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English Translation of "Ey Iran"

National Version


Oh Iran, you the land of gems, From your land always art stems,

Away from you evil's intention, Bid you an eternal continuation.

If your enemies are from stone, I am from steel, For the divine soil of my country, sacrifice I will,

Since your love is always my duty, Your thought is ever my mind's beauty,

What value has our lives in your way, Be everlasting Iran, I pray.


Jewells are the stones of your mountains, Gold, even better, is the soil of your plains.

Never shall I cease your passion, Your love will be always my ration.

As long as the world and heavens abide, God's light shall be our endless guide.

Since your love is always my duty, Your thought is ever my mind's beauty.

What value is our lives in your way, Be everlasting Iran, I pray.



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