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The Zodiac of PRAIII: Revenge - by Jenny Tran

Chapter 16

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Gallen Lo – Matt Tong aka M.T.
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Jordan Chan – Ah Bat

The girls reached the bay to find nothing strange in particular. They decided to meet up at headquarters to get in touch with the guys and their discoveries. The guys sat in the conference room talking about what they would do if they indeed found the guy “He could be involved with the Mayor’s kidnapping.” Doug suggested.

“I think it’s obvious he IS.” Darren nodded “I think he might be sneakier than Chris and Reina combined. He’s very calm and Erin said he shows up every so often and before we could react, he’s gone.”

“I think he’s just trying to lure us into a trap.” Ted observed “Think about it guys. Why would he show up for no reason? Just to tease us and tell us that he’s not afraid of us? He’s in the dark, we’re in the light. He could hide with ease and we have no way of finding him.”

Chuck shook his head “Not quite. We have the messenger. That is unless he turns on us. If he does, we’ll just give him to Becca. He’s better off dead then.”

Doug laughed in agreement “He’ll probably be begging us to put him out of his misery.”

“If you guys want to talk about me, make sure I’m not around.” Becca stood by the door with her arms crossed. She eyed Chuck evilly and then at Doug with disappointment “I’m ashamed of you Doug. Talking about me behind my back already…and we’re not even married yet! At least wait until then.”

“And if I play my cards right, we’ll never BE married.” Doug said straightforwardly.

“Denial is the first sign of cold feet. Don’t worry, I’ll walk you down the aisle myself.” Becca confirmed.

“Let’s take a step out of Becca’s dream world and get back to reality.” Chuck nodded at Erin “What did you find out?”

“He showed up again…” The guys sat up giving her their full attention “Well, actually it’s just his car. But we noticed that his wheels had sand on them. The closest beach would be Tong Lau Wan Bay. We drove over there to inspect but found nothing. Apparently, he’s taking us around the bushes.” Erin sighed.

“Did you guys find Ah Bat?” Mia asked.

Darren replied, “Yeah, he almost got away but Ryan was quick. I could see a future agent in the works.”

“I think so too.” Doug nodded “You should have seen the way he jumped on him and took control.”

“Or maybe you guys are too old?” Becca teased, “You might have to retire soon.”

Chuck laughed, “She’s got a point.”

Becca dropped her jaw in shock “Was that an agreement from the all powerful Chuck?? Wow, you’re losing your touch or is my charm working on you? But I want to warn you, I only have eyes for Doug.” She pushed her chin up and away from Chuck.

“Any guy should be so lucky.” He said with extra sarcasm “And if you have a good view of Doug’s face, you would see the blood draining from under his skin. I think he would give anything to be in my shoes.” Doug began nodding vehemently.

Ted turned to Erin “We’re giving the guy one day to find TK. Otherwise, we’ll send him to the lion’s mouth.” He nodded his head to Becca.

Erin smiled “I feel sorry for the guy already.”

“Hey!! I thought girls were suppose to stick together!!” Becca scolded “I guess I only have one real friend.” She turned to Mia with a sweet smile.

“Who? Me?” she pointed to herself “Sorry, I think I want to live long enough to regain my memory.”

“Awww…looks like you’ve got zero friends and one really scared guy.” Chuck pouted at Becca with mockery. The team laughed at the facial expression he made.


Ethan was in his office working on some paperwork when he received a knocking on his door “Come in.” he answered.

Mia walked in with a smile. She stepped up closer and cleared her throat “A simple hello will do.” She joked.

His head faced up and a broad smile appeared “Mia! Wow, I thought you moved out of the country. You’ve missed the passed three sessions.”

She laughed, “I thought you didn’t notice.” She took a seat and let out a short sigh “Chuck asked me to return to the team.”

“Is it safe?” Ethan frowned with a worried expression “Have you remembered some things?”

She nodded “But promise me you won’t tell anyone!!” she threatened.

“My lips are sealed.” Ethan nodded firmly.

“I’ve been having very strange flashbacks.” He dropped his pen and looked at her with interested eyes “Just random stuff like past missions, helicopters and fighting and being kidnapped. I even remembered this girl named Reina, she use to be a good friend but somehow we turned on each other. I made Doug take me to go see her. He was a little hesitant but you know me and my power of persuasion.” Ethan nodded with a grin “Anyways, I saw her in real life at the county jail. It was this huge gush of memories coming back to me. I asked her to tell me about everything she remembered about me. She told me the story of how we became friends and how she joined the team. But what bothered me was when she told me Erin was always jealous of my friendship with Reina so she sabotaged her purposely so that I would turn on her. She warned me to be careful of Erin’s manipulative words. She also claimed that Erin was the one that framed her for all the killings that the team had to uncover.” She snickered at the last sentence.

“You believe her?” Ethan asked calmly.

“No.” Mia said without a doubt “It’s really weird. I know that she was lying yet a part of me kept telling me to listen. I don’t think there is anyone else in the world that is more dependable than Erin…well, except you.” She smiled shortly “Remember the time we went to Prom and I made you run all over the place to get me food and drinks cause the shoes I bought were eating up my toes?”

A smile crawled on his face as he recalled the night clearly “How could I forget? I felt like your slave.”

Mia had a far away look in her eyes “Yeah…” she sighed “The good old days.” then it occurred to her “Hey, talking about Prom. Why did you get in a fight with the football players? I asked Doug and he just brushed it off. And now I’m curious to know.”

Ethan’s cheeks blazed up but he acted casually with a quick shrug of the shoulders “Nothing. They just made fun of my parents.”

“That’s all?” Mia asked and Ethan nodded firmly “Just some teasing and you go fighting with 10 other guys twice your size?” she shook her head with a laugh “Sometimes you surprise me Ethan.”

He smiled “Same here.”


The following day, Ah Bat decided to dodge the team since he figured they wouldn’t know where he was the whole day. He went to a different bar that night and did his normal routine with the triad. After the deal was cut, he walked over the bartender to get a drink “Get me a vodka tonic.” He ordered.

The guy nodded and fixed it with quick fingers “Hey Ah Bat, that girl over there has been eying you the whole night.” He nodded behind his shoulders.

At first he was afraid to turn back, thinking maybe it was the crazy woman, Becca or Mia. Instead he was faced with a girl with shoulder length hair. Her features were distinct and she was petite. She tilted her head and gave him a welcoming smile. Ah Bat returned the smile and turned to the bartender “I’ve still got it.” He laughed and moved away from the bar to approach her.

Erin smiled flirtatiously “Hey.” She was stationed there by Chuck’s orders. The rest were spread out at different ones in the surroundings. Maybe it was luck to have run into her.

“Hi, cutie. You looking for someone?” Ah Bat wasted no time to rub up on Erin. He was about to drape his arms around her shoulders when she shifted her weight to the other side and he touched air instead. His hand fell to the side and he tried hard to cover his embarrassment “Playing hard to get?”

“So you like games?” she asked coyly.

He laughed “Sure. That is if YOU’RE into it.”

“How about chasing games? Or blindfold?” Erin noticed he was getting aroused by the look on his face.

“Anything with you.” He could barely breath. His throat became dry and he had the sudden urge to take her back to his place and give her a run for her game.

“My place.” Erin offered, but it was more like an order. He nodded blankly, his mind was already on something else. She reached out and took his hand in hers as she led him over to her car. “The game starts now…” she began when the door closed “You cannot touch me until we get into the bedroom.”

He was close to drooling while his body shivered at the thought. Ah Bat was a good little boy, he sat still and fought every urge to reach out and touch her. She had her eye on the road while a small smile was imprinted on her face. Every so often, she would turn to look at him. Erin was just making sure that he wouldn’t try something but he mistaken it for her checking him out “You don’t have to look, I work out. You want a little peek? Actually come to think of it, let’s just wait.” He was an arrogant little bastard, she thought in her mind but decided to smile instead.

They stopped in front of the apartment building and she turned to him with a sly smile “Blindfold.” She took out a black neck scarf and he turned obediently for her to place it over his eyes “No peeking.” She sang teasingly.

“Be gentle.” He said with a big grin on his face. She got out of her seat and walked around to open the car door for him. With that she led him across the street where their secret headquarters was located. She took him inside carefully dodging the little maze entrance “Are we inside?” he asked anxiously.

“Not yet.” She smiled wickedly at the thought of Becca torturing him.

She took him inside one of the many bedrooms. The entire team had returned after they got her page. She had done it when they were in the bar and she knew her fish had fallen for the bait. Becca sat there with a bowl of popcorn and Mia sitting there trying not to laugh. The guys sat alongside the bed and with only one light bulb was lit inside the room, making it look like a police questioning room “Now can I take it off? Hmm… I smell popcorn…” he laughed.

Erin crossed her arms as she stood facing the guy “Now you can take off the blindfold.”

He yanked it off speedily and noticed the dimmed room “Is this your room?”

“No, it’s ours.” Ted spoke up.

Ah Bat turned slowly around and he quickly cowered back a few steps “Don’t you people have anything better to do than to watch people having sex??” he demanded.

“Boy, you need to wake up and smell your blood that’s going to be splattered on that wall.” Mia said with attitude “You would be so lucky to have run into Erin. But I can guarantee that you won’t have sex tonight.”

Doug got off his seat and took a few steps forward “No, Mia…I think he will get lucky. I was always curious to know how it would feel like to rape a guy.”

Ah Bat’s face cringed with fear. He backed away at the door but Erin was closer as she pushed him back towards Doug “What…please…don’t. I’m a virgin…”

“My ass is more virgin than you!!” Becca retorted.

“I’m serious!!” he argued “I swear it on my mother’s grave.”

“Why don’t you swear it on your own grave?” Darren threatened, “Oh right…because then you would have to be dead.” He snapped his finger as if he just thought about it.

Chuck pointed at him and Doug quickly retrieved the guy closer to Chuck “Ah Bat, your one day is up.”

“No, no…please you need to give me more time! I’ll find him! I promise!!” he begged.

“Sorry, times up.” Chuck nodded to Becca “You’re in her hands now.”

Becca popped the popcorn in her mouth and handed to Mia the bowl “I’ve been waiting for this moment.” She brushed the palms of her hand anxiously. Reaching into the side drawers against the wall, she pulled out a dusty box “You know what this is?” she asked the guy playfully, he shook his head “18th century torture tools. The last time I used this on a bastard like you, he lasted for three days. I knew I should have fed him more than worms and pee water.” Ah Bat looked sick as Becca pulled out a long piece of device with wooden pieces tied together by a string. She dangled it in front of his face “You know what this is for?”

He shook his head while Mia raised her hand “I know, I know! It’s a finger squeezer. The King use to use this to squeeze the prisoner until they them him the truth.”

“Ah, the pretty girl knows her history.” Becca nodded. Ah Bat swallowed the spit in his mouth, he was losing air in his lungs. She turned back to him with a smile “But for me, I call it ‘the sterilizer’. You see, instead of using it on the fingers, I use it on the…” she pointed to his lower region.

Ah Bat began to feel woozy as his eyes shut slowly, his legs began to lock and then he fainted. The were a little shock by his reaction and Mia quickly rushed over to check him “Still breathing.” She announced “Aww and I wanted to go next.” She sighed sadly while the guys laughed. She stepped over his body and took a look at Becca’s box of toys “Hey, where did you get all of this stuff?”

Doug snickered “Do you need to ask? She probably uses on the men she picks up on the streets. Are you sure Torture is not your middle name?”

Becca laughed humorously “Do I smell a little fear in the air?”

“Sweetie, everyone is scared of you now.” Erin pointed it out.

Her face fell “Whatever guys. I found that box out on the bay yesterday when we were out there.”

“Really?” Erin asked, “I don’t remember you taking it back.”

Becca rolled her eyes “You were a little more distracted and Mia was so busy comforting you that she didn’t even notice, did you?” she turned to Mia who shook her head blankly “See? None of you guys pay any attention to me.”

“He did.” Doug pointed at Ah Bat. Chuck snorted a laugh “What should we do with him, Chuck?”

“Wait til he wakes up and ask him.” He nodded to Doug. “Ted follow me. Erin, you too.” He walked out the door with the two following him. Erin waited for Ted to retrieve his crutches.




Chapter 17

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Flora Chan – Julie Lee
Daniel Wu – Michael Wu
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Jordan Chan – Ah Bat

When they were in the hallway, Erin turned to Ted with a smile “How’s your leg healing?”

“Its moving along.” He nodded “Maybe I should just cut it off?” he was joking but when he looked up, Erin had stopped walking and her face was pale “I’m just kidding.” He laughed when she let out a sigh of relief.

“Don’t say things like that.” She scolded lightly “I’m going to be forced to take care of you since I was the cause of the shot.” She reminded him.

“Really? And all this time I thought it was because I was having a fight with the bullet and lost.” He made light of the situation because he knew she still blamed herself for it.

“You don’t have try to make me feel better, I already feel bad enough.” She seemed to read his mind with ease “Anyways, I’ll make it up to you even if it takes the rest of my life.” She paused when their was an awkward silence “Um…well, maybe we should go inside now.” She nodded to Chuck’s office.

“Yeah.” He wasn’t sure what else to say.

They entered the room with Chuck shifting through his paperwork “What are you looking for?” Erin asked.

“There was a fax that Joe sent me this morning. It was about your parent’s identities.” He said still looking.

Ted took a seat while Erin walked over to help him “Is it this one?” she recognized her parents’ names. She handed it to him and Chuck nodded with a laugh.

“I’m getting too old.” He shook his head.

“Maybe you should get a little more organized?” Erin offered, she pointed to the splattered papers on his desk “Why don’t you hire a little helper? I think Shelly would love the job. She’s always cleaning stuff at home.”

Chuck smiled contently at her “That would be nice.”

Erin nodded in agreement “That is…” the thought of her sister only made her mood turn sour.

“We’ll find her.” Ted promised. He tried to change the subject as he turned to Chuck “So what did you need us to do?”

“I have a plan. But I’m not sure if it will work.” Chuck was not at all sure and it would be putting Erin in more danger than she already is in.

Erin replied courageously “If it means getting Shelly back, I’d do anything.”

Chuck nodded, he admired her no-fear attitude “Good. I want to lure TK out. Using Erin as bait.”

“I disagree.” Ted quickly got up and he felt a striking pain shooting up his left leg. He flinched painfully but bit his lip while Erin supported him.

“Be careful, Ted.” She warned.

He shook his head at her “It’s too dangerous.” He said to Chuck.

“I know.” Chuck replied “But I think it would be our only chance to get the guy. We know he is trying to get to Erin. If we can all set it up so that he is trapped, I think it would a cinch to get Shelly back. Yes, it would put a lot of pressure on Erin and the rest of the team to cover her, but we have no choice.”

“What’s your plan?” Erin was interested.

“Erin.” Ted turned to her while she looked at him with hard eyes.

“I have to do this, Ted. I’m not letting him get away.” She had her vengeance face on “What do you want me to do?” she turned back to Chuck.

“Once Ah Bat wakes up, we’ll get him to contact TK and take him to a vacant lot. We’ll trap him in so he cannot escape. It sounds easier than it will be, I guarantee that. We’re dealing with a pro here. For all we know, he could be contacting our enemies in jail to get inside tips on how the team works.” Chuck thought about every aspect before he would approach Erin “What do you think?”

“It’s going to be hard, but I think we can do it.” Erin nodded.

“Great!” Chuck smiled at her. He turned over to Ted who was still unsure about the whole idea “Ted, can you go outside and tell the rest of them?”

“Yes sir.” Ted got his crutches and limped outside leaving Erin and Chuck alone.

He watched the door closed before turning to Erin “I have something for you.”

“What is it?” Erin asked in wonder.

He pulled out of the drawer two black ear set “I didn’t want Ted to hear this because we both know how worried he gets over your safety. This is the top of the line earpiece, indestructible and it cannot be tampered using any electrical waves. There are only two at this time and it works the same as our regular earpieces. The trick here is that only these two are connected. I want you to take one and I will keep the other just in case, God forbid, that you get kidnapped too. At least we’ll stay in contact.” He handed her the piece and she took it in her hand.

“Our last hope.” She sighed and placed it delicately in her jean pocket.

Their conversation was cut short when Mia popped her head inside “He’s awake.”

“Let’s see how our star is doing.” Chuck said to Erin as they followed Mia outside.

“How did he wake up? Not naturally, I assume.” Erin snickered.

Mia laughed, “You know her too well. Becca woke him up with a cup of cold ice water. She claimed that he was just faking it.”

They walked into the room with the guy gagged and his hands tied behind him. His pants were pulled down and his happy face boxers were more than appealing. Erin flinched with disgust “Come on guys, I don’t need to see this.”

Becca was holding onto another torture device “Look Erin, this is call ‘the screecher’. Like the name? It makes even the manliest of men squeal in pain.” She walked back and waved the tool in front of Ah Bat. He was sweating bullets by then, squirming and begging to be let go.

“Please, I’ll do anything!” he was near tears while looking over at Chuck “Just let me go. I’ll find him, I promise!”

“And if you lie again?” Chuck asked with obvious amusement.

“Then I will let her…” he nodded to Becca “Use all the tools on me.”

“That took some balls.” Doug snorted.

“Since he still has them.” Mia added with a laugh.

Ah Bat nodded “See, I wouldn’t promise on something so sacred to me. I promise, I’ll find him and help you guys. Anything, just don’t torture me!!”

“Oh God, guys. Can you pull up his pants, it’s really disturbing.” Erin turned her head away.

Darren nodded to Becca “You pull it down, so you have to pull it up.”

Becca rolled her eyes “Fine.” She turned to Doug seductively “This could be you…”

Doug’s body shivered at the thought “Thanks for the reminder.”

Chuck nodded at Ah Bat “Leave us your number, we’ll stay in contact with you and let you know when and where you should tell TK to meet with you.” He pointed a finger threateningly at him “Try anything funny and call yourself tortured.”

“And this time, I’ll have you live for a whole week!!” Becca chuckled evilly.

“Now get out before we change our minds.” Mia nodded at the door while Darren cut the gags off.

“Thank you…thank you!!.” He bowed as if he was just let off the death sentence from the king himself. Doug once again blindfolded him and took him outside.

Chuck turned to the group “Is everyone a little hungry?”

“For chicken?” Becca chimed in with a laugh.

“Sounds good.” Chuck confirmed “Let’s meet at the that one Italian restaurant down the street. My treat.” There was a round of applaud and whistles.

At the restaurant, the team was in high spirits despite the downer sides to the turn of events that they’ve been having. Everyone ended up ordering pasta. Erin and Chuck ordered the same dish lobster linguini. Becca was the first to notice “What’s with the matching orders?”

“What?” Erin asked casually.

“Don’t ‘what’ me. You know what I’m talking about.” Becca pointed the fork at her.

Chuck shook his head at her “You are a peculiar girl. Is it a sin to like the same food?”

“No, but it’s a sin to rob the cradle.” Becca snapped.

“Becca.” Mia warned.

“Foot right?” Becca asked with her eyes turning up to the ceiling “I know when to shut up.”

“Apparently, you don’t if we have to keep reminding you.” Darren replied.

She turned to him “WE?” she asked with a snicker “It has always been Mia. But I guess someone still hasn’t given up yet.”

Doug stifled a laugh and Darren turned to him wide eyed “You think it’s funny?”

“Of course he does. Whatever I say it’s always funny, huh honey?” Becca asked in a sweet tone.

Ted shook his head at her “Hey Becca, let me give you a piece of advice. If you want to snatch a guy, you might want to turn down the desperation level to a minimum.”

“Ouch! Right in the balls!!” Darren laughed as he high five Ted.

Doug raised his palm also “Hey, wait for me!!”

Becca remained calm as she nodded Doug “You know, I won’t tolerate this kind of behavior when we get married. So you might as well get it out of your system.”

The guys slumped back in defeat while Erin nudged Mia, who seemed to be out of it “Aren’t you going to add your piece of advice?” it wasn’t like her to be so quiet.

“Hey Erin, who’s that guy over there? He looks really familiar.” She pointed to a table furthest from them.

“It’s Michael.” Erin waved to the couple “And Julie.”

The two approached the team hand in hand “Hi guys.” Michael greeted “I didn’t know you were allowed in public.” He joked openly.

“Yeah, even Hitler gave his men a break.” Becca retorted.

“I didn’t know you guys come to the smaller restaurants to eat.” Erin teased.

Julie smiled “Yeah, sometimes we like the simple food.”

“Anyways, we’re on our way out. We’ll see you later…wait, no I take that back. If I see you guys, it only means trouble.” Michael joked. The team laughed while they bid him goodnight.

“Nice guy.” Chuck commented.

“Yeah, he use to have the hots for Erin!” Becca pointed out.

Erin frowned “Okay, YOU need to stop talking to people. How do you know these things anyways?”

“What can I say? I’m too adorable to be lied to.” Becca sighed “Anyways, you give Doug a few drinks and he spills everything.”

“I do not!” Doug looked offended.

“Oh please, you know she’s right.” Mia rolled her eyes.

“She’s got a point man.” Darren agreed.

Ted pointed to Doug’s water “Is that vodka or water?” The team began laughing hysterically while Doug didn’t look amused.




Chapter 18

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung

After dinner Chuck sent everyone home to wait for his page “Once I get in contact with Ah Bat and find out the meeting destination, I’ll let you guys know and we’ll pounce on that sucker before he finds a hole to crawl in.”

“Wow…” Becca commented.

“What?” he turned to her while trying hard not to sound annoyed.

“For a minute there, you almost sounded like a lieutenant.” Becca said with sarcasm. "Who uses the word sucker anymore? Why don’t you say bastard or dick?”

“Because it’s been reserved for your potty mouth!.” Chuck snapped.

Erin looked at the two with teasing eyes “You two would be so cute together.”

Becca dropped her jaw in shock as her face twisted disgustedly at the thought. She was speechless with her hands flailing around, she was defeated when she turned and walked away without uttering a word. Chuck wasn’t at all offended as he turned to Erin “Nice job.”

She smiled and Mia pointed to her friend accusingly “Oh!! You just said it so Becca would get upset and walk away.” She laughed “That’s pretty good, Erin. You’ve got to teach me some day.”

Doug nodded “Me too.”

“You WOULD like that, wouldn’t you?” Mia joked.

“It’s getting late guys, we should go home and rest. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.” Chuck predicted, “I’ve got somewhere to go, but we’ll stay in contact. Bye.” He waved before getting in his car.

“Mia, you need a ride home?” Darren offered.

She shook her head “No thanks. I’ll just hitch a ride with Erin.”

“I’m taking Ted home first. Why don’t you let Darren take you home?” she gave Darren a hidden wink and he smiled in return.

“It’s out of your way Darren. I can take Mia home.” Doug offered only to be glared at by Erin and Darren. He wrinkled his eyes at them but quickly shrugged it off. By the time it occurred to him, Mia had taken the offer.

“That’s a great idea!” Mia exclaimed. Before he had a chance to change his mind, she linked her arm through his and led him away.

Erin sighed as she shook her head at Darren “Sorry, I tried.”

“I know. Maybe I’ll leave a bouquet of roses on Becca’s apartment door with the card that reads ‘Love, Doug’ on there.” Darren schemed evilly.

“Wow…” Ted sighed as he nudged Erin to get her attention “Remind me to stay on his good side.”

“Dually noted.” She smiled as the three parted.

Doug walked Mia into the apartment “Okay, no burglars, mass murderers. You’re safe. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said and prepared to leave.

“Wait!” Mia called after him. She threw her bag on the couch and raced to the kitchen “I have something for you. Have a seat!” she ordered.

“What is it?” he asked with suspicion.

Mia laughed “It’s not Becca, isn’t that enough for you to lower that barrier you have up?”

Doug narrowed his eyes at her “Are you sure Mia isn’t entirely back? Only she can read my words.”

“Positive, now sit!!” she yelled. He let out a sigh and took a seat on the couch. She walked over to him with a plate and a slice of creamy cheesecake, which was topped off with strawberry sauce and sliced berries “Your favorite.” She presented the beautifully decorated plate.

Doug practically jumped back as he squeezed himself into the corner of the couch. He looked fearfully at the slice as if it was the devil reborn “What…why…where…how…” he was at lost for words.

Mia smiled slyly “Now…let’s talk biz.” She held the plate on her lap “I have a few questions.”

“Oh Mia, you know that is just killing me!!” He pointed at the cake. It was his all time favorite desert. The last time she pulled that stunt on him, he ended up telling her all his deep dark secrets. Of course she was not impressed but she knew what to used to get him to spill the beans.

“I know.” She said casually “Now. In exchange for this delicious slice of heaven…I just want one question answered.” She picked up the plate in one hand and took the ready fork as she sliced it at the corner showing him just how smooth the filling was. He was practically drooling with his eyes mesmerized by the dessert.

“I’ll answer ten questions if you give me that bite…” he said almost drunkenly. His body leaning into the plate.

Mia turned her eyes away thoughtfully “Tempting.” She commented “But I just need one.” Doug began nodding like an obedient puppy “What happened to Ethan on Prom night?” she asked quickly.

Doug frowned as he sat back slowly “I can’t tell you that.” He said with a solemn expression.

“Not even for this bite?” Mia asked tempting him with the fork full.

He closed his eyes and turned away “My word to my friend is more important than some cake!” he said with self dignity. Mia smiled as she pushed the fork at his lip. A piece trailed behind on his lip and he stuck out his tongue and licked it. It was even better than the one she bribed him years ago. Doug’s eyes snapped open “Oh who am I kidding?! To hell with willpower!” he opened his lips and took the bite into his mouth. He moaned with satisfaction as his body twisted and curled with every taste bud screaming for more.

“Damn, you’re weak!” Mia muttered. She handed over the plate to his eager hands “Okay, you’re turn.”

“He got beat up by ten football players.” Doug said quickly, his attention was fully on the cake.

Mia reached out and took the plate from his hands unexpectedly “I already know that!” she emphasized “Tell me something else.”

His lips were caked with the cream as he reached out hungrily “Okay, okay…don’t hurt it!”

She wrinkled her nose at him and handed the plate back to him “Don’t make me take it to the garbage disposal.” She threatened.

Doug covered his body over the plate “Okay…I promise…no funny business.” He took a bite before turning his attention back to her “Why do you want to know anyways?”

“Because Ethan won’t tell me.” She narrowed her eyes “And I know you know.”

“How do you know that I know?” Doug asked curiously yet his attention was still diverted at the cake.

“I can tell when you know something that you don’t want to tell me. And I know when you know and you CAN'T tell me because someone doesn’t want me to know.” Mia explained.

He turned to her questioningly “Huh?”

“Does it matter?!” She asked impatiently.

He felt her looking at his cake threateningly “Fine. Okay, if you want to know that bad… those football guys were talking about choosing a ‘lucky’ girl that they could haze. Ethan overheard them saying your name--”

“So? It’s just hazing, you know I wouldn’t do that crap.” Mia interrupted.

“Could I finish?” He widened his eyes at her. Mia raised her hands in defense “Anyways… He also overheard that the hazing wasn’t something embarrassing. It was a group rape. They would take turns to you know…do it…” Mia’s heart began racing at the thought “They were so damn drunk when they talked about it that Ethan thought they would really do it. Maybe they would have, maybe they wouldn’t. But he approached those guys and warned them not to mess with you.” Doug took a second to snicker at the thought “Can you imagine this small guy with dorky glasses threatening a bunch of buffed up football guys? Yeah, the outcome was pretty obvious. They took him outside and beat the crap out of him.”

Mia covered her mouth in shock “Oh my God! Where were you??” she hit him across the shoulder.

“Hey! I was busy looking out for you. The minute Ethan found out, he ran over to me and told me to keep Mia away from the football guys. And then before I could ask him, he ran off. How would I know the dork was about to get beat up?” Doug rubbed his shoulder painfully “And you know, he was so deep in the hole in love with you that he wouldn’t be thinking right anyways. It’s like ‘Mia’s in trouble? Ethan to the rescue!!’. Come on, I thought you knew.” He said with obviousness.

Mia slumped back in the couch “He…he…did that for me? When…how…”

“You forgot why and what.” Doug added with a laugh.

“Oh my…” she shook her head in disbelief. She never thought the real story would be that. Suddenly guilt washed over her “And I yelled at him for picking a fight with the football team when he came back with two back eyes and cuts all over his forehead and face.” She felt the tears stinging her eyes “I lectured him about the importance of not being violent and how disappointed I was at him for letting his anger get in the way.”

Doug was enjoying the last bite when he noticed Mia crying “Hey…” he said gently “It’s not your fault. To be honest, I would have done the same if I was in his place.” Mia looked up at him and he added “But I wouldn’t have been stupid enough to approach the team by myself. I would have gathered like an army of guys and come up to them.”

Mia let out a laugh despite her tear stained face “Thank you…I guess.” She shook her head “I feel so bad.”

“You want my last bite?” he offered.

She widened her eyes “Really?”

“No, but I wanted to show you how much I cared.” Doug quickly devoured the bite before Mia got her fingers on them.

Erin’s keys rattled at the door as she pushed the door and let herself in “Hey, you still here?” she asked Doug.

He nodded with the crumbs still on his lips “Midnight snack.”

She smiled and nodded to Mia “Just make sure you clean him before he’s loose in the streets.” She did a double take on her friend “Are you crying?” she asked with instant concern.

“Yeah. It’s your turn to console her. I’ve done enough damage.” Doug said quickly as he took his cue to leave.

Mia shook her head at Erin “I’m okay…I just found something out that I should have known years ago.”

“Good or bad?” Erin felt her holding something back.

“I’m not sure.” Mia said in confusion.

“Okay, whenever you’re ready.” Erin smiled and patted her on the shoulder “Go to sleep early. We need enough energy to catch that son of a bitch.”

“There you go!! That’s what Becca was waiting for.” Mia pointed out with a laugh. Erin shook her head with a chuckle.

Mia returned to bed while Erin prepared her place on the sofa, still in her jeans and shirt. Her other clothes were still in the room. It was a natural routine for Erin. It was as if the room was sacred and only when Erin had enough powers that she could enter. She twisted and turned on the couch because she couldn’t sleep. Her thoughts wandered to her sister, she knew she was still alive. She could sense her presence still or maybe she wanted to believe it so bad that she had convinced herself.

Eventually, she got up and walked into Shelly’s room. The sweet aroma of lilac continued to linger in the petite room. Shelly loved the smell of lilac. How much she missed the singing laughter of her sister. It has been almost a year since the girls saw each other yet it felt like ages for Erin. It was tough for both to adapt to the changes but the minute they did, they were close like they had been raised siblings in the same house since the beginning of time.

“Please keep Shelly safe, Brad…She can’t die…” Erin whispered into the air. She lied on the bed and took the covers and wrapped it around her shoulders. Her back leaning on the wall. It was the first time she cried for her sister. But it was the second time she felt so alone and lost. She wouldn’t be able to cope with another loss “I’d take her place.” She said before finally falling asleep after the tears tired her out.