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The Zodiac of PRAIII: Revenge - by Jenny Tran

Chapter 22

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Athena Chu – Sheila Kam
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung

TK returned that night with bread and milk. It was the simplest things he could find. He entered Erin’s cell first “Dinner is here…” he laughed as he settled it on the ground “Actually, it’s more like breakfast.”

Her head was leaned on the wall “I’m not hungry.”

He turned up to look at her “I’m not going to let you starve.”

“I don’t care.” She said without energy.

“Don’t you want enough energy to kill me?” he asked ironically.

“No, I don’t care what happens to you. I only care about Shelly. Go feed her.” Erin had counted the days she was there. Four days and three nights to be exact. She hasn’t eaten in two days. She had lost hope and a part of her didn’t want to be found.

TK let out a sigh as he got up and walked over to her with two slices of bread “She’s nice and plump, I guarantee it.”

“Your word is like shit to me.” Erin said. Her eyes were tired and red.

“Yes. It probably is. But you have no choice, you have to believe me. Because if you don’t, then your precious little sister is already dead.” TK said reasonably. He seem to read her mind without even trying.

“Reina taught you that?” Erin asked with her eyes closed.

“No and yes. I learned that crap from that book. Human Sociology by Dr. Ethan Chan.” He arched his neck up with importance “The guy’s a geek if you ask me. But he’s got some good points. Did you know that some psychologists use hypnotism to get serial killers to tell him everything?”

“I don’t care.” Erin opened her eyes and looked at him in the eye “I don’t care about the book, I don’t care about serial killers and I don’t care about YOU!!!!” she yelled in his face. Her veins were popping out of her neck “You killed him!!” she couldn’t help the tears that found it’s way out “Why? What did he do wrong?” she reached out suddenly and grabbed the guy’s shoulder, her nails digging into his shoulder “He didn’t deserve to die…” she choked out “Why…” she began sobbing while her head lowered.

For the first time, he actually felt remorse as he reached out and hugged her unexpectedly “I didn’t know you would take it so hard…For whatever its worth…I’m sorry.”

“Shut up!” Erin yelled as she pushed him away and he stumbled back on his butt “Get out!” she pointed to the door “Now! I don’t want to see your face or hear your voice.”

He put up his hands in defense “Okay…okay…just calm yourself. I’ll go.” He grabbed the bags and left her to sob. He locked the door and shook his head sadly “Sorry…” he whispered and continued on down the hall to his left. He opened the door and walked inside “Hi.” He greeted Shelly.

She cornered herself into a ball “Go away.” She uttered.

“What is with you Yeung girls?” he asked with a touch of annoyance.

“What? Is Ga Jei here?” Shelly asked as she pushed herself up and over to him “Where is she? Is she okay?”

TK nodded “She’s fine. Now eat your dinner.”

“No, I want to see her!” Shelly raced for the door but he was quicker “Please, I want to see her!” she begged.

“No. That will ruin my plans.” TK said calmly “She is safe. Trust me. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” He smiled sweetly “We need a maid of honor.”

Shelly backed away slowly “What?”

“Yeah, I’m gonna be your brother in law.” He pointed to himself with a laugh “We’re going to be so rich!!” he exclaimed. He let out laugh so psychotic that it brought shivers down her spine and goosebumps erupted her skin “Well that is if you play your cards right. If you don’t cooperate, don’t even think about seeing your sister and boyfriend again.”

Her lips quivered as he laughed and laughed again. She sat down on the ground while he left the food with her. Her eyes tear up just the thought of Erin being in the same place, she wanted so desperate to see her. She wanted her sister to hug her and tell her it would be okay and they would catch this maniac and put him away for life. But at the moment, her hopes were devoured by the echoing laugh of TK.


Darren found the old lawyer that did the paper work for the Yeung and Keung families. He had retired ages ago and resides in a humble apartment in Sa Tin. He knocked on the door and it was answered by a young girl, probably no older than 16 “Can I help you?” she asked through the metal door.

“I’m here to see Mr. Cheung.” Darren nodded with a friendly smile.

“My grandfather or father?” she asked.

“Grandfather.” Darren replied.

The girl decided he was not dangerous as she let him in “He’s really old and a little senile, he might not remember you.” The girl advised.

“It’s okay. I just have a few questions.” Darren nodded at the girl as she went to fetch the old man. She pushed him out in a wheelchair and served tea for them “Mr. Cheung?” the old man nodded without alertness “I’m Darren Chiu. I’m a close family friend of the Yeungs’ and Keungs’. They were wondering where the legal documents for the inheritance is?”

“Documents?” the man asked questioningly.

“Yes. I’m a family lawyer. I took over when you retired but we could not locate you for you moved too fast.” Darren tried to convince the old man. He had practiced the dialogue for quite some time and knew he had perfect it when the man smiled with recollection.

“Ying.” He turned to his granddaughter “In my room, there is a red file in the drawer beside my bed. Bring it out.”

“Yes.” She replied obediently and retrieved the file minutes later. She handed it to him and in return he gave it to Darren.

“How are the families now? I vaguely remember the fire. Were the kids saved?” his memory failure still allowed him to remember some things.

“The Yeung’s two daughters are well and the Keung’s son is good too.” He felt no need to be honest. He opened the file and skimmed through the signed papers “Was there any witnesses when the parents signed the forms?”

“Yes, Mrs. Yeung’s brother was present.” Darren’s eyes lit up, Erin and Shelly had an uncle. “But I recall her telling me he was a traveler and didn’t like to be in one place.” The old man nodded.

Darren flipped to the signature page and pinned his finger down until he reached ‘witness’. The name he read made his stomach flip “Him…” he turned and thanked the old lawyer as he prepared to leave.

Chuck was sitting around in the conference room with his laptop open, the homing device worked like a charm. For some reason, TK was back on land “Where do you think he goes?” Mia wondered out loud as she followed the trail on the screen.

“More guns? We don’t know what he’s thinking.” Ted shook his head with his hand balled up at his chin “What does the Mayor have to do with this?”

Ryan slapped his hand on the desk when he thought of something. His face beamed “That’s it! Don’t you see? The Mayor has the power to marry two people. If this freak is trying to get Erin to marry him, he couldn’t just walk into a city hall. So why not…”

“Kidnap the Mayor and make him sign the documents.” Becca nodded as she slowly smiled. She pushed him on the shoulder “Wow, you just solved one question. It’s not official, but let me welcome you to the team.” She reached out and shook his hand.

“I don’t think you have the power, Becca.” Doug laughed and she stuck her tongue out at him.

“He’s a freak if you ask me.” Mia snickered.

“Has anyone heard from Darren?” Chuck asked. The group shook their heads “I guess I can update him later. Becca, make sure Ah Bat is still alive. How long have you kept him hostage in that room?” Chuck asked.

She shrugged “Don’t know.”

He noticed her itching her ear “What’s wrong now?”

“It’s this ear piece. It doesn’t fit me.” She pulled it out.

“That’s because it was made to fit Jessie’s ear.” Ted said.

Becca looked disgusted as she tossed it away “Ew…why didn’t you ever tell me?!!”

Doug caught it with ease as he rolled it around his fingers “No one can fit hers.” It was a double meaning and obvious to Becca. His face twisted with disgust as he tossed it over to Chuck “Ew, it’s been in Becca’s ear!!” he began wiping his hand on Ted’s shirt.

“Very mature.” Ted rolled his eyes while Mia laughed.

Chuck caught the device and then his brows wrinkled. That was the thing he had forgotten about! He could have punched himself “Damn!” he cursed and pushed his chair back to go to his office.

The five looked at each other strangely “I think he forgot to pee.” Becca guessed.

“No, I think it’s more important than that.” Ted got up and motioned for the team to follow him. They approached his office and found Chuck rummaging through his drawers “Did you lose something?”

“I can’t believe I forgot about it! So stupid!!” he yelled at himself. Somehow the device had rolled off his desk and into the corner of the room.

Mia was the one that found it, she walked over and picked it up “What is this?”

Chuck looked up with a brightened face “You found it!” he pulled it out of her fingers. Without explaining, he placed it in his ear “Erin, come in!”

Becca turned to Doug with widened eyes “I think he’s lost it.” She whispered.

“Shhh!” Mia turned to Becca to hush her “Chuck, is there something you should be telling us?”

He put up his hands to silence her “Erin, come in. Can you hear me? Erin!” he gave up after minutes of trying. He turned to the team “I guess I should explain.”

“Yes! You should.” Darren walked in as he threw the wrinkled old red folder at Chuck.

“Darren, what’s going on? Why are you so mad?” Mia asked in confusion.

“You know.” Chuck lowered his head with embarrassment.

Becca shook her head “Okay, someone explain something.”

Ted turned to Darren “What did you find?”

Darren pointed a finger at Chuck “Our trustworthy lieutenant has been hiding a lie since the first day he met us!” he spat with anger “How could you not tell us you’re Erin’s uncle?”

“What??!!” the group blurted out in unison.

“You were present when they signed the inheritance paper! You are the girls’ mother’s brother. What is your motive in this? Why did you have to keep this secret? Is it because the documents say if the inheritance doesn’t go to the Yeung or Keung’s that you would be the rightful owner of the money?” Darren accused.

Chuck widened his eyes “What?”

“Right, you like to play dumb!” Darren shook his head “I can’t believe you. You would sabotage your own nieces’ lives so you can get some money. Tell me, is your conscience dead?”

“No wonder he was so nice to her.” Becca snickered.

“Chuck, is this true?” Ted asked, he didn’t want to believe it himself.

“Yes, I knew Erin and Shelly were my nieces, but I just recently found out.” Chuck explained with earnest eyes “And I did NOT know about the inheritance plan. I was just present when my sister asked me to sign. I didn’t read anything!” he insisted.

Darren turned away in disbelieve while Doug read Chuck’s reaction “Okay, let’s say you’re telling the truth. How do you explain the ear piece?”

Chuck turned to Ted for backup “Remember a couple of days ago, I told you there was something that I can’t remember?” Ted nodded blankly “Well, it was this.” He pulled out the black device and showed the team “This is the state of the art headset, which is not any different from what we’re using except that it cannot be tampered with. There is only two made at this time and I gave one to Erin. It was part of our plan for her to be kidnapped. She was to use this as a contact device with me. Blame it on my old age or clumsiness but I forgot all about it. She might have tried to contact me before but gave up because I didn’t answer. It just occurred to me right now.”

Becca rolled her eyes “Sounds good.” She said with much sarcasm.

“It is the truth, whether you believe it or not.” Chuck said firmly “I would not put her in any danger if I knew she could not handle it. Trust me, the lie has been eating me alive, I wanted nothing more than to tell her the truth, but I knew she could not handle it. She’s barely gotten over Brad’s death or maybe she’s not even over it.”

Mia turned to the guys “What do you think?” she wanted to hear what they had to say.

Darren shook his head “Sounds like a bunch of crock to me... but I believe him.” He smiled when Chuck looked relieved “I was just testing you. The money doesn't go to you, it goes to the girls when Erin turns 35. TK on the other hand doesn't get a dime. Apparently, his father didn't favor him too much.”

Ted nodded “You have given us no reason to suspect you. I believe you.”

“I have to follow the crowd.” Doug replied with a grin.

Ryan shrugged “It’s believable.”

“Oh come on guys!!” Becca pointed, “He’s clearly lying to our faces. I say we sign a petition and get him out of the team!!” The guys shook their heads as she turned to Mia “Are you with me? Woman power!” she raised her hand.

“Sorry Becca, I’m with the guys on this one.” Mia said apologetically.

“You’re welcome to leave if you want.” Chuck nodded at the door. He had a victory grin on his face that she wanted to wipe off with her butt.

Becca let out a long sigh “Fine.”

“You’re leaving?” Doug asked with curious eyes.

“No!” she snapped “But if he takes us down, don’t come crying to me!”

“Okay, Ted you keep the ear piece. I’m tired of sitting around and waiting. We’re going to search all the islands around until we find them. Even if it takes three days!” Chuck handed over the piece as he turned to the rest “I’ll be here and keeping in contact. You guys get ready. I’ll have Joe set up speedboats for you guys. Darren and Ted, you take one. Doug and Becca, you take the other. Mia and Ryan, you take the third one.”

Doug raised his hand causing everyone to pause “Can I change partners?”

Becca tilted her head slyly “What’s wrong? Can’t handle a REAL woman?”

“No, I’m afraid I might accidentally push you off the boat if you tried to caress me or something.” Doug replied.

“Oh get over yourself! It’s only fun if you like it.” Becca snapped.

“I’ve decided.” Chuck ordered “Now MOVE out!!” he roared in command.




Chapter 23

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Louis Koo – Brad Chung aka Leo
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Athena Chu – Sheila Kam
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung

The boats were set up as the team prepared to separate. Darren, Mia and Becca had maps in their hands while the other three were in charge of steering. Before they left, Ted turned to the team “Let’s stay in contact and don’t go anywhere without your partners.” They nodded in agreement and took off at the speed of light. The engine roared as the boat cascaded with the ocean.

Three boats separated in different directions. Mia and Ryan were the first to come upon a small island “Pisces and….we never gave you a sign.” She turned to Ryan.

“Call him Sagittarius.” Chuck already thought of his sign.

“Now that’s a tongue twister!” Becca cracked.

Mia turned to Ryan with a smile “Well, we’re on Island C. I doubt they’ll be here, it’s the closest one around. I think he would chose the furthest one.” She reported.

Chuck replied, “Just go in and take a look. Looks can be deceiving.”

“You could say that again.” Becca snorted.

Darren laughed “If you spent as much time concentrating as you do picking on Chuck, our missions would be a cinch.”

“And if you spent as much time criticizing me—”

“Guys, I think I found something.” Doug interrupted Becca and Darren’s quarrel.

“Elaborate Virgo.” Chuck said as he zoomed in on their location. In front of him were three screens, the cameras were on Doug, Ted and Mia’s sunglasses.

“It’s deserted.” Doug replied “Not a soul in sight. Do you see anything strange?” he asked Becca.

“Negative.” Becca replied. He turned to her with an exasperated look “What? You asked, I answered.”

Doug shook his head as he killed the engine “Let’s go check it out, smartass.” He jumped into the shallow waters as he turned and helped Becca down “Footsteps.” He reported “A lot of them. Could be TK’s.”

“Or maybe just a person that’s been abandoned?” Becca took a wild guess.

“Keep looking guys.” Chuck ordered “Ted how about you and Darren?” there was a moment of silence “Guys?” he asked again.

“I think we’ve lost them.” Mia sighed. She rushed back to the boat with Ryan on her heels “Island C is clear.”

“Okay, move on to D.” Chuck advised.

Darren turned to Ted after he just announced their arrival on Island A “I think we lost them.” He said gravely “Maybe we hit the jackpot.” He turned to the island.

Ted nodded “I’m thinking the same.” He reached up to touch his left ear where the black earpiece was “Scorpio, can you hear me? Scorpio?” he turned to Darren “She’s not responding.”

“Maybe she’s not here?” Darren wondered as they jumped off the boat and took a look around. It looked like a ghost town.

“Even if she’s not, our radar is supposed to pick up as long as she has her earpiece on.” Ted observed as he walked through the bushes and the tall trees covered an old stoned building “What do you think that is?” he pointed.

TK was smoking in the long corridors when he heard the sound of a speedboat getting closer “Shit!” he cursed and flicked the cigarette out of his fingers. He rushed towards the door and peeked through the crack, he saw Ted and Darren talking to each other in code. He quickly turned around the corner and saw a small fire had started on a group of twigs and leaves “Damn!” he cursed again, if they see the smoke, it will give his hideout away. He pulled off his jacket and began hitting the flames. Suddenly, the flames erupted at the collar of his jacket and made a bursting sound. He had drank the night before and spilled some alcohol on himself. The flames picked up too fast. He quickly dropped the jacket into the flames when a gust of wind blew in. He knew they had entered. TK didn’t have time to get the girls but he had time to get the Mayor who was hidden in the bathroom stall of the jail. There was an emergency exit there as he grabbed the gagged man and left.

Darren took a whiff “Do you smell that?”

“Is that smoke?” Ted asked as they rounded the corner and followed the scent. They saw the smoke and the fire was building by the second.

“Team, report to Island A. If you can hear me, everyone, report to Island A!” his gut feeling told him Erin and Shelly were there.

Ryan and Mia were on the verge of docking on Island D when they got Chuck’s message “Shortcut.” Mia turned the boat in a 90 degree turn and sped off so quick, it knocked Ryan off his feet. She glanced behind her “You okay?”

He nodded while laughing, “Warn me next time before you do that.”

“Dually noted.” Mia smiled.

Becca and Doug were on their way back to the boat when they heard Chuck’s call. The two picked up speed and began sprinting and hurdling through bushes to get to the boat quicker. Becca underestimated the height of the branch she jumped over and was pulled back when her leg got caught on the edge. There was a slight hill where they were at causing Becca to make a few flips before she caught herself.

Doug heard a loud thump as he turned “Becca!” he ran over to her and bent down “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” She nodded but the blood crawled up to her face “Just give me a hand.” She leaned onto Doug for support and he pulled her up with one arm “No…no…I’m not okay.” She groaned in pain as she sat back down “I think I broke it.” She bit her lip to keep from crying out in pain.

“Guys, we have an injured agent.” Doug replied, “I repeat, Gemini is hurt.”

“Maybe it’s just an excuse to get Virgo to touch her.” Mia teased while Ryan laughed.

Doug shook his head “No, she’s getting pale. I think she broke her ankle. Should I take her back Chuck?”

“No.” Becca replied as she wiped the cold sweat off her forehead “Keep going. They need help.” She pushed her hand onto Doug’s shoulder to try to get up on one leg “I can hop.”

Doug shook his head as he watched her reaching the trees for support. He let out a sigh and looked above the sky “I’m sorry Jessie.” He walked over and reached under her knees and wrapped one arm around her waist as he picked her up with ease. Becca was startled as she clumsily grabbed onto his shoulder “Hey, you’re not as heavy as I imagined.” He joked while walking briskly back to their boat.

“Is she heavier?” Ryan asked making Mia crack up. Then her face fell when she saw the smoke “Why is there smoke?” Ryan asked, fear taking over as they docked and he quickly jumped off the boat.

Mia pointed to Darren and Ted’s boat “I think we’re in the right place. Chuck, Pisces and Sagittarius are reporting…Chuck?” she turned to Ryan “Come on.” She rushed around the right side and they came upon the building that was burning “It’s stone…how could it be in flames?” she asked out loud.

“Looks like a jail.” He pointed to the small-barred windows. How do we get inside?” he took small steps around the corner and he felt something strange at the bottom of his foot. He bent down and pulled his shoe off.

“What is it?” Mia asked.

“Shelly’s necklace!” Ryan exclaimed. He stood up and began screaming “Shelly!!! Shelly! It’s me Ryan. Answer me!!!” he yelled.

“Maybe the smoke already got to her?” Mia asked.

Ryan turned to her and squatted down while his fingers interlinked and he straightened his arm “Come on.” He nodded to Mia. She knew what he meant as she stepped her foot onto his fingers and he pushed her up to look inside.

“Too much smoke.” She waved her hand in front of her face “I can’t see anything! Shelly!! Are you in there?”

“Help…help me…” Shelly barely had enough strength to call for help.

“She’s in there!” Mia hopped down to the ground. Ryan was ahead of her as he rushed back to the entrance. They came upon a door as he tried the knob, it was scalding hot “Careful.” Mia warned. She looked around and found an old rag as she picked it up and used it as a mitten. The door gave way and a gush of black smoke erupted.

Ryan took a deep breath as he pushed his way inside. He could barely see through the smoke but even that didn’t stop him from saving Shelly. He found her room and took a few steps back. Using his full strength he kicked the already opened door. It looked like someone had tried to let her out “Shelly!!” he called when he saw her unconscious. He picked her up and rushed her outside where the air was cleaner.

Mia bent down next to Ryan “You watch her, I’ll find the others.”

“Be careful.” He nodded as he watched her rush off.

“Erin!! ERIN, answer me!!!” Ted called but it seemed useless, she was not going to answer. The flames and smoke began to devour the corridors and if it wasn’t for the opened door, they would be suffocating.

“What now?” Darren asked anxiously “What if she’s unconscious?”

“I don’t care, I’ll find her.” Ted closed his nose vents and began walking around the flames to each door. He kicked them open one by one “Erin, I know you could hear me. Answer me, please…” he was desperately trying to get to her “I never told you this, but Brad called me two days before he was killed. He told me that if anything happened to him that he wanted me to take care of you. How could you have the heart to let him down like that? Don’t you see, he saw it coming. But his only concern was for you to be safe. Please…answer me.” His eyes were red from the smoke “Erin, if you don’t answer, I’m not leaving!”

Darren stood at the end of the hall as he noticed the flame taking over another bush of twigs. Parts of the jail were made of wood and that part was taken by the flames. “Ted!! Come on!!! The flames are growing!! You’ll be burned to death!!”

But Ted continued to ignore the warnings “I’m not leaving Erin.” Ted said solemnly.

Erin was curled up in the corner of her cell, her eyes wet with tears while the smoke continued to invade her lungs. She wanted to just die, she had lost hope when the smoke began. She only prayed that Shelly was saved, as for herself she didn’t care. She heard Ted’s call and the earpiece was in her ear the whole time but she didn’t want to reply. Her eyes felt heavy as they began to shut and that was when she saw Brad. He stood in a smoke filled room waving for her “Come on, Erin. You have to go.”

“Brad…” she called softly.

Ted paused when he heard her voice “Erin! Where are you? Erin! Answer me!!”

“You can’t stay here. You have to go.” Brad tried again with his hand hither her over.

“I have to go…” she repeated his words and slowly got up and walked over to Brad, his hand outstretched as it pulled her along. Erin’s eyes snapped opened “Ted…” she pushed herself up and felt her knees go weak. With the lack of food, she didn’t have the strength to walk “Ted.”

“Erin!” he was happy to hear her voice “Where are you? I need you to direct me.” Then he began coughing uncontrollably.

Darren was outside as he raced around the building to find another entrance that wasn’t trapped by smoke. He turned the corner at the same time Mia was coming and they collided “Mia…” he got up and rushed to her assistance “You okay?”

“Yeah.” She nodded “Where’s Ted?”

“He’s trying to find Erin. There’s too much smoke inside. I’m trying to find another entrance. Did you find Shelly?”

She nodded vigorously “Ryan is with her. What do we do now?”

He shook his head and looked around, he found a black box hidden to the side of a tree “What is that?” The two stepped closer and their earpieces began screeching in their ear drums. Mia and Darren winced painfully as they reached up and turned off their earpieces “We found his little magic box.” Darren reached down as he picked up the machine and hailed it into a tree. It crashed to the ground and they activated their head sets “Chuck, do you read me?”

He had been watching wavy lines for a whole ten minutes on his screen until he heard Darren’s voice. Chuck’s brows arched up “Yes. I can hear you. What is going on? I see smoke everywhere.” the pictures cleared up.

“This place is going to burn down. Erin and Ted are still inside!” Mia said with urgency.

“We have to save them!” Becca’s voice came on after they came upon the island.

“No! I don’t want any of you guys in danger. Ted will get her out.” Chuck was confident. With his fingers crossed, he silently prayed that Ted would not fail him “Is Shelly safe?”

“Yes, Ryan is with her now.” Mia reported.

Ted could hear the team on one side of his ear “Erin, I need your help! What room are you in?” he asked between coughs.

Erin knew she would only faint if she tried to stand again, instead she began slithering like a snake. She came upon the door and used her elbow to open it. But the door was scalding hot “It’s too hot. I don’t know which room this is. Just go Ted! Save yourself, I don’t want you to die with me.”

“You’re NOT going to die!!” Ted cried “I won’t let you!” he continued down the row and kicked down as many doors as he could. The fire caught up with Ted as it began to take his sleeve. He pat off the small flame and kicked the next door down. It swung open and he saw Erin sprawled out on the floor to his right “Erin!” he wasted no time as he reached down and picked her up.

“He’s found her!” Mia looked up at Darren with a beaming face. She reached out and hugged him suddenly “She’s okay.” Darren laughed as he spun her in circles. Her arms were wrapped around his neck and they slowly broke apart. Mia was blushing as she lowered her eyes “Sorry…”

He shook his head with a smile “Don’t apologize.”

Doug was supporting Becca when he saw the two embraced happily. The two exchanged glances “What’s with them?” Becca wondered.

“Team, come in.” Chuck called “Give me a status.”

Ted burst through the back door and saw Ryan with Shelly “Erin is okay.” His face was smeared with black soot “We might need an ambulance though.” He nodded at Ryan and then turned his head to Erin’s attention. She had fainted from exhaustion.

“It’s on its way.” Chuck replied. He had made a call for the Harbor Patrol when their signal was back up.




Chapter 24

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Kenix Kwok – Rebecca Heung aka Gemini
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan
Athena Chu – Sheila Kam
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck

The team was rushed to Yan Sum Hospital where Shelly and Erin were treated for their smoke filled lungs. Darren and Ted were overlooked by the nurses and concluded that they were okay. The rest were in the waiting room. Chuck came in 15 minutes after the team had arrived “How are they?” was the first question he asked.

“They’re okay.” Doug nodded as he got up “The doctor is looking over the girls.”

“How about Ted and where’s Darren?” Chuck asked hurriedly.

Mia smiled “They’ll be okay. The nurses are checking on them.”

Becca rolled her eyes “How are you Becca? Oh, I just broke my ankle, I’ll be fine.” She snickered with envy.

Chuck turned to her “You’re still alive?”

“Unfortunately, since I can still see your face.” She smiled with daggers in her eyes.

Ted and Darren returned to the team minutes later “Are you two okay?” Mia asked, her eyes directing more towards Darren.

“I’m okay.” Darren nodded “Just a little too much smoke for my lungs. Ted had to have them cleaned out.”

Becca winced painfully “Ouch.”

“I can only imagine Erin. She was locked in there longer than Shelly. Good thing Ryan reacted quickly.” Ted complimented.

Ryan smiled humbly “I just did what I had to do.”

Just then there was a knock on the door “Hello everyone. I’m Dr. Liu. I just wanted to tell you that Sheila Kam will be just fine. Her lungs were washed out and her eyes were inspected. You can visit her now.”

Everyone turned to Ryan as he got up “I’m going to go see her.” He left the room while the rest waited for Erin’s news.

After an hour, they grew worried “What is taking so long?” Ted asked as he paced back and forth, he was in mood to sit.

Becca closed her eyes as she put one hand over her forehead “What’s wrong?” Doug asked trying not to sound overly concerned.

“He’s making me dizzy.” She pointed at Ted.

“Hey man.” He got Ted’s attention and nodded his head to Becca.

“Sorry.” Ted mumbled as he took a seat next to Chuck.

“She’ll be okay.” Chuck assured him “She survived that fire, she could survive anything.”

Mia quickly chimed in “Yeah, we know how strong she is.”

Darren and Ted met eyes as they lowered their head “Maybe not.” Darren commented.

“What do you mean?” Mia looked confused.

“She almost gave up.” Ted explained, “If it wasn’t for Brad, she wouldn’t have answered me.”

“Brad?” Becca looked up “You mean his spirit?”

“I don’t know.” Ted sighed tiredly “She called his name a few times and then a moment later she was calling me for help. I don’t know what happened and if she saw Brad. But I’m worried about her.” He turned to Chuck “What if she ends up having asthma and can’t work? She’ll be devastated.”

Chuck nodded at Ted “She’ll be okay. Have a little faith.”

The room grew with silent prayers as everyone hoped Erin would be okay. The doctor entered and Ted was instantly on his feet “How is she?!” he asked anxiously.

He nodded at them “She had a much more severe condition than Sheila. Her lungs had a layer of black soot. We cleaned as much as we could. Her eyes were a little wet and on top of that, the smoke got inside it. Her vision might be impaired. We don’t know until she wakes up.”

“She’s going to be blind?” Becca asked in shock.

“She can’t be blind!!” Ted cried.

“We are not positive.” The doctor emphasized. "We don’t how bad the damage in her eyes are until she wakes up.” The group was silent “You can visit her now, she might be a little woozy but she needs support more than anything.”

No one moved as Chuck patted Ted on the shoulder “Why don’t you go in first?”

He turned to him like a zombie and nodded. When he got to Erin’s room, he noticed the light was dimmed and her eyes were closed. Her hands were clasped over one another. Silently he took the chair next to her, she must have sensed his entrance as she opened her eyes and turned to him “Ted?”

“Yeah.” He whispered, the lump in his throat grew as he watched her stare at him blankly “How are you feeling?”

“Like I haven’t slept in days. But I’m just glad to be back.” She pushed herself up as he helped her move the pillow behind her back “I want to thank you.” She smiled.

“Don’t. I had to do it, I wasn’t about to let you burn to death.” Ted reached for her hand as he gave it a little squeeze “You’ll be okay.”

She chuckled softly “Silly guy, of course I will be okay. I’m going back to work the minute I get out of this hospital.”

There was a soft knock on the door and it opened slowly, Mia peeked her head in “Sorry to interrupt, but we were anxious.”

Erin smiled as she waved her friend over “Come in! You know better than to be polite with me.”

Mia laughed nervously as she approached the bed and looked at Erin, who had dark circles around her eyes and she seemed be concentrating on the door. Darren followed Mia as he reached out and took Erin’s hand “I’m glad you’re okay.”

“Me too.” Erin nodded.

Becca was supported by Doug, her crutches would come later “I’m glad you’re taking this okay.”

“What do you mean?” Erin looked confused. She followed her head towards the voice of her friend.

“She’s just rambling.” Doug said quickly “Don’t mind her. She broke her ankle.”

“You did?” Erin asked with concern “How did that happen?”

“It’s not important.” Becca noticed the glares she was receiving from her teammates.

Chuck inched his way over and sat down on the bed next to Erin. He smiled at her “I have to tell you something, Erin.”

She tilted her head at him with a smile “You’re not going to confess your love to me in front of everyone are you?”

“No, that would be disturbing.” Becca retorted “And I’d be the first to call the cops.”

Erin laughed as she shook her head “What is it Chuck?” he opened his mouth to say something when she interrupted him “Wait. Ted, could you call the doctor inside? I want to know if he can take off the bandages on my eyes, I want to see everyone.”

Ted widened his eyes as he looked at Chuck. She didn’t have any bandages. Mia uttered a whimper and she quickly covered her mouth. Becca turned to Doug “Oh my God, she doesn’t know.” She whispered.

Mia moved away from the bed while Darren took over her other side “Erin…your bandages are off.” He said it so soft she had to concentrate to make out the words.

She reached her shaky hands to her eyes and noticed that was nothing covering them. Her hand waved in front of her eyes. She was hit with a dosage of reality “I’m blind.” Her voice quivered and her lips shook as she began crying.

“Erin, it’s going to be okay. The doctors didn’t say it would be permanent.” Ted quickly assured her.

“NO!” Erin pushed him away “I’m blind! How is that not permanent??” she shook her head vehemently “I have to get out of here…I have to find a better doctor…I can’t be blind.” She pulled the blanket off her legs and pushed her way while Chuck and Ted held her back “Let go of me!!”

Darren turned to Mia “Call the doctor.”

She nodded with tears in her eyes as she rushed out to retrieve a doctor. Instead, she found Ethan “Help! Erin…” she pointed to the room and Ethan frowned as he rushed inside.

She was struggling to get loose “She’s in shock.” Darren explained.

Ethan nodded as he found the anesthesia needle in a kit by her bed. They were prepared for her reaction. He pumped the medicine into the needle and shot her with it. Within seconds she relaxed her struggle and fell limply into Ted’s arms “How did she get like this?” he asked.

Ted settled her down on the bed as he answered “She just found out she’s blind.”

“From what?” Ethan asked calmly.

“Smoke.” Mia explained, “She’s been kidnapped for the past five days and when we got to her, there was a fire.”

“Black smoke…” Ethan nodded with realization.

“Can she be cured?” Doug asked.

Ethan turned to him with a shake of the head “It doesn’t look promising. Although I have seen a few patients regain their vision after being temporarily blinded. But those case scenarios are rare.”

“Is there any way to help her?” Chuck asked.

“Don’t leave her alone. She is very feeble at this point in time. I will do a couple of sessions with her, hopefully she will come out with her true feelings. Then we can slowly work on healing the pain and shock.” Ethan turned to the group with a smile “She’s very lucky to have you guys in her life. Good friends are hard to find.”

“Yes, they are.” Mia added, her eyes digging into Ethan’s.

He turned away uncomfortably “Well, I guess my work here is done. You guys know where to find me.”

“Wait. I’ll walk you back to your office.” Mia announced.

“He’s a big boy, I think he can find his way back by himself.” Becca added.

“Mind your own business.” Doug muttered.

Mia turned to Doug, who was trying hard to avoid eye contact with her “Doug, you come too.”

“But I’ve already seen his office!” he retorted.

“Doug.” She widened her eyes threateningly at him as he got up unwillingly and followed the two.

Becca turned to Darren, who followed Mia with curious eyes “You’re trailing behind. I think you better do something to gain some points.”

“What?” Darren asked, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I don’t think it gets anymore obvious than that.” Becca got up as she began hopping.

“Where are you going?” Darren walked over to support her.

She turned to him thankfully for the help “Get my crutches. I can’t hop like this for two weeks.” He laughed while helping her outside to find the right department.

“Are you going to tell Erin when she wakes up?” Ted asked Chuck, the only other person left in the room.

“Eventually.” Chuck smiled “I think she can only take one bad news at a time.”

“Are you kidding?” Ted arched his brows upward “That is great news! She always felt so lonely without any family. Until she found Shelly, I noticed that she was a little happier. If she knew she had an uncle, it could only brighten her day. Not to mention, she’s always gotten along with you.”

Chuck nodded “I know. I felt a connection with her but the thought of it being romantic gave me goose bumps. I knew it was a different kind of click.”

Ted smiled as he turned his attention back to Erin, who was sleeping peacefully now “I’ll take the first shift.”

“Okay. I’ll be back tomorrow.” Chuck patted him on the back “Take a rest, you’ve had a very long day.” Ted nodded but he still couldn’t tear his eyes away from her angelic face.