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at last there are trip mp3s online! this page will be updated regularly with different songs, and not all the songs will be available all the time.

you will need
winamp [or some other mp3 player] to hear these files.
if clicking on the links below doesn't do everything automatically, right click and choose 'save target as'

as with all mp3s, these files have been compressed using a soulless computer algorithm to less than a fifth of their original size. that means that over 80% of the raw sound data has been discarded for the sake of quick download times, compromising quality. do you feel cheated? you have every right to. would you like to have the other 80% of the data? yes? you'll just have to buy our cd then, it's out now, email the band for a copy.


today i've added 'skuzzy a' from a live recording of gibbs' first gig with trip 

<a> newcastle's nature boy

<b> yesterday's shining

<c> grace

<d> media disaster

<e> skuzzy a.