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The Zodiac of PRAIII: Revenge - by Jenny Tran

Chapter 10

Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Athena Chu – Shelly Kam
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck

The ride back to her shared apartment with Erin and Shelly was quiet. Darren had been feeling lost and didn’t quite know what to do or say. Maybe he was losing her? Who could not see the worried look in her eyes when she stared at Ethan. Darren didn’t want to admit it but the guy was nice, so genuinely nice that even he knew it was wrong to hate him.

Mia glanced over at Darren and noticed his tense face, the skin between his brows wrinkled with concern “There’s nothing going on between us.” She suddenly felt the need to explain herself.

“What?” Darren raised his brows, unsure of what she was saying.

“I meant about me and Ethan. He’s only a good friend.” She emphasized.

“Okay.” Was all he could think of saying. They weren’t married after all, she still had her own choice. As much as he loved her, he knew what was best for her at that very moment. Until the day she remembers, he would not pressure her with anything “I’m sorry.” He managed to blurt out of the blue.

“For what?” Mia asked curiously.

Darren shrugged “For being an ass.” She muffled a laugh and he turned to see her smiling, it’s been so long since he saw that innocent smile “I guess you agree.”

She looked up with rounded eyes “No.” her hair shaking with her head.

“Its okay.” Darren assured her “I had a lot of time to think lately. It’s not your fault that you had amnesia. Maybe this is one of those things that you have to do for yourself. I know I’ve pressured you a lot to remember me and maybe Ethan is right. The more you push the human brain, the more it will reject you. I just….” He couldn’t bring himself to say it “What I’m trying unsuccessfully to say is…be yourself. I won’t push you anymore. You are an adult and it’s not like we’re married. Don’t get me wrong…I love you more than anything else in the world, but I have to respect your decision in the end.” By the time he finished, they had pulled up to the apartment building. He turned to her and noticed her eyes were glossy “Did I make you cry?” he asked sincerely.

Mia shook her head and reached out abruptly to hug him. Darren was surprised by her action but he embraced it in return. It’s felt so long since he’s held her in his arms “Thank you.” She whispered.

“For what?” he asked when she pulled away, for a split second he wanted to yank her back and tell her he didn’t want to let go. But he knew of the outcome.

“For understanding.” Mia smiled down at her hands “Since the day I woke up, I was very fearful of you. You strike me as the kind of person that doesn’t give up and loves a good chase. The tougher, the better for your ego once you get it. But today…it made me realize why I would have wanted to marry you.”

Darren was speechless. That was all it took, give her some room and she was willing to take it one step at a time. Maybe there was a chance for them yet, but he had to remind himself not to push his luck. He felt like jumping up and down, instead he nodded with a goofy grin “That’s the best compliment I’ve heard yet.”

Mia laughed with her head shaking “Well, you need to get out more. Thanks for the ride.” She opened the door and walked out. He watched her enter the gates and left when she was not within view.

She walked into her apartment with Becca and Shelly pacing the floors looking worried “Mia, you’re home!” Becca cried as she rushed over and grabbed a hold of her arms “Don’t panic, but Erin’s missing! Shelly said she’s been out all day and she can’t get a hold of her on the cell phone at all.”

“Ga Jei always calls me to tell me if she’s coming home for dinner.” Shelly said with tearful eyes “I’m worried for her. She’s been really down since Brad…you know. And that room?” she pointed “She hasn’t stepped foot inside yet.”

“Oh my God, what if she killed herself?!” Becca cried suddenly.

Shelly’s eyes widened in fear but Mia knew Erin wouldn’t do that, it was her “Calm down.” She coaxed gently “I’m sure she’s fine. Maybe her phone is out of batteries or maybe she’s out with friends. I’ll wait here with you guys and if she doesn’t come back in two hours, we’ll do a search party.” It seemed to work because the two girls calmed themselves and nodded in agreement.

“That’s a good idea.” Becca sighed.

After an hour and half, still there was no sign of Erin, Mia too began to doubt herself. Maybe she did do something drastic or worse, she was murdered. Her mind raced with horrible outcomes and yet she couldn’t figure out how to get it out of her head. Shelly’s legs were shivering while Becca stared at the television aimlessly. She wasn’t even paying attention.

Two hours finally passed and Becca was the first to get up “Okay it’s midnight and she’s not home. Can we call the team now?”

Mia stood up and slowly nodded “Becca, you get a hold of everyone on the team. Shelly, go stay with Ryan, I don’t want you to be alone here. I’ll go and look around the city then I’ll call you to meet up.” She pointed at Becca.

“Okay.” The three girls nodded and went to do their jobs.

Mia walked around downtown in hopes to find a clue or see if Erin was roaming around by herself. She knew the girl liked to go to the beach to think things through. But to her disappointment, she was nowhere in sight. Her forehead was perspiring and she could feel the cold feeling washing over her. What if something did happen to Erin? It was hard running against the sand and her legs were growing weary with each step. When she couldn’t handle it anymore, she fell to her knees on the sand. She was trying to catch her breath and the moist air was making it tough on her lungs.

She closed her eyes to rest and suddenly felt a wave of memory wash over her again. Mia recalled the time she was kidnapped and Erin was talking to Reina. She wanted Erin to trade in her life for Mia’s. And then she remembered herself yelling “No, don’t. It’s a lie!” Mia snapped her eyes open, her eyes darting around as if she forgot where she was. The memory was so clear yet it felt almost like a dream.

She shook off the feeling and headed towards the city again. She was about to call Becca when her phone rang, it was Doug “Hey Mia. Where are you? Becca told us everything. Did you find her?”

“No. I’m in downtown now.” Mia replied while her eyes continued to search.

“Come to headquarters.” Doug said.

“Okay.” Mia replied automatically. Then she realized she didn’t know where it was “Wait…” she was about to ask Doug but he hung up already. She was about to call back when her instincts told her where to go. Going with her gut feeling, Mia trailed down the streets until she came upon an old pizza parlor. She felt strange knocking on the door since it looked like it was deserted. There was no answer and she mumbled to herself “Stupid…they wouldn’t be here.”

She took about three steps when the door opened “Hey.” Doug greeted her with a smile.

Mia turned and walked back to him “It is here!”

“What?” he asked with raised brows.

“I remembered where the headquarters is. No one ever told me.” She pointed out.

“Really?” he asked without shock. He nodded towards the entrance “Come on in.”

Mia nodded as she followed him inside “I walked around the entire city and I even went to the beach. I remember Brad told me that she liked to go there when she was not happy. The ocean waves relaxed her…” she babbled on until they reached inside the conference room “It was really strange…I had this…” her words faded when she saw the team looking at her with smiles. Including Erin. She turned to everyone “I don’t understand…”

“It was a plan.” Erin smiled “Sorry, we had to do something to test you.”

“You tricked me here?” Mia asked incredulously.

“But you got here somehow.” Darren pointed out “We never told you where the headquarters was located and you found it anyhow.”

Mia looked down at the ground and nodded “I guess…It was really weird. I’ve been having these flashbacks…its…hard to explain.”

“So you’re memory is returning?” Ted asked.

“I’m not sure which are real and which are fake. It could be that I’m imagining it from all the things everyone’s said to me. Maybe my mind is psychologically forming images in my mind?” Mia pondered.

Doug laughed, “Damn that Ethan! Pushing in psychology and metaphoric junk in poor Mia’s head.”

Erin turned to Chuck who had remained silent since they got there “So what do you say, boss? Can we let Mia back in?”

“She remained calm like an agent.” Becca reminded him.

Chuck looked up calmly at them “Should we do it the democratic way? Let’s take a vote. Who would like Mia to join?” Everyone raised their hands except for Mia “Who doesn’t?”

Mia raised her hand and everyone turned to her oddly “I just don’t want to ruin the team. I am trained for all this, but I don’t think I’m ready to do a real mission.” She said in all honesty.

“Fair enough.” Chuck decided “Doug, take Mia out, everyone else we’ll start discussing—”

“Wait!” Becca interrupted “That’s all? Didn’t we just prove that Mia is capable of doing the job again? You can’t just let it go like this…Oh…I get it.” She nodded smugly “You’re mad about the jokes we made the other day. Hmph! That’s a bit petty of you, don’t you all agree?” she looked around the table and continued eventhough no one responded “I think I should make a petition to Joe about our new lieutenant.”

Erin tilted her head “I don’t think that’s why he's not letting Mia back in. Chuck doesn’t want to push her if she’s not ready, that’s all.”

“You don’t have to kiss up, we’re not getting grades.” Becca said with sarcasm.

Ted turned to Erin who looked away without arguing back “Becca, I don’t think Erin was trying to ‘kiss up’.”

“So everyone is against me?” Becca looked around the table and no one looked her in the eye “Fine…if that’s what you guys think. I’m out.” She got up and prepared to walk out when Mia stopped her.

“Don’t. Not because of me, it’s not worth it. If it means that much to you. I’ll try a mission but if I don’t do well, I’m going to sit out for the next one.” Mia was earnest, she didn’t want the team to be mad at Becca.

Becca smiled as she turned to the group, her eye on Doug “YOU owe me two hundred bucks.”

Doug frowned “Can you NOT remember everything?”

Mia frowned “This team is turning into a casino.” She shook her head “Sneaky little…” she muttered while taking a seat next to Becca.

Chuck laughed “Okay, now that we have the entire team here. Let’s start on our next mission. I believe this is the first for the P.R.A. Instead of saving someone, we have a job to steal something.”

“Sounds good already!” Becca squealed with excitement.

“I wouldn’t be too excited Becca.” Chuck warned “It’s dangerous and not to mention deadly.”

“Danger is my middle name.” Becca replied.

“Really? I thought it was Chu?” Doug quipped making everyone laugh.

She turned to him with an evil eye “You know what I mean.” She turned to Chuck “So you gonna tell us or leave us in suspense?”

“Eagerness will only put you in a deeper hole.” Chuck said wisely.

“And patience is not something I have much of.” Becca said. She turned to Erin with her brows wrinkled and Erin knew instantly what her friend wanted to say. She only smiled shortly in answer.

Chuck shook his head at the girl “Your mission is to steal the $350,000,000 pink diamond at The Bank of China. I need the girls to be the stealers and the guys to cover them. If you get caught, we will all be in deep shit.”

“So why are we stealing this gem?” Erin wondered out loud.

“Because this gem is a trade off by a businessman from the country of Russia. He wants to take over the entire shipping area that has belonged to Hong Kong for centuries. But because the Mayor was kidnapped, they are not able to get the final signature to finish the trade. Unfortunately for us, the people have elected to have another higher authority to take his place due to the large amount of money involved. If this deal passes, Hong Kong Harbor will be no more.”

Ted turned to everyone with the explanation “Hence the reason why we are stealing the diamond. No gem, no deal.”

“Right!” Chuck nodded “We cannot fail tonight. Guys, go change first. Girls, I have a little gift for you.” He smiled with secrecy that made the guys watch with envy as they left. He reached into the drawer by his seat and pulled out three boxes. He tossed it to each girl as they opened them. It was a small metal circle object with a ring at the bottom “This is a magnet that can carry up to 125 pounds of weight, since the guys are all heavier than that, we can’t have them do it. But you girls are perfect. Your job is to hang from the rooftop window and you three need to help each other out. One person take out the glass box and one has to retrieve the diamond, the third will replace it with a rock so the alarm won’t go off.”

“That’s all?” Becca asked with a sigh “I thought it was going to be hard.”

“There’s more.” Erin smiled at her eager friend.

“How do you know?” Becca asked.

“Because there is more.” Chuck replied, “There are lasers crossing at every section around the glass box. One graze at the beam and you will be shot without warning. Even God can’t save you then. You must use your flexibility and curves to get around them.”

“How about the guards?” Mia asked.

Chuck smiled “What are guys for?”

“I always thought they were used for toys?” Becca asked.

“Hmm, tell me why you don't have a boyfriend again?” Doug teased as they emerged with their uniforms.

“It’s not that I can’t find one, I just don’t WANT one.” Becca argued.

“Her standards are too high.” Erin teased.

“Well why should I lower them?” Becca asked while the girls walked to their changing rooms.

“Because you’ll grow lonely and then have to settle for someone like Chuck.” Mia pointed out and Erin nodded with a chuckle.




Chapter 11

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Louis Koo – Brad Chung aka Leo
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck

The girls took the emergency exit all the way to the roof top while the guys maneuvered their way through the security cameras and not to mention the patrolling men walking around each floor. Erin was the first to test her magnet “If I get shot, leave me.” She said to the girls solemnly.

“No.” Mia replied flatly.

“Mia…” Erin began only to be silenced by Becca.

“If you go down, we go down.” She said firmly.

Erin knew it wasn’t the time to be emotional but she reached out and hugged the girls “Thank you. Even if I die, I know I have two great friends with me.”

“Hey.” Becca said with a smile “We’re not going to die.”

Mia nodded in response and Erin smiled as she opened the cover of the window roof. She gave the girls a quick nod before balancing herself over the ceiling. She could see the beams as well as the guards. They seemed oblivious to Erin dangling over the high roof “Its good.” She nodded to the girls and together they joined her. She waited for the guy’s cues as they came in within minutes and fought off the security with ease. Ted turned to Erin and gave her the sign to continue.

She turned to Mia, who looked dazed “Mia.” She whispered “You okay?” the girl shook her head but her face was deathly white “You’ll be fine.” She assured her. She turned to Becca and nodded. Together the girls slipped down slowly. When the beams were closer, the girls twisted their bodies to entwine with the lasers while not touching them “Mia.”

She picked up the cover and Erin synchronized the time with Becca who dropped the rock in its tiny pillowcase while Erin grabbed the diamond. She handed it to Mia, who safely put it in the bag by her belt. Ted turned to the girls “Hurry, I hear footsteps and it’s not just one!” he rushed.

They retrieved their device as it pulled them up slowly but Erin had a problem with hers “It’s stuck!” She hissed.

“Erin.” Ted took a step forward. But it was time to take action “Darren, Doug take the stairs to the room. Mia and Becca, wait for them on the roof. I’ll get Erin.” He nodded to everyone as they took his order. He turned to Erin “Cut your line.” He advised. She did as he told and fell to the ground, preparing herself for the fall. Her body touched the beams as they began shooting out. Ted covered her body while they laid under the beams “You okay?”

She nodded “I’m not shot. What now?”

“The helicopter is going to wait for us on the roof. But they have to leave when the sirens come.” He began slithering like a snake and Erin did the same. They were finally out of the beams as they got up in time to the see one of the doors opening. A uniformed security guard began firing without warning. The two dodged and rolled out of the way until they reached the exit doors. Ted pushed Erin to go up the stairs first while he followed. Shots were fired but they had a better lead.

When the two headed to the roof, the four were already on the helicopter. The airplane pilot announced over the speaker “I have to retrieve the ladder. My orders are to leave when the sirens are audible.”

“No!” Mia yelled “We can’t leave them!!”

“Stop the plane!!” Becca was in shock.

“Sorry.” The pilot said again and began slowly moving the plane away while the ladder began to slowly move up.

Darren turned to the team “If I fall, tell Chuck I tried my best.” The rest didn’t comprehend what he meant until he began crawling out and down the ladder.

“Darren!” Mia cried as she moved closer to the door. She watched Darren move down the steps with speed.

Ted and Erin chased after the ladder but it was too far “Darren, be careful!!” Erin yelled through the whooshing sound of the helicopter. He dangled off the last step and pushed his feet towards them. Ted grabbed onto Erin’s hand as he made a swift move over the ledge. She let out a cry and closed her eyes.

“Got it!” he yelled when his hand barely wrapped around Darren’s leg. It was a test of strength and stability for the two guys as Darren pulled them up with his raw muscles. Ted was gripping on Erin’s hand so tight she though her blood would eventually stop flowing. The ladder began retrieving faster and when they were closer to the door, Doug pulled up Darren, then Ted and finally Erin.

They were exhausted as they fell to the floor with a thump, hearts beating so fast that it rung in their ears. Mia helped Erin up as the girls embraced, Becca joined in with tears of laughter. The guys looked at each other strangely. Darren was leaning on his elbows and looking at Ted “I don’t know you that well, man.”

“I understand.” Ted smiled as he propped himself up on his hands.

“Oh what the hell!!” Darren cried as he reached out and hugged the guy unexpectedly. Doug frowned and Darren put out a hand “Come here.” Together they hugged out their fears and near death experience.

Chuck let out a sigh of relief when he heard the team were together. They made it. He sat down on the chair while wiping the cold sweat forming on his forehead “Good work team.”

“Sure, now he talks.” Becca said sarcastically.

“I didn’t want to disrupt your concentration.” Chuck replied with a laugh. He was just glad they were together. The last thing they needed was another fallen agent “Is everyone okay?”

“Yeah.” Mia looked around. And then her eyes caught on something red and wet “Hey guys, what’s that?”

Doug examined it closely “It’s blood.” He said after a few seconds.

Erin’s eyes snapped over to Ted “You got shot.” The team turned to him and Darren shifted his legs up to see where he was shot.

Ted winced painfully when his left leg throbbed in pain. He had held onto the pain for too long “I’m okay.” He breathed out.

“Chuck, Ted’s been shot on the leg. We need to get him to a hospital.” Darren said.

“No, they’ll know where we were at.” Mia stopped them with her hand on the diamond velvet bag.

“I’ll call Dr. Chan.” Chuck offered.

Ethan quickly grabbed his surgeon tools and raced down to the address Chuck gave him. Doug let him in after three consecutive knocks “How is he?”

“Bleeding a lot.” Doug answered as they rushed him into one of the rooms.

“Ethan!” Mia got up to greet him while the rest of the team hovered around Ted. He was looking pale “We can’t get him to stop bleeding.”

“It’s okay. Just give him some air.” Ethan said wisely. He turned to everyone “Can everyone go outside…oh except Erin. I need a nurse.”

“Well, why can’t I do it?” Becca asked offensively “After all, I did have two years of nursing.”

Mia shook her head at Becca “Girl, I think YOU need to stick your foot in your mouth. Come on, let’s get some coffee.” She quickly ushered her out of the room leaving the three some privacy.

Chuck closed the door behind him and threw Erin a wink of the eye. She smiled to herself and turned back to Ethan “Okay, what do you need me to do?”

“Hold his hand.” Ethan instructed calmly while he took out the anesthesia. Erin looked at him strangely “I need you to distract him while I pull out the bullet.”

Ted was dazing out and Erin knew it was serious. She reached out and took his hand in her own “You’ll be okay.” Erin said as she stroked his perspired hair out of his face. He nodded weakly while Ethan did his magic.

“That’s a good girl. Keep talking to him.” Ethan said as he cut the wound after inserting the numbing medicine. After a good half hour, the bullet was taken out “Lucky for Ted, it didn’t hit his bone yet. I guess he should thank those years of training in the police force. All the muscles held it from getting further.” he said while sewing up the wound.

Erin felt Ted’s hand grip hers when she was shifting her seat “I’m not going anywhere.” She assured him and he smiled faintly “Will he be able to walk okay?” she asked Ethan.

“Maybe with a crutch.” Ethan smiled when Erin widened her eyes “But only for a couple of weeks. If he can withstand the bullet this long, he’ll survive and I’m sure he will heal even faster.”

“That’s good to know.” Erin nodded with relief “Thank you, Dr. Chan.”

“What did I say before?" Ethan asked with exasperation.

“I mean…Ethan.” She smiled “I see why Mia is so fond of you. You’re not cocky or arrogant like the other genius surgeons who has a double PHD.”

Ethan laughed “No. My ego was removed when they did surgery on my head.”

Erin’s smile faded “Are you serious?”

He looked at her questioningly “What if I am?”

“I don’t like games.” Erin said bluntly “What was the surgery for?”

“It was a benignant tumor.” Ethan explained casually at the same time cleaning up his tools.

“Does Mia know?” Erin asked.

“No.” Ethan turned to her suddenly “Promise me you won’t tell her. I don’t need her to worry about me. Her focus should be somewhere else.”

Erin smiled “You’re a good friend.”

“Yes, I am. I’m not going to argue with that.” He laughed. His eyes turned down to Ted “Just stay with him until he wakes up. I think he would like your support more than anyone else.”

“I’m not ready.” She said honestly. Ethan could read her without a radar, he was a good shrink.

He smiled “No one is. But you learn to accept, slowly. Time is the key here.”

Erin sighed sadly “I’m a walking black cloud, I can’t make him happy.”

“You already have.” Ethan nodded firmly. He smiled before leaving the room “Just think about it.”

And she did, she thought about it all night long. Every so often Ted would shiver and Erin had to adjust his blanket. She looked down at his face. She never asked herself about her feelings towards him. He was different from Brad. Ted was understanding towards a woman’s feelings, he was patient and so genuinely nice. She couldn’t deny the fact that there was a quick attraction when they first met. She felt her eyes brimming with tears at the thought of Brad. Erin knew, no matter how great Ted was, in the end he was still not Brad.

Maybe Ethan was right, time could only tell if she would be able to accept him one day. She leaned herself against the wall and closed her eyes. It only took her a few minutes to fall asleep, she was tired beyond belief. She dreamt of Brad. It was strange, the only time when she needed him most, he always appeared. She rushed up to him in the darkened room, only a light was shown on him. He put up a hand to stop her “Why?” she asked with frustration.

“Because I don’t want you to be hurt anymore.” Brad sympathized.

“I’m not hurt when I;m with you.” She argued.

He nodded “I know. But I hurt when I see you like this. Please Erin, you need to move on. Forget me if that’s what it takes.”

Her tears slid down her cheek “How could you say that? I can never forget you.” She said through clenched teeth.

“I know. Because you are Erin.” He smiled contently as he approached her with each step. “But Erin is also strong and stubborn. She is brave and you have such a good head on your shoulders. How could you not see that there is another person who loves you more than I do?”

“Ted?” Erin asked while her head shook “I can’t…”

“Yes, you can. Let him into your heart. HE is the guy for you, not me…a dead spirit.” Brad reached out and smoothed the hair off her face when some caught on her tears “It’s over, Erin. You have a new chance…don’t lose it.”

“But…” Erin looked up at him with saddened eyes. Before she finished her thoughts, he was gone. She spun in circles until she woke up from the dream. Her face was wet from tears and it was harder to adjust to the dark room. Only one hint of light came from a flickering candle next to the bottom foot of the bed “I can’t…” she whispered ever so softly.




Chapter 12

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck

Becca was the first that arrived to headquarters. She sat in the conference room by herself, staring dazily at the large diamond sitting in the center of the table. Her chin rested on the table. Doug walked in looking at her strangely, he took a seat across from her and mimicked her position “What are you doing?”

She sighed, “Do you think Chuck will let me keep it?”

Doug sat upright with a snort “Yeah, keep dreaming.”

Becca moved back her head and slumped back into the chair “Hey, you know what I was thinking?” Doug looked at her with a shrug “You know how Ted and Erin…”

“Yeah.” Doug said before she even finished.

“And how Darren and Mia…”

“Oh yeah.” Doug replied with a grin.

“I was thinking, maybe we both should…you know.” Becca shamelessly flirted with him.

Doug leaned over the table smiling “Yeah, I’m listening.”

“We would be a dynamite couple. We’re the prettiest of the group and not to mention you’ve got killer dimples!” Becca complimented.

Doug flashed his famous dimpled smile “Thank you, but I’m not asking Chuck if you can keep the diamond. We both know what the answer is.”

“You suck!” Becca snickered.

“Awww…Doug doesn’t suck. Sure he’s a little dense, but he doesn’t suck.” Mia teased from the doorway.

Becca turned to her new target “Mia! Did I ever tell you that you are my favorite person in the whole world?” she gushed while pulling a chair out for Mia to sit.

Mia looked at the girl cautiously “No…I thought your favorite person was Erin?”

“NO!” Becca denied quickly “She’s not as sweet or cute as you…”

Mia turned to Doug who was stifling a smile “I’m almost afraid to ask.”

Becca frowned “Why are you guys so suspicious? Can’t someone give another person a compliment without wanting something?”

“Yes, but when it comes from you, it’s like you’ve got these huge flashing letters above your head that read ‘beware’.” Doug animated.

Mia laughed after imagining the picture in her head “Yeah…you make a good point.” She pointed at Doug “What does sweettalker want?” she pointed her thumb at Becca.

“I wanna know if Chuck will let me keep the diamond! Can you ask him Mia? He likes you.” Becca asked wide-eyed.

“What?” Mia shook her head “Did I just hear right?” Doug nodded vigorously while Mia chuckled “Becca, be serious. You think he would let us keep something like this?”

“Not US, just ME.” Becca corrected, “Fine if you don’t ask, I’ll ask Erin. He seems to favor her anyways. But you know it’s a little creepy the way he smiles and winks at her. Maybe he has a crush on her or something? Someone should tell him to get in line behind Ted.”

“I guess denying that I like Erin is out of the question.” Ted spoke up from the entrance. The three were startled and all turned away guiltily. He let out a sigh and limped his way over to the seat next to Doug “It’s okay guys. Just because no one talked about it before doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Speaking of Erin. Where is she?”

Becca shook her head “I don’t know, last night Chuck mentioned that she wanted to stay with you overnight. I got up this morning and didn’t see her. I figured she was still sleeping.”

“No.” Ted shook his head “I don’t know where she could have gone.”

Darren walked in casually thinking he was the earliest just to find everyone there already “Wow…did someone forget to send me a memo?”

“No, you just overslept.” Becca quipped.

He greeted everyone with a nod “Where’s Erin and Chuck?”

Becca widened her eyes “See!!” she screamed suddenly “I knew my assumption was right! They are dating!”

“Who’s dating?” Darren asked.

“I don’t think so.” Mia chimed in “I mean the age difference is a huge gap and you think Erin would move on so fast? Even if she did, there are better choices.” Her eyes moved over to Ted. She could sense Darren’s smiling gaze at her from the corner of her eyes “What?” she turned to him.

Darren shook his head but the smile remained “I can’t get over how much you’ve changed. You use to be the one that had to put your foot in your mouth and look at you now…mature and so logical.”

“Was I that bad?” Mia asked “Brad told me I was a practical joker and Ethan was always a victim of my jokes but did I need to put my foot in my mouth?” she looked around the table and they were dodging her questioning eyes.

Becca rolled her eyes “Don’t listen to him Mia. He’s just trying to get into your pants.”

Doug covered his mouth with a fist and coughed out “Foot, Becca foot!”

“Look, I’m just saying how it is.” Becca leaned back in her chair with her arms crossed “We’re all adults, we should be able to put everything out on the table and not feel obligated to hold back. Plus we all know Ted’s in love with Erin, Darren is still in love with Mia, but she can’t remember him. And Chuck has a thing for Erin and I have fallen for Doug, who is still mourning over Jessie’s death. It’s clear like the sky.” She said it so nonchalantly that no one seemed to catch it.

Ted wrinkled his brows and then turned to Becca “What did you just say?”

She had a look of exaggeration “I said a lot of things, I can’t remember exactly what I said.”

“No no…about you and Doug.” Ted turned to Doug, who’s face was as blank as a piece of white paper.

“Oh. I said I was falling for him.” Becca said casually “I thought you guys knew?”

Ted shook his head, Mia hid an apparent smile but shook her head also. Darren shrugged with no answer, only Doug sputtered out “Yo…you….what…but…why?”

“And all this time, I thought it was obvious. Do you ever see me flirting with Ted or Darren?” Doug shook his head slowly “Surely you don’t think that I’m the kind of girl that just flirts with random men.” He was about to nod but decided to shake his head instead, he was dumfounded, not to mention not ready for the wake up call “It’s okay to reject me now, but I’m just warning you…you’ll fall for me one day.” Becca was so sure of it.

Mia couldn’t hold it in as she began cackling with laughter “Does anyone have a mirror? Doug you’ve got to see your face!”

Becca reached into her purse and handed the mirror to Doug, who took it and looked at himself briefly. He closed the compact and gave it back to Becca “Thank you.” He said flatly.

She turned and nudged Mia in the ribs “Does he react like this every time a girl confesses her love?” she whispered.

Mia nodded with wide eyes “Every time. I remember when this girl named Jody Cheng came up during a dance and asked Doug for a dance, he smiled and declined. She then leaned over and kissed him unexpectedly and thanked him even when he said no. He stood there for almost 2 minutes without moving. I even timed it.”

“Wow…” Becca turned to Doug and then back to Mia “I think his face is going to freeze up.”

“Should I take him out of his misery?” Darren offered.

“No, then who’s going to give me my two beautiful children? We’re going to have a girl and a boy.” Becca nodded firmly.

Ted smiled with his head shaking, he didn’t know the girl could be so forward “You better stop Becca, he’s getting more pale. The blood is going to drain out of his body if you continue.”

Becca tilted her head at Doug “Would if help if I told you I was just kidding?”

Doug let out along sigh of relief “Thank you.”

“About the kids…but I’m still in love with you.” Becca nodded with a grin as she got up and sat on the table, sprawling out her body on the table in front of Doug. And he was back to the pale face again. Darren, Ted and Mia began laughing at Doug’s reaction.

They quieted down when there were voices coming from outside the doors “Great, you guys are all here.” Chuck quickly walked in with Erin behind him “Ted, how’s your leg? Good. Becca, get off the table, I just cleaned it last night. And no, you can’t keep the diamond. Mia, can you turn off the lights? Doug, snap out of it, you look like you just saw a ghost. Darren, stop staring at Mia, it makes her uncomfortable. Erin…” he turned to see her handing a file to him “Perfect…as usual.” He smiled as she returned to her seat.

“Creepy, isn’t he?” Becca asked the team.

Mia frowned “Hey, so all that mix up with the name thing was all an act? Why do you seem a little different today, Chuck?”

“Yeah and where did you take Erin?” Becca asked with her eyes narrowing suspiciously.

Erin turned to the team in the dimmed light “I went to the hospital to get the crutches from Ethan for Ted. It’s outside.” She said to Ted.

“Thanks.” He smiled gratefully.

“I ran into Chuck at the deli. We caught the morning news.” Erin explained.

Chuck turned on the television “We’re on it.” The screen showed security cameras catching the team stealing the diamond with the shoot out following shortly after.

The reporter stood on the roof of the bank “And this is where the six thieves apparently jumped onto a waiting helicopter. Clearly it was a planned burglary and at this time, the FBI are still investigating who the culprits are. Currently we have no leads. We will give you an update tonight at 9. Thank you, I’m Chiu Lai Weng for Jade Channel.”

Chuck turned it off and turned to his team “The good news is they don’t know it’s us. The bad news is, if they find out…think of the worse possible thing.”

Mia raised her hand “We shut down, they take us to jail and all the guys becomes someone else’s bitches.” Mia said. Everyone turned to her with surprised looks “I watched this documentary about prisoners in jail. It was very realistic.”

“I think Ted would make someone else their bitch cause he looks intimidating.” Becca added.

“Thanks…I think.” Ted frowned.

Chuck nodded at Mia to turn on the lights “You guys won’t go to jail…you have nothing to worry about. But we might run into some problems. Right now, I want all of you to stay out the public eye, just in case you guys become recognizable. Thank goodness for the night goggles huh?” he laughed.

Becca shook her head “No, that wasn’t funny.”

“You’re right. Nothing’s funnier than your face.” He cracked.

The team laughed while Becca scowled at her so called co-workers “Now that’s funny!” Doug pointed out.

She snapped her head over to him and he quickly dodged the glare “Soon.” Becca said in a low and threatening voice “Soon.”

Erin smiled as she nod her head at Doug “Don’t listen to her threats. She’s all talk.”

“Even about crushes?” Doug asked pleadingly.

She shook her head “No, when Becca falls, she falls hard. Think of the spider web and a fly crawls onto it. The spider spins a web quickly around the fly, making it impossible for him to fly away. It’s just like that.”

Doug slumped back gloomily “Anything but the spider…”

“Hey, I’m not THAT bad.” Becca argued.

“You could have fooled us.” Chuck muttered under his breath.

She turned to him with a look that could burn through walls “This is an A and B conversation, C your way out of it.”

“Ooh, a quip. I better hide.” Chuck said with sarcasm, he nodded at Erin “When you have time, step into my office. I have some things to discuss with you.”

“Okay.” Erin smiled as she watched him exit the room. When she turned, Mia and Becca both sandwiched her “What?” her brows wrinkled together.

“What was that?” Becca asked.

“What was what?” Erin shook her head.

Mia crossed her arms “Don’t lie Erin, you were never good at it. What’s going on with you and Chucky?”

“Nothing! And don’t call him Chucky, he hates it.” Erin widened her eyes in shock “I can’t believe you guys would think that. We just happen to be very compatible, he has a lot of insights and not to mention very smart.”

Becca turned to Ted sadly “Sorry, she’s apparently moved on. To the fat and bald!” Ted shook his head with a laugh and limped outside to retrieve the crutches “Are you crazy, Erin? He’s our boss!”

“Anyways, isn’t he a little old?” Mia added

“Girls, leave her alone. She has the right to chose who she wants to date.” Darren said with reason.

“Thank you.” Erin nodded at her only supporter.

Mia turned to him and snapped “Thank you Dr. Love.” She took a hold of Erin’s arms “You can’t just pick the next fish you see in the sea.”

“Metaphors! Owe, my head…” Erin mocked her friend, but then it occurred to her that she probably wouldn’t remember “Oh sorry…forgot you lost half of your brain.” She rolled her eyes “Look, I don’t like Chuck. He is like a mentor to me, that’s all. Now if you will excuse me.” She pushed her way through and walked outside while Becca and Mia shook their heads at her.

“Denial.” The girls said in unison.