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The Zodiac of PRAIII: Revenge - by Jenny Tran

Chapter 25

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Julian Cheung - Doug Chung aka Virgo
Ekin Cheng – Ethan Chan
Bowie Lam – Tay Keung

Ethan walked into his office, curiosity taking over as he wondered why Mia needed to talk to him. Doug was fidgeting and making excuses to leave “Oh my! Look at the time. I need to go home and sleep.”

“You don’t sleep until 3 in the morning!” Mia snapped as she pointed into the office “Don’t make me use force.” She threatened.

Doug reluctantly entered as he took a seat on one of the chairs “What’s with her?” Ethan whispered while Mia closed the door.

“You’ll know.” Doug smiled sympathetically.

Mia pointed at Ethan and then to a chair “Sit.” She commanded. He looked at her strangely but took the empty seat next to Doug. Mia walked around the table and invaded Ethan's chair behind the desk “So, a little birdie told me a little secret. Do you want to hear it Ethan?” her grin was plastered on and he could almost sense something bad.

Ethan shrugged but his eyes did a double take on Doug, who was not looking at him in the eye “You told her, didn’t you!!” he pointed his finger at Doug.

“She threatened me!!” Doug cried in his own defense.

“With what? A cheesecake?” Ethan was just kidding but Doug’s blushing face gave it away “A cheesecake.” He said in defeat “Just like that one time she asked if you had any deep dark secrets and you said no. She gave you a slice and you were spilling it all out. I can’t believe you, Doug.” He said with disappointment “I asked you to keep ONE secret. It’s not brain surgery.”

“Hey, you were lucky I kept it for this long. You know me and secrets.” Doug replied weakly.

Mia waved her hand to get the guy’s attentions “Hello. Back to earth, freaks.” She cleared her throat “Okay…Ethan, do you have something to tell me?”

He shook his head slowly “Not that I know of. Cheesecake boy already told you everything.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” her voice softened “I had no idea and I even blamed you for getting into a fight.”

“You made her cry.” Doug added.

Mia tilted her head at him “Get out.” She pointed at the door.

“Hey, YOU ordered for me to join you!” he got up and stomped out the door.

She let out a sigh and turned back to Ethan, whose head was lowered. Mia got up and took Doug’s seat “I’m sorry.” She said earnestly.

He laughed forcefully “Why?”

“Don’t.” she shook her head “You’re always trying to make things light. I know I hurt your feelings. Please, next time tell me the truth. We’re friends, we shouldn’t have lies.”

Ethan leaned his head to the side with a content smile “You’ve grown Mia.” He observed.

She turned her eyes away slowly “You’re right. Do you miss the old Mia?”

“Sometimes. But not the one that always played tricks on me. This Mia is more mature and has learned to think for herself as well as others.” Ethan observed.

“I guess the amnesia helped?” she laughed “I should thank Reina the next time I visit her.”

“You are still seeing her?” Ethan asked with concern.

Mia nodded “It’s like I’m drawn to her. I go back every once in a while to ask her questions. I can feel that she is very angry and sad. She’s really hurting but she masks it with hatred. I wish she could open up more.”

“Mia, this is a dangerous game you’re playing. I think you should stop seeing Reina. Your mind is very easily manipulated right now.” Ethan warned.

“Really? Then why haven’t you convinced me to like you?” Mia asked.

He was taken aback by her forwardness “Excuse me?”

“You heard me.” She nodded “I know how you feel Ethan. Why haven’t you come clean?”

“You’re engaged.” He said flatly, reminding her of her engagement with Darren.

She shook her head “It’s been broken for a while. You know that. Why haven’t you fought for me?” she laughed at the insanity of it all “Of course not. Ethan Chan doesn’t ever do anything for himself, he’s so busy being the ‘good guy’.” She said with sarcasm while pushing her chair back to get up “Let me tell you something, chances only happen once. When you miss it, you need to learn to live with the consequences. This is your chance.”

His heart wanted to stand up and hug her in his arms. He wanted nothing more than to tell her that he had been waiting for the chance for a very long time and how deliriously happy he was that has finally noticed him. Yet, his mind would not let the heart be the winner “Chances are meant to pass you by. If they don’t, you will never know what you’ve lost until it’s gone.” He stood up, reached out his hand and moved the strand of hair that hung over her left eye “I’m the type of person that never takes a chance. There is another man that needs this chance, why don’t you give it to him?” it broke his heart to say it but he knew what was best for her. The real Mia would thank him.

She nodded with understanding “I see.” She turned and left his office without saying another word.


It was close to midnight when Erin woke up thirsty. She sensed someone in the room with her but she didn’t know whom. She reached over to her left for the pitcher of water that she knew was there. She touched around for the glass as she picked it up and using her other hand, she tried to pour the water into the glass. The water spilled everywhere and she cursed in her head. She set the glass on the table but missed it completely as it crashed into the floor. She felt a stir on her right side but quickly moved off the bed to pick up the pieces of the glass before someone got hurt.

Erin tried her best to delicately touch the ground. Her hand was immediately cut when she was in contact with the broken glass “Ow!” she cried and her reflexes made her yank her hand back.

“Erin!” Ted’s eyes popped open as he saw her flinching in pain. He moved around the bed and saw that she had cut her hand “Why didn’t you wake me?”

She shook her head “I just wanted water. I can’t even get a glass of water, Ted." she turned to him with blank eyes "What am I going to do?”

“I’ll be here.” He reminded her as he set her back on the bed and began bandaging her finger with the first aid kit “I won’t ever leave your side.”

“You can’t do this forever.” Erin sighed tiredly, the medicine was still in her system.

“I can try.” He smiled but remembered that she could not see his face. He took her hands in his own “Erin, don’t push me away, please. I want to help you. We all do.”

She nodded eventually “I know.”

“Are you sleepy?” he asked. She shook her head “We could talk if you want.”

“About what?” she smiled at the thought.

“Anything.” Ted grinned, he finally got to see her smile “The future, what you went through…Brad.”

Erin’s eyes easily teared up at the thought of Brad “TK told me why he killed Brad.” She whispered “Reina wanted revenge for Andrew. TK was looking for me because he had to marry me to get my family as well as his family’s inheritance. He found Reina through Ah Bat and she told him about the P.R.A. and how to find me. But in exchange for the information, she wanted him to kill Brad. And he did.” She was choked up “I blamed myself for Brad’s death because if it wasn’t for me, he wouldn’t have to die.” She began sobbing uncontrollably.

Ted reached out to comfort her “Hey, hey…it’s not your fault. He would have found you eventually. And the only way to get you to marry him is to eliminate Brad. I’m not saying it was going to happen but I’m saying that you can’t change the past. There are too many what ifs, you have to let it go. You didn’t want him to die.”

“If only I can return to the past, I’d rather that shots go through me.” Erin’s tightened her grip around his neck “I’m scared Ted. I don’t know how long I can handle this. The only thing I have to live for is Shelly and the team. I can’t go back to work like this. I’m the big sister, now my little baby sister has to take care of me.”

“Don’t say that. You have me and the team. And Chuck…” he thought about telling her but felt it was better if Chuck told her himself “We all want you to get better. We still need your help to catch TK. He’ll be back for you. And when he comes, we’ll be ready.”

“The Mayor.” She pulled away quickly “Did you guys find him?”

“No. We’re guessing TK grabbed him first. I can’t believe he tried to kill you two with the fire.” Ted shook his head in disbelief.

“He didn’t.” Erin replied with knitted brows “He tried to get us out but Ted and Darren got there too quickly. He only managed to unlock our doors and then took off before the rest of the team came. I was surprise he wasn’t prepared.”

Ted frowned “He didn’t see it coming. So he didn’t want to kill you two.”

She shook her head “No. He never did. He was actually really nice to me. Now I know why.” She snickered at the thought of marrying the man that killed her fiancé with his own hands “He’s out of his mind if he thinks I would marry him.”

“That’s why he took Shelly, so he could use her as a hostage. The Mayor has the power to sign a marriage certificate, that’s why he took him in the first place.” Ted shook his head at the careful plan “He’s sneakier than we imagined.”

“Maybe not. After all he is siding with Reina. She’s a bomb waiting to explode, the plan will eventually backfire on him.” Erin predicted. Ted smiled as the old Erin was returning, she noticed there was a pause “What? Why are you smiling.”

“How did you know?” he wondered.

“I don’t, I was just guessing.” She smiled “I think my other senses are more sensitive now that my vision is gone.”

“It won’t be forever.” Ted assured her.

“How do you know?” she asked with a sigh and leaned back on the pillow “I could be one of those people on the street with a pair of sunglasses and a cane hitting everything and everyone in my way.”

“And I’ll be the one that pushes those people aside so you can walk in peace.” He laughed.

Erin’s smile faded “I don’t want you to feel obligated to take care of me because Brad asked you to. I don’t want to depend on anyone.”

“I know.” He nodded, she didn’t see the saddened expression on his face “I want to do this…Erin, I’ve been meaning to tell you--”

“I’m sorry.” She let out a short yawn “I’m very tired right now. How about we continue this some other time? You should go home and rest, I’ll be okay.” She confirmed.

He got her message as he nodded “Okay. I’ll be on the couch. Call me if you need me.” Erin nodded as she made herself comfortable on the bed.


Ethan worked late into the night, his eyes dozing off every so often but he had too much paperwork to take care of. He nodded off for a few minutes and was awakened by a hard object pushing at his temple. He opened his eyes slowly and noticed a gun was pointed at his forehead “Yell and you’ll be saying hi to God…or the devil.” TK shrugged.

“What do you want?” Ethan asked in a shaky voice.

TK took a seat with the gun still pointing at Ethan “Your help.” He replied shortly.

“I don’t know you.”

“No, but you know Erin and the rest of her gang. Your book was really interesting by the way, I never liked to read but I found the hypnosis part very intriguing.” TK complimented. Ethan looked at him with fearful eyes “When someone says something nice, you usually respond with a…”

“Thank you.” Ethan finished.

TK’s head nodded “Very good. I guess people with an education is a little quicker. Anyways, let’s cut to the chase. I want you to hypnotize Erin. Make her fall in love with me.”

“That’s impossible.” Ethan shook his head “It’s one thing trying to convince a person that they are a chicken but to make their hearts lean to another person? Strictly impossible.”

“NO, that’s not the answer I wanted to hear!!” TK cried out suddenly, startling Ethan. He quickly cleared his throat and returned to his calmer side “Now, let me ask again. Can you do it?” he pointed the gun closer to Ethan.

Ethan was trembling as he was eye to eye with the barrel “I’ll try.”

TK shrugged after a moment “Good enough. I’ll be watching you.” He retrieved the gun and walked out of the office coolly. Ethan let out a sigh of relief, he wiped the cold sweat off his face. The guy was crazy if he thought Ethan had the power to manipulate the human heart. He noted to himself to talk to Erin if he got the chance to be alone with her.




Chapter 26

Aaron Kwok – Ted Kwong aka Libra
Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Ruby Lin – Mia Lam aka Pisces
Athena Chu – Sheila Kam
Edison Chan - Ryan Tong
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck

The following morning Ted woke up to Erin’s empty bed. His mind was awake as he got up and spun around making sure he was not seeing things. She wasn’t in the room. His heart began to race as he grew panicky “Where is she?” he asked himself while rushing outside to find a nurse.

Ted was relieved to see Mia supporting Erin, they were on their way back to the room “Morning. You look like you just saw a ghost.” Mia commented.

“I thought Erin was missing…” Ted smiled “You were elected for the early shift huh?”

She nodded while covering a yawn “You have Chuck to thank for that.”

Erin laughed as she patted Mia’s hand, which was supporting her elbow “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay but when you get your vision back, you owe me.” Mia promised. She turned to Ted who had bags under his eyes “Ted, you should go home and sleep, you look like a panda bear.”

“Okay. I’ll be back later, Erin.” He patted her shoulder as she smiled and heard his footsteps getting softer.

"He's gone." Mia reported when Erin was standing still.

“I want to see Shelly.” Erin turned to Mia.

“Sure.” Mia began leading her to Shelly’s room where she noticed was getting tidied up by a nurse. Ryan was there but Shelly was not there “Hey Ryan, where’s Shelly?”

“Restroom.” He smiled and his face saddened at the sight of Erin, he heard from Darren the night before of her condition “How are you Erin?” he wasn’t sure how to comfort her.

“I’m okay.” She nodded briefly “I have my human canes.” She turned to Mia with a nod “I’ll be just fine, thank you.”

“Ga Jei!” Shelly called from the door. She rushed over to Erin’s side “You shouldn’t be walking around. Go back to your room and rest.” She scolded lovingly.

Erin laughed as she shook her head at Mia “And all this time I thought I was the older sister.” She sensed the glances moving around the three people “Tell me.”

“You tell her.” Ryan whispered.

“No…YOU should.” Shelly pushed.

“I’m blind not a mind reader.” Erin made light of the situation.

Ryan stuttered, “Um…it’s…well, you know all the stuff that’s been going on…and well, I got to thinking…that uh…I…was uh…”

“Oh my gosh! By the time you spit it out, we would be growing white hair.” Mia retorted, she turned to Shelly “I’m sure you can do better than that.”

“Ryan asked me to marry him!” Shelly burst out the words. Mia squealed as she hugged Shelly and congratulated her.

Erin showed no emotion while Ryan noticed, “You don’t agree to this Erin?”

She shook her head with a small smile “No, it’s not that. I’m very happy for you…But why so sudden?”

“Well, when Shelly was kidnapped, I was so scared that something might have happened to her. My heart almost stopped when I saw her lying on the ground unconscious, I realized then that I can’t live without her. I want to be able to protect her always and watch out for her.”

Erin nodded with sympathy “I know how you feel…but how are you able to support a wife?”

“Oh, I’ve thought about that already. I’ll be graduating in a couple of months and I can work as a paralegal until I take the legal examination to be a lawyer. I’m living with Dai Lou right now and he is ecstatic that Shelly is moving in with us.” Ryan explained. He glanced at Shelly who nodded for him to continue “And we want you to come move in with us too.”

Erin chuckled at the thought of a handicap and a blind person living together. Imagine the horror of constantly being taken care of. She knew it was not her way of living “Thank you for the thoughtfulness but I think I will have to pass.”

Shelly’s face fell “But Ga Jei, I want you to live with me.”

Erin reached out her hand and Shelly quickly clasped it between her hands “Silly girl. You’re old enough to get married, you should be old enough to take care of yourself. You don’t need Ga Jei living with you. I was worried for a while but now that I know how Ryan feels and how serious you two are. You have my blessings. Besides, I couldn’t leave Mia behind.”

Mia took a step up while grinning ear to ear “That’s right!” she wrapped a comfortable arm around Erin’s shoulders “Your sister will be just fine living with me. We’ll stay up all night eating chocolate ice cream and talk about everything. It’s going to be like a slumber party. Just like old times!” she laughed with excitement.

“We’ve NEVER done that.” Erin reminded her friend.

“I know, but a girl can dream.” Mia said with sarcasm.

“It does sound fun.” Erin could imagine the talks that they could have.

Ryan glanced at his watch “I’m sorry we have to run off like this. But Dai Lou made an appointment with us for lunch. We’ll be back soon to visit you, Erin.”

“Eh, eh, eh…I think you should change your words. Call her Ga Jei.” Mia corrected.

Shelly giggled as she pointed at Ryan “You have a sister now.”

“And I couldn’t imagine a better one.” Ryan added.

Mia wrinkled her nose “You don’t have to kiss up so soon. You haven’t married Shelly yet.”

Erin shook her head teasingly at Mia “I think someone’s jealous of the fact that I’m gaining two family members.” Mia kept the secret tight lipped, she knew Chuck would appreciate it if he was the one to tell Erin. She wondered if Shelly had any clue “Don’t be late now, go.” She pushed.

“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Shelly reached over and gave her sister a short hug before taking Ryan’s hand as he led her out of the room.

Mia linked her arm through Erin’s and walked her back to her room “Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked Erin who was getting on the bed and under the covers.

“Of course I am. But to be honest, I am a little jealous.” Erin said honestly.

Mia quickly assured her friend “You shouldn’t be. You’ll find someone to love one day. Just like Shelly.”

“No, I meant Ryan. I’m envious of him because he gets my job. I feel like I haven’t been a sister that long and now someone else is taking over for me. I guess I should be grateful for your amnesia…” her smile slowly faded “How are things with you and Darren?”

She sighed with her head shaking, Mia pulled the chair closer to Erin’s bed “It’s weird. I’m so confused, Erin. My feelings are so twisted.” Erin’s face squirmed confusingly and Mia knew she needed to explain further “I recently found out that a very close friend has a crush on me. But at the same time, I feel that he deserves a chance for the things he’s done for me. Yet I feel that it’s unfair to Darren just because I can’t remember the past, maybe he’s done more for me that I can’t remember. It’s not right.”

“Sounds complicating.” Erin felt her friend’s pain.

“It is. Now I don’t know what to do…my friend doesn’t want to stand between Darren and myself just in case I regain my memory one day. I guess it’s understandable but I…” she was at lost for words.

Erin finished for her “But you want to give your heart a chance to accept something new.”

“Exactly.” Mia sighed.

“I thought Ethan would never come clean.” Erin smiled, she could almost see Mia’s shocked expression “I pay attention.”

Mia laughed “Obviously. Anyways, my problem will eventually solve itself, how about yours? Has Ted…”

“No.” Erin shook her head with a distant expression “Every time he brings up the subject, I change it.”

“You don’t like him romantically?” Mia asked. She often tried to analyze Erin’s feelings but she had a way of masking her emotions when it came to Ted. Yet she always had a sinking feeling that they were attracted to one another.

Erin snorted at the irony “I don’t know how many times my stomach turned whenever he was around. But it was nothing compared to how I felt about Brad. I always convinced myself that Ted was just an infatuation. The feelings were not real.”

“But maybe it was because you didn’t want to hurt Brad so you convinced yourself that your feelings for Ted is a mere imagination.” Mia observed.

“You have been talking to Ethan way too much.” Erin joked. She shook her head “I don’t know what it is anymore. But I know that I cannot get involved with him right now.”

“Why?” Mia asked “TK?” it was her best guess.

Erin nodded “Yes. I don’t want him to turn into another Brad. This guy is serious, he’ll be back once he finds out that I’m here. Or maybe he’s watching me right now.” Mia snapped her head around her and looked outside the room door. Erin smiled “But I’m not afraid even if he is. I have you guys to protect me.” She said with much confidence.

“Are you sure, Erin? I mean it is me you’re talking about. The same girl that was so deathly afraid of heights that you had to push me off the plane. Remember that?” Mia chuckled nervously while recalling her ‘near death’ situation.

“You remember?” Erin frowned “Is your memory coming back?”

“Only the ones that Reina told me.” She said casually and quickly caught herself “I mean, in my dreams…” she trailed off when Erin’s brows furrowed.

“Mia, what have you been doing?” Erin asked in a motherly tone.

Mia wanted to slap her mouth for being so stupid “I visited her.”

“In jail?!” Erin was shocked.

“Yes.” Mia nodded “A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream about Reina and I decided to see her. Doug was with me." it made Erin feel better that she didn't go alone "She told me a lot of things, most were unbelievable and most were pure lies…but there were things she told me that I knew were true. I don’t know how I know, I just knew.” Erin’s face twisted with concern “I know you guys think its dangerous for me to see her, but I feel like she’s the only person that’s helped me with my memory.”

“How about Darren? Do you remember anything at all?” Erin asked.

She shook her head “Nothing.”

“He loves you.” Erin said softly.

“I know.” Mia nodded “Love should not be pressured. Although I admit that he’s been really good about giving me space so far. I know it must be hurting him but I’m really appreciative for that.”

The girls talked on into the afternoon. Their conversation was so concentrated that they didn’t hear a knock on the door. Chuck let himself in after a couple of knocks. He found Mia and Erin talking in a serious tone. He cleared his throat to get their attention “Chuck!” Mia announced as she got up from her seat “Is my shift done already?”

“As far as I know.” Chuck smiled as he watched Mia say goodbye to Erin. The girls have gone through so much together, he often hoped that maybe one day he would be able to have the same relationship with his two nieces. But that day was unknown since he has not told her yet. Mia walked by and gave her friend a last glance before nodded to Chuck.

“Hi Chuck.” Erin greeted with a smile “I’m sorry about last night, I didn’t want anyone to see my panic like that.”

He placed the bag on the table the patients used to eat from “Everyone has a weak spot Erin.”

“I smell lunch.” The sweet aroma of lobster legs tickled her nose “You have some stress to relieve?”

“No, you do.” Chuck replied wisely as he pulled out a leg from the container and handed it to her.

Erin tilted her head with a smile of pure admiration “How do you do it?”

“Do what?” he went along with her game eventhough he understood.

“Know that something is bothering me. I can’t remember the last time I met someone that was able to read me within a short period of time.” Her smile grew crooked as she realized “Actually, NO one has ever been able to do that.”

“Should I feel special?” he asked while chomping on his own lobster leg.

Erin laughed as she spit out the crunchy shell into her empty hand “I don’t know about special. Maybe it’s a curse?”

Chuck took the container out of the bag and gave her the bag to dispose the shells “A curse would be living with Becca. But it’s definitely a gift to be able to read you.”

“She’s not that bad.” Erin came to her friend’s defense “Becca is very…different. You have to understand her to be her friend. Most people tend to judge her too quickly.”

“You mean I didn’t give her a chance.” Chuck reached for another leg.

Erin wiped the corner of her lips with her hand “She’s just very straight forward. Give her another chance, she’ll grow on you.”

“Like a fungus?” Chuck’s description made Erin laugh.

“Well…now that you mention it. Yeah, it’s kinda like a fungus. But she’s also like a leech. She sucks out the bad stuff in you and leaves you with the good parts.” Erin smiled as she put out a ready hand for another lobster leg “Anymore left?”

“I brought enough for me, you and my stomach.” He chuckled while the two continued their conversation.




Chapter 27

Vivian Leung – Erin Yeung aka Scorpio
Nick Cheung – Darren Chiu aka Tuarus
Bobby Au Yeung - Charles Lam aka Chuck

After the lobster legs were devoured, Chuck walked Erin to the restroom to clean her hands. They returned to the room “If your bored, you don’t have to stay with me.” She knew it was not his part to take care of her “I’m okay by myself. The doctor said I could go home tomorrow.”

“I’m not bored.” Chuck replied “But I think you need to take a walk.”

“That sounds good.” Erin grinned, “Actually, I’ve been waiting for someone to offer. I thought it wasn’t right to ask. Are we going to walk around the hospital?” she felt a cartigan sweater wrapping around her shoulders.

“No, I want to go somewhere a little further.” Chuck said mysteriously.

Erin laughed “But you can’t tell me?”

“You’ll know when you get there.” He took her arm and began leading her out of the hospital. They drove together to a memorial park just outside the skirts of Kowloon. The drive was silent but not awkward. She wondered where he was taking her but she also enjoyed just being out of the hospital.

He pulled into the parking lot of the Yeung Memorial grounds and placed his car in one of the stalls. Chuck got out and opened the door for Erin to exit. He was careful with her head as he pushed her gently towards the steps “Where are we?” she asked finally.

“You’ll know.” He paused her when they reached the endless stairwell “Watch your steps.” He moved his head back and forth to make sure she was hitting the steps.

When they reached to top, he was out of breath while Erin took in a lung full of air “Are we on a mountain?”

“Yes.” Chuck replied shortly as he took her along the path that led to two large rounded head stones in a shape of an igloo. He paused her in front of the stones “Ga Jei, Jei Fu…I brought Erin to see you. I know what you’re thinking…it’s about time!” he let out a short chuckle as he thought about his sister’s response would be just that if she were alive “I will take Shelly here when she’s ready. But I know Erin has been waiting for this day her whole life.” Her smile had faded when Chuck began speaking. Cold shivers ran down her spine as she listened to him talk to his sister “I’m sorry it took so long to find her. Your daughter is a tough little cookie and she has no problem holding up her own grounds. She’s got a good head on her shoulders, you should be proud.”

Erin cover her shivering lips as she choked back the tears “This is not funny, Chuck.”

“It’s Uncle Chuck.” He replied, his eyes were red too as he finally let the secret out. It has only been one month but it felt more like 10 years.

Her smile showed through her tearful face “I…I have an uncle?” she asked unsurely. Some part of her still thought it was a cruel joke, but the other half was shocked beyond words.

“The last time I checked, your mother was my sister.” He cracked “I recently found out but every time I wanted to tell you, something came up and I had to schedule it for another day. I was afraid you would not accept this truth…”

“Accept it?” Erin asked with a laugh “I have an uncle!!! I have family!!” She bursted into tears when she felt him reach out to hug her. She cried with glee “Uncle Chuck.” The words were foreign to her but yet they flowed.

Chuck was smiling as he released her and turned to his sister and brother in law’s graves “I was worried for no reason. She’s accepted me, Ga Jei. You can rest in peace now.”

“Can you take me closer to their grave?” Erin requested.

“Of course!” He took her arms and supported her over the brick step and over to her parent’s graves.

Erin knelt down on the cemented ground as she gave them three respectable bows “Mom, dad…Sorry, it took me so long to come see you. Thank you for watching over me all these years. Without your blessings, I wouldn’t have been able to find Shelly and now… Uncle Chuck. For years I blamed my unfortunate life on you both for leaving me behind. I’m sorry. Perhaps you had plans for me that I did not see. Obviously patience was not a virtue I got from either of you. But don’t worry about me. I’ve found my own family at the P.R.A.”

Chuck joined her on the ground “Ga Jei, don’t worry, I’ll watch out for Erin. She’s a great agent. I can’t believe that I’ve been searching over 20 years and when I had given up hope, I eventually found her.”

Erin smiled as she turned to her left where Chuck was “Can you tell me more about my mom?”

“Of course.” He made himself comfortable on his bottom against the cold ground “She was a very happy person. Always smiling and joking with others. She was a wonderful host during parties. I hated it because she would always make me wear these God awful looking suits in sky blue or lavender. But I was only 15 then. Our parents died early and we use to dig the trash cans to get food. That is until she met your father, he was a filthy rich man who dealt with jewelry back in the 1970’s. But after the fire that took their lives, it was split up amongst the shareholders. They decided to sell the company after the Yeungs’ 30 year old business. I was very disappointed for him but I was considered an outsider, plus I didn’t care about money. I traveled the world with the money I made being a waiter. Ga Jei use to thrust crap load of bills into my hands every time I returned but I would just save it in this tin box under my bed until it over flowed. Then I had to go to the bank.” A distant look in his eyes as he recalled the fond memories he shared. Erin was intrigued as she titled her head and a content smile on her face “I never understood why your parents wanted to make a will. I use to try to discourage her but she was so persistent.”

“How about the Keungs?” Erin asked curiously “Where did they come in the picture?”

“They were the other owners of the jewelry company. Your father and TK’s father was best friends for decades. Nothing could split them apart. It was Mr. Keung that talked your father into doing the will.”

“Do you think the fire was an arson?” Erin wondered out loud.

Chuck nodded “That’s what I thought at the beginning, but who ever did it left no clue behind. I thought it might be TK, but he was only 10 years old…it was impossible for a young kid to start a fire.”

“What did the will say? Ted told me it was the reason why TK had to kidnap Shelly to get me to marry him.” She had too many questions and it felt wonderful for them to be finally answered.

“I was present when the will was signed by both families. I was actually too young to be a witness but your parents were insistent that I sign. You can thank Darren for his great snooping work. He found the lawyer that did the will, he even managed to take the files from his very hands. It read that if TK does not marry one of the two daughters by the time you turned 35, he would not get a single dime in the inheritance. Instead, the money will automatically go to you and Shelly.”

“But he still doesn’t get his share?” Erin wasn’t sure why the will was written that way. But she was certain something fishy was lurking behind the will.

“No. He gets zip if he does not marry one of you two girls.” Chuck explained “Why do you think he was so frantic to find you both? He wants the money and that’s his only target. He’d kill you when his plan is accomplished.”

Erin had no doubt that it would be to that conclusion “Why would his parents not give him the shares?”

“I don’t know.” Chuck shook his head blankly “I wished I was more observant back then. I use to hate it when Ga Jei would pressure me to go over to the Keung’s house. I vaguely remember TK, I know he didn’t like our family very much. He use to ignore me but he would be so nice to you. He would earn a praise from his father and mother. I think he knew how to get their attention. But I sensed that his father was not very fond of him for some strange reason.”

“Did they have any other friends?”

“Not that I know of.” Chuck turned to her oddly “Did you think of something?”

“I’m not sure. But I have an instinct that everything is not as simple as black and white. The colors are missing.” Erin frowned.

He looked up at the gray clouds “Talking about colors. We should go back. It looks like it's going to rain.” He quickly helped her up. When they got to the steps, he paused her “How about a piggy back ride?”

Erin laughed, “I don’t want to die like this.”

“Hey, I may be a bit round but I still have the strength to carry my niece down a few measly steps.” He said with offense.

“Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Erin felt Chuck lunge down in front of her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he began taking her slowly down the steps. A smile plastered on her face the whole ride down. When they got to the bottom, she hopped off onto the ground and at the same time she could hear Chuck wheezing “Do I have to carry you now?” she teased.

He shook his head “I’ll be fine.” He voice was so hoarse that it made her stifle a laugh “This is funny?” this time his voice cracked and it only made her laugh out loud “I’m glad you find my pain and suffering amusing!” he touched his throat “Great, now I’ve lost my voice.”

“Becca should be happy.” Erin laughed at the picture of Chuck’s expression in her mind.


They returned to the hospital to find Erin’s next shift, Darren. He sat in the room reading a newspaper. He didn’t bother looking up at them “Hey.” He muttered.

Erin turned her head up to Chuck “Why couldn’t you send Dopey? I don’t want Grumpy with me.” Erin teased.

Darren folded the newspaper calmly as he sighed and turned up to them “You’d be Grumpy too if you had to wait here for two hours while nurses run in and out in a panic and screaming for God's mercy because they lost a patient.”

Erin covered her mouth while Chuck looked guilty “I guess we did forget about the time.”

“Oops.” Darren commented sarcastically.

“Sorry.” Erin apologized “Uncle Chuck took me to see my mom and dad’s grave, we got carried away.”

Darren’s face brightened as he stood up “Uncle? You told her!” he was happy for them “I told you she’d be happy!” he patted Chuck on the back roughly as he bounced forward a litle.

“I have you to thank.” Erin smiled as her head leaned towards Darren’s voice “I really owe you big time.”

“Don’t mention it. I’d do it for anyone.” Darren replied humbly but he was beaming at the compliment.

She laughed, “This is coming from the guy that use to threaten to kill me.”

“Hey, I never did! I simply implied that I would torture you to death if you didn’t do what I asked. I mean is it THAT bad?” he rolled his eyes.

Erin smiled “Why don’t you ask my Uncle?”

Chuck crossed his arms “Don’t be picking on my niece when I’m not around.” He warned.

“Great, now we have to treat you like a princess because your Uncle is the lieutenant.” Darren joked “But don’t worry, no one ever dares to pick on the ice queen, she’d rip your heart out and eat it for lunch.”

“Was I that bad?” Erin asked. So many things have happened within the past year and a half that she couldn’t remember the old her. It has been so long since she even smiled let alone laughed.

“No.” Darren reassured her.

Chuck nodded to him “Okay, I’ve got to run back to headquarters, I’m expecting a call from Joe. With the Mayor being kidnapped, it has reached the government and they’re not too happy about it. I’ll call you guys with any news.” Darren nodded as he watched him leave.