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GodMath Sermon, Chart 10 of 12.

(Logic, Faith, and Faithful Logic).

--Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff January 23, 2005

Pure faith ascends vertically in straight linear fashion. Choice is given and those who gain wisdom choose wisely increasingly. In worldly terms, for instance, a person that foolishly chooses to step-off a cliff has no more choices. To throw away choice is wrong. To choose something better than choice is right, and it is better than choice.

For instance, to choose to rub sticks together to start a fire was good, while to invent matches and a lighter was better. We threw away the old sticks, We don't allow dirty natural sticks inside the nice clean house, yet We keep the knowledge of the old and former ways.

We no longer walk as Our parents did, on all fours when they were babies. We drive cars and fly in jets. Jets were not even invented yet, three thousand years ago, even though some people then had great faith. Even though there were people that were very logical and also very faithful, jets were not given.

Pure faith appears to much of the world as if intermittent. Yet verily We tell Us: logic too is intermittent from the worldly perspective. Who can remember everything spoken?, yet it did happen and it was logical.

In the previous Sermon of this Series We learned, and in that learning was the revealing of the idea of: to learn about. Learning about is typically better than not learning at all. Learning about is under law, subject to worldly facts. Learning about is subject to choice. Choice is the firmament between sensing and love. Under choice is reaction, above choice is strategy yet that part of strategy that is faith only. The jet walks-off the cliff and does not fall. Jesus Christ walked-off worldly life in front of everybody, in front of anybody that wanted to see. Jesus Christ left in front of the whole world, openly, for all to see and learn.

Jesus Christ gave not only that there be learning according to his sermons, yet also reached-down and taught about things too, including worldly things, that people could not only learn, yet also that people might learn about. In other words, Jesus Christ made pure the world (even if the world does not understand). To learn is good, and to learn about is good. To choose is good and to walk righteously is good: if all is for God.


We observe the seasons as the leaves change, yet the seasons can be understood, even if walking on the moon. We understand God.

Perhaps better than ourselves, in worldly discussions, that is, faithful people can reason about God with other faithful people, and learn about God, agreeing together. But people are less able to reason about some person. Some people stick to duty such as at work so they are easy to figure, they are reliable, yet even so, when not at work, when they are alone, they might visit with people or they might work alone on a hobby or they might walk in the park. They are not wholly understood, yet moreso is God understood, thoroughly in some respects, as "I must be about my Father's business.", Jesus Christ said. We know what God thinks, it's also even written in the Bible. We know, but often people seek to stray and pretend God is something else according to selfishness.

When We love God, We know everything properly. When We have faith in God, We have everything properly. When We trust God, We agree with everything that is good, wholesome, and and proper.

When We comprehend everything properly and in an orderly fashion, We know all about God. When the world selfishly commands Us to prove it, We answer nothing, there is no hope for them, as they reject God, and as We have told them all proper truth before-hand. We have kept nothing secret, and the things the world learns selfishly is unlearning unto themselves. They hate the cross, because more than loving Jesus Christ, they love to hate. Selfishness is their own God unto themselves yet it is Our downfall on the cross, as We fail to convince them quickly.


When We see the pattern of God, We see the rising of the Good. Even the impure is purified with the rising of the tide and swell. Even impure waters are purified in the deep, even the bloody water agree with the renewing and even the newness, more than worldly systems that strain and filter, yet even with creation, since the Pattern of God is creating.

Six days then rest, then living:

Greater living in the created / Creating / Living.

Using / Creating / Living.

Living = Using x Creating.

Formulas can be plotted, graves can be plotted. Yet for God is the creating better. There is logic, and there is Good Logic. Logic is about. Good Logic is:

I / Am / Logic / Good.

Good = Am x Logic.

Logic = I x Am.

Good Logic is living. Philosopher Descartes is said to have had a mental breakthrough, saying "I am, therefore I am.", that is God is, therefore God lives, lest there be no life at all. In other words, the world created is, therefore it is as it is, whether selfish or not (in worldly terms). It is our worldly interpretation that in worldly opinion rises above the world. So the world advances at the [relatively slow] evolutionary rate.

We know the world is of less faith according to sin vested in selfishness, according to GodMath, yet We know that according to GodMath, the world has no hold on the Pure, rather the Pure control the world and all things that in there are.

Logic = I x [=].

Here is another proof of GodMath. Here is One with direction [up vertically]. Here is the [given], faced with motion: the matter energy interface. Herein is God, reaching beyond the [here], creating from the void, the not yet created.

The great I is, the great I am, is Holy, the Holy One, the One is, the One am, the One Holy, the One creating. This the world understands not from the beginning, even though it was told all from the beginning, according to God, and also (importantly from the selfish worldly perspective) according to the ability of the world to perceive.


The judgement understands the matter, yet does not comprehend the guidance and the guiding of judgement, the justice hardly comprehends the figuring to write law to guide justice. The tail is toward reaction, strategy is in the direction of the head, toward energy. Toward something about to be done, is the typical direction of the world: the world is not so different from God, God created the world. The world is in tune with God perfectly, although at discord to personal selfishness and pomp.

The created is very similar to the creator, even One in perfect vision. The selfishness does not see this. The selfishness recognizes the self and therefore calls itself not God and stands in witness, rather than in One.

Yet God has the greater power, as the Amen and God agree, the witness and the Creator of the witness agree, as One. Even the world tells Us the witness to a crime knows who did it, and also the criminal knows who did it: the two agree as a single voice, even if not spoken.

The world knows it's own, even if not spoken. The world knows it's own, even if it claims no responsibility. The world falls, rather We know the world rises, yet not relative to worldly imaginations.

We rise, therefore as the world traces Our creating pattern, it cannot deny and make it stick within the world's heart. Betwixt the head and the tail is the heart, yet the blood is pumped to every part, even it is One Blood. (Hardly: meaning: except for higher order:) We rely on the tail, but are hardly subject to the tail, We protect and nurture the tail or foot, yet can live beyond if it offends, We agree on the law, yet law was made for God and not God made for law; We offer mercy, yet We are hardly subject to sacrifice and dissection for selfish purposes, We offer wisdom, but without choosing faith their logic turns on themselves. Without love their learnt data becomes as lost accomplishment memories to them, We are charitable to all according to Our personal reasoning and not according to measure, We teach charity. A soul can hardly learn teaching and conquer law [logic] without charity. Therefore learn about the beggar and do not learn to be slow minded, be quick in thinking and progressing. Understand begging yet prefer hard work that begging come not from yourself.

Love x Knowledge = Wisdom.

Love x God = Faith [that is, good faith, righteous faith, charitable faith, conquering faith].

Love x Apply = Charity.

Love x Useful = Conquering.

Love x Thinking = Teaching [the Word].

Love x Action = Success.

Love x Love = Love squared.

So love can respond in many ways unto the world, in many directions, yet toward Oneness is proper accordingly. The female toward the male, the evolved yet fulfilled from God for the higher purpose, gathering help via marriage that the marriage be One for God, even love squared. Such includes procreation, and love threefold is included in the higher and not of the body. The male and female fulfill the body in Church marriage by a Priest, and with such Holy marriage is the

Baptized x Baptized = Holy Union.

So if female be more evolved, it is only the reaching-out to the male thusly that better evolves. And if the male be set as the Head, and that could only be as the female had originally not yet been created by evolution, so there was none other (save God) to have dominion over all, then therefore reaches-out to the female already in the same direction as God from the male perspective, hence there is no turning in the male, yet in marriage the male learns greater charity from the devoted female. Yet such the male should not learn is the female not within such One marriage, as that is no longer charity as it is selfishness.

Shall a man take more than a single wife if many women have been destroyed?, shall a person not give charitably because they are entrusted to hold another person's funds?, whether these are detailed in the Holy Bible or not detailed in the Holy Bible, consider grace rather than law: law has purpose to stop carelessness stemming from roots of selfishness, yet grace finds faith fulfills properly and is already fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Teach the selfish to not blot their own name from the Heavenly List. The world finds it easy to destroy what it personally did not work hard to build, and the world does not remember it's own work longsuffering and striving to overcome nature; because the world can be careless and unfeeling and ignorantly lazy; so therefore or even so be as God and explain to the world the Word of God. If the world is good, the all built becomes the world's according not to selfish time, rather according to better than due process: according to the Will of God, the Way better than the world selfishly believes is logic. Explain to the world that the world does not remember good things because it lacks love. Explain to the world that to pretend the Old Testament and the New Testament are the only words of God is blasphemy against themselves personally, an affront to God; they need to be the Living Word of God, in all ways, that they be One Way.

The happy child goes out and finds a child and they play together. The happy adult leaves bodily happiness and finds the greater joy above. Let two properly become One and God enters, let God enter and love is greatly multiplied, even a child is born, as height x width x depth = substance with living energy and direction. Where more people are gathered in the Name of God is the Church and the substance with living energy and direction is the Will of God in which the participants are involved, even discussing the unwritten aspects true, faithfully providing accuracy applicable to current situations: participants in Church create in their part of continuing creating the Living Holy Word (as best they can, more importantly: personally if for God).

Loving x Personal = Glorifying.


In Our previous Sermon We discovered how to make God, that is, as much as the tools God provided to Us enabled Us to do so. And since God did not keep anything secret from everyone (meaning everyone as a unit, together), then therefore God gave Us every tool necessary.

Creation understands tools, yet before creation and after end time, during the margin where exist no tools in the practical sense, that is for example, that no hammer existed before planned and created; then therefore logic ends, that is, worldly logic has no hold, except that God has told Us all things, and made all things plain for Us to understand (for the greater glory in witness of God).

It is because the faithful have this key(s) that all understanding is revealed. To reveal is to undo that part of logic logically not revealed. If logically not revealed, then undoing is as to logically accordingly change a portion of the logic stream: "logically not revealed". To make true, that is, to make in agreement with "reveal", then We change "logically" to illogically or We drop "not" or We change "revealed" to not revealed. So lest We yield a double negative, complicating matters, We drop "not". In doing so, the logical result is:

Reveal = Do x Logic.

Reveal = Fulfill x Logic.

After all logic is figured, there is nothing to be revealed: end time.

Reverse logic yields the situation prior to planning and creation.

How can We use this adduced (not of the body, rather from God: meaning traceable from the Bible) information?, rather how so for God?, Yes!, agreement now witnesses of the goodness of all God has done!

Leaving not undone the responsibility We of Grace do (already done yet doing) to help the world, the Priest takes from Faith and gives to logic, that is from mystery from Heaven to logic of the world, and such manifestation is to Faith Heal the spirit of the person that their conscience might be persuaded to agree for God that their personal soul might be healed and their body accordingly, through the reaching-out of themself to help others accordingly. This is not to say of Grace their self is separated from Us, yet this is to show their personal witnessing for God has value.


People of One Great Faith understand there is One God, of One Heaven, over One Earth at end time as it melts away and there is only God.

But people of the world want to understand what the difference is between each Heaven, and they want to know how to separate and filter them and classify them and count each of the Heavens.

Rather We of Faith thank God for One Heaven. And not leaving the other undone, We choose to be at least as smart as worldly people, and We even choose to know more. So We choose love, with knowledge of the world, not to be stained, rather for the glory of God.

There is a Heaven God created in the beginning. God was before the beginning, and where God is, is Heaven, so there is the first Heaven that God created, and there is the firster-est Heaven before creation. Since "firster-est" is not a word, let's call it the Second Heaven, so that We have the first Heaven that God created and therefore the motif was formed, and thereby We can have more Heavens.

Jesus Christ was on Earth in human form, so there is also a Heaven in human form. Let's call this the Third Heaven. Reaping souls toward end time, such as via Baptism, is not as the Second Heaven since souls are added, so what We'll call Fourth Heaven is bigger than Second Heaven.

Each person that becomes One, has Heaven not only above where God sits on His Holy Throne, yet also Heaven is within each One of these, so Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Heaven and so on are created.

The worldly scientist is not satisfied with sifting elements, and also wants to see how these interact together, and wants to split atoms, and so forth, so We do so for God, that is, even when We seem to react, We longsuffer to think of greater strategy for glorifying God. In Faith, this longsuffering is fulfilled in Christ. In logic, to the world longsuffering continues until it is revealed from faith to logic.

So let Us start fresh, this time counting the Heavens according to the Word (as We did previously, yet anew). The first Heaven is the Old Testament, the second the New, third Mormon, and fourth GodMath. Supportive information abounds, and such are entered into the glorying for God. Rather, more formalized is preferred.

New: There is a Heaven according to Baptism, those not agreeing reach the second death, a new Heaven to them; rather blessed are those who have not heard and yet choose Heaven (the first Heaven). So the second Heaven in these terms, is less about rewarding, and more about facts of logic, dry and empty data bits. Yet even so, the second Heaven is far better than the world, more than the difference between night and day.

Heaven is energy. Hardly is energy stored. Hardly is Heaven shelved, yet Heaven fits many patterns accordingly: even all goodly patterns. Just as the store shelves are restocked, the human spirit is not quenched, save One.

Heavenly patterns cover conquering, food, shelter, sex, Churches, government, and personal living. The Heavenly paths are One Path to righteousness for righteousness. Heaven exceeds all righteousness, yet is righteous. Heaven exceeds all sex and shelter and food combined. Heaven is better than logic and greater than dissection.

Heaven is duty and honor to receive medals of glory from God. Heaven is charity to post Heaven on the Internet.

In seeking Heaven for God We come-across the following Chart, wherein We find patterns converge and blend and work together, Heaven(s) patterns meshing with worldly patterns for worldly applications, yet rather for applying glory for God.

Consider how perhaps of a school or business a presentation is to be made, and the presenter places data into graph style and they reconfigure it until it says what they want it to say, and even then, sometimes the point does not come-across as they intended. With God, patterns of proper education, success, science, reasoning, love, planning, and more can be heaped together when faithfully, prayerfully, and thankfully received and utilized (not just talk). But so many people are afraid of their own self-imposed barriers, just as the first humans were afraid of fire, bulls, and ice. Yet now humans find these easy to manage and valuable.

Consider the sponge, a living creature that consumes of the passing currents. The sponge doesn't have nightmares about bills, it's not that bright. The sponge hardly thinks at all, even compared to a pre-schooler. Yet if the sponge did get tremendously smarter it would think about things it never considered before, and it would have complex nightmares and would wrongly stupidly prefer to return to ignorance.

When you gain tremendous knowledge from God, and great power and energy, healing and setting-on-high, do not be as the parable of the sponge, afraid of progress, a backslider, preferring ignorance. Fear only God. Fear not nightmares, particularly of your own contriving, as such are added unto your domain and fall under your dominion: use these tools God provided, yet rather do the Will of God.

The sponge doesn't even have a heart, yet lives, with mechanisms similar to a heart. It has within that heart mechanism living matter, some it's own, some not; some considered eaten and already a part of it and some not. Consider the Universe. To many it is where God is.

Consider the perfect structure of sending messages originally via Morse Code: pulses of electricity were sent. Later improvements were made and the wire was electrified and pulses were multiplied into the electrification, and the signal was improved. In the future electric and other carrier waves will take advantage of natural energy structure, and those hoping to send data will have it compiled to fit the optimum energy structure as indicated above in the wave line. Even now control guidelines come from above in chain of command fashion, being the upper left, data will be introduced in the lower left to be sent up to the right if in agreement (or corrected agreement, such as via a power or signal step-up-transformer), yet as with Baptism, the upper left guide might instead be a miracle and law instead of grace (also a miracle. See GodMath Testament as the true explanation is given, that is, not only of the body of dictionary yet rather within standardized traceability of the previous Testaments.

So humans will send power in a pattern similar to DNA structure and humans will 50% of the time (except of mistakes and corrective actions) have choice as to what data to input into that flow of energy. Essentially, when full, more data can hardly be added so more data input must wait until the micro-seconds and such pass when there are spaces where the data can be optimally added. Even so, DNA is ladder form with more dark matter than not. More importantly, the data receiver can hardly learn of the new data until the time comes, due to sender delays and info gaps: gaps of logic.

Therefore people must overcome as with traditional prediction. Yet there is a better Way. In GodMath Testament on page 300 are given digits of the Holy Number of human learning to date, these being the numbers of the One Tetragrammaton. Contained therein is the digit 2 from the leading part and head of the Tetragrammaton, in human terms the letter symbol for the woman, also noted in the illustrating above-to be, as these are partial concepts: points of faith. The four part (in human definition) of the Tetragrammaton being the Holy defining is shown (that is, woman structure with man input yet not as correction rather proving law for the greater glory of God) preceded in GodMath Testament by A, B, & C of "God".

In each case is the same pattern, the energy structure (and/or matter unto the world) appears yielding faith predicting, rather than faith prediction, as prediction is of the body, of the world (refer to GodMath Testament regarding details: prophecy / prophesying). So We move step by step, rather already fulfilled in Christ so We move pattern via GodMath Testament pattern sequencing, that is We know how to follow patterns, yet We rather follow the good and perfect trend, that is creating according to the Holy Will. One-ing revealing A=Chosen vessel, 7, B=Trinity of people, [page 300] (current fact 15), and C=People logic 4 (Fourth Testament). Hence given the Fourth Testament and the Trinity (5 / person = 3 in One) and the Heart of the Blood of Jesus Christ (and without getting into Tetragrammaton details in this Sermon, as they are already discussed in GodMath Testament; more complex or less depending on charity / love / faith), yields a Holy Number which can be understood within human filtering understanding.

This in current understanding and popularity Holy Human connection number became popular with the advent of the Internet, and it is a good work number (meaning people can fulfill work and yet rest on the Sabbath) so now people readily understand it thoroughly (a miracle): the number is a number representing time, even this current Holy Time, so the number is 24 / 7.

There is no rest for the good work talent God provided to you, yet you are to rest on the Sabbath, and even so, your work creating can be yet accomplishing even yet. Praise God.

Accordingly, currently, today even now, We can create new time. As it is given to create, so We do. One Time, Now, it is done in Heaven where God dwells in your heart and Your Heart Unselfish as with correct choosing that is good faith. Yet while the soul(s) agrees, the body of logic has no hold.

This lack of understanding as described above in the DNA discussion does not make DNA bad nor sinful. Choice is given and selfishness gives the delays and gaps in reasoning, save One as described above with the input and impregnation of the male to the female for the proper glorification of the Eternal One Heir (not only people, yet as Jesus Christ, also risen as much as it were possible: even rising with new creating).

Because God gave creation unto humans, humans witness unto such workings of the created (even so, rather choose the best trend). Hence given a created work including time, We report, We witness and attest to the fact that God created (rather We enter into having created: yet then therefore We enter into resting on the Sabbath remembering Our Created: longsuffering people of Israel pursuing God unto the Promised Land, not that bondage was chosen above the Promise; so We in Holy language continue the goodly trend to observe the Sabbath with the looking at what We have created; that there be Holy Agreeing with the honest human witness following God).

So We created time according to the claiming. This is the naming of it. This is the naming of new time never before named and claimed. This is not as the scientist of the world predicting and/or discovering and then naming the idea or finding. Rather this came of faith unproven. A finding is a given, a proven, a fact of worldly condition and reasoning and definition (save higher worldly logic in theoretical discussions, such as involving perception, human interference, and similar).

In this Sermon, first came the faithful naming and claiming, and then came [yet to come in worldly terms as it has not in time come yet] in the following few sentences the results of the naming and claiming plan. First let's compare in worldly terms, how a business for instance considers plans and feasibility. No such feasibility was figured here, since this is for the glory of God, according to the current optimal faith trend. Feasibility must therefore be a given, since if for God, then hardly can there be any standing superior against, save of worldly appreciation of selfishness.

Worldly time defined is the difference between then, and another then, or now. Worldly time includes choice: "or" as shown here, even though it might not appear in dictionaries. Holy Time has choice yet holds to One Way save to prove the law of the Word for the glory of God, even so this too is One Way.

So the new time We just are creating is perfect for the greater glory of God. Perfecting God as revealed in this Sermon Series is the increasing of gathering souls for God righteously, hence the new time is the increased time of gathering since the decrease time allows less time to gather. So the new time is a multiplier.

We multiply Time x Repent = For God. God gave time, and now We give more time, yet not under the law, lest people delay and gaps emerge. Therefore Charity / Time / Repent / For God. Charity x Time = Repent. Yet since God Will no longer accept gifts of charity (save ourselves) Jesus Christ / Charity / Time / Repent / For God. Jesus Christ x Charity = Time. One x Charity = Time.

One is according to faith. As explained in a previous Sermon of this Series, Faith can now currently be measured. So We have One with direction according to the Heart, so Our Faith is in agreement, with direction according to the vessel. As with the Tetragrammaton, there is more to it, but in more worldly terms, let's look at what amount of time was created so far. Previously was learnt that Faith can be represent as some points on a line, in created terms. The discussion used 3 points. In worldly terms these can be assigned as more than zero since time was created and increased and not decreased, so starting with number 1, it is natural to progress with 2, and 3: so the 3 points are now numbered for this discussion.

Since it is given to increase goodness, the maximum Faith is 3, within these parameters. Charity is according to what you gave during this discussion, at least yourself, so nominal is the number 1. If for instance someone came in the room as you were reading this aloud and they entered into agreement with those words, then your charity number can be higher; yet in this Sermon toward ease of understanding the number 1 is used.

So 3 x 1 = the amount of new time that was created. How long it took to write or read these matters are under law of physics and such and therefore not applicable. Yet for worldly gathering of souls for God, this example is given. Faith is about the quick more than the dead, so rather than no speed, 0, instead 100% speed is used = 1. So 3 x 1 = 1. 100% represents the amount of your reading time or rather logic gain or learning, relative to this time discussion. Under worldly law figuring 3 x 1 = 3, so to make this true to the world and logic, another factor is introduced to yield 3 x 1 = 1 x 3. Your time to read is also (or at leas should have been) faithful in maximum, hence 3.

So to the world no time was created save the reader have faith: that is, new faith. Therefore the reader must be given a safetynet of faith in the amount of 3. This agrees with the gathering for God as required in the Bible. GodMath Testament page 298 shows how this accomplishing works as stated "3" is part of the "chosen vessel". A vessel has direction. In trend follow-through, it can be aimed. So the direction in this discussion lacks to "4" accordingly, save of the Fourth Testament, the Fourth Word of God, the Fourth Letter of the Tetragrammaton, and that equals "8" (page 300).

So to clarify to the world, to law, and to relative math, "1 x 3" as shown above is modified with "4", and "4" doubled is "8". So in the world, some of the applicable mathematics are 3+4=7, (3+3=6 associated with 360 degrees, not detailed in this Sermon), 4+4=8, 3x4=12, and 12 doubled is 24. So these fit into your faith trend "3 x 1 =" ? (to logic, and that equals 4), "3 x 1 =" Yes (Y is the first letter of the Tetragrammaton and equals 25, and as discussed starts with digit "2"), and "3 x 1 =" 3, (the Trinity shown in the last digit of the third part of the Tetragrammaton) and it is understood that "3 x 1 = 3" is for the greater glory of God. So this new creating of time is "3". And in worldly logic this "3" is also correlated to 24 / 7, in human, "5", terms. Since increase for God is better, it is less the reader and moreso the readers as a whole. Also 24 / 7 represents hours / days. So to improve the mathematics, to fix the formulas, and to correct the logic gaps as if disproofs or counted as disproofs, the inserted patch yields 24 / 7 / 5. That is hours / days / weeks. So here are 5 weeks.

Since the scale provided only goes to 3: 24 / 7 / 3. That includes person "5" x person "5" = people "25" chosen. So to the faithful the new time is greater "5" than the world law logic "3" weeks. The new time includes a talent unto the faithful of 5 / 3 = one and two thirds. This multiplied of "3" is 5. 3 x one and two thirds = 5. That is the Holy formula of the amount of new time created. It is the correct amount and the maximum. The worldly amount is not pre-given as "3", as according to any person yet to choose righteousness, therefore instead of "3 x 1 =", it is the minimum and pre-faith of pre-righteous choosing, so it is 1 x 1 = 1 in worldly law and worldly logic.

So the modifiers helped the faithful and such logic is not chosen by the unfaithful (yet). To the world, the amount of new time created is "1" week. The world may not be anxious to admit this, but does understand the concept, since for instance it understands if told for instance a certain amount of cigarette smoking subtracts a week of life on average.

The world understands and can measure destruction, but has yet to fully comprehend increase. The world disagrees: destruction. Faith agrees, even when giving to the world. The world sees 1 x 1 = 1, seeing no gain. The faithful see new time with new eyes.

Consider how a person studies and learns to cure people. That person might increase the lives of their patients a week. Where did that week come-from?, it wasn't in the doctor's bag, it wasn't in the faith healer's pocket. A patient had perhaps a week added to their life and that week didn't come from the calendar. It didn't come from everybody defining it. It didn't come from relative perception. It came from more life than previous. It came from more time than previous.

It came from personal life time. It came new. It came to the person as never before. It came from personal faith or it came from personal miracle. If from miracle, then the faithful also find it faithful.

Yet this new time created is not limited to being only for One selfishly, rather is such and also is immediately a blessing unto all that greater joy might be realized of each person for the greater glory of God, God Willing. In witness, God is Willing, yet let each person be anxious to accept and keep the Word.

This Sermon goes beyond evolutionary logic of human reasoning including that of the relative physics of this Sermon author, that is, We look for patterns and in the upper left of this Chart We look even though there are yet no patterns of logic, just gaps where faith can be built personally, save the Holy One of Israel has already created. In other words, We look for patterns, yet We should rather look for no patterns in the righteous path for God. Patterns with thanking and praising Jesus Christ, serve [righteousness and also] the selfish body within selfish logic; while the True Path For God has gaps that do not serve the body with any logic known to the body, save the body coming to realize miracles that come thereby, hence the body seeks signs toward fulfillment, and wonders toward hope.

To overcome the body it helps to be aware of these things in that portion of motivational factors. So there is the [let's say Old Testament] law, yet from [the Old Testament and] that law We logically calculated the Word (and it contains the Will of God) but unless We learn to teach, write, and speak (as God above, and as Moses and Priests did to write parts of the Bible never before written) the Word and perhaps some signs and wonders are about as far as evolutionary logic can take us. One week was created and no proof is given, this Sermon author has a somewhat typical adult reputation about not making-up things, but, or yet, here is this extra "week" hanging out there that people might mock. When would it be proven?, rather for God is was already, because God also has logic, yet God has greater logic than evolutionary logic. Evolutionary logic is a subset of Holy Logic (One with Holy Faith).

To the Holy, all things are good, working for the Good Pleasure Of God. Similarly, to the baby, (when in gladness) all things are good as the baby has little developed memory, so little memory of things unpleasant, and little awareness of corruption in the world (yet the baby naturally [and better-wise] develops). The dog, dolphin, pig, horse, and similar advanced animals have logic that does not develop to far more advanced stages the way the baby develops, yet these animals can be taught tricks and they can have loyalty.

With evolution (and from the original Plan and with evolution and with creation of) Adam came the logically more advanced knowledge of good, and that could logically be repeated as knowledge of good and good (becoming as One of Us), such as to do a math formula of good plus good (even GodMath good x good when done properly for God); this repetition of good became part of memory of man.

With Adam came [realization of] goodness and math (the logic of two parts: good and evil, and even good and good in more advanced awareness without repetition, such as a starveling Chosen receiving a grape, and then a banquet). With Adam came therefore something far greater, the logical ability at a new human level to properly communicate with [Us,] God. Whales, wolves, elephants, dogs, (and less evolved to lesser abilities, inclinations, and extents) fish, and germs, can nurture families and can travel in packs, yet with Adam came the far higher logic able to create skills according to higher evolutionary logic. Yet with Adam came something far greater, the reliance on others in talents not of the self: the beginning of faith. This was not only learned traits of play and of reaction according to survival, this was planning according to the faith on the talents of others (including God) toward Oneness not only for survival yet also for work creating (such as new roads for children to use), recreation (such as for employees), and spiritual help (such as Church schools).

With Adam came knowledge of good, hence with Adam came planning for the future more than the lifetime of Adam and more than many generations into the future. With Jesus Christ came fulfillment of the future. This answers: What is your goal in life?, Why do you exist?, What is the purpose of life?, and If there is a God then why do bad things happen?. Your selfish goal is Heaven, where Christ went. Your selfish existence is to be glorified, as Christ is in Heaven (or where-ever He wants to be, when-ever he wants to be glorified), so you selfishly want to be Christ. Your selfish purpose is to have fun, and Christ explained there is greater joy available to you. Your selfish fear of "bad things" is shown as being insignificant through Jesus Christ, since He knew enough to look past the pain of the cross, to get to Heaven: you selfishly gladly spend your hard earned paycheck to buy yachts, jets, mansions, supplies and winning super lottery tickets with immediate riches; and the Bible explains Heaven is much better and Jesus Christ evidenced how valuable Heaven was and is. These things are said not that you might be selfish, rather to show you the worldly end of Adam style logic, and the border of faith.

Yet with Jesus Christ came something far greater, much far greater. To advance in learning at the evolutionary rate of logic is illogical: it is wrong to choose to always backslide. To advance in knowledge according to worldly logic alone is wrong, it is illogical, it fails in comparison to the greater blessings available. The above Chart has the workings of lines and numbers, moreover the above Chart has beauty, in the upper left hand corner, greater beauty than all the other charts combined (save they yield such beauty in One Faith). Hard work is required that nothing good logically be left undone, yet hard work does not always win the victory. Verily a weekly Sabbath day has a better chance. Worldly logic has met it's match, and the law is conquered.

Jesus Christ came to fulfill the logic, not to do away with logic therefore longsuffering exists herein as Christ suffered, to some extent at least, save unselfishness abound fully with risen Christ. In other words, as the world stands temporarily, the steadfast faithful are lifted from the world continually of saving and protective grace; yet while dwelling in human life, the witness task is at hand. To help you understand through plain language, the worldly values of mine, the author of this Sermon, are written with clarity, not as this Sermon; the business dealings in my responsibility in the world that I'm to not leave undone are logical with prediction, such as writing procedures, processes, and account information, along with doing associated physical tasks. Prediction includes buying food, preparing the mind for monthly bills, and being innovative in work. While these are understood (of One) to defer to the greater such as traceable to US Declaration of Independence, Constitution Article 7, or the general Christian work ethic, these are specific chores of logic in the world, often of little value to any non-pertinent people.

Such logic in the form of group or personal tasks and chores, such as to make the group or self best in their sector according to inward focus on the group or person, is not necessarily selfishness, yet has many traits in common in worldly perspective. The chores are personal. The chores are clearly logical, step by step. This Sermon is not, this Sermon is leap by leap: it doesn't make sense entirely to the world. My business reputation is built on making good sense, yet this Sermon does not fill-in all the gaps between the points. To the world this Sermon is lacking in thorough logic and is confusing. This Sermon is as if to say "Sweep the dishes.", but brooms are normally dirty and no amount of sweeping would thereby clean the dishes. So this Sermon is on another level as an example of faith of deeper meaning than logic, since this Sermon comes from the Biblical Word. The Holy Word is spoken here, whether understood or not, even I, the author, have not satisfactory understanding of it as the time is not yet come, save We not only of logic yet moreso of faith make time. So We make time. We created time, and now if not spoken by Us, the very dirt would cry-out and the wind would howl (reference Luke 19.40).

Yet while the world makes an observation in nature then reports (and such is good according to the Creator of all), beyond logic, yet aware of logic, We of faith report on the Word, then the natural follows. Logic seeks, faith leads. Faith is the higher value, faith is the head. Logic is the tail, logic does the duty, logic follows orders, logic fails to lead except in retreat. Logically it is better to run from a fight than to risk loss. In nature, sometimes the tail is expendable. Faithfully it is better to conquer righteously, as with end time Holy Marriage. Logic is aware, but only of the logical. Faith is aware of logic and more. Logic agrees with truth, yet faith has truth with direction. Logic is an equation, it can be read forward or backward, the first half last or the last half first. Faith is the equation with reason for using that equation. Faith is the equation with traceability to God. God is more important than the equation, God created equations and can remove them and bring them again. One God needs not logic, save toward saving the world, according to the second, Jesus Christ, being also One. The first was God, faithful, second was the witness, logical, agreeing from the beginning so One. Logic dissolves in Oneness, save logic to value greater faith.

Jesus Christ came to the world in human form, that did not mean God failed as God nor as a Father or Dad, save severing ties as Jesus Christ came as the Sword not only of Holy Peace, yet also similarly severing in Holy Justice, and worldly families and giving room that Mary be with Joseph as Mom and Dad. This was counted as sin since this was self awareness. This was not sin because although this was about the self at the given season, this was for the greater giving of love and no greater is than a person give their own life [for another or others, yet rather as is true] for God.

The Holy One remains pure and Holy even when in the midst of the chaos and confusion of the uncreated or partially created. So too hereby is another mystery revealed: people are born and are partial until Baptized or similar Holy Agreement. These things mean on the one hand, of the world yet to be of greater faith, vests the remains yet to be of greater time and acceptance if at all to continue. And on the other hand, those of great faith are counted in the world as not being a team player and not hiding team sins and not respecting sinners in the team (nor doing sins that bonds them as a team or faction or buddy). So if for instance some people of a group get together to go somewhere to do sin that they say is to have fun and is true to an extent (see GodMath Testament newly defining: "Joke"); then the faithful person might not go with them then, and therefore does not learn what they learn (and that is good), and does not risk, and does not learn other things that happen along that way including aspects that are not sin and may include value, such as about team spirit, meeting people, new scenes, and new discussions.

So the faithful are often overlooked in life, as if inconsequential, such as passed-by regarding promotions, an item of curiosity rather than to be considered seriously, and the reliable person or silent majority, so people with them feel free to do as they please selfishly and carefree, since in the worldly mind the reliable is there if needed.

To be of faith can appear to others as being out-of-touch with reality, but that is the opposite of what faith is. Yet God does not always reveal mysteries, just as One does not always continually repeat nothing except "Jesus is Lord": there is a more excellent Way including Jesus is Lord. To not say Jesus is Lord, is typically not sin. To not be aware of the self, is typically not sin. Yet when the times and seasons yield unto promising for God, then the time is at hand. This is the greater part and logic cannot get there typically; only those of faith for Jesus Christ get to that greater logic. The faithful often longsuffer logic, also long-joying faith, where the unfaithful cannot typically follow. Consider how the Board of Governors hardly allows non-governors to attend their meetings, save of special purpose, such as speakers or support staff. That is, if all the School Boards attend, the Board of Governors could hardly get their higher purpose jobs done, and this does not say School Boards are of less purpose in all respects, save of typical principles, as with GodMath Testament Book of Truth 7.1. And in 7.5 direction is in One as rapture in the Spirit.


Consider how God gave Noah new specifications on building the Ark, and it was good. Noah gave new ideas to the people and it was good. These ideas We gave and heard and accept include Ark building specifications, and the new ideas Noah gave also included information about rain and people and preparing and more. All of these Noah specified, and all of his specifying was new.

Today, what church does anything new?, where is the church that specifies new technology? Yes.


Even grave robbers and thieves can busy themselves about the Old, New, and Mormon Testaments.

How much more hope would a person have if they attend church than if they stay home. The churches don't know (typically, currently: ask them to measure). Yet here it is given in this Chart and in this Series, and the Churches can figure-it-out but do not lift that finger (yet) and prefer the same sermon, year after year. And that is pleasant at times, such as hearing your favorite song. But of a truth, today many churches are stuck in a rut. When was the last time you heard a preacher on television say we have figured from the Noah's Ark pattern and similar Bible patterns, how to build advanced human sensors and special flying cars so you can more quickly find people in need and fly to them at top speed to help them with supplies and services. All too often, the current state of affairs is the hollow voice without substance: do this, don't do that, come back next week: an employer does as much.

Churches are excellent. Let's make them better. Everyone knows it is good and faithful to build devices for good purposes. Everyone knows it is right that the Priest fly in a luxury rocket rather than pull a broken-down cart in an open sewer. Yet so many would argue against these things and against themselves, if given the chance. Everyone knows luxury is good yet not unfairly. This is not to say let's put luxury first, yet if Jesus Christ comes to visit, let's have luxury rockets available, plenty for everyone for the greater glory of God.

Noah was right, let's be as right as Noah. We see a technology pattern with Noah, and a trend such as with patterns involving love, hope, faith, logic, teaching, and more, as done by Paul, David, John, Matthew, Nephi, and more.

The rocket is a vessel with chemicals and fire. The human is as in Mark 9.49.

The flower blossom is a rocket turned inside-out. Faith is the heart turned inside-out.


The Chart above shows how to build a rocket according to wave energy, with conversion to linear form. The Chart is specified yet hardly law as it includes choice: choice given freely from God. This is the law of Grace.

The Chart above shows how to build sexual organs and their Holy Nature, their Biblical root-ings. The seed is the Chart, the seed is the Holy Word, the seed is the actual physical worldly zygote, the seed is the dormant time, even now. Jesus Christ broke out of the seed shell in faith, and out of the husk beyond the cross.

Consider the trend of the heart. It has a pattern of an entrance, an invitation to all cells that would enter (those that do not are stuck and lost in decay). Inside is the midst of the vessel, and with a single chamber heart there is also the exit point for missionaries (for everyone) as all are thrust out (some squeezed with damage along the way, in the world, such as perhaps due to improper spinal care). So the heart has one way into the vessel with one way out: you could build one of these. Build it inside-out, and you built a model of faith!

Relatively then, a person of the world might say it is not the blood (or people) the moves, but it is the heart that moves. This agrees in covenant, yet such is largely logic and may miss the point, being the blood (or people) cannot bypass God in some sort of curvilinear Universe idea nor in some sort of parallel Universe idea, they [must] enter the door even though they enter to liberty.

So let's say you built a heart and put it into a person whose heart stopped functioning properly. So you built the timer and gave the person extra time that they store for when they need it, such as to live. You not only gave them time, you regulate their time.

The people with Moses in the Exodus figured-out technology, such as how to transport things better: they borrowed valuable gold, and then had the misery of having to carry it. The people of the days of recent times invented things too, and people, including Church people, are entered into their works. Generally speaking, the person that built the first heart had top current knowledge, with many former works to advance technology, even before Moses, were entered into that top expert's knowledge. The patients normally benefit, even if the patients are not the top expert.

Technology fits into patterns, such as the inverse square law. Understanding aspects yields greater knowledge, such as the rate of optimum technological progression in terms of time in the future. Rather let Us use Bible trend to create One Formula (in GodMath Testament), that thereby as We see fitting We may choose of Grace, to apply to worldly formulas.

The Holy blessing is administered equally freely. That is the One Formula is available to anyone interested, and can be figured without using the Bible, as a juror can do. Yet do so for God, lest come risk.

Yet of the world, formulas (as also true of any books) can come with worldly price, perhaps fairly. Provide for your family, that is provide for those under your responsibility. Do not be anxious to give sinners valuables beyond their comprehension, lest they fail to see the value and throw such away.

Technology provides help to babies and elderly people, yet what television ministry told you to study Bible patterns that oil pipelines and refineries can be built?, even so, build new, better than before.

Do not despise the Christian Church, even so, do new and better than before.

Build the love machine. And whether it is about sex or not, is trivial compared to love. Keep Biblical priorities, and make new and better; not worse and selfish. Do the Will of God, even if to be fruitful and joyous. Change for the Better.

Love your neighbor, love your Church, love your God Almighty. And since you call these yours, responsibly pay toward their support, give your fair share.

Love your patterns for God, rather love the One Faith Trend. Love technology, rather give new technology to those worthy.

Love God, rather love new God, even so, love God.


Using the Bible Testament of Holy GodMath of Jesus Christ, Book 6 Chapter 1, as [the bird makes it's own wind] [We address many nations] for God and the Victory is accomplished. In this equation is no choice. In the above Chart, this equation is on the right side of the Chart, it is the vertical line of grace. To the world, worldly logic wrongfully and illogically introduces not only a question being the choice at point 5/10 on the left portion of the above Chart but also due to those portions of evolutionary logic that are incorrect, the world often dismisses ideas for God, resulting in the negative path (loop or straying).

So people that believe that the Old and New Testaments are the total that the Bible would ever be, selfishly give themselves a barrier to be away from Jesus Christ, as if the barrier would protect them; in other words, God is worthy of glory alone, yet the Will of God is that each person not impose a barrier. It is the Will of God that all the Chosen enter into the Eternal Glory that is not just in the Old Testament and not just in the New Testament; it is not just at some future date after end time:

the glory for each and all the Chosen is happening now as each person writes their part of the Holy Bible, even their personal Testament:

even theirs is the living Bible.

Many Chosen people currently only believe the Old Testament: they await their worldly expectation of what a [Savior] should be.

Many Chosen people currently only believe as far as the New Testament: they await their worldly expectation of what end time should be.

Many Chosen people currently only believe as far as the Mormon Testament: they await their worldly expectation of what the specially "ordained" would tell them.

As if these precious Chosen have no more current part in the Work of God, these precious souls currently only choose to live under their self-imposed laws. The Old Testament is not merely about law, the New Testament is not merely about "fulfilled", the Mormon Testament is not merely about somebody else leading.

Leadership is not merely about doing the same thing your great-great-great-grand-dad did. Your great-great-great-grand-dad may have discovered (from God) the cure of a disease. So that cure is already here, and if you work to as if discover that same cure, 1. you can't succeed because it's already discovered, 2. you waste time (unless for higher purpose such as for instance anthropological), 3. you don't help much if at all, since people already have the cure, and 4. your focus is on past concerns already conquered, instead of the current state-of-the-art technological, religious, psychiatric, family, medicinal, addiction, governmental, missionary, household, investment, dating, media, entertainment, world events, philosophic, health, marriage, Church and living concerns and many more concerns not only current yet advancing yet moreso planning the One United Holy Course civilization is to have because of your faith and action for God.

Do not merely tell your son and his new bride to live in a tent. Teach them about plumbing, give them instruction about preparing for the Sabbath, make sure they learn to handle money in today's economy, be certain they can accomplish things you never could (if their talents allow: and they do, from on High). Surely you would not tell them goof-off and let God do everything for them, including God saying prayers for God for them: selah.

Good faith is greater than indecision and chaos and illogic. Look at the Chart above and see! Lo! Behold! The upper left portion of the Chart shows the evidence of the unwritten and unspoken line! Did you already teach that to your children and to nations?, even so, understand in faith and/or even in worldly language this Chart did not come from a comic book nor from confusion worshippers, this Chart came traceable from the Bible, even from the Old Testament. This Chart came from the Old Testament, just as it came from the New Testament, just as it came from the Mormon Testament, just as it came from GodMath Testament.

The good Christian does not say God is dead: therefore let not the good Christian make the Bible dead, and only of ages past, and nothing more, save perhaps some faith healing, and some guidance, and perhaps some unity ideas that are only truely faction ideas. Such is logic, and such is faith: good and true.

If you can reach people for Christ via the technology of the Internet, do so. If you can in the future bounce your message-off a star to reach every person personally for Christ via undiscovered technology, do so, even increase your talent toward making it so now. If dark matter gets in your Way, speak, make it flow for you, make it your friend, make it your possession, conquer it, teach it and bring it up in the right path of God, sinless; cause it to address the nations for Christ.


Bible Testament, Book 6 Chapter 1, came from Bible Testament, Book 1 Chapter 2, B1C2 (which came from each and every previous Bible Testament). B1C2 instructed change for the better. Therefore We could use the GodMath mathematical formula to advance some tiny degree of faith. And not only degrees of the circle, yet also of the Chart Series the dashed line of faith, even unseen dashes in this Chart above, yet seen clearly in this Chart via faith (not mere logical evidence). Therefore you learned what faith was and is and will be, at least to some amount: this is physical proof with much Biblical evidence.

Within the degrees of freedom of B1C2, look at the Chart above in the main left & mid illustration. Under the bottom arc are numbers from 6 through 10 through -5. This represents in the world, day and night, good and evil, clear and opaque, advance and retreat. Therefore each of these enter into the formula, that is each can be calculated precisely according to logic, and according to the Bible including Faith.

So moving these from Faith to logic, is to move these ideas from Will to Word, from grace above law to rules of worldly logic under law. Yet even so, this does not remove these from Faith, as the faithful talent overcomes the world: just as for instance, an upper case [A] can also be written as a lower case [a], yet it remains the first letter (it remains an "A" or an "a"). Faith is toward action, logic is toward reaction. Charity (such as money and time) is toward action, addiction is toward reaction. Nutrition is toward action, drugs are toward reaction. Writing Your Testament According To The Previous Testaments (With Your Personal Talent, as great or small as you might perceive) is toward action, reading the Old Testament (here having moved from faith to relative logic of the world (yet not losing faith)) is toward reaction. Reading the Old Testament is goodly, rather seek better. Consider the newborn in your family sleeping in another room yet you are watching the baby while you read the Old Testament; and then you hear a crash in that room, therefore you continue reading or you act. You can return to reading, yet you can hardly return to the crash episode. So you take faith with you beyond the Old Testament, into the baby's room. You do the Will and not merely the Word. You act unselfishly, since reading more hardly earns you and your baby a place in Heaven. You of faith go into the room to see the life, you act, even if the noisy world was the messenger about the concern you should have toward the baby. You do not leave God, yet your feet and hands do the Will of God, not limited to reading.

Good is toward action, bad is toward reaction. In the arc shown, the left side bottom is good history (remember the Sabbath and the suffering the Chosen did for future people), the left side is good. To the world, the right side is bad [lower case to the faithful]. To the faithful, the right side is not bad yet it is counted as bad, counted as sin, since in higher reasoning it is not divided, not separate, and not un-lower case, save Grace raises Us.

The right is counted bad, therefore the evolutionary future, upper right is counter similarly. Therefore people should therefore choose the path unseen, above to the left, the good future; yet people should not fear evolutionary logic, even Jesus Christ sits on high above, on the right Hand of God. Jesus Christ is where He is needed, showing people the right future, even pointing beyond choice offered by logic, as Jesus Christ points the Way to the righteous path of Faith, One with Christ and not divided and not separate: that all be One.

Left above is on the faithful mission, untested and unproven to the world. Right above is the realm of evolutionary logic, of the human, even of the human body of Jesus Christ.

To the left is a goodly action, to the right is the name of that goodly action. Moving in the Chart along the line from Point 1 to Point 2 is to move nearly vertically: it is goodly. Moving from Point 2 to Point 3 is not as vertical, and to the worldly logic, not as goodly. Consider for example the act of the penis, such as perhaps from Point 2 to Point 3. The name of the act is penis (including copulation). The penis has duties and a name. The name goes into negative numbers.

God is all powerful and potent. The world imagines the large penis is about fertility power and potent might, so then why-for would God have a small penis?, and the answer is revealed here in this Chart and Sermon: God is aware about negative numbers yet is hardly of negative numbers. To be goodly, the large penis of negative numbers must retract or rise vertically.

This Sermon is part of the Holy Trend, the Holy Path, the Holy Pattern. To the world, this is a new pattern, formed from previous patterns shown in the Bible.

In the Bible this pattern is found in 1 Kings 12.10 and 2 Chronicles 10.10 "My little finger is thicker than my father's loins." (ASV, & "Rothrham" / O.B.E. 1.33, versions, and/or replace "is" with "shall be" such as in AV version).

This Chart was written long before this conclusion, as the "penis" idea was hardly considered if at all. This Chart was calculated according to certain other Bible patterns, and this "penis" pattern agrees with those other Bible patterns. This is One Holy Biblical Pattern Trend, and Biblical matters agree and enter into this GodMath formula. These not only clearly fit together, these also enlighten in many areas of the Bible that people find difficult to comprehend.

We already learned of Jesus Christ and became One. Also in human form We learned of and about the mind and brain of Jesus Christ IQ of Jesus Christ. But to learn all of and about God is more than many people want. People are anxious to learn the new and exciting, all the good things in life, such as to know what God knows, but do not want to know the hardships God faced, longsuffering to work to create goodness, including the penis of God. Many people believe nobody should discuss such a thing, as if it would dishonor God. Therefore they do not yet get the point of Faith, that We are part of God and not to be separate: the splendid head hardly would cut away the penis, legs, or feet; save for higher purpose. Time has a season of each thing, a glory of each thing God created, so if We are to create time, We are to know love intimately. Consider how a person properly does conceal themself such as in a bathroom, and for instance privately clean their loins and check that cleaning job thoroughly. Such behavior is logically and thoughtfully considered proper, yet of higher faith, such is truely seen as selfish, that is, the self allows the self only to see any shame of dirt or dysfunction or such, if any. According to time or higher reasoning, there is truely more to knowledge than about the self. One respect, is that God is pure and no embarrassment, yet more important than purity, is to know God. Wash hands and the outside of the form, vessel, and cup, yet more important is the inner Mind, Soul, and Holy Spirit of God, outpouring all, and it is Good, the Holy One:

We thank God / God gains more / We advance for God / We more than teach, We do Testament-ing to learn Love.

We also do lesser things in worldly terms, such as draw Charts. Leave not the greater undone.

A volunteer's feet hardly tell the person to walk somewhere, rather the mind tells the feet:

Feet / Brain / Heart (rhythm whether brain is aware and awake or less aware) / Spirit / Faith / Mind / Soul / Holy Spirit.

Similar to the feet of ancillary status, yet united with of body, are the hands. The mind leads, the body follows. Therefore of priority lead your mind with personal "Testament-ing" for God.

The mind leads, personal faith follows. The world may see it differently, raising logic above faith, yet it is Faith that has logic as the subset. The faith leads the human spirit which leads with a subset of time (the heart gives time and timing, but as [Martha did chores] the brain is busy about many worldly concerns as if all those were urgent emergencies. Do not get stuck in that rut, rather be Testament-ing of the mind, and the hands Will follow. You work hard. Optimize your work that your burden be light. Learn the One New Way, and when you know you are learning from Jesus Christ through Testament-ing, you Will wisely learn love of God.

Another can tell you, rather think the Holy Word and record in your own personal understanding (working to help others) yet for the glory of God. Verify as you compose, let love touch your worldly concerns and problems and case histories, yet rather seek the greater Concern Of God: God is no respecter of diverse people; selfish leaning case histories are less about the greater Concern Trend.


Of this Sermon Series so far, this Sermon is especially free from worldly logic and law and the Word, to show the more important Will of the Faith of God.

Consider two perspectives: a person goes to a faith healer and is healed, another person (even One and the same as the healed) goes to someone in need of healing and heals. Selfishly from each perspective the results are desired to be seen. Yet such results can hardly come if there is selfish desire to see the results. Rather, love God and do not put God to the test, yet show such strength to other people to persuade them to glorify God (lest they suffer and cause others to suffer). Therefore increase the number of your talents. Use (even fulfill through Jesus Christ) the talents you now have, that your works (of faith) be found worthy to have more talents and powers of Heavens added unto you (for the greatening glory of God).

We created a "week" of time in this Sermon, therefore do not look for the "week", rather look for the greatening of the glorifying of God: reveal the righteous path of faith personally, that when you are more sure, you may gain confidence on God; not through worldly logic (even though not to do away with worldly logic if the Plan of God is not in agreement), rather more clearly through faith.

Many Christians want to learn logic and faith together, and this is good. It is good for instance to have the bath water temperature agree with the proper temperature of the baby, yet learn the value greater than the bath water, the greater treasure is the baby. The greater treasure is the dedication of the "week" to and for God, rather than the selfish desire to use the "week" now. God gave Us plenty of weeks, even a fulfilled amount according to our personal faith. Let Us therefore give the "week" to the eternal Heir. It is so dedicated this day in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ has immediately blessed this people according to the Word. We now have greater than previously. Time is on Our side, as We are a blessing to this people. We serve this people, and (rather) We serve God. As We serve Us, Our "week" is multiplied, just as Adam is become like one of Us, each of Us is become blessed and together We have also become blessed and also the world and all creation is blessed and a better place because of good done, even good x good.

As We learned in this Sermon Series:

Faith x Logic = Us.

As We learn in this Sermon:

If time be for Us, hardly can any stand against Us.

As We can learn in the next Sermon, beyond no need for pattern recognition, We Will learn more patterns, not delimited by logic, yet rather of faith as recorded in the Holy Bible through the ages.

We are of the ages, therefore We must each lead civilization together for the greater glorifying of God through personally writing (thereby learning new faith) and recording (that the world understand), so future generation can see that We too are entered into the creating (and building) of the faith pattern, that those future generation be more advanced than Us in quickness to comprehend Jesus Christ, and that they be more greatly encouraged to be blessed in greater Holy Faith Eternal.

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