<html> <head> <!--Place this script in the HEAD section.--> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- // You may edit the message within the // quotation marks. var msg = " Isn't Key Club History Great! "; function startScroller() { document.scrollForm.scrolling_message.value = msg msg = msg.substring(1, msg.length) + msg.substring(0, 1) // This editable setting dictates how quickly // each character moves across the scroll box // (ex. 150=.15 seconds). setTimeout("startScroller()", 150) } //--> </SCRIPT> <title>History of Key Club</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#4682b4" text="#000000" link="#ffff00" alink="#ff0000" vlink="#90ee90"> <basefont size="3"> <h1 align="center">The History of Key Club</h1> <center> The first Key Club was sponsored in May 1925 at Sacramento High School in California by the Sacramento Kiwanis Club. The concept of Key Club at this time was to develop a vocational guidance program aimed to combat the problems of student fraternities. From this eventually evolved a service organization for the local community. <p><img src="/images/animate/wichbook.gif"><p> Later on in 1943, the Key Club National Organization was started. And in 1946 the first Key Club in Canada was formed. This establish Key Club internationally. Due to its strong foundation and growing support, Key Club International set up a Constitution and Bylaws in the same year!</center> <p><center><img src="C:\My Documents\Key club\new.gif"><FONT FACE="arial"><a href="http://www.angelfire.com/stars/westlakekeyclub/timeline "><u>Key Club Timeline</u></a></td><td><a </FONT FACE><img src="C:\My Documents\Key club\new.gif"></center><p><p> <p> <center><FONT FACE="socket">The Key Club Motto: "Caring. . . Our way of life!"</FONT FACE><p> <FONT FACE="arial"><center><b>KEY CLUB PLEDGE</b></FONT FACE><p> <center><img src="/stars/westlakekeyclub/keylogo.jpg"></center><p> <FONT FACE="times new roman"><BASEFONT COLOR="gold">I pledge on my honor to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; <p> to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God <p> and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.</FONT FACE></BASEFONT><p> <center><td><a href="http://www.angelfire.com/stars/westlakekeyclub/index.html"><u>Go Back To The Main Page</u></a></td><td><a </center> <!--Place this script in the BODY section.--> <form name="scrollForm"> <!--This editable value is the size of the text box. --> <input type="text" name="scrolling_message" value="" size="25"> </form> <!--Replace the BODY tag with the following--> <body onLoad="startScroller();"> <!--COMETZONE CURSOR CODE - PLACE ABOVE /BODY TAG AT BOTTOM OF WEB PAGE--> <!-- GET CUSTOM CURSORS AT http://cometzone.angelfire.com --> <!-- ITS FREE, FUN, EASY, AND FREE! --> <SCRIPT SRC="http://files.cometsystems.com/javascript/af1_0.js" LANGUAGE=javascript></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>TheCometCursor('unitedstates','unitedstates.cur','unitedstatesh.cur',0);</SCRIPT> <!--END COMETZONE CURSOR CODE--> </body> </html>