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The Zodiac of PRAIII: Revenge - by Jenny Tran

Chapter 19

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung
Jordan Chan – Ah Bat

Chuck didn’t get a call in from Ah Bat until late in the afternoon. Everyone was in different places when they got Chuck’s page to come to the destination. It was a remote part of the harbor where shipments were placed on rigs to be sent out. It looked like giant compartments when Erin got there. She hid behind one of the rigs and looked around each corner until she hit the center. And then she saw him standing there talking to Ah Bat.

The guy seemed to be stalling time for the rest of the team to come. TK looked a little suspicious when Ah Bat was looking around nervously. Erin looked at her wrist watch, the team wasn’t even there yet. Her earpiece was on as she whispered “Guys, where are you?” she asked.

“There’s a huge accident.” Mia was the first to reply.

“Same here.” Doug sounded annoyed and frustrated.

“How about Becca and Darren?” Chuck asked from the car parked in the harbor lot.

“Don’t know.” Mia replied, “I haven’t got in contact with them yet.”

Erin sighed, “Where’s Ted?”

“I’m here.” Ted spoke up, surprising the team.

“You didn’t hit traffic?” Mia asked.

“No, I’ve been around the block for most of the day. I just got a lead that TK might be around the bay.” Ted answered.

“What now, Chuck?” Erin asked impatiently “The guy seems to be very suspicious.”

“Does he have a gun?” Chuck asked Erin.

“No. I can’t tell…”

Ted shook his head “He might have one but doesn’t find the need to show it to Ah Bat.”

“We’ve got to DO something. He’s going to get away.” Erin hissed. She peeked out into the corner and her eyes widened “Where did he go? Ted did you see him leave?” she paused a few seconds leaving him time to reply. Worried took over when he didn’t answer “Ted?”

“Hi honey…come on out. Look what I found!!” TK’s voice boomed out leaving an echo behind.

Erin turned around the corner and saw the gun pointing at Ted’s head while TK dragged him out into the center of the area. Ah Bat shriveled up in fear as he ducked behind TK “Shit, he’s got Ted!!” Chuck cursed as he quickly got out of the car and raced towards the shipping area.

She walked out and TK smiled broadly at her “Long time no see…I missed you.”

“Go to hell!” Erin growled.

“Ooh…looks like someone’s not having fun.” He laughed humorously. He waved his head at Ah Bat “Tell her about our little agreement.”

“You!!” Erin took a step forward and TK dug the barrel into Ted’s temple. She quickly halted her step “Let him go.” She said calmly.

TK contemplated the idea with a nod “Sure…but YOU have to come with me.”

“Erin, no! Don’t do it! I’d rather die!” Ted cried bravely.

“Aww, isn’t that sweet, another sad soul ready to DIE for you.” TK tilted his head as his lips pouted, “I think it’ll be more fun watching this one die. I’ve never killed a handicap before.”


“NO!” Erin yelled with her hand up to stop him “I’ll go with you.”

“Erin!” Ted looked at her with wide eyes. TK began laughing with interest and Ted turned to see his head whipping back. He took a chance as he tried to take the gun out of TK’s hand. Because his leg was still injured, it was harder to use his leg. The guys eventually wrestled while Erin moved closer to help Ted. But the gun was being pointed in all directions, it was a challenge just to dodge the barrel.

“Chuck, I need backup!” Erin said hurriedly.

“I’m trying.” Chuck was being stalled behind by the security. They would not let him enter the main gates. He ended up driving around to find the backway where Erin and Ted entered. The rest of the team was nowhere to be found. The plan was to sudden and not to mention the different timing. Most of them guessed that the news would break at night instead it was in the daytime. “I’m coming Erin. They wouldn’t let me in. I have to find an alternate route. What’s happening?” he asked.

“They’re wrestling with the gun. I can’t…” she didn’t get a chance to finish when TK finally got the upper hand. He hit Ted from behind the neck and he grabbed it painfully.

TK was almost out of breath as he aimed the gun at Ted, he turned to Erin “Almost lost there.” He joked. She gave him no emotions as he smiled at her “How about it? Follow me now?”

“No…Erin…” Ted gasped. TK walked over as he reached his leg back and kicked him straight in the stomach. Ted let out a painful groan while Erin took a step forward.

“Stop! Please…” she begged.

TK shrugged as he pointed the gun at her and then at Ted “I either shoot him in the head and take you or I could just take you.” He gave her a choice.

Erin frowned as she turned to Ted “I’ll go with you.”

His face was a beet red as he turned up to her “Don’t…” he grabbed his stomach in pain.

“Good.” TK nodded as he turned to Ah Bat “What the hell are you still standing here? Go.” He nodded and the guy quickly rushed off. He waved Erin over with his gunned hand “Come on, don’t be shy.” He coaxed. She walked over cautiously and let him tie her hands up with a wire string. It was carving into her skin but she did not utter a word of pain. Her eyes looked at Ted earnestly, she wouldn’t let another soul die for her “See ya.” TK laughed as he took Erin’s arm and stepped onto Ted’s injured leg. He cried out a blood curdling moan as Erin glared at TK evilly “Whoops, I didn’t see your leg there.” He let out a laugh as he took Erin away.

Ted was breaking out in hot sweats as he pushed himself up to go after them. But it was too hard, his leg was in numbing pain. He was able to walk without a crutch that is until TK stepped directly on the injured part. He eventually began to drag himself against the pebbled ground. But he was no match for the pain “Ted!” Darren cried as he found his way into the center. He rushed over to help him up “What happened?”

“Erin, she’s been taken away.” He pointed while he let Darren support his arm “Where were you guys?”

“I could not get a signal in with the earpieces. I think we’ve been tampered again. I thought it was fishy when none of you guys answered me.” The two eventually ran into Chuck “You’re a minute too late. Erin’s been kidnapped.” Darren advised.

“They can’t be too far. Let’s keep going.” Ted nodded towards the bay. With the help of the two guys, they were able to take him further “At least she still has her ear piece on. We can still be in contact.” He could hear the conversation she was having with TK.

“Where are you taking me?” Erin asked when TK approached a speedboat. He pointed her to jump on and she did as he asked, “This boat can’t travel far.”

TK snickered “You could give them all the clues you want but they’ll never find you.” He was already on to their headgears. He put out a hand and she looked at him blankly “I wasn’t born yesterday. Give it to me.” He ordered in a threatening voice. Erin eventually surrendered her earpiece as he took it in his hands “Say goodbye team.” He took the device and haled it into the ocean.

The guys heard a sharp screeching sound before Erin’s voice was no longer heard “Shit, he knows.” Darren cursed as they walked faster to the dock.

“Go first.” Ted pushed Darren while Chuck continued to support him.

But by the time Darren reached the waters, he saw a boat at the size of a quarter speeding off. He punched his hand into his fist “Damn!” he reluctantly turned back to group up with Ted and Chuck. He saw Mia and Doug already there “They got away.”

“He’s got her?” Mia asked. She knew but needed confirmation.

“Its all my fault. This stupid leg!!” Ted punched his own leg and sucked in the pain that shot through his leg.

“Ted.” Mia stopped his hand when he was ready to hit himself again “It’s not your fault. We were played. Doug and I ran into an accident but the minute TK took her earpiece, like magic the two people decided not to press charges and then traffic cleared up. It was all a plan if you ask me.”

“Where’s Becca?” Doug asked.

“Do you really want to know?” Chuck raised his brows “She probably dropped by for an ice cream cone.”

Darren shook his head “Depends on where she came from. If she came from my direction, her connection would have been tampered too. I couldn’t hear any of you guys.”

“Either we get better devices or find how this guy is playing with our radars.” Doug offered.

Chuck looked around “Maybe we should go back first.” The team returned to headquarters to find Becca sitting in the conference room “What are you doing here?”

“I thought you said to meet here?” Becca looked confused “You said yesterday that if we get a page from you that we should all meet here first. That way we wouldn’t get lost.”

Doug snickered “I guess we should have done that.”

Chuck let out a sigh as he looked down “No, I paged for everyone to go directly there so we wouldn’t lose TK. But it seems a little rat was playing us the whole time.”

“Oh crap, don’t tell me Ah Bat…” Becca began and then she looked around “Where’s Erin?”

“Kidnapped.” Ted replied bluntly.

“How did that happened?” Becca demanded.

“He threatened to kill Ted.” Darren sighed, “No one wants this to happened. We just have to find them. Erin’s a smart girl, I’m sure she’ll leave us some clues.”

“So what do we do now?” Mia asked directly at Chuck.

“We wait.” He replied without much feeling. He turned to the disappointed faces “Don’t worry guys, we’ll find her. I have a feeling this TK guy wants her alive. He could have killed her if he wanted. Why go through all the trouble of kidnapping Shelly and Erin?”

“You’ve thought about this.” Mia nodded with admiration.

Chuck smiled “That’s why YOU salute me.” He nodded to Ted and Darren “I want you two to dig up as much as you can about the Yeung and Keung family. I don’t believe this is as simple as it appears.”

Becca snickered “Actually it’s not simple at all.”

“Good job, Einstein!” Chuck snapped, “You, stay out of trouble.” He pointed at her threateningly “Mia and Doug, find Ah Bat. He wasn’t with TK and Erin on the boat.”

“Yes Sir!” the group answered.

Becca shook her head “Wait, what do I do?”

“Stay out of trouble.” Chuck replied calmly “Don’t you listen?”

She tilted her head with a disbelief look “What do you have against me?” Chuck faced her “Seriously, what is it that I have done that is so awful that you don’t like me? Because it’s obvious to everyone that you don’t like me.”

“Becca…” Mia began as she laid a comforting hand on the angry girl’s shoulder.

“No!” she whipped her shoulder away “I want to know now! Are you too much of a coward to tell the truth? Don’t have enough balls?” she tempted him.

Chuck nodded “Fine, you wanna open the can of worms? I think you are immature and incompetent for this job. I don’t know what Joe saw in you but I was forced to take you in. At first, I wanted to give you a chance but then it only proved my theory to be correct. Are you capable of doing anything right? Are you even capable of following orders? I paged for everyone to meet at the harbor and you show up here…or did it ever occur to you why we were not here? You need to grow up, Becca and maybe you should sleep on this before you come back.” He concluded.

Becca bit her bottom lip to keep herself from quivering. She was embarrassed and offended. Her eyes welled up easily as she turned up and looked at Chuck in the eye. She nodded but didn’t reply. Instead she turned her heels and ran out of the room “Becca!” Mia called after the girl.

“Leave her alone. Maybe she’ll grow up after rethinking everything.” Chuck was still fuming. He hated putting people in their places but it was unavoidable, plus they had more important things to cover “You guys go home and rest.” He said after a moment and returned to his office.

The four looked at each other “Wow…” Mia whispered.

“You can say that again.” Doug nodded “I don’t think she’ll come back.”

“I wouldn’t blame her.” Darren added.

Ted shook his head “It would only make her stronger, he did the right thing.”

Mia turned to Ted questioningly “What do you mean?”

“He just turned on her anger. It’s a weak spot of a person with her personality. She works harder when she’s angry, if I’m not mistaken, she’ll drag in Ah Bat tomorrow morning. You two wouldn’t have to do much.” He said to Mia and Doug.

Mia exchanged glances with Doug “He’s good.”

“You talking about Ted or Chuck?” Doug retorted. He shook his head “I’ll never be capable of manipulating a person’s mind like that.” He laughed while Mia smiled. The four parted ways and awaited for tomorrow’s news.




Chapter 20

Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Kong Wah – Dennis Lam aka Capricorn
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung
Jordan Chan - Ah Bat

TK took Erin to a deserted island northeast of the harbor. She could tell it was deserted when they had to dock the boat on a wooden pier. The wire around her hand had been cut for some time but the imprint around her wrists were still visible. He took the gun and pointed her off the boat “Go.” He ordered.

She climbed off the boat and jumped into the shallow water, her jeans were soaking wet by the time she reached the sand “Where are we?” she whispered more to herself but he seemed to know what she was wondering when she began looking around.

“Keep looking. You won’t find a soul. It’s an abandoned island that they use to keep prisoners like serial killers and freaks that rape kids for fun.” He snickered while pushing her deeper inside. They came upon an old stoned like building “Go on. It’s your new home.” He smiled the same smile she grew to hate.

“Why don’t you just kill me now?” she asked while walking into the place. It looked like a jail hall. With solitaire rooms that use to keep murderers and psychos. Even the thought of it brought shivers down her spine.

“This is your room.” He pointed to the third one down their right. He opened the metal door and waited for her to enter “Don’t even think about escaping. My gun is not as nice as me.” He warned.

Erin found no choice but to enter. Once she got inside, the smell of urine entered her nose. She plugged her nostrils and looked around the place. It was a mixture of dead people smell and God awful pee. When she was finally alone, she reached in her pocket and pulled out the black earpiece that Chuck gave her. It was part of their plan. She was to fall into the trap and follow TK wherever he took her. Then she was going to get in contact with Chuck “Chuck…” she whispered. But there was no answer “Chuck!” she hissed louder. Again no answer. She grew weary and defeated when she realized he was not answering. She retrieved the piece just in case TK came back, the last thing she needed was for him to find it. Erin would for sure be stuck on the island forever.

She looked around at the low ceiling, the only thing that gave her outside light was the tiny squared hole in the wall. It was big enough for her head to fit in sideways but nothing more. She paced the floor wondering what she should do next.

For what seemed like days were only hours. Night had fallen, she could tell when the sunlight was getting dimmer until the little stoned cave turned into complete darkness. She seated herself in the corner until TK returned. He came back an hour after she made her spot on the floor with strays of sticks and stones as her pillow. In his hand was a candle on a plate that he obviously made “I’m back!” he announced brightly and placed the candle in the corner of the room where it brightened up even the darkest corners.

“What do you want with me?” Erin asked. She sensed that he wasn’t going to kill her anytime soon.

“Many things…” he nodded after a few seconds.

“Why?” She asked suddenly.

TK turned to her strangely “Isn’t it obvious?”

“It’s obvious that you’re psychotic and when I get a hold of that gun, you’ll die.” She answered with a serious tone.

He smiled slyly as he pulled the bun from behind his jeans “Really? Let’s try…” he pointed it at her and she analyzed how far they stood from each other. It was enough space for her to kick the gun out of his hands. She used the wall for assistance as she planted her feet in a stepping motion and made a perfect flip before catching the gun in her hand.

She pointed it at him “Now, you listen.” Her voice echoed in the tiny room.

TK clapped his hand rhythmically “They trained you well.”

“Shut up!” she snapped “Let me out!”

He calmly placed his hands behind his back “No can do, sweetie.”

Erin frowned, he was too cool for a person about to be shot. Then it occurred to her “The barrel’s empty.” She opened the side with a flick of the wrist. Surely it was empty.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk…didn’t your mother ever teach you that smart women only get into deeper shit?” TK asked with a teasing tone.

“My mother died before she warn me about bastards like you!” Erin spat harshly.

“Smart ass mouth just like your mother.” He shook his head sadly “Too bad that was the reason why she had to die.”

Erin’s face fell slowly “You know them.” It wasn’t a question, she knew it was true but what he said only proved it more “Where’s Shelly?”

“She’s still alive.” TK said without much interest.

“Let her go. She’s innocent.” Erin said.

He shook his head “Nope. Can’t do that, sweetheart. She has to live. How else will you agree to marry me?”


The following day Becca came barging into the headquarters conference room with Ah Bat on her hand. She pushed him inside roughly “Now who’s useless?” she looked directly at Chuck.

Doug and Mia turned to Ted who was smiling “You guessed it.” Doug muttered.

Chuck sat at the head with his fingers entwined “You think by finding Ah Bat that I will take back my words?”

“No. I want you to apologize and say I am a good agent.” Becca replied with angry eyes.

“I don’t apologize.” Chuck said without much feeling.

“Fine. You go find him yourself.” Becca pulled Ah Bat to his feet and pushed him out the door “Go before I change my mind.”

He backed a few steps to see if she was keeping her word and then he swiftly ran off. Mia stood up “Becca, you let our only clue run away!!”

“If you guys are so good, go catch him yourself.” She said sternly with her hands crossed.

Darren looked outside the glass window “We don’t have to. Ryan is quicker.”

Becca dropped her arms and turned at the door to find Ryan pulling Ah Bat back inside. This time he closed the door “Who let him loose?”

“The bomb over there.” Doug nodded to Becca.

Chuck ignored the glares flying from Becca’s eyes as he greeted Ryan “Good job Ryan. What are you doing here? And didn’t I tell you to give us back the access card? You’re not an agent yet.”

“And I told you I’m not giving it back until you agree to let me help find Shelly.” He took a glance around and figured out a missing person “Where’s Erin?”

The group looked away sadly while Becca snapped her head over to Ah Bat “You son of bitch!! Where is she???” she took her aggression out on him as she began beating him up.

“I don’t know!!” he yelled over and over.

Chuck stood up and slammed his fist into the table, shaking it “Stop!!” he roared with authority. Despite how mad she was, she obeyed and stopped the beating. He pointed to a chair “Becca, if you don’t sit now, I will ask you to leave this team.” She reluctantly took a seat next to Mia. Chuck then turned to Ryan “I am breaking the P.R.A. code but we need a helping hand. Have a seat Ryan.”

“Thank you, Chuck!!” he gushed.

He turned to Ted and nodded at him. Ted smiled and got up as he limped over to Ah Bat. The guy cowered into a ball as Ted bent down “Tell us and we won’t have to use Becca on you.”

“Is that suppose to be a threat?” the guy dared asked.

“Yes. Is it working?” Ted narrowed his eyes at him “Tell me…what did TK give you that you are willing to backstab us time after time? Is it money?” he shook his head “Women?” again, he shook his head “Sex?”

Becca snorted a laugh while Mia curled her lips into a smile “NO!” Ah Bat cried out with disgust “He doesn’t give me anything.”

“Then why all the assistance?” Ted asked calmly.

“Because…he…I can’t tell you.” He turned away fearfully “He’ll kill me.”

“Would you rather die a long and agonizing death?” Ted asked.

He was suddenly torn. If he turned on TK, the guy would surely hunt him down and kill him with his bare hands but if he didn’t, Becca would surely enjoy the torture “I…I can help you…but you have to promise that I don’t have to appear where TK is. If he knows, he’ll kill me.”

Ted smiled as he patted his face harshly “That’s a good boy.” He turned to the team, who were all beaming.


“Marry you? Why would I do that?” Erin asked in disgust.

“Because….” He paused and thought twice about telling her “I’ll tell you later. But now, it’s time for nap.” He was about to reach for the door when she attacked him from the back. He quickly dodged his head to the left where her feet aimed and turned as they began to interlock in a brutal fist and kick fight. He was trained just as well as she was, they fought for a long moment until he could withstand no more and had to pull out his real gun “This one will take your life.” He warned in a deep voice.

“I’ll believe it when I see it.” She said without fear.

TK pushed open the side and showed her the bullets “These are not hollow, I guarantee you. Now go to sleep.” He ordered.

“Why did you kill him?” Erin asked abruptly. It was a question she feared the answer for yet she was curious to know.

“Who?” TK had already long forgotten about Brad “Oh, your dear little fiancé…Brian was it?”

”Brad.” Her teeth clenched angrily.

“Right.” He snapped his finger “That…yeah, that was done in favor for a friend. It was nothing personal, I didn’t even know the guy.”

“A friend?” Erin asked. Her eyes darted away and she almost slapped herself for being so dumb. How could she not have known it was Reina! Brad was the one that fired the shot at Andrew, which killed him. “Reina…” the name was a mere whisper out of her lips but there was vengeance behind the word.

TK nodded with a grin “Yes. She said you would guess it before I could give you the name. Wow…she really does know you well.”

“The hell she does!!” Erin spat harshly “She sent you to kill Brad?”

He laughed but shook his head “No, no…I guess you are not that bright after all. She didn’t find me, I found her. I was looking for you and traced around Kowloon until I got a few names. I looked them through the internet and found that Reina was locked up in prison. I came to her and she told me little things about you. How you are in a team called P.R.A., it works like a private agency that does special jobs for special people. I was truly impressed because I’ve been a spy for decades. I guess we were meant to be together.”

“Sick bastard.” She cursed and turned her eyes away angrily.

“Anyways…” he smiled despite her foul mood “She told me in return for me to find out your background and whereabouts, I would have to kill Brad. My priority was to get you so I promised her and got the job done...”

“She told you our secret codes and you broke them…” Erin finished for him.

“Precisely!” he nodded with gleam in his eyes “It took that long just to find you.”

Erin felt sick to her stomach. She was the cause of Brad’s death? All this time she thought he was just an innocent victim but it turned out to be planned? Her knees felt weak as they slumped down to the ground “Me…it was all me…”

TK tilted his head down at her with curiosity “Haven’t you mourn enough?”

She had lost him over something she couldn’t care to find out. Surely she had come to face reality that he was indeed dead but she never had closure. This was definitely not the closure she wanted to hear. Her heart ached as she clutched it suddenly. She felt short of breath. Half of her wanted to break down and die but the other half reminded her that Shelly needed her rescue. The team haven’t found her yet, not to mention Ted was probably blaming himseelf for the kidnapping “Shelly…” saying the name only reminded her of her duties.

“Don’t worry, your little darling sister is still breathing. Which reminds me, I forgot to feed her today.” He laughed “I would be a horrible pet owner.”

She turned her eyes up at him with disgust “Get out.” She growled.

“Yes, my future wife.” He bowed and began laughing again. It echoed throughout the corridors as Erin closed her eyes letting the vengeance soak into her blood.




Chapter 21

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung
Jordan Chan – Ah Bat

Days later Darren pulled out as many files as he could on Erin. It was hard to dig up the past when the files were burned down from the explosion at St. Mary’s Orphanage. He even traveled to the town where the home was built. Of course it was different now but the neighbors to the two homes remained the same. He asked questions and discovered answers he never thought possible. From there, he moved onto to the legal papers and found a mystery to the Yeung family that linked to Erin and Shelly’s disappearance. Ted on the other hand discovered more things about the Keung family than he anticipated. He quickly printed out the pages and rushed over to headquarters.

Without knocking he barged into Chuck’s office where he found him staring off into space “Chuck, I found it.” His hand was holding a file “Chuck?” he noticed the lieutenant was still out of it.

Chuck turned over to Ted “Have you ever got the feeling that you are forgetting something?”

Ted nodded “Yeah, it could eat me alive if I let it. But just relax your mind, it’ll come to you eventually. You won’t believe what I found.” He slapped the file on Chuck’s desk “Apparently the Keung and Yeung family were close friends. It traveled back three whole generations, not counting Erin’s.” Chuck skimmed through the pages “They even moved together from Tong Lau Wan to Kowloon one year. The families have been neighbors for a very long time.”

“So what does TK want with Erin?”

“Both families’ inheritance.” Darren smiled at the doorway. In his hand was a thick file “I did some digging…I found this.” He handed Chuck the file “Looks like in order for TK to get his family and the Yeung’s inheritance, he would have to marry a Yeung. Shelly would fit too but I don’t think his goal is her, it’s Erin.”

“Because Shelly used a different last name…” Doug overheard as he entered along with Mia and Ryan. They arrived at the same time after Darren called Doug.

“News sure flies by fast.” Darren commented.

“So this guy wants to marry Erin so he could get the inheritance?” Mia stepped in closer to Chuck “How much are we talking about?”

Darren smiled “Let’s just say, she would have enough for two more generations.”

Doug let out a short whistle “Well at least we know he won’t kill her.”

“Where’s Becca?” Chuck asked suddenly.

“She’s with Ah Bat. He’s taking her around to find any sign of TK.” Doug advised.

“Good, at least she’ll be out of trouble.” Chuck snickered “Do we know why Erin never inherited her share?”

Darren shook his head “That part was hazy. I don’t know why the lawyer did not contact her when the homes burned down. Instead she was taken straight to the orphanage.”

“Does she have any other family? Uncles…aunts…distant cousins, perhaps?” Mia asked with curiosity “I’ve always found it hard to believe a person can become an orphan. Families are very large nowadays.”

“Maybe her relatives don’t live here?” Doug began to analyze “It was a fire after all…it could have easily burned down any contacts that they might have. There are many ‘ifs’ that we don’t know about and I don’t think it will help if we keep asking that question.”

“Doug’s right.” Darren nodded in agreement “Our best bet is to find them before that freak makes her marry him.” He turned to Ted who seemed to have a worried expression plastered on his face.

“He might be using Shelly as hostage because Erin would easily turn down the idea.” Ryan observed carefully “Anyways, who knows what he would do next.”

Ted made an overview “Okay, so he definitely will not kill the girls. But he has to marry one of the Yeung girls in order to get the inheritance worth millions. What will happen if he can’t succeed?” he asked Darren.

“He won’t get a single dime.” Darren concluded, “I don’t have all the legal documents but I found the law office that the two families signed at, too bad it’s been closed for years. Maybe I can dig up more dirt?”

“Sounds good.” Chuck spoke up “Nice work everyone. Now we’re thinking like agents.”


Becca followed Ah Bat like an owl on a rat. She didn’t let him out of her sight, each time he looked ready to run off, she would be one step in front. He would always play it off and casually walk around the bars. She grew tired of his games when he excused himself to go to the bathroom. She counted twenty seconds and barged in. Just as she suspected, he was climbing through the vents above one of the stalls “Going somewhere?” she mocked.

“No…of course not…I was…the…just…um…” he stammered.

She kicked the stall door open and he fell back against the wall with a thud. His foot slipped and he fell to the ground crookedly. Becca shook her head “So you want to play rough.” She nodded as she reached down and pulled him to his feet with her hands on his collar shirt. She threw him outside and he slid against the slippery tiled floor.

“I’m sorry, I won’t do it again…” he begged desperately.

Becca curled her hand around her ear “What? I’m sorry, I don’t understand DOG language!” she kicked him in the shin as he let out a yelp.

Some guys entered as they looked at them strangely “What’s going on?” one guy finally asked.

“The bitch cheated on me.” Becca replied without looking away from Ah Bat.

“Shit…” the guy shook his head and left the restroom “It’s nothing to see!” He yelled at the group huddling outside.

Ah Bat limped back after he struggled to get up on his feet “Please…I promise, I won’t run…I promise.”

“What? Do it again?” Becca asked loudly as she quickly attacked him. Her feet kicked from his face to his stomach “It’s your lucky day, I haven’t done my taekwondo practice yet. You get to be my dummy!” she put on the full attack mode. By the time she was finished with him, her breathing quickened and he was near unconscious. Becca bent down while he coughed and touched the bruised places on his face “Now do you want to play?”

He shook his head profusely “No…no…I’ve learned my lesson.”

“Really?” Becca asked “I don’t think you have.” She reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a handcuff. She put it over his wrists.

“You’re not a cop, you can’t do that.” He said.

His smart remark earned a smack over the head “Dogs are not suppose to talk back!” Becca scolded as she yanked him to his feet “This way, you can’t run.”

“I still have my feet.” He rolled his eyes.

“Oh, another smart ass comment.” She kicked him in the shin and before he fell to his knees, she used her hands to yank him up “I think you’re the kind of person who doesn’t get scared. I can deal with that.” She nodded as she pulled out a chain and linked it to his cuffs “But I think YOU need to save face.” She pointed at his face and pulled him along like a dog.

His head lowered as he tried hard to hide his face when they were in the center of the bar. Becca wrung the chains twice around her hands as she pulled him along over her shoulder. People pointed and laughed at the ridiculous scene and some even recognized Ah Bat. When they got outside, he turned to her “Okay, you’ve embarrassed me enough, can you let the chains go now? I feel like a dog.”

“Good it’s working!” Becca laughed as she pulled him along the streets. He quickly caught up to her so it seemed like they were walking next to each other. It didn’t amuse Becca too much as she quickened her pace. Soon the two were jogging alongside and then it turned to a sprint. She wasn’t going to let him win and he wasn’t about to give up.

He was the first to lose steam as he began panting and leaning on his knees, he shook his hand at Becca “I can’t…run…any…more…tired…” he seated himself in the busy street while she hovered over him.

“Come on…I was just…having fun.” She laughed tiredly, but her body told her to relax. She pointed at him “I’m not taking off the cuffs.” She warned.

“Fine…” he nodded, still trying to catch his breath. Suddenly, he glanced over her shoulder and then around in a circle “Where are we?”

“The bay.” Becca said casually.

"That’s his car.” He pointed at the red Accord.

She eyed him carefully “Don’t mess with me.”

“I’m not!” he pointed again “I swear it’s his car.” Becca turned and found TK wearing a dark trench coat and he had on sunglasses eventhough it was dark. She turned and placed her hand over his mouth as she pushed him into an alley.

She looked around the corner and saw him driving off. She reached into her pocket and called Doug “Hey, I found him. He’s here in Tong Lau Wan. I’m going to follow him. I think he’s heading to the docks.” She quickly hung up and rushed out of the alley to catch a cab.

“You don’t need me…”

“Get in!” Becca ordered. She turned to the driver “Follow that Accord.”

“Are we on a chase? I don’t want any criminals in my car.” The guy drove off but he glanced back and saw Ah Bat’s cuffs.

“See! Now people think I’m a criminal!” he pushed his hand in her face “Take them off now.”

“Are you demanding from me?” Becca asked with her eyes glaring with fury “I can easily turn you in to Ted. I’m sure he can find many felony counts you have already done.” She threatened. He didn’t respond only turned away “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” She snickered.

“Miss, the car is pulling into the dock, I can’t drive inside. I have to drop you off here.” The driver pulled to the side and Becca quickly got out yanking Ah Bat with her.

“Pay him.” She ordered. He knew better than to argue with her as he paid the guy and allowed Becca to pull him into the gates “Where do you think he’s going?”

“To the dock.” Ah Bat replied sarcastically.

She turned to him with annoyance “My temper is THIS…” she squeezed her thumb and index finger together “big right now. So if you want to piss me off some more, keep talking.” She said through gritted teeth. He tilted his head away while his eyes rolled upwards. They were not quicker than the car as she spotted the car was parked and he was nowhere near it. She looked around curiously but there was not a soul in sight. She walked deeper until they were on a pier, that was when she heard the motor of a speed boat coughing and then running off. The contact the boat made with the water made a splashing sound where she followed with her eyes, but there was barely any light around “Damn, he got away!”

She heard the sound of a car pulling up behind them as she turned and found the team jumping out of the van. They rushed over to her “Where is he?” Chuck asked.

“Gone.” Becca said with disappointment.

“At least we know that they’re being fed.” Ah Bat said with a snicker. They turned to him strangely and he elaborated, “He always drops by the convenient store and comes back out with bags of stuff.”

“Freak’s got a point.” Becca nodded at him.

“You think he’s hiding the girls on an island?” Ted wondered out loud.

“I wouldn’t be surprised, but there are too many to check.” Chuck observed as he took a few steps forward, he could almost hear the engine of the boat in the distance “By the time we find it, he would already have moved them.”

“What now?” Darren asked.

“Put a homing device on his car. At least we’ll be able to follow him. We’ll meet back tomorrow.” He turned to team with a nod.

“Yes, sir.” They answered sporadically.