…can’t be it.” She muttered to herself.

“One minute!!” Mia warned the team through the headsets “Reina, please come with us.” She begged.

But the girl was stubborn as she shook her head. Erin broke away from Ted as she felt her way over to Reina “I know you still hate me, but don’t you think the revenge is over? Brad accidentally killed Andrew and TK killed Brad for you. As much as I despise you for doing it, I know that in the end, you still have a heart of an agent. You proved it right now. You don’t want to see this team go down, you were just angry that you were actually caught. And now you have to serve your sentence. But if you don’t leave…I won’t either.”

“Erin!” Ted cried.

She raised her hand “I may be blind but my heart is not. I know Brad would want us to make peace. He would want me to. If you forgive me, then come with us.”

Mia bent down on Reina’s other side “Please. Come on. We’ll ask the Mayor to lower your sentence! Reina!” she pulled the control to her face “We’ve only got 30 seconds left. We can make it!”

She eventually nodded as Mia pulled her to her feet and Ted grabbed Erin as they raced for the stairs. Outside, Becca was still debating “24 seconds, Becca…” Darren said.

“Hold your horses!” she yelled while turning to him. His face was drenched in cold sweat “I can do it.” She nodded firmly. He swallowed whatever left he had in his mouth and nodded, he had to trust her “It’s either white or red…what color do you like more?”

“What??! You’re asking for my decision???” he was in a panic.

Becca waved her hand “No no…I’m talking to myself. Red…no…white.”

“10 seconds!” Darren warned.

“What the hell…red!” Becca used her wire cutter as she snipped the red wire. They closed their eyes and held in their breaths.

After a good minute, Darren opened his eyes “Are we in heaven?” Becca turned as she pinched him on the arm and he let out a squeal so painful, it echoed, “What the hell was that for??”

“It hurt. We’re not dead.” Becca laughed as she pushed him to the ground. Together they rushed around the corner to be face to face with Doug.

He was grinning, “I’m a hero!!” he yelled with a laugh while Ryan high five him “I saved us all.” He pointed to the bomb “I cut the right wire!” he exclaimed.

Becca and Darren exchanged glances “No, I did.”

The bomb unit approached them “Who did it?” the head asked.

“I did!” Doug and Becca answered at the same time.

Chuck appeared around the corner along with Ted, Erin, Mia and Reina “I’m afraid this wasn’t the work of a P.R.A. agent or a bomb specialist.” His smile told him he knew.

“Who did it then?” Darren was most curious.

Chuck nodded his head to his right “Follow me.” He led the group around another corner. They found Jenna leaning against the wall with a proud look “Leave it to the future agent.”

“Jenna?” Darren asked in confusion.

She shrugged her slender shoulders “I may have messed around a bit.” She picked up the bomb and walked it over to them. The group quickly took a step back as she sighed, “It’s okay!” she insisted and walked closer to show them what she did “The wires weren’t the key. This is the key.” She pointed to the flap where she opened and appeared a green and red button “Usually the green means go and red means stop, but knowing TK, he wouldn’t make it that easy…”

“So you pressed the green button.” Ryan finished.

Jenna shook her head “That’s what I first thought…but he would predict that we were that smart. So he would keep the order as it is. The red button stopped it.” She said with careful analytical mind.

Darren clapped his hands and started a trend as everyone followed his lead. Jenna bowed as she nodded politely “Not bad…I’ll make sure your father hears about this.” Chuck smiled.

“Thank you.” She said with pride and then shook her head when she comprehended what Chuck just said “NO! Daddy can NEVER know.” She pressed, “You understand??” she widened her eyes at Chuck.

He looked at her strangely while Darren muffled a laugh “Okay. If you insist.”

She let out a sigh of relief “Thanks.” She patted her chest “You almost gave me a heart attack.”

Becca frowned “THAT’S what gives you a heart attack? I guess the Cheung daughter plays with bombs instead of barbies.” Her comment made everyone chuckle.




Chapter 44

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Gallen Lo – Matt Tong aka M.T.
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan
Andy Lau – General Joseph Cheung (head of security)
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Charlene Choi – Jenna Cheung

The team were going to return to headquarters when Chuck received a page from Joe to meet him at Yan Sum Hospital. The van took a detour and so did the second van since they could not fit the whole gang in one auto. They were greeted by Joe who was beaming like a proud father “Great job Team.” He nodded at them.

Everyone was all smiles as the followed him inside. He led them up to Ethan’s room, where he was feeling much better. He was startled by the huge group that barged into his room “We thought you might need some company.” Mia grinned as she took a seat next to him.

Chuck grinned, “Actually, it’s more like curiosity.”

Ethan looked confused “What do you mean?”

“Come on, we know you and Erin had this whole plan to catch TK.” Doug rolled his eyes “You can’t fool me. You’re only best friend.” Mia cleared her throat and Doug lifted a brow “You’re his GIRL-friend, it doesn’t count.”

The group laughed but Ethan still looked lost “No…I didn’t plan anything with Erin. I only warned her about TK’s plan to hypnotize her.”

Everyone spun slowly around until they looked at Erin. A slow smile appeared on her face “I guess everyone would like to know.”

“Yes! Don’t leave us in suspense.” Becca scolded.

She nodded as her head lifted up “Ryan?”

He stepped over to her as she motioned for him to lower down. When he moved away, his brows wrinkled as he left the room. Becca shook her head “What did you tell him?”

“You’ll see.” Erin insisted.

Minutes later, Ryan came back with Matt in his wheelchair. Darren crossed his arms with wondering eyes “Matt? What does Matt have to do with this?”

“Inquiring minds would like to know.” Jenna added.

Erin turned towards Matt “You want to explain?”

“SOMEBODY explain!” Becca wasn’t exactly patient.

“I’ll explain.” Matt smiled as he pointed for Ryan to pull him in closer “It was almost two weeks ago when Erin came to see me….”


Matt was watching TV when he the doorbell rang. It couldn’t have been Ryan since he was at work and Shelly was out with some co-workers. He approached the door and was surprised to see Erin with her cane “Erin? Shelly’s not home.”

“That’s okay, I came to see you.” She smiled as he moved aside to let her in.

“Do you have some technical questions for me?” he asked.

Erin laughed, “Can’t an agent visit an ex-lieutenant?”

“Well, if you say it that way.” Matt wheeled himself into the kitchen “Let’s get something to drink.”

She found her way into the kitchen and took a seat at the dining table while Matt fixed them some coffee. When he returned, she smiled when he handed her the warm cup “Thank you.” She sipped it lightly “How are you doing?”

He shrugged “I’m still alive. I admit it was hard at first but I’m getting use to the wheelchair. At least my forearm is getting a good workout.” She nodded but he could tell there was definitely something else “So are we going to pretend that the small talk is interesting or are you going to tell me what’s really going on?”

“Promise me you won’t tell anyone else.” Erin’s smile faded.

He placed his cup down as he gave her his full attention “This is serious.”

She pulled the letter out of her pocket “Can you read this to me?”

He nodded as he unraveled the folded paper, Matt quickly skimmed through the words “Where did you get this?”

“What does it say?” she asked.

“It’s a remedy to block your mind from being hypnotized. Who gave this to you?” Matt’s concern came naturally to the agent.

Erin leaned back in her chair with a sigh “Ethan.”

“Why would he send you this?” Matt wondered more to himself “Does this have anything to do with TK?”

“You know about him?” Erin tilted her head.

“Ryan’s kept me updated.” He advised.

Erin nodded “I think Ethan’s being blackmailed. About a week ago, he told me of a new treatment he wanted to try on me. It was hypnotism. I was a little iffy but I knew he wouldn’t harm me so I did it. After it was done, I felt odd. It was unexplainable, like I had this rush of feeling to forgive TK. Ted and Mia came to pick me up and I had the urge to see Brad. We went to the cemetery and found TK there. It was just an act, but I fell for it. Ted wanted to catch him but I wouldn’t let him. I didn’t know why I did it, but it felt right. I saw him again at the Mayor’s ball. He just talked to me and told me he didn’t care what others thought of him but only what I thought of him. Again, I let him go. It wasn’t until Shelly pointed out how much I’ve changed that I began to notice a difference.”

“You think he was present when Ethan did the session?” Matt too thought of the same. Erin nodded and he continued with the thought “That’s understandable…he knew you could not see him or possibly the gun that was pointing at Ethan.”

“My thought exactly.” Erin nodded firmly “A couple of days later, my eyes had a little problem. Mia took me in the hospital and the doctor prescribed me with special eye drops. Inside the bag was this folded paper. I was going to ask Mia and Ted to read it for me. But I didn’t want them to worry or panic. My next thought was Uncle Chuck but instead I came up with a better idea. If you want to catch the rat, you have to be the mouse.”

Matt knew what she was planning “It’s too dangerous.”

“I know. But someone has to stop him. He has a weak spot for me, I’m the only one that can get him that inheritance money. He is more likely to believe me. I already know what the others are going to say if I suggest this idea. They would probably lock me in a room and find TK themselves. That’s why I’m coming to you.” Erin concluded “I know I can trust you…right?”

Matt was hesitant about the whole idea but after working with Erin for the past few months, he knew she was capable of pulling off the stunt “Okay.”

She was relieved “I was afraid you would object.”

“I was going to. But I know you can do it.” He patted her shoulder firmly “Do you know how dangerous this is? You have to be ready to lose your life.” He gave her the worse case scenario “If he finds out your plan, I don’t think he will care too much about the inheritance.”

Erin nodded understandingly “I’m ready for anything. A life for a life, Brad would forgive me.”

Matt sighed, “I know I can’t change your mind. So the saying goes, if you can’t beat them, join them.” Erin laughed as Matt began brainstorming “We have to somehow convince him that you and the others are not getting along. Or earn his trust by playing the victim role. Guy’s are suckers for beautiful women. And you’re not an ordinary one, you’ve become dependent on people and you’re blind.”

“I want to start now. I know he’s watching me…I just have to fake an accident and he’ll be by my side to play the heroic role.” Erin analyzed.

“That’s good.” He nodded in agreement “I have a couple of friends that can arrange for an acted scene. Now the only problem is to find out where he is staying.”

“Ah Bat.” Erin smiled “If you can find him, you can find TK. But we have to be careful, he’s a sly one.”

Matt shrugged “Not a problem, I’ll just find a couple of girls to get him drunk and he’ll spill everything.”

“Great minds think alike.” Erin nodded with a laugh as she reached into her pocket and pulled out the indestructible earpieces “Uncle Chuck would kill me if he knew I stole them. But these two are only trials, if they do well, we could get them made for the whole team. As of now, there’s only two. We can keep in touch this way.” She felt him take one from her hand.

“Good. Give me a week to plan out the scene and I’ll let you know where to go and what to do. My boys will look out for you.” Matt was still worried “Be careful Erin.”

“You sound like Uncle Chuck. Don’t worry Matt. I’ll be fine.” She assured him.

***********End of Flashback***********

Ted crossed his arms “So that guy that looked like Ah Bat was planned?”

Erin nodded “We had to do that in order for you to leave the scene. I was afraid it would not work if you fought off those guys.”

“So what happened with Ethan at the lake?” Mia was most curious about that.

Matt raised his hand “I can explain that.” He turned up to Ryan and put out his hand. Ryan quickly took it as Matt pushed himself up from the wheelchair. Everyone gasped as they watched him take a few steps with Ryan’s one hand help.

“You can walk!!” Becca exclaimed.

He smiled “It’s a little shaky but I’ve been working on it. That day after Erin told me everything. I was about to let Ethan in on our little trick but decided it was best if he didn’t know.” Matt looked over at Ethan on the bed “Remember that day I came in to see you?”

Ethan recalled as he nodded slowly “It was the day before I was kidnapped by TK.”

“I put a homing device in your coat.” Matt explained, “It’s been destroyed when you were dropped into the lake but it was enough to follow where you were.”

Darren nodded at the brilliant idea “So when TK took Ethan to the lake, you were already on your way. And it was you that called in anonymously.” He pointed out.

Matt laughed, “I thought you guys would surely recognize my voice.”

Mia was the one that picked up that call, she chuckled to herself “I did think it sounded oddly familiar and for a second I thought it was Matt, but then I told myself how ridiculous it sounded.” She shook her head “Who would have guessed.”

“So you saved me?” Ethan asked Matt.

Matt was humble “I don’t know if you could say that. I took a cab there and witnessed the whole thing. Lucky for me, TK was too busy tying you up to notice me behind one of the trees. The minute he left, I used crutches to get me around. I put a call into the team but knew they would not get there in time to save you. I figured what do I have to lose but my life?” he laughed, “So I jumped in.”

“Thank you.” Ethan said whole heartedly.

“You don’t have to thank me. It’s part of my job.” Matt smiled.

After hearing the whole plan in detail, Becca was worn out “Wow! Any more surprises that we need to know?” she asked with sarcasm.

It was Erin’s turn for questions as she turned to the group “Reina.”

She only needed to say her name and Mia was quick to explain “That was Joe’s idea. Ted and I went to see her. We wanted to convince her to help us so we made a story about how TK stole the corpses of Andrew and Dave.”

Ted chimed in after Mia stopped “We knew she would not believe us so we asked for Michael and Julie’s help. She softened but Mia was the one that pulled the wool over her head. She used the heart to capture Reina’s good side.”

“Such a shame when she has finally regret everything, she still has to go to jail.” Mia sighed sadly.

Joe shook his head “Maybe not.”

The group turned to him curiously “The best we could do is ask the judge to lower her sentence.” Chuck knew the law.

Joe smiled “Not if I could help it.” He pulled out an envelope that the Mayor gave him “This is a petition to not only lower Reina’s sentence to 10 years, but to give her probation of only 2 months and on top of that she will get a reward of $1.2 million dollars for killing TK, who was up for reward the minute the Mayor was returned.”

“How many signatures do you need?” Ted asked.

“Just the entire Team and anyone who was involved with solving this mission.” Joe smiled as he passed around the paper and a pen. Everyone signed it. He turned to Erin last “I know you are still angry at Reina. You don’t have to sign it if you don’t want to.”

Erin lowered her head “You mean I get to be the bad guy?” she shook her head “I have already forgiven her.” She smiled. It was contagious as everyone smiled at each other, “Ted, could you help me?” she began rubbing her eyes when they began to itch again.

He led her to a table where he moved the pen to the right line. She signed it and he folded it as he handed it over to Joe “I’m off to see the Mayor. Don’t miss me too much.”

“I won’t!” Jenna announced. She waved as if he was going away for good. After Joe shook his head with a smile and walked out the door, Jenna let out a long sigh, “God, I thought he’d never leave. So what do you really think about Joe.”

They looked at her strangely but it was Darren that commented, “We’re not falling for that one.” Becca cracked up while Doug high five Darren.

Ted shook his head at the team as he turned to Erin, his smile faded “What’s wrong?”

She rubbed her eyes again “It’s itching again.”

“I’ll take you to see the optometrist.” Ted offered.




Chapter 45

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Charlene Choi – Jenna Cheung

Erin was in the examination room for a while and Ted was growing more nervous by the minute “Ted!” Chuck had followed him after he was gone for too long “Any news?”

He shook his head “Nothing.”

Half an hour had passed when the doctor finally emerged “Dr.” Ted rushed over to the man.

“Her eyes are reacting to the drops I gave her a week ago. We have to do laser surgery.” He said bluntly.

Chuck shook his head “Is it dangerous?”

“If it works, she will be able to see again…” the doctor explained. Ted and Chuck gasped while they hugged each other at the wonderful news “But if it doesn’t work, we will have damaged her cornea permanently. She will be blind forever.”

The faces instantly frowned “What are the chances of her seeing again?”

“50/50.” The doctor replied, “I feel very positive about it.”

“Does she know?” Ted asked the distinguished looking man.

He nodded “She has given me the consent to do it.”

“Can we see her?” Chuck asked.

The doctor shook his head “She’s in a sanitized room at the moment. We cannot let outside germs enter the room. The operation will take a couple of minutes but the healing will take days. She has requested to be put in solitaire until the patches come off. We have to obliged to the patient’s order.”

Ted turned to Chuck “I want to see her.”

Chuck knew it would only make it hard on the doctor if Ted were to see Erin. He patted the guy on the shoulder “If it’s what she wants, we have to be supportive.” Eventually Ted nodded in agreement.

“Please call us when she’s ready.” Ted turned to the doctor.

The man nodded firmly “I will.”

***********Two days later***********

Ethan and Mia took a cab to the airport, they were leaving to Hawaii for a whole month. She had Joe and Chuck’s blessing to go. They had arrived early after check in, the two had to sit and wait until the flight was called. Mia stared into space as she took a seat next to Ethan “I think we should go to Maui first…” Ethan said as he looked at the map. He turned to her and noticed she was out of it “Mia. Mia!” he shook her shoulders roughly. She was startled as she turned to him with a smile “What’s wrong with you? Your mind has been in neverland since we got here.”

“Nothing…I was just thinking what Hawaii will look like.” She grinned showing him she was okay.

He looked at her in the eye “Mia.” Ethan reached down for her hand “Why are you going with me?”

Her eyes moved away “Because…I want to…” she returned her gaze to him.

“No, because you feel sorry for me.” Ethan sighed “Be honest with yourself Mia, that’s all I ask of you to do.” She lowered her head as he continued “Just because I didn’t confront you about how your memory returned and you didn’t bother telling anyone—”

“How did you know?” Mia interrupted.

He smiled “I’m a head doctor…I should know these things.” He turned his seat to face her as his hands were on her arms “I don’t need pity, Mia. I need someone that will love me for me. You already found yours, so why are you even sitting here?” She knew he was right but she had convinced herself long ago that giving Ethan a chance was more right. Maybe it was pity? Or maybe she didn’t know how to face Darren after hiding the truth from him “Here’s your last chance. Is it me or Darren?”

Mia was torn as she looked at him and then away “I…I…don’t…” she shook her head.

“Flight 204 to Hawaii, USA is now ready for boarding!” the announcer spoke through the speakers.

Ethan shook his head as he pulled Mia up by the hand. He grabbed her duffle bag with the other hand. He handed it to her “If you already know, then why are still debating?”

She looked down at the bag as she took it from his hands. Her eyes traveled up and he could see the tear drop ready to escape “Ethan…I’m sorry.”

He laughed “You’re not suppose to say that to me. Find the right guy.” He winked while urging her to move on “I’ll have the attendant send you back your other luggage. Go on.” He pushed her more roughly this time.

Mia smiled gratefully as she began walking away, after a few steps she dropped her bag suddenly and raced back as she thrust her arms around his neck. Her lips grazed his cheek “Thank you.” She whispered, “You’re the best.”

“I know.” He felt choked up as she pulled away and left. A content smile still on his face as he took his luggage “I am a dork.” He whispered to himself. Ethan boarded the plane without turning back.

Mia took the cab to Darren’s home. They were a few blocks away when the traffic stopped completely “Driver, why aren’t we moving??!” Mia asked.

“Lady, it’s an accident. Can’t you see??!” he pointed in front of him.

“Shit!” she cursed as she stuffed him a wad of bills and got out of the car. The duffel bag still in hand as she maneuvered through the cars and onto the walkway. She ran all the way to his home. The metal gates were closed as she pressed the button “Hello!!” she yelled into the intercom.

“Who is it?” a female voice answered.

“Yuk Jei, it’s me Mia. Open the door.” She said hurriedly.

The woman was surprised “Miss Lam, you’re back! Our gates are broken, you have to take the back door. I’ll open it for you.”

“No, it’s okay. I’ll just climb the gates.” Mia didn’t have the patience to run around the back door. She heeved her bag over the iron gates and began climbing the bars like a monkey. Within seconds she had jumped onto the other side. Leaving her bag behind, she ran straight to the door. Mia paused to straighten her jacket and smooth out her hair. She pressed the doorbell and Juk Jei opened the double doors “Does he know I’m here?” she wasted no time for greeting.

The lady turned her head over her shoulder as she stuttered “Uh…eh…No....”

“Good! Don’t tell him, I’ll surprise him!” Mia giggled as she let herself in. Juk Jei didn’t bother stopping or explaining to Mia that he had a guest over. She tiptoed out towards the kitchen after checking the den and living room. Her smile faded when she heard a girl’s laughter and Darren’s chuckles. They were in the pool in their bathing suits.

Jenna looked up when noticing Mia, she decided to pack on the jealousy act as she swam her way over to Darren. She wrapped her arms around his neck “Tell me how pretty I am.” She titled her head playfully.

Darren turned his head strangely at her “What?”

“Come on.” She whined.

He couldn’t handle the voice as he nodded “Okay. Jenna Cheung is the most beautiful, most cutest, most adorable girl in the world.” He said in a monotone.

Jenna giggled adoringly “Aww…you’re just saying that to make me feel good.”

“No, I’m saying that because your leg is in my groin!” he pushed her away while splashing her with water. She began doing the same back to him as he turned his head to block the water. It was then that he noticed Mia standing there, “Mia!” he quickly pushed himself out of the pool. Jenna lifted her brow at the quickness of his movements when Mia was present. She swam her way over the stairs and walked over to the two “What are you doing here? Didn’t you and Ethan have plans to go to Hawaii?”

Mia’s eyes were filled with tears. She wasn’t hurt, she was sad. It was too late, how could she walk back into his life after he had finally moved on with Jenna? Erin was right, she thought to herself, I should have told him when I had the chance. Now there was no time for regrets. She tried to gulp back the sobs but a few escaped “I’m…I’m sorry.” She managed to whisper before running back into the house.

“Wait! Mia!!” Darren called as he chased after her. But he didn’t go too far when Jenna stopped him.

“Let her run. She’s jealous right now…she’ll come back to you when you ask her to.” She whispered.

“What?” Darren shook his head at her, suddenly his eyes bulged out “Is that why you made me say that earlier??” he demanded. Jenna pouted her bottom lip as she turned her chin the other way “Jenna! I could kill you!” he grunted while continuing chasing after Mia.

She made it across the front lawn when Darren was quick enough to block her way “Let me go.” She said sadly.

“Mia. What’s the matter?” he grabbed her by the arms “Why are you crying?” he tried to search her eyes but she refused to look at him “Please tell me.” He begged.

She sniffed back the tears as she finally looked at him “I’m sorry.” She said simply.

“Why?” he was confused.

“I regained my memory back…I remember everything. It’s been for a couple of months now. I know I should have told you but…I….I had my own reasons. I understand if you can’t forgive me. I’m happy for you and Jenna.” Mia said sadly, she lowered her head as she slowly kneeled down in front of him. His face was of pure shock but she could not read if he was angry or not “I’m sorry…”

He was in a complete daze as he looked down at her. Darren slowly fell to his knees as he reached out abruptly and hugged her tightly, afraid to even let go “Mia…” happy tears exploded as he smiled while they dripped down his face “I don’t care…I don’t care about anything. I’m just happy you’re back.”

Mia was completely flabbergasted, it was unlike Darren to forgive and forget so easily “You’re not mad?” she pulled away to look at his face. It’s been so long since she’s touched it.

“No.” he shook his head “Jenna and I are only friends.” He explained quickly. Mia nodded as he pulled her up to her feet “Come on, lets give her the good news. She’s been waiting for this day since she’s met me.” He walked with her to the backyard to find Jenna floating on her back comfortably.

“Are we done now?” she asked with her eyes closed.

Darren smiled at Mia “Yeah…we’re good. But now, you need to move out. Because my fiancé won’t allow another girl to live with me.”

Jenna popped her eyes open as she moved herself to a straight position “Really??” she asked with wide eyes “My plan worked?”

“No, MY plan worked.” Darren laughed as he turned to Mia “Honey, you know all the painful nights that I spent crying about you for the past six months?” Mia nodded with a grim smile “And all the times I spent trying to convince you that I am your fiancé?” she nodded again, her smile fading “And the whole month living with a walking bomb??!” he pointed at Jenna, who dropped her jaw and gaped at him. Mia nodded again, her brows confused “I need payback.” He smiled devilishly at her.

“What-” Mia didn’t finish her question as she was pushed into the pool with her clothes on. She gasped for air as she bobbed her head above the water. She wiped her face as she angrily pointed at Darren “Are you crazy???”

He laughed as he took a few steps back and jumped into the center of the pool balled up into a circle as he yelled, “Yes!!” the three laughed together endlessly. Mia had not felt like herself in ages and being there with Darren only reminded her that was where she belonged. Darren swam over to her as he hugged her by the waist “I’m crazy about you.”

“I know.” Mia smiled, her eyes moved up when an airplane flew over her head “Thanks Ethan.” She grinned as her lips found his in a long passionate kiss.

Jenna winced disgustedly as she got out of the pool “Get a room.”