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trip: a biography

trip formed out of the wildly acclaimed avocado underground in 1996. the line up then consisted of phil loutsis on lead guitar, tom wilkinson on rhythm guitar, tim grayson on drums and tom wheatcroft on bass, all at the tender age of 15 years. after trying out a number of singers the responsibility was undertaken by phil. this would turn out to be the best decision we would ever make as he is a gifted vocalist who continues to amaze us all by getting ever better. this early incarnation of trip was a lot of fun but probably wasn't going anywhere musically ~ playing average melodic indie-rock stuff. it was not until early 1998 that things started to happen. absorbing a wide range of influences from mogwai and spiritualized to mercury rev and the beatles, our music started to take shape. early 1999 saw the addition of third guitarist chris gibbons from defunct local rivals myth. we began to refine our sound into something that is uniquely trip music. i'd like to think we are difficult to pigeon hole, it's ambient, it's psychedelic, there are great melodies, but we are always trying new things, making new sounds and inventing original music.

a story about how gibbs came to be in trip.