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The Zodiac of PRAIII: Revenge - by Jenny Tran

Chapter 4

Louis Koo – Brad Chung aka Leo
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Gallen Lo – Matt Tong aka M.T.
Athena Chu – Sheila Kam
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong

Erin had her hands over her ears as she continued to cry. When the shots finally stopped, she pushed herself up and looked into the window. She found it empty, only Brad’s lifeless body in a pool of blood. Even when she thought her tears were emptied, they came quick and bolted out from sob after sob “Brad!!” she groaned painfully. She was desperately trying to get to him but it was useless, the door was locked. She pushed herself over the balcony when the ambulance finally arrived, she saw Matt being put on the stretcher. He was lying on his stomach. She waved frantically to her team but they could not see her.

She looked down on the ground and picked up the tools again. Erin put on her patient mode as she tried to pick the lock again. She paused every so often to wipe her tears that continued to stream out but she worked diligently on the lock. It wasn’t her specialty, it was Brad’s. He could do it in a few seconds. But the thought only reminded her more of Brad. She bit her lip and reminded herself it was for Brad, she had to do it. After five minutes, she finally got it to open “Brad!” she cried and reached out to cradle his head in her hands. His eyes were closed and his heart rate was too low “You’ll be okay…just hang on, Brad.” She whispered.

It took her a while but she managed to drag his body outside the door, but by then she was completely out of breath. Tears of frustration hit her “You can’t die.” She said calmly “Brad!! Stop sleeping!!” and she began sobbing again. Yet she refused to believe he was gone “Please…don’t leave me.” Erin rested her head on his face as her hand moved around his head to his temple and that’s when she felt the bullet wound. Her hands shaky as she turned him to the side and indeed there was a hole inserted by a bullet in his left temple “No…no…” she said over and over. Her hands covered her quivering lips as she cried painfully.

She rocked his body in her arms while the tears continued to flow. She no longer cared if the team eventually found her. Nothing mattered at that very moment she realized he was not waking up. This was not some nightmare. It was real. Too real. Rebecca was the first to discover them as she raced up the stairs. Doug saw two people dress in black escaping the building and he assumed it was Brad and Erin. Anyways, Matt was shot while saving Darren, they had to get him to a hospital.

Rebecca’s breathing quickened with each step she took. Her heart nearly stopped in its track when she saw Erin holding onto Brad’s body for dear life. He was drenched in blood and was not moving. She broke out into a cold sweat as she leaned over the balcony and belted out “DOUG!!!!”

He was talking to a few cops when he heard her calling for him. Doug looked up and saw Rebecca waving at him “Shit!” he muttered, instinct told him it was not good “Get the ambulance back!” he yelled while Darren quickly followed up the stairs.

The three stood their dumbfounded, not sure what to do. Erin seemed so calm yet completely dazed out. Her eyes were glossy and her face was smeared with red blood stains. She continued to hug him tight until the emergency people came and pulled his body from her arms. Rebecca was crying as she walked over to her friend “Are you okay?” it was a ridiculous question but she didn’t know what else to say.

Erin looked up at her blankly as a tear silently fell from her eye. She opened her mouth but not a single sound came out. Her eyes blinked slowly and then she felt her knees weakened. The place she was in became blackened.

At the hospital, the emergency doors flew opened and entered Mia, Shelly and Ryan. Shelly was in tears when Rebecca called her with the bad news “Ga Jei? Where is she?”

Mia’s eyes were red from tears too “Is he really…” she couldn’t even bring herself to say it. Darren nodded which told her that Brad was indeed gone. She took a few steps back and he was quickly on his feet to support her.

“Are you okay?” his voice was shaky too but he tried to tell himself that breaking down will not help anyone.

She nodded with her hands over her mouth. Although she didn’t remember Brad entirely, he has been nothing but patient with her. Mia remembered the short talks they had, he told her about all the pranks that she used to play on him. And for some reason it was always Brad that she tricked. Maybe he was gullible or maybe he was trying to humor her, she would never know “How’s Erin?” she managed to choke out.

“She fainted.” Rebecca answered “They’re looking over her right now.”

Ryan looked up at them “How about Dai Lou? What happened to him?”

Darren turned to Ryan apologetically “He was shot in the lower back, saving me. We fell for their trick thinking the gagged person was the Mayor but he wasn’t. Shots were fired and Matt took two bullets for me.” He was too choked up “I can’t believe it…”

“I didn’t know what happened.” Doug explained more “I saw two black figures running down the stairs, I thought it was Erin and Brad escaping. And then I saw Darren supporting Matt down and I rushed over to help. That’s when Rebecca retrieved everyone. I should have known something was not right when they didn’t answer her call!!” he punched the wall he was leaning on.

Rebecca patted him on the shoulder “It’s not your fault…it might have been to late even if we got there.”

The double doors opened again and Ted came running in “I came as soon as I got the news. How is she?”

“Still unconscious.” Mia replied.

“Can I see his body?” Ted asked solemnly.

“Can I go too?” Mia asked quickly.

Darren turned to her strangely “You’re so afraid of corpses though?”

“I am?” Mia questioned “But I really want to see him.”

Darren nodded “I’ll take you to the cold room.” He led Mia and Ted there while Shelly refused to see his lifeless body. It would be too much for her and Ryan wanted to wait for Matt’s review first.

His body was untouched, only washed the blood off. A sheet covered up over his body where Mia pulled down his face. It was blue and ice cold when she touched it, he seemed so peaceful like he was only sleeping. She gulped back the tears and bit her lip “Brad…” her voice was barely audible. She turned to the two guys who had their fists over their mouths “It’s okay if you cry.” She said gently.

“We’re not crying.” Darren’s voice quivered while he answered.

“It’s not a time to be macho.” Mia reminded him. He nodded and then reached out suddenly and hugged her. She patted him on the shoulder while he cried it out.

Ted’s eyes were concentrating on Brad’s face. His silent tears fell but he didn’t let an utter escape his lips. He was saying his last prayers “May God be with you.” He whispered and then reached up to wipe the tears from his eyes.

“He’s just sleeping.” A female voice said from the doorway. It was Erin, she was out of her unconscious stage. She walked over with a small smile on her face “Don’t bother him, he’s really tired.” She explained quietly.

“Erin…” Mia couldn’t hold it in as she reached out and hugged her friend dearly.

“Why are you crying?” Erin asked innocently.

Ted shook his head at her “You’re scaring us, Erin.”

“Really? I’m sorry.” Erin said sincerely.

“Don’t do this…” Ted said with concern “He’s dead, Erin. You need to face that reality.”

She shook her head at him with wide eyes “I told you, he’s still sleeping.” she insisted.

“Erin?” Rebecca’s voice disrupted the four. Also with her was Doug, who was frowning at Erin. They heard what she was saying, it was a natural case of denial. She walked over to her friend cautiously, not wanting to disturb the girl “Honey, you need to face the truth. Brad is dead.”

“No…" her denials came slow and then she was screaming "NO! Why are you all saying this??” Erin cried suddenly as she backed away from them.

“Erin, it’s the truth. Look at him…he’s gone. As much as we want to believe he’s alive, he’s not.” Mia chose her words carefully but not matter how careful she was, Erin snapped.

“What the hell is wrong with you people?? He’s obviously sleeping!!” Erin continued to argue vehemently.

Darren couldn’t hold it as he approached her and took her arms in his hands “Erin, listen to me! Brad is gone…he’s never returning. Don’t do this to yourself, he would be really hurt to see you like this!! Remember when Mia was in the coma and you stood by me the whole time? Well guess what, it'll be the day hell freezes over when I let you do this to yourself!”

She broke away from his tight grip and shook her head slowly “No…I don’t believe you. You’re lying to me!! No!” she spun on her heels and ran out the door.

“Erin!” Mia and Rebecca said in unison.

“Wait!” Ted stopped the girls “Give her some space.” The two exchanged glances and nodded at him.


Erin returned to her apartment and began cleaning uncontrollably, a sure sign she was upset. It was a distraction for her. She cleaned the drapes to the tile ground to every room in the apartment. But she purposely ignored her and Brad’s room together. She refused to go inside and kept her mind busy when she cleaned out the fridge. She was pulling out all the food when her hand ran across one of Brad’s beers. She reached for one and a gush of memory came back to her. She cried softly at first holding onto the beer as if it had life.

Mia returned home and found Erin sitting in the kitchen. Darren was parking the car, he wanted to visit Erin too. They weren’t sure if she would be home but there she was sobbing to herself again. “Erin?” Mia said softly. She walked over and knelt down in front of the girl.

“I…I didn’t want to believe it. I kept hoping and praying that he would open his eyes and scare me. I would hit him playfully and say ‘Don’t ever scare me like that again!’ But… it’s's not going to happen, is it?” Her lips curled down as she stifled a cry.

“I’m so sorry, sweetie. I wish I could take the pain away…but I can’t.” Mia opened her arms “Come here…” Erin fell into her shoulders as the girls sobbed together. Mia’s hand smoothed against her hair as her body convulsed with each cry that escaped her lips.

Darren walked in and he saw Mia shaking her head. He nodded understandingly and left the girls alone. Instead, he took a long walk. Brad was a good person, he didn’t deserve to die, he thought over and over again. The shock came too quick for them to digest and Matt was in a coma. How would they ever pull the team back together, but that was the least of their problems. They lost a captain and the lieutenant was lying in a hospital bed with tubes stuck all over his body.

He didn’t know how he got there, but he looked up at the endless ocean waves. It was like a hand beckoning for him to come hither “Peaceful, isn’t it?” Ted’s voice broke into his thoughts.

“Ted?” Darren asked with surprise as his head turned to the direction of the voice “What are you doing here?”

“I took the rest of the day off. I thought I would find Erin here, she liked to come here when she’s unhappy.” Ted said sadly.

“She went back to the apartment. Mia is with her now.” Darren advised. He looked at Ted carefully “You’re in love with her aren’t you?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Ted snickered “I fell for her since the minute I saw her.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell her?” Darren asked. He liked the guy, he always knew what to do in a tough situation.

“Because she doesn’t love me.” Ted smiled with his head facing the sand “It would be wrong to tell her now.” Darren nodded in agreement “Brad called me the other night.”

Darren looked up with curiosity “He did?”

“Yeah, he told me that if anything happened to him. He wanted ME to take care of Erin because I was the only one that loved her more than he did.” Ted snickered as he wiped a tear from his cheek “I laughed and said don’t be absurd. She’ll never love anyone more than you.” He shook his head sadly “You know what he said?” Darren was more in shock that Brad saw it coming “He said I’d rather lose to you.” Ted took a step towards the ocean as he picked up the rock and hailed it into the waters “I don’t want to win like this!!!!” his chest heaved up and down. Ted leaned his hand on his thighs.

“I’m sorry, man.” Darren patted him on the shoulder “But what’s most important is to help Erin get through this. God knows what’s going through her mind. She might even do something drastic.” Ted looked up with transparent eyes, he knew it was true. Brad would never forgive him if anything happened to Erin.




Chapter 5

Louis Koo – Brad Chung aka Leo
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Gallen Lo – Matt Tong aka M.T.
Athena Chu – Sheila Kam
Andy Lau – General Joseph Cheung (head of security)
Daniel Wu – Michael Wu
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Kong Wah – Dennis Lam aka Capricorn
Benny Chan – Eric Leung aka Cancer
Despite the clear blue skies, Erin’s heart was clouded over by grief on the day of the burial. Joe flew back the second he heard from Doug. Within the short period of time, he managed to put together a ceremony so grand, it was as if Brad was a veteran in war. There were policemen in uniforms that stood in rows while the team dressed in their black uniforms stood at the front of the chapel where the prayers were performed by a pastor.

They stood in a perfect row starting from Darren, Doug, Ted, Erin, Mia, Rebecca, Joe and Dennis, who too came for his final respects. Erin let her tears fall openly while Mia wiped her face each time a tear fell. The pastor finished as he nodded to Joe to take over. His face was worn out and his eyes were red from the crying “This day is not about grieving, it’s not about remembering a wonderful agent because we already know that. It’s about keeping him here…” he patted his heart “in our hearts. Brad will never be forgotten. Those of us that have the honor of being a close friend or casual acquaintance know what a wonderful guy he really was. I for one feel special to have watched him mature into a careful agent who always looked after his teammates. He was the type that… that never…” he paused when he couldn’t control his feelings “I’m sorry…”

There were a few whispers in the crowd as Dennis quickly patted his friend on the shoulder “I’ll take it from here.” Joe nodded thankfully and rejoined the team in the front line “I think what Joe is trying to say is that he is the type of person that never gave up on anyone. He would fight until the end and he did. I think I speak for everyone when I say he can never be replaced. So if everyone would gather into a line to see him one last time before the burial begins. Please…” he pointed to the open casket where Brad was dressed in his uniform. He looked like a peaceful human doll sleeping.

One by one everyone walked up to give their final respects. Shelly stood on the sidelines with Erin, who was comforting her while her face looked blankly out the window. Rebecca awaited her turn with the team “Where’s Ryan?” she asked Shelly.

The petite girl shook her head “He got called in from the hospital, something about Matt waking up.”

“Why didn’t you go with him?” Mia asked.

Erin smiled at her sister gently “Go. I’ll be fine. I have my girls.” She turned to Mia and Becca.

“Looks like she doesn’t have to.” Becca pointed at the door.

Ryan was pushing Matt in a wheelchair. The girls approached them “Matt…” Erin reached out a hand and he took it shakily.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, I wouldn’t miss this day for anything.” Matt turned to Ryan as he nodded over to the casket. He smiled sadly at his brother and moved him over there.

Rebecca was looking around when she saw a gentleman in a black suit looking over at them “Hey, I may be crazy but why is that guy staring at us?” she patted Erin on the shoulder.

Erin turned and found Michael at the door. Julie was not by his side. He nodded politely and walked over to her “I came as soon as I opened the newspaper this morning. Joe had to pull some strings huh?” he admired the military type ceremony.

She nodded “I guess.”

“If you need anything, call me.” He said with earnest. She smiled as he reached out and hugged her, his arms wrapped around her petite body “I’m so sorry.” He whispered.

“So am I.” Erin gulped back lump in her throat.

“I’m going to say my farewell now.” Michael pulled away as he stood in line with everyone else.

She turned to watch him and suddenly felt an arm on her shoulder “Time for another?” Eric smiled at her warmly. Erin couldn’t hold it as she began crying again as he hugged her and rocked her gently “Doug called me last night. I wouldn’t have ever known.”

Erin nodded while pulling away “Brad would like to see you one last time.” Her voice was hoarse from the crying.

After the viewing was done, there were eight men that carried his casket out to the grounds. Dennis, Joe, Darren, Doug, Ted, Eric, Ryan and Michael took the handles. Four on each side. Erin, Mia and Becca stood at the front leading the group to the site. They came upon the hole and another blessing came from the pastor before the casket was lowered. Hundreds of flowers flooded the marble container. The women sobbed and the men stood straight while the tears continued to fall.

Indeed, Joe did pull some strings as Brad was buried in the cemetery reserved for veterans or fallen policemen. It was overlooking the hillside, where the wind hollered. Erin couldn’t take it as she excused herself and walked couple of feet from the burial. Her back turned as she covered her face and sobbed. Ted saw and he could almost feel his heart tearing. He approached her carefully “He wouldn’t want to see you like this.” His voice was sincere.

Erin nodded “I know. Why do you think I walked away?” she wiped her tears and turned around to him “I’m okay.” She assured.

“It’s okay to mourn, Erin…we all are.” Ted knew she was trying to be strong.

“I know.” She smiled through tears “But I miss him SO much! It’s not fair! It should have been me!” she cried angrily. Hot tears stung her face but she didn’t care, he was gone. No matter how much she prayed that it can only be a dream, waking up on the couch for the past three nights only reminded her it was real.

Ted quickly reached out and took her head into his shoulder “Shhh…don’t…don’t blame yourself. You know he would give up his life to save you. I would have done the same too. Erin, I never told you this…but I think you have the right to know…I—”

She suddenly pushed him away, her hands up in defense mode “No Ted. Don’t…please, not now.” She mistaken that he wanted to tell her that he liked her, its not like she didn’t know. She’s always known, but it was not the right time. He was about to explain when she saw the face of the killer. He was wearing a black suit and coat with sunglasses. He threw a flower into the hole and turned over at her. He looked directly at her “It’s him.” She whispered and began sprinting over but the crowd was too big. By the time she reached the same place where he stood, the guy was gone.

Ted followed her worriedly “What is it, Erin? Who did you see?”

“Him! It’s the guy that killed Brad!!” she yelled. Some of the people that heard began turning in circles looking for the person but there was no one else. She began running down the hillside and caught sight of a car driving away “He’s getting away!!” it was an old 94 Honda Accord “We have to find him!”

Ted took a hold of her arms to calm her “Erin, calm down. There are hundred of that type of car within a 100 miles radius.”

“So we’re just going to let him go?!!” Erin asked incredulously.

“NO!” Ted cried, “We’ll find him. I promise. But right now, we have to stay here.” His head slowly turned to the scene before them. They were starting the burial. She knew he was right as her head bobbed up and down. He wrapped a protective arm around her and took her back.

After an hour, the crowd had dispersed and only the people that Brad knew personally stayed. Erin knelt in front of his grave which read ‘Wonderful fiancé, friend and agent. Captain of P.R.A.’ She lowered her head sadly but didn’t allow herself to cry, instead she made a vow. I’ll find that man and kill him with my bare hands.

Joe took a step forward and kneeled down next to Erin “Do you want to take a break?”

She looked up slowly and shook her head “I’m fine.” She assured him, but he had his own doubts.

Rebecca nodded in agreement “It might be good for you Erin. Matt will be on a break too, maybe you two can hang out or something?”

Ryan turned away sadly and Shelly was quick to see the pain in his eyes “What’s wrong?” she asked tearfully.

Matt reached up from his wheelchair and patted his brother’s hand “It’s okay, Ryan. I’ll tell them. The doctors say, the shots hit my lower spine. I won’t be able to walk again…”

“Ever?” Mia asked worriedly.

“That’s not what they said.” Matt said with hope “This won’t be the last you’ll see of me.”

Darren felt horrible as he walked over and bent down on his knees “I’m sorry Matt. If it wasn’t for me-”

“Don’t feel guilty.” Matt scolded gently “I would do it for any one of you…just like Brad.” Everyone turned over to Erin who was expressionless “But I’ll be in contact with everyone. If you ever need a idea, you know whose brain to pick.”

“So what’s going to happen to the team?” Rebecca asked curiously “I know it’s not the right time to discuss this but…”

Erin stood up suddenly “It’s okay. Brad would want us to move on.” She turned to Joe “It’s your call.”

The aging gentleman nodded thoughtfully. He turned to Eric “I won’t pressure you if you don’t want to return.”

“Thank you.” Eric was grateful.

“Still can’t get over the corpse, huh?” Darren teased.

“Ted, how about you?” Joe asked.

He was looking at Erin to see her reaction but she made no facial expressions “I guess I could put a hold on the police department.”

“No, this would be permanent, Ted.” Joe advised solemnly “I want you to be Captain.”

“No.” Ted declined flatly “I can’t take his place.”

“No one said you had to.” Joe argued “Out of all the agents, you have the most experience in this kind of work. You’re head at the Investigation Team and you know our operations. I know you cannot just leave your work, but think about it. That’s all I’m asking.” Ted nodded without answer “As for the Lieutenant, I’ll worry about that.”

Darren frowned as he pondered the question "What did happen to the Mayor? And how was it that Erin and Brad could not hear our calls?"

Joe nodded "Good question. I've been doing some research and found out that the Mayor is still held hostage, we don't know where currently. As for our hearing devices, it was tampered by this box of electrical fuse on top of the roof of the school. If you stand at a certain angle, the signals would be altered and communciation would be impossible."

"Smart guy." Becca snickered "Who ever he is, he knows us."

"No, he knows me." Erin spoke up. The team turned to her oddly "He knew my name. He wanted to kill me and Brad underestimated him. He thought if he could cover me, the killer won't harm him."

"We'll do some research." Joe nodded firmly.

“How about the team?” Doug asked.

Joe took a few steps with his hands clasped behind his back “Erin, Darren, Doug and Rebecca. We need two more.”

“One more.” Ted said out of the blue. Everyone turned to him and he smiled “I thought about it.”

Joe laughed “Great! Just one more then.”

“I’m sorry guys…I screwed it up for everyone.” Mia felt remorse “If it wasn’t for me, we wouldn’t be scrambling.”

“It’s not your fault you had amnesia, Mia.” Darren said reasonably “So why don’t you try harder to remember?”

“Darren, it’s not like she forgot to turn off the stove in the apartment. It’s amnesia.” Erin said “You can’t turn it off and on. She has to remember it naturally. The more stress she puts on her brain, the more she will psychologically NOT want to remember.”

Joe smiled proudly at Erin “You have been reading some books, I see.” She nodded while he continued with the thought “That reminds me. I want you all to have a session with Dr. Ethan Chan. Especially Erin.” He pressed and again she nodded blankly “Good, we’ll start tomorrow.”

“Yes, sir.” Erin replied without much feeling.

Mia sighed as she hugged her friend “Don’t worry, he’s a great doctor. It’ll really help you, I promise. Look at me, I’ve had some progress.” She smiled brightly.

Erin turned to her “Really? You remember stuff?”

“Just high school stuff, but it’s a start. I remember Doug.” She pointed out with a laugh.

“The Dorks live again.” Doug sighed making some of them crack a smile here and there.




Chapter 6

Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck

The following day, everyone were seated in the tiny meeting room at Yan Sum hospital reserved for only doctors. But Ethan was able to make an exception for the team. Everyone was already there seated except for the speaker himself. Rebecca sat on her cushioned chair with her arms crossed, her head tilted to one side. She was nodding off “I guess punctual isn’t one of his best qualities.” She snickered.

“Maybe he’s just running a little late. He’s never late for my session.” Mia stood up for her friend. Darren rolled his eyes but decided not to comment.

“Well I’m gonna get some coffee. Anyone want any?” Rebecca got up.

Doug raised his hand “I want a latte, extra foam.”

“Can I get a muffin? I’m starving.” Darren added.

Ted laughed, “I just want regular coffee.”

Mia wrinkled her nose “I just want some orange juice.”

Rebecca raised both hands to stop them “Okay, I was just being nice. What do I look like? A waitress?”

“I’ll help you.” Erin offered as she got up and followed her friend outside.

“You’re the nicest one there!” Rebecca wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders.

“No, I just had to get out of the room. When we’re not doing something productive, I start thinking about Brad.” Erin said honesty.

Becca stopped her as she used her hands to spin Erin around “Erin…I know I can’t get you to forget but maybe it’s better than you take a break?”

“And what? Let the thoughts eat me alive? If I don’t go crazy from it…” she saw Becca’s looking worried “I’m okay, momma.” She teased, “I just need some time.”

“Because time is the best medicine in the world.” Rebecca finished for her. Suddenly, she felt a heavy body knock her off her feet. The girls stumbled to catch their feet. They saw a guy who looked to be balding and he had a beer belly bigger than Santa himself “Watch yourself!” she scolded.

“Sorry.” He mumbled “Can one of you pretty ladies show me the way to Room 101?”

Becca raised her brow “Do we look like we work here?” she asked haughtily.

Erin shook her head at her friend “This is why you DON’T have a boyfriend.” She smiled at the stranger “It’s down the hall to your left.”

“Thank you.” He smiled and dashed on his way.

“Why are you so nice to people?” Rebecca frowned with disgust as they continued on to the hospital cafeteria “Men need to be trained.” She ordered the drinks and muffin.

Erin shrugged “I'm not nice to everyone. But because he’s our new lieutenant, I had to make an exception.”

“NO!!” Rebecca said in shock, her eyes popping out of their sockets “He’s too fat. How could he even run? And how do you know?”

“Because he’s going to the same room we were in, Einstein.” Erin rolled her eyes as the girls paid for the stuff and began walking back.

“It can’t be.” Becca refused to believe it “See, the room is right up there. And this room to our right says #106. It can’t be…”

“Wow, you really pay attention to detail.” Erin said with extra sarcasm.” They approached the door and she tapped her nail on the door “You can read numbers can’t you?” Becca looked defeated as they entered the room.

Sure enough the guy they ran into was standing in the front of the classroom, making a roll call. He had a piece of crumpled up paper in his hands “I am Charles Lam or if you guys want, you can call me Chuck or Big Chuck if you want. I always preferred just plain Chuck. Then again a few people have called me by my nickname C.L.” he said it all in one breath and not to mention the nervous laugh didn’t give away the fact that he was not use to the attention.

The guys exchanged glances strangely for they didn’t know what else to say. Mia looked around and slowly raised her hand “I have a question.”

Chuck nodded at her with a wide grin “Great! What is it…”

“Who are you?” she asked bluntly.

He widened his eyes and then clapped his hands “Oh, did I forget to introduce myself?”

“Oh dear God, they sent a grandpa to watch us.” Becca muttered with shaky hands. The tray in her hands shuttered while Erin took over for her.

“Chuck is our new lieutenant.” Erin announced to everyone while she took a seat between Mia and Ted before passing out the breakfast “Am I right?”

His grin grew wider “Smart and pretty, you must be Mia.” He pointed at her while glancing at his sheet.

Erin shook her head “Nope.” She could already see the jokes flying from Doug’s face. He was trying so hard not to laugh.

“Then you must be Darrel.” Chuck nodded firmly, sure that he got it right this time.

Again Erin shook her head “No, but who is Darrel?”

“Are you in the wrong room? Oh, that must be it!” Becca clapped her hands “That would explain everything.” She sighed with relief.

Chuck looked confusingly at the team “But isn’t this the P.R.A. team?” Becca let out a groan while the guys covered their smiles. Erin nodded at him and he shook his head “I don’t get it. Why did Joe tell me there was a Darrel? And why would it be spelled D-A-R-R-E-L shouldn't it be D-A-R-Y-L? I know it’s a girl’s name.”

Mia raised her hand “I think you mean Darren.” She corrected with a wink of the eye.

He looked at again at the paper, his lips turned into an ‘o’ shape “I see…yeah, my writing is a little messy. Plus Joe called me at the last minute. I just made some scribbles. So who is Erin?”

She raised her hand with a small smile “Present.”

Chuck lifted his brows and walked over to her with a hand abroad “Hi. I heard about Brad. I know you two almost got married. I’m very sorry to hear that.”

She looked away sadly while Becca cleared her throat “Put your foot where your mouth is.”

He turned to her blankly “Excuse me?”

“Oh, so your hearing isn’t all gone yet.” She nodded with a grin “That’s good.”

Mia laughed loudly “I was just thinking that!”

“Great minds think alike.” Becca snorted.

“Girls, be nice.” Ted warned.

“Yes, sir!” Rebecca stood up and saluted him.

Suddenly there was a gush of wind that blew from the door. Ethan was disheveled from head to toe. His coat was put on half way and his foot had some toilet paper stuck under and his hair looked a like there was static “I am so sorry everyone. There was an accident on the subway and then this guy pushed me to the ground when I was trying to get off my exit. I dropped my papers and the wind blew it everywhere.” He explained while dropping his suitcase on the table with the papers shuffled together. Ethan quickly noticed Chuck at the front, the guys faced each other “Hi. And who are you suppose to be?”

Mia raised her hand “A very chubby man.” Her comment made Doug and Becca crack up with laughter.

Ted shook his head at his teammates but a smile was still on his face “Dr. Chan, this is Chuck Lam, he’s our new lieutenant. I thought Joe advised you already?”

“No, not really.” Ethan shook his head “And please, call me Ethan. Dr. Chan makes me sound like an 80 year old man.”

Rebecca shook her head “No, it doesn’t. That man is an 80 year old man.” She pointed at Chuck.

“Ooh, you’re funny. You must be Mia. But wait…don’t you have amnesia?” Chuck asked Becca.

She rolled her eyes dramatically “No, but I might as well if that's what it takes to forget you.” She muttered under her breath.

Mia raised her hand again “Actually, I’m the one with the brain problem. That is Rebecca or Becca.”

“Oh…yeah. Joe warned me about you.” Chuck narrowed his beady eyes at her.

“What is that suppose to mean?” she argued back.

Ted spoke up “Okay, we can go on all day. Could we just not waste Ethan’s time?”

Chuck pointed at him “Doug!”

Ted shook his head “Ted.”

“Oh, Captain Ted Kwong. You’re even more handsome than Joe mentioned.” He reached out and shook his hand.

“I didn’t know Joe was gay.” Ted joked.

“I didn’t either, but thanks for the heads up.” Chuck quipped with a laugh.

Ethan exchanged glances with Mia and he circled his index finger at his right temple making her giggle. Chuck turned to her strangely and she quickly covered her mouth “Okay. Let’s get started!” Ethan clapped his hands.

Doug turned back in his chair when Chuck took a seat behind the team “I’m Doug, by the way. But I think you already figured that out.” Rebecca jabbed him in the ribs while she laughed out loud.

Ethan nodded to the team with a polite smile “As you all may know. Joe specifically requested I do a personal session with all of you. Erin, we’ll start with you tomorrow at 10am sharp.” She nodded in response and he continued, “We’ll start a little slow this time. I think everyone knows the basic human gestures. For instance, between a man and a woman…how do you know if the other person is interested?” he looked around at the curious group and pointed out at two people “Mia, Darren, why don’t you two come up here and show the class. I’ll give you a scenario.”

She reluctantly stood up while Darren practically popped out of his chair. The three huddled in the corner and after a few minutes they were ready for the scene. Mia stood on one side of the room while Darren walked over to her coolly “Hi there.” He greeted “Nice party huh?”

“Stop!” Ethan commanded. He turned to the rest of the group “So what does Mia’s reaction tell you?” he glanced over at Ted “Let’s let the new Captain get the first question.”

Ted tilted his head and took a wild guess “She’s saying I don’t care to talk to you. Her arms are crossed, it’s a blocking sign for anyone to stay away.”

“Very good.” Ethan complimented “Would you agree? Becca?” he asked the girl when she had her fingers balled into a fist at the chin.

“I agree with Ted. But I was going to say she looks like she’s saying ‘not in your lifetime buddy.’ But what Ted said is good too.” She added.

Ethan furrowed his brows but he nodded “Okay, how about we let someone else have some fun?” Mia sat down quickly and Darren followed “Becca and Doug.” He waved for the two of them to come up.

They too were at a party. Except Becca had her hands at her waist and Doug seemed to be holding a drink “Can I get a you something to drink?” he offered.

Rebecca smiled with a nod and Ethan stopped them “Okay, Mia what does her body language say?”

Mia pressed her lips thoughtfully “Hmm, I think she’s interested but she still has her guard up.”

“Right!” Ethan nodded with a smile. Erin disrupted them with her hand raised in the air “Did you have a question, Erin?”

“Yes. What does this have to do with anything?” Erin frowned “I don’t see what would help learning about woman’s body language at a party.”

“Exactly!” Ethan pointed at her and it only made her face squirm with confusion “Body language is the key. In your type of work, what do you always look for in the enemy’s body language?”

Ted nodded slowly, understanding where the guy was coming from “We usually look for any type of movement. Whether they are going to attack or just be on the lookout for suspicious people.” It was something he’s learned at the police training but they never went into detail like Ethan.

“Yes! The part you all need to learn is how they will react. If their eyes dart somewhere, it means they are just trying to distract you or even give you a clue that maybe something or someone is coming.” Ethan nodded at Ted with a smile “I believe the officer has learned Human Sociology.”

“Just a little.” He said timidly.

“Okay, so let’s move on. I’ll give you all some more facial and body expressions. You guys tell me what you think I might be thinking.” Ethan began the session and it didn’t finish til hours later.