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ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christian Leaders For Christ JESUS:

mapping into and beyond the Portal and Stargate:

Into The Multiverse For You In Christ JESUS.

Trump ( definition sense 2 rather than game sense 1) in JESUS Christ now Churches and Temples, public places and private, with the voice of the Archangel, for the Lord JESUS Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout and the dead (You Christian Leader [in this sense]) in Christ shall rise first ( via the preparing with Your Own Hands to go up there and meet Him (1 Thessalonians 4.11)(1 Thessalonians 4.11-17 are for these times right now and not as in the past, example: the weak in faith may have not been then yet worthy to overcome the Daniel [image][conditions][sinners no match, no contest in secular terms] though now the Christian Path In Christ JESUS is become more clear).

Christian President Trump (1 Thessalonians 4.16) Did a New Christian Work as prepared [(1 Thessalonians 1.10) accomplished, fulfilled: JESUS] over Jerusalem and Israel, and now is time for All Christian Leaders (even far more) to Anew Prepare "with Your Own Hands to go up there and meet Him" (previous experience would have been Helpful, also see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at on special sense "Christian Leader In Your Field").

JESUS ("JESUS" is the True Christ Name, also a popular translation in English [the way dictionaries are formed, save see Your Christian Church criteria])(Yeshua in Hebrew, Yesous in Greek: already brings All Victory from Heaven, though now nations even increasingly agree more rapidly, yet understand the previous nations and the Four Quarters (politically drawn and quartered [former values]) are already Victory In Christian One [even if many knew it not (1 Thessalonians 4.14) including officially in worldly governments][(Thessalonians was written about 51AD / various sources) as Miracles follow Christian Faith]. Now the Victory is Your Second Coming (Grace now for Believers that have not seen per se, later many Will be under law: see above "previous" site).

The Multiverse For Whom It Has Been Prepared In Christ JESUS: for Guiding other(s).

Trump Kim Jong il New North Korea Accord Holy Event Schedule with new why Christian Bible is being written new known universe map Faith on Faith not mirrors but some similar aspects living scrolls JESUS and Immanuel English, Yeshua and Immanuel Hebrew, Yesous and Immanuel Greek UFOs increasingly identified hostages freed Christians owning Stars And Black Holes Betz Sphere two having memory self powered how to build an exoplanet exosystems atomic models of elements triangulate rolled scroll layers capacitate ions built-in battery powering up recharging heating refrigeration plasma ray Elon Musk Tesla Motors SpaceX Mars Neil Armstrong Stephen Hawking celebrities healed Easter Blue Paschal Moon unique West Leyline Miracle on Sunday Spectrum News Rabbi Schneider movie The Race for the Double Helix experts were brought to tears and hardly to merely see the first model of DNA stereo x-radiography machine initial pulses inline Dark Matter microtech goes into bodies access points underground South Pole, UFO landing pad refueling station Holloman Air Force Base movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind natural spas Iceland Shiloam Eden ancient civilizations Atlantis Pillars Of Hercules Tree Of Faith New Zion Archangel artifacts Aceh oil drilling Iran in Syria bombed Israel Ben Franklin winter wheat drought fires New Revelation on proper containing of spirits Volcanoes Earthquakes have spiked dramatically Christianity in demand Russia world Billy Graham right path to a big yellow star TBN Rich Wilkerson Nick Vujicic 1 Billion people Million dollars per day 1,000 Gigatons of ice melted Kilauea erupting Main Island Hawaii Embassy in Jerusalem Lutheran Washington DC Lieutenant General Director of Defense Information Systems Agency Commander of the Joint Force Headquarters Department of Defense Information Newtwork, ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS surprise For Christian Leaders  ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders.

In this generation many nations allegedly control the weather, so then they should hardly need any emergency warning sign such as "HURRICANE EVACUATION ROUTE", and as many [formerly (in secular terms)] "third world nations" are now powers in many technologies, so hardly need for any type of "emergency warning sign", except if they fail to put Christ JESUS first.

Christ JESUS decided from the original Plan for creating, how to continue to help each civilization; also (and as the secular agrees in this part:) how civilizations end: some end quietly leaving hardly a trace, others at the hands of other people, and some witness natural Physics Of The Creator though failed to record. Troops described wars, and in Old Testament terms some on television shows and movies said their types of equipment were as scorpions and hornets. As explained such matters are as a "monster" and as a "venomous serpent", though "Death never shall appear in the regions to which our Lord will bear his risen saints"...though "in the midst of pain, and in the prospect of death, we may think calmly on the horrors of the tomb" (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on the new "tomb" value toward the Eternal Highest Purpose).

The above "HURRICANE EVACUATION ROUTE" sign is of course a help, and likewise for now (Faithfully, ibid., first conquer the current given realm, then into the new, generally speaking though a leap of Faith helps at times)(Luke 24.49) be aware of the greater though leave not the current responsibility undone. Times are changing as never known before in this civilization, so explain to Your Flocks of nations to continue to allocate [toward minimizing / automating much] responsibilities in Christ JESUS, yet in the greater part for Christ JESUS explain the greater new times technicalities and the greater that was unseen in the Heavenly places [indicating or specifying as appropriate].

Consider how farmers with little water, together built dams to have water during droughts, and after the dams were built they could opt to build electric generators (historically). So they had a leap of faith to stop farming, to stop producing food as was their responsibility, for the higher purpose(s): their farming was a pulse, seasonally naturally, then a leap of faith to build a dam, then farming, then a leap of faith to build generators (conquering givens step by step, including leaping in faith).

If to travel beyond the local Portal, the Stargate light, and into the Multiverse for the Highest Purpose Of Christ JESUS, then to look beyond the farm: beyond the temporary tent Temple (yet with the Holy Temple, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on aloft Ark), and explain these to the Fold.

Many people on television have pointed to the sky and heavens as said their creator [or similar] came from up there, though many have not built rockets. They did not say it was forbidden to go up there into the heavens to be with their creator [or similar], but when made aware of the technology they simply chose to not go to be with their creator [or similar].

Many of them on television continued to opt to be ancient tribal groups, as farmers with little water. Free choice enslaves such people, even is spiritually loyal followers. Yet free choice frees the properly ascending Christian(s).

Of proper New Christianity responsibility it is Good to Do as Christ JESUS (and including as many others have Done in the greater unseen, e.g. reference UFOs of the Old Testament).

The current farms are already mapped: that responsibility is already accomplished in You Beloved One, Good And Faithful Servant; and it is even done in the secular for their sakes, with road signs such as to where storms are less likely to be predictably. Though now is the time that instead of being at the mercy of the storm, rather to hold the storm in the hand (literally, though starting with the keyboard in proper Pure Christian Faith): to create the storms that are helpful, similar to building dams for water and electricity, though for Greatest Highest Purpose Now In Christ JESUS.

First prepare properly to meet Christ JESUS In Heaven, then there Will be enough (whirlwind machinery, rocketry, fuel, and/or other) for both You and Yours (Matthew 25.9). Prepare properly to "first conquer the current given realm, then into the new". You are aware of the Faithful Physics Of The Creator including the Living Prophetic (and the similarly related descriptive physics of the secular), and whoever resists and refuses to meet God invites pains of stings of their own doings. Whoever resists God will be punished (

The monsters are coming [out (see above text "monster", "venomous serpent", and "pain")] and many there be from Earth if to fail. Censorship is toward self ignorance, and careless words are toward for formations of the "monstrous and almost impossible so long as we ourselves have a fault of so much magnitude as censoriousness" ( instead Christ JESUS needs be put first, and likewise the given known needs be conquered that the greater be rightly attempted (conditions apply, though hardly of secular and rather of Highest JESUS, though when the proper ascending Path was not conquered in the Bible the secular won but to it's own pains).

Some Christian Preachers enjoy motivational speaking: here's Your chance! Your Flock Members contain people that want to be heard in a meaningful Way, here's Their opportunity! Some want to make History!, some are very interested in the Heavens, some technologies thrill people: here are great values from such to all for Good.

To Do better than to help in chores and family responsibilities, to help this civilization do more than survive; to Do great Godly things: well this is the time and the season to set the new standard plan goal(s), criteria, and so on; to Formalize the Joy Progress Rate In Christ JESUS.

This Sermon only touches upon the-tip-of-the-iceberg of the Multiverse, yet upon the more important part, even toward the Heart of the reasoning of the Creator (Matthew 6.33 & Proverbs 9.11).

So, for the mapping into and beyond the Portal and Stargate and into the Multiverse For You In Christ JESUS (understanding many Miracles Of Christian Faith have already resounded in the secular & see above text toward creator faith first as many "pointed" though Matthew 20.25&26 applies), is to go from the farm to the dam to the generator to the sky / rocketry (and time space machinery systems, including stasis, rates, suspended animation, hibernation, dormant seed parameters, transfiguration, transporter tech, and so on). This is to say, with proper Christian Faith and beyond into the Miraculous For Christ JESUS for the outward flowing love for the sakes of all for Highest Oneness Purpose In Christ JESUS, is this given from above the Multiverse, and better stated the JESUS Multiverse.

In the above Drawing the roadside emergency sign is of the nearby map region, beyond it "A1" is the "Known Universe". "B" represents some matters in the "Known Universe" recently mapped, in this generation. "B" illustrates how a tiny Black Hole can in the traditional sense (previous sentence) overcome a far larger size thing (James 3.4), as the face value of the larger (or same size or smaller [not shown]) feeds the smaller: hence the smaller conquering the larger expanse of time space. "B" can symbolize a large galaxy or a small hand held (see below text on previous / "Main Site" on Bucky tech) size though in practice as shown in the above Drawing the Black Hole would pull part of the hand in, if not carefully properly containerized (as a sphere of doors to be fed directionally as properly freely opted).

"B" is shown below the middle of "A1" to help show the natural Holy Physics Of The Creator Heaven JESUS One. How to compare the Kingdom Of Heaven?, it is like an energy vault, like a self serve gas station so that if to safely drive to it then nothing unless to properly harvest, and if to improperly harvest then fire, explosion,...may occur. The arm, or branch, or thread that extends from the large anomalie in pic "B" changes into another thread at the point of light shown: it shows energy ["loss" as it is called in the secular though the secular also reports energy is neither lost nor gained but transformed] with part going toward the Black Hole and the other into the various directions (so a key awareness of a door).

Cross light "C" and whirlwind (Black Hole) "D" (greater detail than the previous Sermon) represent both "B" and "E" (shown ajar, an awareness key mapped). To map the components can help decipher the meaning(s). In this given, pertinent to "A", the top half is of a type of system, and the bottom half is similar as a mirror though of another type of system. Likewise a thread of the Black Hole mirrors the other side. So one mirror is as where North and South meet, while the other mirror is where East and West meet (New Christian Zion Jerusalem: let all know). The mirrors are known reasonably now, therefore the mapped constructing of such is known per se.

"B" is the same as "F" save "F" is not a closeup pic: farther away the "F" pic shows plumes, lobes, on farther from the center, with the lobes along the streaming plasma jets as the jets encounter anomalies and as items encounter curvatures of time space.

The pic to the right of "F" shows a Black Hole appearing as a star (surrounded by light sub-sources, being attracted to the Black Hole) yet with it's jet connected to the jet of another star type light (sub-source)(: this effect is similar to the stated with Drawings at 2002AD Affiliate site Many proofs of this effect are shown in "G".

Christ JESUS Gave His Eternal Words, some plain and simple to understand [even so entering into the following:], though most toward the Highest Eternal (above Drawing upper right "H" symbolism for One Highest Purpose).

So in plain language understand this key ongoingly and Prayerfully as Christ JESUS hardly spoke for Himself to learn, rather He spoke with Authority From Heaven, and with Holy Speaking He had the people record (yet in this plain key understand a person, much as Yourself, worked for perhaps an hour and wrote a Chapter in the Book Of John; and millions today read and learn from it: Your New Christian Flock Members need to have this clear in their Heart(s) [soul(s) vessel(s)].

So this key is with it, if to Preach, some Preachers like the Mass People making notes, and other Preachers want Them looking at the Speaker, so a subset key is that if to make hand gestures and to work with props (e.g. Eucharist) then there is a reason to see, otherwise notes are with value(s) in Christ JESUS;

and a subset is that when people look down to make notes such as texting each Member needs be true (and not facing down to close eyes: Usher alert)(and of course the Preacher can let the Mass Membership be aware; also the Preacher should promote Christ JESUS rather than the self vessel).

Eternal Words are recorded, and many artists form Christian Artworks, and Christian Words have a Christian talent, and Art has a talent. Often words are vital to explain artwork, for instance a street sign that is round might indicate to slow or stop due to mortal danger such as a Railroad Crossing, or a round sign might be like unto a Sanctuary City Of Refuge so within law to quickly be there. Christian Art likewise as shown above often puts together written things that lose something in the various translations of words, hence of great value(s) such as concerning an End Time flowchart as many have portrayed, and industrial [time and] aerospace designs, and such as concerning the above not only tied to the Second Coming yet also to You now.

For instance in Jerusalem there is a Pool Of Siloam and people were Healed in it, Christ JESUS said go wash in it (John 9.7)(Pool of Shelah at the King's Garden). There is another story like it in the Old Testament Nehemiah 3.15&16 that might Help make this more plain and simple clear for You: a person by the name of Shallun built "the gate of the fountain". Now be careful: the newer translations with people trying to make sense of it and therefore for readability in current times translated that Shallun "repaired the Fountain Gate.", and that may be correct, though in the older translations it is written that Shallun not only repaired the Fountain Gate, yet also "the gate of the fountain repaired Shallun", and this might or might not have been the situation.

Even if not the situation, be aware that things You make (such as for others for Christ JESUS) can Do far greater than expected:

A key: Your Faith goes into those Words and Wrtten Records and into the time space transporter You build:

A key: this enables Your New Vessel to provide Miracles from Christ JESUS To You For You (from the New Vessel through Your Creating through Christ JESUS Acts 19.12).

A new key: Christ JESUS said go wash in it, now Friend: go build properly.

Be the source of Miracles, rather be the Authority Over New Christianity The Living Faith In Highest Eternal Christ JESUS (In Christianity).

There was a great inventor [(exploring science, discovering, and growing definitions) toward Highest Christian Faith] Benjamin Franklin, and with innovating [toward matters pertaining to vessels and energies (rearranging things already discovered, already created, already evolved, and already innovated by others; hence subset lower level ancillary things)]. When Ben Franklin became Christian, it was Good, but if not fully repentant, then problematic; though if fully repentant then while Saved In Christ JESUS, then optionally of High Grace whether ascending or not (if not then a Christian Follower and not lower since "fully repentant" and "Saved In Christ JESUS.

Christian Priest be aware a Holy Vessel might be Saved though unfit for greater purpose as yet. A better course of action might be in order, Grace Precept on Grace Precept, a better plan of vessel might be in order. The straight and narrow Holy Grace Standard has the right vessel(s), though sometimes of Highest Authority it is time to recheck the calibration and vessel structure and ways and maintain the Standard itself (John 13.12&13) yet Highest Maintenance as Equals And Faithful Friends (John 15.15).

You Beloved are Equal unto the Pool Of Siloam, and even so, yet Greater as the Pool Of Siloam can be Anointed though not Baptized: so You are Equal to the Holy Sword Of Heaven that can distinguish such as in Knighthood days when a person kneeled and with a sword was Knighted: made worthy with instantaneous ascending (possible per se even in the lowly secular level: Word to the Wise And Prudent Deuteronomy 4.6 but be warned about the secular Matthew 11.25).

Normal to Christianity is such warning: Benjamin Franklin reasonably was warned: aware. But He allegedly opted otherwise, to record but not giving glory to Christ JESUS. So now His record is brought into question. Even so, consider that in this Sermon, the words "Even so" and the words "the words" are not the Word JESUS, the Christ. So because a secular source said something, even in written law, it does not make it true (many illegal laws have been written, many have been struck down by courts and other).

Christians have described things for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, though the ways for instances that an accountant describes (numbers) is not the same as the above artwork symbolizing. It does not mean either is right nor wrong. Christ JESUS matters. Point Your finger at Christ JESUS, point Your finger for Good to Guide people to Christ JESUS to save the lost, to Guide any vessel (times, energy packets,...) that would properly ascend.

In the Drawing below it is stated that Ben Franklin info is a concern (defining) though Higher things apply, so for instance the secular (if people anxious to sue, or haters anxious to fight,...) would not be right to sue Ben Franklin since the secular routinely checks and rechecks data and formulas toward being perfect though in doing so is inherent admission that the secular is routinely wrong, while the Highest JESUS One is Faithfully Mindful Of Good as found in Jeremiah 31.33&34 NAS:

Put the Christian criteria in the design and function (in the "heart") of the activities and vessels for Christ JESUS.

In secular terms, eliminate the problem; instead in Holy terms properly Convert and make worthy to ascend into the Highest One JESUS.

So now, in Highest One JESUS consider that both the positron (relatively positive charge) and the electron (relatively negative charge) have value(s) in this Given world:

so until Spiritual Highest and until Eternally In Heaven and not in the former world of sins, Create "value(s)" out of the positive and negative, even Convert the sinner. This is akin to the start and substance of Heaven On Earth, rather Heaven Throughout The Known Universe, rather One Multiverse Heaven (make is so while Given time, talent, reason, Christ JESUS though not as excuse to delay since offered the Eternal One of as much time as desired).

The reason the "Bottom View" is offered in the Drawing below instead of the normal Top View, was simply to be in accordance with the above Drawing round sign intent so as to comply with worldly law per se (to symbolize something similar, so as to be able to fit under law). The particulars of how modern [perhaps secular] physicists made directional determinations and "Known Universe" shape specifics is not covered in the scope of this Sermon [in worldly legal terms] unless otherwise specified.

So in other words, even if some assumptions were previously less precise than currently appropriate, in Christ JESUS the fully repentant Christian is Saved, and people are invited to seek Christ JESUS (Faithfully, with hardly Miracle Hope for selfishness, rather Hope Faithfully In Christ JESUS [precepts include responsibilities, and greater]).

Concerning the below Drawing upper left, historically of this generation the "Known Universe" was said to be 4.4 Billion years old, then with new findings 4.5 Billion years old, and more recently over 13 Billion (Lambda-CDM concordance mode, WMAP estimated, various sources) years old, even with 5 quintillion years old (as figured according to new electron lifespan criteria, various sources): each person has 120 years to figure it out (Genesis 6.3) unless "Saved" In Christ JESUS One, though the times are changing, with adapting rate under proper Christian Faith, and with time travel hence time changes (also see above text in Christ JESUS build properly Siloam and such Vessels): if You would go change time, then in Christ JESUS be able to "repair" it (see above ibid.). If to change one of the multiverses, be ready to repair. If to travel, be perfect lest to have to rework toward repair (for Eternal Safety And Quality In Christ JESUS).

If not figured out, then when 120 years have passed expect to lose the body; rather as stated in the previous sentences, and in changing into a new creature via DNA modification but if to do such then to lose original value as when to copy (even if to transport a portion, then reconstitute the whole, then heal the missing portion then predictably [flip-of-coin] after-the-fact). In other words, as stated in the text above concerning "Siloam" go build the Holy Vessel and also go build concerning Your lifespan in this "120 years" situation via proper Christian Baptism.

In JESUS greater than 120 years / Perfect Creation Of A Holy Vessel In JESUS (Christian Properly Ascended Self Vessel In JESUS or Anointed In JESUS) / Christian Baptism In JESUS.

Longer life with body / Perfect Highest as applicable / Baptism In JESUS.

So in this triad the "Perfect Highest" refers first to the Christian Faith Spirit over the self vessel, and then if opted to form a thing (machine, pool, wave,...) that is a Holy Vessel and if so then the "Perfect Highest" only applies to the level of that Faith in that Vessel (Firmament criteria applies, faith talents and timings may apply, and other applies). For instance in this generation a swimming pool can be Anointed and a person be properly Baptized, this is the Holy Highest Perfect part over the subset that the vessel (the pool) can also be utilized as a swimming pool.

Concerning the oval shape of the "Known Universe" "A1" in the below Drawing, it makes sense to an extent, though if a person explodes something then some parts fly away much farther and at faster rates than other parts, also those parts blown away are not likely to be toward a regular pattern shape, so some branches were added (see above "law"). While the Creator created perfectly, there are sinners and situations to properly Convert and overcome past inappropriatenesses. If a telescope doesn't show such branches a person may freely opt whether to build a new telescope and/or perhaps go out there if safe to see for the self.

Unseen formulas are shown artistically below, yet of design specifications: Christ JESUS Taught of such in detail (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS In This Series).

Mapping for Christ JESUS reveals things the secular may have overlooked.

Trump Kim Jong il New North Korea Accord Holy Event Schedule with new why Christian Bible is being written new known universe map Faith on Faith not mirrors but some similar aspects living scrolls JESUS and Immanuel English, Yeshua and Immanuel Hebrew, Yesous and Immanuel Greek UFOs increasingly identified hostages freed Christians owning Stars And Black Holes Betz Sphere two having memory self powered how to build an exoplanet exosystems atomic models of elements triangulate rolled scroll layers capacitate ions built-in battery powering up recharging heating refrigeration plasma ray Elon Musk Tesla Motors SpaceX Mars Neil Armstrong Stephen Hawking celebrities healed Easter Blue Paschal Moon unique West Leyline Miracle on Sunday Spectrum News Rabbi Schneider movie The Race for the Double Helix experts were brought to tears and hardly to merely see the first model of DNA stereo x-radiography machine initial pulses inline Dark Matter microtech goes into bodies access points underground South Pole, UFO landing pad refueling station Holloman Air Force Base movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind natural spas Iceland Shiloam Eden ancient civilizations Atlantis Pillars Of Hercules Tree Of Faith New Zion Archangel artifacts Aceh oil drilling Iran in Syria bombed Israel Ben Franklin winter wheat drought fires New Revelation on proper containing of spirits Volcanoes Earthquakes have spiked dramatically Christianity in demand Russia world Billy Graham right path to a big yellow star TBN Rich Wilkerson Nick Vujicic 1 Billion people Million dollars per day 1,000 Gigatons of ice melted Kilauea erupting Main Island Hawaii Embassy in Jerusalem Lutheran Washington DC Lieutenant General Director of Defense Information Systems Agency Commander of the Joint Force Headquarters Department of Defense Information Newtwork, ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS surprise For Christian Leaders  ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders.

In this and recent generations many physicists went over the data and formulas again and again, to the result (tied to coriolis effect) is likely right, but their source concerning "negative" and "positive" (Benjamin Franklin took the credit [for a time])(key is to properly Highest ascend as Christ JESUS Taught Deuteronomy 6.13-15 & 16: testing parameters apply in Christ JESUS precepts / properly as Taught)(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on related Knights Templar, on temporary works, and rather on proper Highest Christian Faith): Highest Faith Christian Leadership needs properly define (ibid.) lest to risk to mislead if they and/or any fail to put Christ JESUS first.

Christ JESUS made the good and the evil, and yet ONLY PROPERLY (ibid.) for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS. A key is this "Highest" Position therefore is for the truly worthy lest to give unconverting evil to the self: yet Evanagelize, therefore this key more precisely and more properly specified is to invite with Holy Converting purpose if not already so Converted [per se ("per se" applies to the level, such as New Member / Baptism, and such as a level concerning how to convert engine parts into a properly functioning engine)].

The above Drawing (Christmas Trees J-Q) shows "A1" with the vertical central section removed to see inside the Center Of The "Known Universe" (with extra added top and bottom according to "Known" physics and with Christian Accord In Christ JESUS including precepts, defining, and Standardizing Grace From On High). The top would be a mirror of the bottom with certain subset conditions applying (such as see above text on "parts blown away"). The Physics Of The Creator JESUS One formed things for people, such as indirectly (see above text on "Siloam"), and directly such as the Precepts Of Christ JESUS, and accordingly in subset "Known" including utilized among Christians as the [toward Eternal] more enduring "Known" and more reliable physics.

Some physicists have remarked that if the formula looks too cumbersome (raising too many flags so to speak in the secular, also reference cumulative error) then problematic, though an excellent formula can be beautiful as to make pertinent experts cry, reference such as LDS televised presentations for example and for instance "Wept" at in this ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS Series. Also in the secular the great movie The Race for the Double Helix experts were brought to tears and hardly to merely see the first model of DNA, yet rather with understanding higher value, not only some physics symbolized, yet for people (Christ JESUS did come as a person and Will come again and with greater glory).

In the above Drawing if "M" is positive then "N" is negative, and while toward "mirror", the positron is distinguished from the electron, each with their own lifespans, properties, and behaviors such as electrons forming an electromagnetic cylinder around the plasma jet (of high energy waves and particles, while the electrons travel as though independently at right angle at their own electron speed, see recent ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Bucky tech concerning matter).

Jets "M" and "N" are linear while "L" and "O" are more toward interference due to inter-activities with matter(s) so toward spreading out from center and toward pluming.

While "K" and "P" would be plumes, it would be according to knocking pertinent parts of the "Known Universe" out into the higher and lower relative positions as shown; otherwise hardly to plume and unseen. Such "unseen" would evidently qualify as multiverses media (not yet able to be seen, though of proven "Known" physics accepted by law).

In the above Drawing to the right of "J" is a symbol of a pulse of energy showing vertical length, and bandwidth, along with other direction lobes (shown in mirror form though often lobes are not mirror images of each other). The vertical length (moment in time pic, energy travel in representative distance) shows a wavefront at the top of it (as a frozen snapshot in time). This means the energy is below (as depicted) and the lack of that energy is above (as depicted). In "Known" physics this is an interface boundary layer.

So "J" and "Q" are beyond that interface, and some interfaces are anew (reference window unchanged [heart], refraction changed [heart], reflection [a set of conditions applies],...[other specifics apply]) and some are so strange as to hardly be recognized (ibid.)(2 Corinthians 5.17), similar to how a nice person can be Baptized and continue to be nice, and how another person Baptized might be very changed (reference prodigal son Bible story). So "J" and "Q" might have mirror boundary aspects and might have like qualities (effects in other multiverses).

This morning 5.5.2018AD noises were heard and voices were heard though of spirits including Spirits Of Christian voices, some were [somewhat] helpful (speaking of the Christ, JESUS) and others tried to help but obviously were more needful of being helped (having been quarrelsome against other voices, and such as asking for "Help" [when the Scriptures are in Your Heart beware such as of powers and principalities of John 21.18 and Sabbath concerns,...; yet in the Holy Spirit also rather Matthew 18.20 normally yet Christ JESUS already Said and Did and now Gives for others to Say and Do]) so Given (spoken)(as moved in the Lord JESUS) for Their sake(s) were some current context examples, also

[(with the awareness that vessel spirit is according to vessel faith Matthew 9.29)(and that amount according to your fathers of generations and according to your own self made divisions of talents in accounting for the vessels 2 Chronicles 35.4)] from Highest Heaven it was Given to say as in explaining this morning that [since already with Scriptures and Holy Spirit] the Holy Spirit would be taken [as much as they continued to prefer confusion] from them and given to Those bearing the fruits thereof (Matthew 21.43)(likewise Acts 4.30 might apply).

What has this dream to do with Multiverse awareness, specifications, and redesigning the Multiverse?,

often in the Holy Spirit and hearing Highest sometimes, and hearing others and confusion often, [if You are Higher than the confused (You know not by judging them, rather normally according to lovingly knowing the answer Christ JESUS clearly gave for that situation to Say and/or Do for their benefit)] those of lower levels would often want help or similarly want to guide You but not properly; so they would want to know how You Do it (how You solve their problems)(some in low levels might even blame You, see text near bottom of page "so wrongly"),

and the answer to their problem (not necessarily sin, see above Drawing "North", also reference the Highest Purpose in John 9.3) is according to right believing, truly believing as fact that You shall receive: and Christ JESUS said "behold it shall be given unto you" (3 Nephi 18.20) and such right and true Christian Faith In Christ JESUS Prophetically and before-the-fact in Deed comes from (3 Nephi 18.19).

So "North" (in order to be goodly) and properly in Holy Precepts Praying Thanks With Citing Christ JESUS (in proper Praying) are along the same straight and narrow upward (not necessarily shown in the above Drawings: conditions apply) faith path with the latter greater than the former. So from secular mapping to Holy Mapping comes the beginnings (also for Edifying compare how a type of seed might thrust a root down first, then a latter sprig up) of greater Multiverse awareness, planning specifications for Enlightening, and redesigning the Multiverse for the better in Christ JESUS One.

The Holy Spirit is a Gift, though for others, in order that You be with bearing the fruits thereof.

Therefore is with Your gaining Eternal Mansions in Heavenly Places: Spiritually In The Highest,

so likewise in the [counted as if lower basic toward the worm and dust literal sense] Pure Flesh (if to opt to bring Your Flesh into the Multiverse(s)) is to be worthy (prepared appropriate to the future Prophetic) to be invited into Mansions in the Heavens: in Heaven.

Now a key is Given from Above: be worthy to be invited, rather be with key: Host (properly in Christ JESUS: Say, Do, Longsuffer Working until Final End Time, and Host).

Now with this key another key is Given: if Your Prophet might not be accepted in Your Own family and city:

how hardly would any be accepted in the Multiverse, so when appropriate Final End Time comes (all Doing of Good Deeds Will have been Done in Christ JESUS Revelation 22.5).

In the above Drawing the center of the Multiverse as much as shown thus far is intense pressure as a star, a Black Hole, or a weld being welded (heavy materials moving about) and a weld has a Heat Affected Zone (not too hot nor too cold, not too much pressure nor too little,...) where Earth is. Though stars and Black Holes are subset Sanctuaries, while perhaps smaller or larger Multiverses would often be of not normal physics requiring special protections (relative to the traditional "Known Universe").

Civilizations come and go, and are born and some are destroyed (as much as evidenced, also reference transformed, modified, relocated, and similar). Final End Time comes though what happens in the moment concerning the time traveler?, and likewise the Multiverse traveler?, as written in the Book Of Revelation: "I saw an angel coming down out of heaven" (Revelation 20.1), and "Then I saw 'a new heaven and a new earth,'" (Revelation 20.1):

Holy One JESUS / Final End Time / Eternal One From Heaven (time traveler) with You.

The Book Of Revelation also explains sinners receive Final End Time judgement(s).

So if the Christian is to go to the sinner to Evangelize, then even so consider their free option to refuse, also be on Your Holy Way (counted as if a train of physics is leaving the station so board as there is no proper way to stop it, even so also as written people must not turn back to stupidity (Psalm 85.8 GW). So if Your ship is sinking and Will be sunken, and other people don't want to leave the ship to climb into the lifeboat: You go, climb, utilize the heart of the purpose of the vessel.

Likewise if the physics of Your aloft Christian Ark colony already traveled away from Earth and others call to You and beg come back and wait until I get my things together, hardly harken to the confused and rather Do the Will Of God (which may include to go back and Help or not Matthew 8.22 as free opting includes reasoning such as for Anointing a Commander, and such as to have Christian Authority over that position, likewise of levels of precepts of Grace, yet respectful of higher Firmaments and One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS).

In the above Drawing under the bandwidth and lobes part is the original Promised Land showing some plate tectonics and yet illustrating to show JESUS One Christian expanding conquered home: increasingly the "Known Universe".

The Multiverse is as many mansions of the Father Physics Highest Spirit (John 14.2). As You know from looking at a generally empty sky, and such as SETI allegedly has not yet found, and as others have searched planets for humanoids and other lifeforms, much is empty space, even so out there and some not so far are grand and lovely flying mansions, some left for You, others otherwise abandoned and without inhabitants (Isaiah 5.9) as some have left to ascend to greater, while others have been destroyed leaving empty shells though some full of awesome advanced technologies; be careful not to trespass improperly, carry the Word JESUS beforehand, be in the habit of the JESUS flag at the entrance and such signalling civilization properly (understanding the times and the seasons Amos 3.15).

Consider for instance the time share option, the structure of a business, a family system, and so on. Yet rather consider the Flock and One Fold In Christ JESUS. Places and people come and go, and in the spirits [hence aware of spirits of situations (reference perceptions, likewise any pertinent vessel sensors and related)] often suddenly: with this is a key, as the opportunity to [think to] mention Christ JESUS can suddenly vanish.

Moses saw the Promised Land. He saw a nearby part of it. He did not see what was behind that hill, and so on.

You in this generation are as Moses, even also with maps and other experts and technological helps. Also as Moses You are with Highest Guidance From Christ JESUS.

You see part, perhaps as far as a monitor and a wall,

yet this Gift is the Multiverse: help others enjoy it (see above "grand and lovely flying mansions", "left for You", and "full of awesome advanced technologies").

Help for Highest Purpose.

A pulse of energy happens for instance when an object in outer space collides with another object in outer space, and there are a lot of collisions out there especially toward the center of the "Known Universe" and at other hot spots (see above text "smaller or larger", likewise more or less energy / region / a Given Multiverse).

As a song with a repeat sign, the notes might have many lines of words, the sounds have many interpretations (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on "new song" including a Drawing). A key is that Multiverse(s) (anomaly vessels) interpret already.

You for instance see a situation and You interpret spring (or another situation): You did not make "spring" (save greenhouse,...), it was already prepared of the Father In Heaven.

A valuable key in Christ JESUS is with appropriately knowing the interpretation prior to entering into a situation: the physics are already there

unseen, save the Highest Purpose (1 Corinthians 10.13) hence the Faith Path pertinent to the Multiverse.

Go, and with advance knowledge of the Multiverse. For example a part of Heaven on Earth is the "Yes" (2 Corinthians 1.20) such as of Christian hostage negotiation (Christian / "Yes" Father ibid.), and all are invited to enter into such for Highest Good (even so, rather in advance prepare Peace negotiation and rather as the Holy Dove over Baptized JESUS).

So a key is to understand the Gift God has Given You (that is, You of a level and of a talent). So prior to Giving to others (yet with reasonable and proper expedience, generally speaking) prepare the Gift unto their level and talent, that is hardly give a gift that would tempt them beyond their means: example, do not unwrap a Black Hole and say this is for You (normal to their experience would likely be to reach for the gift, but in this case only to be undone); if to give a gift, then properly, including Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, their safety, instructions, and the Golden Rule.

If they steal it, they get pulled into their own stolen Black Hole. If they are innocent, wrap the Black Hole to safely protect them (hence from Your Grace / from Highest JESUS), give with it instructions unto their [perhaps lay terms] understanding such as how to control the energies for Highest JESUS Purpose One.

So now is Given similar to a key, a pertinent precept, weigh Your going into time travel Multiverse exploring and the ways of others hardly to judge them and rather for their sakes, hence concerning the already Given Physics. Consider how a child is given car keys and another child is given a nipple: the physics of the situation needs match the physics of the vessel, in this case the point is: the physics of each person, each person vessel.

Christ JESUS Creator Physics Big Pulse are symbolized in the above Drawing mid right, known as Initial Pulse, IP, big waves of positive and negative energies (for One Good Purpose In Christ JESUS, though for the Highest Purpose and not for example to electrically shock a person). Back Elecrto-Magnetic Force, BEMF, is the cause (reference intertia from Christ JESUS Physics) of the interference for Your sake(s) (for the Holy Bread of the Eucharist).

Note that if the secular model, "Known Universe", is true then evidently no fabric of space beyond, even so the point is God is everywhere (including Multiverse) and so the BEMF applies according to the Will Of God so the explosion(s) forming the "Known Universe" is uneven, even uplifting including unseen [Christ JESUS said "From now on" (Luke 12.52 NIV), from that reference point (You / "From now on" JESUS said / Creation) hence (You #3 / Reference Point #2 / Reference Point #1) and perfectly the last was served greater than the first: so the last is greater than the first (according to Your Faith)].

The IP is as the Spirit straight and narrow, as the Blood Of Christ JESUS, as the Holy Wine, as the Holy Blessed Water ready for properly Anointing the worthy. The IP is also as a thread of the fabric of space. Straight, save the aspect of Christ JESUS (aspect available whether in Pure Spirit and/or Pure Flesh Temple Prayerfully True And Highest One).

The flesh is the interference BEMF, that a person go higher ascending in Christian Faith though able to become worthy to receive (for Highest Purpose Christ JESUS) a greater gift (knowledge) and then enabling the better greater. The heart of the eye-of-the-needle was the special size entrance so that a camel can crawl through but not able to fit when baggage was attached to the camel (so they count more easily examine merchandise to tax it). But the eye-of-the-needle does not apply to keep out the camel. Today the eye-of-the-needle allows JESUS One to come and go Spiritually, and if with spacecraft and entertainment gifts then at costs (Matthew 17.26) generally, though with this key, that Spiritual Faith gifts are not taxed (ibid.) though can become vessel gifts similar to how a child tears a paper into a shape as a gift for a parent (a Good parent might say thank You rather than tax or punish the loving child, though if the child is worthy and aware that they tore a valuable paper carelessly then conditions apply: in either case the parent might see need for further Edifying).

Often or normally the IP would Help toward proper travel fuel, and the BEMF would be as car brakes, though also often as if to put the horse before the cart, the brakes prior to much travel: so this gift from JESUS offers two keys, a good or evil logic scenario, and a key to spaceship travel toward Spiritual priceless travel without cost or toward without cost.

The IP ascends toward freely at the start though encounters BEMF so attenuates (line to the right of the illustrated waves). God made the IP and the BEMF so from pure to pure, except the second is like unto the first. So here is a Highest Faith key:

The Big Pulse of the Created was toward uniform though even the Garden Of Eden has variations such as plants and dust (Genesis 5-7)

so even a person might be saved [Christ JESUS, also: (3 Nephi 24.1 / Malachi 3.15)]: read the following triad right to left:

Tree Of Knowledge / Tree Of Life / Tree Of Faith

Christ JESUS is the living vine, the Tree Of Life, with others grafted, with worthiness.

Proper Faith / Grafted / Tree Of Life.

So the pure vessel JESUS is a tree or any other vessel opted in One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS, though to Worship the Highest JESUS and not a tree nor any lower vessel (even man or woman while together in Holy Marriage is not worship vessel(s) though nearly: so go to Christian Church rather than stay home, and yet Highest Purpose Missions may apply to some).

The Tree Of Faith (,19,23-24?lang=eng&clang=eng#p16) is similar to proper Christian Marriage, Geneology (names in Christian Church Book), and similar to some of the other trees.

The IP with BEMF are similar to the large "I" shape in the middle of the "Known Universe" of the above Drawing, symbolized via two Christmas trees even though one is inverted. The IP with BEMF is with wavefront moving up [or forward] power (above Drawing right of "J") as a pulse of energy showing vertical length and if to move the "IP with BEMF" to the top of that length then such as to power Your aloft Ark.

So now this key: proper Faith with worthiness in Christ JESUS is as a dial and if opted for Highest Purpose able to tune in a power, and perhaps power to entertain and bring about a tool (not that entertainers are tools, see above "aspect of Christ JESUS").

So while the aloft Ark Chapel for Christ JESUS is (in You toward needful, see above text "Missions") of value, also Your Flock Members are each of value, as Prophetically with Scion (1 Peter 2.6) under Christian (President Don Trump) under Christ JESUS (John 12.15):

Scion / under Christian / under Christ JESUS.

So USA with Christianity (Zion, also with reference to Christian Zionists and others into One Fold) is yielding New Zion.

Christ JESUS Gives away the Christian Unseen Tree Of Faith that limited lower level worthiness Firmaments (for Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS) of materials such as sensors and such as hardly fully controlled (save ibid.) powers (such as parts in the Pure Created [see above "plants"] such as IP and BEMF) could not fathom to ascend over save via Christ JESUS (note how the Firmaments and the IP with BEMF turn away the unworthiness [a power signal IP goes until unworthy to continue off course so is counted as if turned though is straightened toward online center, though overshoots, see above "attenuation" and see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS In This Series on rates such as adapting rate, and metabolism rate]).

So from Christ JESUS precepts from Faith, the "I" shape (above Drawing "J" & "Q") shows top and bottom potential reflectors of delimited jet or plume (as opted) diameters, hence creating Black Hole opportunities top and bottom if not already there, yet also helping to show how to create Black Holes. Therefore Christ JESUS Gives not only circumferential speed concerns pertinent to forming Black Holes, yet also toward linear value(s) such as to form a Black Hole Pair (see top Drawing lower right, also above text on electron stacking [size level]).

So Pray Highest JESUS, and unless otherwise (see above such as BEMF) go fly Do likewise such as to come in the Second Coming With The One Judge Of The Quick And With The Power To Quicken.

Why are You instructed to Do this, and why was the Christian Bible formed and written?,

..."a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name" (3 Nephi 24.16).

If "for" You, then who can stand against You?, that is if to Say And Do The Will Of Christ JESUS then Highest Holy Victory(ies).

This text Does "Say" what to Do (Your ability to "Say" according to the five senses and greater), the One True Christian Work explains (via properly interpreted examples and properly understood Missions) what to "Say" and Do. Truly, truly, even the Given Created shows the Christian Leader the Faith: Miracles (from Faith) indicate to the Highest Level Christian what greater Faith to Host. Note that a "Highest Level Christian" is Their current level to the extent of applicability, if ascending at Their top speed (velocity)(reference talents); not to confuse the Alter Person rank with the Usher rank nor High Priest rank; rather for example if You have a Chapel on Earth or aloft the "Alter Person" ranked person can assist such as if Given via the High Priest to Preach part of a Sermon (see Your Christian Church criteria concerning Anointing as already come into reference in this ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS).

So You have been told, so thankfully in JESUS One go make Your aloft Christian Chapel For Christ JESUS and with Your Flock fly up as soon as conditionally reasonable to meet Christ JESUS coming in the Heavens (even so, there is a schedule of events, allowing time to "help others enjoy", and explore and conquer precept on precept in Christ JESUS)

lest at the Second Coming to be found lounging on the ground where second chances expire (even so if left behind inherit the Earth, though also be aware of 3 Nephi 24.15).

Christ JESUS via Moroni offered a logic level option (as often question marks have done "?") in Moroni 10.27 concerning [Creator Physics explaining what to do] as the Holy Word coming from "dust?", and the True Christian Faith being [as much as their Faith, as much as Highest New Christianity Fullness In Christ JESUS (see above text on "New Member")] able to [in "Fullness" (ibid.)] be perceiving and understanding, such as, as the dust speaks.

Now the beginning of this Chapter 10 the prelude explained "Moroni’s words speak from the dust" and the LDS interpretation is correct ( even though Moroni 10.8-17 ( is not the same in the secular physics sense as 1 Corinthians 12.7-11 (com/niv/1_corinthians/12.htm), in fact a key aspect is not explained in the Moroni version.

The Second Testament 1 Corinthians 12.7-11 includes "faith" (1 Corinthians 12.9) and the "distinguishing between spirits" (1 Corinthians 12.10) that the LDS Moroni 10.8-17 does not contain.

Note this New Revelation concerns the proper "contain"-ing of "spirits".

Continuing with clarity such as for uplifting of Zion Physicists, is that needful to more clearly understand, is the Faithful distinguishing for proper ascending in Christ JESUS (hence New Christianity as specified in detail in this ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS).

Here's why: Moroni asked a negative question in the prelude referenced verse, Moroni 10.27. So in Heaven if to answer "Yes" if in the Father Son discussion, then the "negative question" is cast out (a reason many sinners know not how to properly ask such as if to recant on their deathbed(s)).

If Christ JESUS asked a question, it was normally a positive question, as to correctly answer "Yes", though higher was to ask for their sakes, the sakes of the vessels hearing so in such Given circumstances the Highest Purpose applies, so:

1. The Highest Purpose applies according to "Yes" (lower logic), and/or

2. The Highest Purpose applies according to "faith" (reference Living Growing Highest Christian Faith stepping, leaping, flying,...).

So the Third Testament relies on the Second Testament, Thankfully, unto Wisdom unto the Highest Faith Path In Christ JESUS, yet the Second Testament relies on the Third Testament (ibid.) that the Eternal Word JESUS victoriously joyfully endures.

So Christ JESUS from the "dust" and Dark Matter threads speaks. The "threads" explain the One And Only Way they are willing to best be conquered. For instance if You see a blade of grass, You might mow or fertilize or other such as to run on it, and if to run on it then to consider a type of shoe to wear or if bare footed You [perhaps subconsciously] consider the amount of friction not only of the grass yet also the grass is in motion growing and You know it and calculate it reasonably as it lifts You as You run on it.

The above Drawing lower right shows the traditional tube shaped battery (power: like unto a Living Holy Scroll In One)(see text below, and see the previous two Sermons on tubes at the ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS Main Site at on How to travel the Universe and through time).

The First Testament ended with curses that Christ JESUS overcame, that non-Christians have not overcome so have not such victories. So the Victorious Second Testament ended with former style Revelations: yet a greater is come in the Third Testament, One with the Second and First. Note that in these end times the last Book of the Third Testament, the Book Of Moroni, is discussed here, including for "Zion Physicists": hence foretold.

So if to be as an Angel, to be awares and yet also to so Do, Christ JESUS Gives that One Christian Faith be with awareness (and Doing) that 1 Corinthians 12.7-11 does not contain and yet Moroni 10.8-17 does contain verse 14:

so if to fly the Heavens as an Angel, then with Victory(ies) in(/over Hebrews 2.7&9 / Psalm 8.5) the "distinguishing between spirits" (1 Corinthians 12.10) in order to Best be "ministering" to those "spirits" for One Highest JESUS Purpose.

In this Christ JESUS Gives a key: from Hebrews 2.7&9 (,9?lang=eng&clang=eng#p6) Christ JESUS Gave His life vessel that through Proper Highest Christian Faith the works-of-the-hands might be made Holy Manifest Faith Hands: Pure Vessel:

over Holy-Works-Of-The-Hands As Much As For Highest JESUS One Purpose, and not for to worship the works-of-the-hands.

The above Drawing right middle shows amplitude strength [forms] tied to proximity [yet also tied to time]. If to send forth a wave of powerful energy, the "amplitude strength" diminishes according to the fabric of space and collisions. Though if to send it forth with particles (reference plasma carrier wave, also packets of energy(ies)) then to go forth similar to the first part, save if to form the particle packets of energies to transmit in transit, even again and again, then toward the perpetual, toward the Holy Word JESUS.

Example, a radioactive material is known to decay per time (reference x-ray machine). If the material is timed (or in current practice an x-ray machine timed when to switch on or off) then it can have an initial pulse, and then traveling inline another initial pulse, and then traveling inline another initial pulse, and so on. Such a thing is similar as toward matching the power of the thread of the fabric of space Dark Matter.

So a Gift from Christ JESUS involving Pure Christian Hands And Tools involves the Holy Flow and of Highest Faith directing as the Authority (JESUS One) so as to enter into and with the Given Thread Flow for unto the greater Flow, per se, hence such as involving the Bernoulli Principle (1738AD)(beware of the secular) and more. So such as toward colonizing (Acts 11.24): reference how a beach for vacations is found at the shoreline, and how gems are often found in former mountainous rock crevices; so that both the beach and the gems have values to offer though are in different locations (see above distinguishing New Revelation containing spirits for One Highest JESUS Purpose).

So of the precepts of Christ JESUS a Christian Colony as explained above can travel to a part of outer space, and another colony to another part, for talent values (contained thereat). Though some of the startup values include things such as to triangulate, such as involving the standardizing of time and distance of the traveled continuum (including UAVs).

Likewise, if to send a Christian Television Broadcast into outer space, such as to make Mars ring / reflect / redirect and transform that Holy Energy; then like unto having a Christian Colony out there at Mars (which also at the time of Your reading might be inhabited by Earthlings).

"As early as 2025, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, plans to get humans to Mars." (

If the Faithful Christian is to lead throughout the Multiverse, but if given the previous secular rate, the gap is clear, so for Christ JESUS the Faithful Christian is to Do better than the current rate: remember the Second Coming.

Many great things are on the line. Google defines "on the line" as: "1. at serious risk."

In the above Drawing to the right below mid waves is the rainbow of frequency waves. On equipment it is as to change a channel to find another frequency. In more technical terms it is a range control (also according to packets of energies [codes, language, see above text "JESUS"]). Transforming, whether associated with an electric equipment vessel or a person, is associated with some amplitude power (gain control, similar to brightness, volume,...) yet many in the secular have searched through frequencies and range packets, such as revealed at the Egyptian Pyramids, and related power plants as at China, South America, and elsewhere (such as to vibrate dead bodies, see Internet addresses and related wave info at previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

Some places have the same underground mercury, some have similar underground mica, they have pyramids, and other related aspects tied to these matters. If to travel into outer space and to see such secular relics, or [with warning] if to encounter such a civilization be aware (Matthew 7.16).

Christ JESUS offers the Right Way to revitalize people, toward soon after a mishap, though greater Faith is more enduring (John 11.43). Also note certain (see above New Revelation [already in the Heart Of Some In Christ JESUS]) spirits were Baptized according to LDS.

Distinguishing is discussed above. These are matters of Faith. These are hardly for the secular, for example in the past healthcare [per Miracles] advanced, truly, though often in the secular became derailed somewhat (or whole, people of some civilizations vanished).

People want certain things to be reliable. Faith has often not been seen as reliable to the sinner, even at times to the less than Fully Highest One Christ JESUS. From the Faithful the sinner expects healing on sinner demand: hardly, perhaps wait for a miracle.

Friends, if to wait to heal, or for equipment to be designed, and then for it to be manufactured, and then for planets to become aligned, and so forth, then to have much in common with the sinner ([save Christ JESUS One and for their sakes] instead Acts 10.28).

Be the Holy Guides, meaning Do it first and properly. First are examples such as Christ JESUS 2,000 years ago, and in these times such as Christian Neil Armstrong known for being first on the Moon as the world watched (generally), and such as Christian President Trump In Victory Over Israel for all.

Sitting a pew is not the same.

If to change the Range Control knob (key), then the area of interest changes, associated with time and place change. If to change the Gain knob (key) then to change wave amplitude and power to go far or to contain otherwise the spirit envelope (see above New Revelation).

Distracted people want healed, or want their family member healed: let the distracted become the Christian Healer: what good is it to Heal if End Time comes and the Healed is not Saved?, put the horse before the cart, rather put Christ JESUS First.

As evidenced in this worldly situation, some problem wash away faster than other problems, some spirits are Converted more Effectually (therefore Holy Priorities apply).

Out there are problems, rather interfaces (see above Drawing top of lobe wavefront), rather convert (Genesis 1.26) every creature and everything in the Multiverse, that the Multiverse change:

so here is a key, the Multiverse is Given from God, though civilizations have effected the Multiverse.

Convert the Multiverse properly in Christ JESUS that the Multiverse endure.

The Father properly Gave His Son.

Christ JESUS is coming, even though the stated Accord window of time draws to a close (see below "Prophetic precept physics").

Many people talk about how the Father In Heaven gave His own Son to be crucified, or how the alleged father in alleged heaven did any such thing. At least they are talking about matters of the heavens at least as alleged.

So these friendlies (as much as they choose to be not toward anger and violence and confusion) are frustrated in life, save some in the secular are ascending and some Christians are Saved In Christ JESUS at least as a Christian minimum. Though while Christ JESUS went beyond the cross for all (Highest Purpose), Christ JESUS is far more than about the cross (toward death in the typical [generally secular] sense). Christ JESUS Gives You this key:

how do You know when the [Official (e.g. Christ JESUS comes and goes freely [AD, save])] Second Coming is about to happen such as in a particular generation and on a day?:

New Christianity ascending unto the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Not to be misinterpreted, Christ JESUS taught the masses and walked among the people Doing Miracles according to their Faith; and likewise such as currently appearing increasingly frequently in dreams (Matthew 16.3)(if You experience seeing JESUS The Christ frequently in dreams please be Faithfully announcing, as much as You truly know, for One Highest Purpose John 17.8 applies), God Christ JESUS is able to be around or not be seen according to Highest Purpose and [often over] a person's faith trustworthiness. So with this disclaimer of Holy Event weeds weeded out first, and now the Good Harvest In Christ JESUS:

One In The Father

means You at the Highest Level is that You Christian Leader are privy to this Holy Event Schedule information.

With Your Highest Christian Faith is You One Father In Heaven. So as written in Matthew 24.36 NAS:

Highest Level Christians are not necessarily "alone": [see above text "please" (talents apply, similarly see above "New Members")/(yet to have Body Vessels Pure aspects apply such as in between frequency points),] though properly Baptized Into Christianity is Oneness In JESUS even if a person does not know being in the moment of Holy Spirit awareness.

So if the Christians are Christian (from plural to counted as if "alone" when actually One Almighty All Highest Good Father), then not "alone" per se toward the secular sense.

For example the above verse is at, though look at the Commentaries at the bottom of the page made clearly by Christian Leaders: They make no mention of [being] "alone": "alone" is almost as a foreign word or grunt hardly worth time and knowing (save if They find more reason from above to so Do)(see above blade of grass rate).

In the secular, the above Drawing right attenuation and frequency waves show energy, and in the Drawing below right is equipment (matter, slow enveloped packets of energies), and in the secular sense together (as if marriage): where the rubber meets the road.

Christians are OK (Agreeing with Above Good) with being called Christian, and being with the Holy Spirit (Spiritually and also including as a Comforter),

let the Christian also be comfortable in being the "Father

(though not to get something sinfully selfishly)

so such as to "alone" know when the Second Coming Will Be

understanding Mark 7.36 applies though this too is on the Holy Schedule.

Above is the "weeds" Victory In Christ JESUS First such as already covered in this Accord (reference annual Tithe to United States Of America: for Christianity Highest Purpose for all Accord nations), so much is accomplished already (see above "Schedule"), even that sinners would be able now in these times to overcome much sinfulness. Like unto the above text disclaimer "Not to be misinterpreted" therefore for Highest Purpose and not as the Accord stated concerning sinful Jewish (John 9.21) purposes against Christ JESUS (John 9.22 with Obadiah 1.15).

So those nations not of Accord do not ascend (ibid. with Revelation 2.11 as any such would turn away from the Highest Invitation JESUS). Though Accord nations have not necessarily been Christian Nations, yet continue as for higher as secular witnesses of the Second Coming Miracles (many pains may apply until Final End Time if to survive with proper ascending, or until Conversion to Christianity).

Destruction is with weeds into the fire (rather Converting).

Pleasant Goodness is with Preaching for Your Christian Flock first, toward Best Growing; after that the others might hear (toward Faith).

Christ JESUS is One Father save as much as for Your sake(s).

The Father sent the Son. What Did the Son Do?, He left the Father (, note some translations have "?": temporary is as if Marriage since Galatians 3.28 applies though not as an excuse against proper male female Marriage in this world [in this world age conditions and medical also apply]).

"He left the Father" "alone" to be with You!

Leave Your Parents, even Your Flock, if appropriate (temporary applies and conditions in this world), though never leave Christ JESUS Spirit Father (already left Once For All).

Secular unawareness cannot be greater than the Holy Natural For Good For One Highest Purpose JESUS All.

If to be a sinner then to be for selfish gain (in sinful confusion death is gain)(instead in Christ JESUS [see above "Once For All" Philippians 1.21 applies]), so in sinfulness such as to work to try to illegally climb over innocent people [who may opt to not invite again any time soon (see above "time", "Schedule",...)], censor innocent people, misquote, hack, kill, misrepresent with face cut and past, and/or so forth.

So Your proper ascending in One Proper Highest Value Purpose (such Value on Value, New Value appropriately on previous Value) into the Multiverse is the same concerning Faith over the previous sentence.

A person can be an improver such as to speak the Holy Word, and such as to Help put up a tent when Right: hence toward Righteousness or In And For Greater Righteousness.

A person can be a sinner, therefore toward the natural such as an unimproved desert or jungle; hence toward natural unimproved (see above concerning civilizations in the Multiverse at times).

So the secular person is toward "unimproved": hence even if they own a mansion, a business, and so forth. For instance in secular example for Edifying, it is easy to "put on airs" if a person has many servants (or others the secular considers as though subordinates)

though a person with little more than girded loins (if that) is hardly known as normally the same as putting on airs.

If to "put on airs", it means "Acting like you know more than your teacher" (Google).

The natural person is out-of-place in the natural world (Multiverse).

Concerning counterpoint, the Christian should not be out-of-place concerning the physics of the natural world of the Holy Given [Anoint] Multiverse.

The key being "Anoint" In Christ JESUS For One Highest Purpose.

Also Faithfully Christian Know (therefore for Good) over things pertaining to the Second Coming and matters important concerning the Holy Path.

In the above Drawing lower right is as though counted as equipment, yet the (see the waves above it) Flowing Spirit is also in the "equipment" (see above text "matter"). The two are One. For instance the candle of the Menorah (with One Christian Church Fold Candle symbolically) is with matter that becomes fuel. So it is a Path matter (a Path Righteous concern)(normal to awakening into the Higher and rather Highest Spirit).

Another "Path matter" is from energy to matter, as with the Holy Breaking Of Bread: so toward the Preparation: so toward the Preparation Of The Second Coming Of Christ JESUS.

When the Christian Fold Agrees On Highest, is the Holy Breaking Of Bread Sign.

Friends, if Christ JESUS comes from a distant place in the Multiverse, it is Best to Be There; even if to witness it is better to be there.

Even so consider the matter that a person that has gone away, such as to travel on vacation, is hardly at Their Home Church (area [or where They were], or Church Building). Likewise if to travel away from Earth

Pray Guidance, Pray Timing concerns, Pray For Instruction From Christ JESUS (though if to Pray for anything, Pray for Highest Purpose),

for instance consider where the Father Is In Heaven (in the Heavenly Realms)(also see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at on the center of the Earth, and on Kolob and greater).

Secular television is also hardly to be as if ignored concerning such things (ibid. in this Series Do The Will Of God including such as be aware of sinful ways such as often toward speaking the same language, and better Evangelizing). Television recently explained access points to deep underground such as at the South Pole, and such as at Holloman Air Force Base (1964AD) which is said to be similar to the 1977AD great though secular movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind (various sources)(also as a land with natural spas, such as reference Iceland, Shiloam, and Eden).

There are stories of ancient civilizations such as Atlantis beyond the Pillars Of Hercules, and likewise the Great Flood (Noah, Nimrod, Brother Of Jared) and lesser floods. In the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea there are hundreds of sunken cities (Ether 13.5: concluded in LDS televised Christian Bible discussion as New Jerusalem at Salt Lake City). Such (ibid.) agrees with the advanced tech Atlantis civilization story, even the whole Earth agrees ranging from Heavenly stars above positions to underground technologies also including such as from Washington D.C. and Oak Isle, to worldwide Pyramids: God Gave people Earth: that through Christ JESUS Christians know how to live through all the Multiverse (proper precept on proper precept, proper leap on proper leap in Faith).

At Jerusalem there is salt water, at Salt Lake City there is salt water; under Oak Isle a person can hardly breathe without a pocket of air (scuba), and likewise under the vacuum of the sea of outer space; at the Poles is cold and at the tropics hot, the same in Christ JESUS is in outer space: One In The Father: One in the Holy Spirit (the Comforter of the Father: for One Highest Purpose): these all agree (reference the motivational factor of the Accord offer (see above text "Main Site").

If to seek entertainment: Eden. If to seek water Shiloam (and rather proper Christian Immersion Baptism). If to seek the Schedule Over The Second Coming: Father In Heaven.

These are already Given unto You Christian Leader, at least in the Holy Spirit Of Highest Heaven.

It is Faith. And if to add Miracles for the sakes of others, either wait and follow ancient civilizations' instructions (some ancient civilizations were destroyed for Highest Reason) or receive the New from Christ JESUS that these be added: Do the Will Of The Father In Heaven to be as the Father In Heaven (and such as the Holy Schedule would be added unto You): if to Do the Will Of The Father In Heaven, then to Do as Christ JESUS Explained and Did.

Hence two keys:

1. Explained: Christ JESUS was crucified, per se in other words He had Taught and then He left, for the Apostles [having already learned] to Teach and Do as He had Taught and Done.

2. Did: Christ JESUS Did things on Earth, in the lowly world, yet Christ JESUS from Heaven knew of and Did Heavenly things: in the world He often was counted as if doing little (many lacked Faith Matthew 13.58) though in Highest Heaven Christ JESUS Did much, even All Good (save above stated "Schedule").

So Christ JESUS left for Apostles (including You Christian) to Do in the One position of the Father In Heaven.

If to so properly Do, then to agree with Christ JESUS also, and in the Holy Spirit, and also as Creator And Doer For Good Highest Purpose.

In other words, from Heaven Christ JESUS (according to the Highest Purpose) went on a Mission, and it has been counted as though for toward sin purposes though Pure Body And Spirit JESUS was not sin, so although counted as if a lower level Mission (including to Save And Guide people) it [was, instead] is One Living Flying Higher New Highest Level Mission.

Verily, verily, the Bible interpretation has been "a little lower than the Angels" (Hebrews 2.7 APE / Psalm 8.5 APE): Breathe Your Living into the nostrils of the ancient verses [which also contains legalese jargon and confusions (yet with Highest Purpose)] properly Authoritatively In Christ JESUS that the former be New Living Scriptures Of Powerful Christ JESUS.

If to Pray the Father through Christ JESUS: Good, alway(s) Do such, and with it

Pray for Christ JESUS for Good alway(s)and with it

Pray for Christ JESUS for the Holy Spirit and For the Father In Heaven In One for Good Highest Eternal Purpose and with it

if to Pray the Father In The Name Of Christ JESUS

then to be with direct access and with the presence of the Father In Heaven.

And Look And Behold You did not die, Holy Heavenly Witness (Matthew 18.20): You decide.

Now on Highest Mission, though perhaps as if to casually quip: shall You destroy the Earth due to sin, or stay and conquer for Christ JESUS, or perhaps be counted as if to go away to Heavenly places (hence on vacation) in outer space (or even if to the center of the Earth). Consider that a military person with service completed returns home to the spouse and they go to sleep but if awakened a way unusual to the military person, the military person might awaken with the idea that it might be a mortal attack; likewise a Christian Member might flinch if to see people victimized and so might [perhaps subconsciously] retaliate suddenly without Prayerful Agreeing Concerning The Highest Purpose Vengeance option (conditions apply, such as see above text such as on "Civilizations come and go", and "Final End Time").

Even in lower secular levels a court might be with investigation concerning whether the "victimized" sinned toward being the initiators of the "attack" [as alleged]. Things a vessel perceives are not necessarily true (again Matthew 18.20 applies): lawyers are often experts in flipping perspectives, the military so much more (such as noise to appear to be shooting from one location when actually shooting silently from another location).

People might sit in the pews and Pray such as "Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz" (Janis Joplin), and such as "I Can't Wait to Get to Heaven" (Keith Green). Christian Preachers already told them (John 9.27) Heaven is within. Though, and be caring how Ye hear, people can go out there now into the very same Heaven that the ancient civilizations talked about.

Though if they find it not inside, they would not find it if to cast themselves out [into outer space (that's all it is to the sinner: emptiness)]. Catholic former President Kennedy said go to the Moon because it is difficult. A value, though go for Highest Miracle Purpose including for their sakes, and as Father Son And Holy Spirit said the JESUS burden is light.

If a "Miracle", go in person. If Spirit only, then is Your "Spirit" truly on vacation in Heaven (including the Heavens) as the Creator is.

JESUS Christ told a person go wash in the Pool Of Siloam, JESUS Christ did not say go stay at home (save the Sabbath).

Though there is a Schedule concerning the telling to people (Mark 7.36). If a toddler is sinfully given a loaded pistol, the danger is to the self and others. This does not mean no pistol (though pending if any redeeming social value(s)), similarly a child is hardly fit / worthiness to drive a motor vehicle (or spaceship, though many 3 year olds have driven tractors, also emergency conditions apply such as if the adult licensed driver passes out and the child grabs the steering wheel to avoid disaster).

So now a key, since some things are hardly to be told, save for the worthy, and some things are hardly to be done, save for the worthy; criteria applying to each / precepts of Christ JESUS, then with awareness of how to conquer the Multiverse. For example a drone UAV rocket goes somewhere, though if human contact communications fail, plan for that drone to properly Do for Christ JESUS One, or to shut off or fail most appropriately, that is, if "to shut off or fail" then as the child that "grabs the steering wheel to avoid disaster". People know these things (written in hearts, even written in dust, and in the formulas of the true Physics Of God).

But people only know according to the Highest JESUS Faith Level Of The Current Civilization.

In school, students think "Why don't you just tell us the answer", in Christ JESUS: receive the right answer for their sakes (Christ JESUS explained so often).

In the above Drawing lower right the tube shaped battery is a symbol of power, power that can be tapped (for their sakes)(similar to script ibid.).

Next to the "tube" are two tubes so of other internal constructions, other vessels with other hearts (positive or negative) though together counted as [or similar to] one "tube". The spirit of a person is within. Christ JESUS is also similar to these "two tubes": [to Edify] with His Spirit In You Christian Leader, and with His Spirit In Him (+ & - reversal would be pertinent). With His Spirit even touching You yet with full charge and energy flow that does not attenuate nor atrophy.

Things for a time in this world wear out, such as Elder muscles and nervous systems including the brain and worldly heart (exhaustion on exhaustion). Wearing out is a worldly former idea, as any worn out aspect is already dead once for all in Christ JESUS One Christian. This does not mean the child should rise against the elders, nor the student against the Master, nor the nation against the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS One.

This Does mean that since Christ JESUS can walk on water and fly in the Heavens of outer space and the Multiverse, then so make ready and Do (make ready for others, then if no others would, the self can so Do, also at least minimal maintenance responsibility applies). Make ready the Word Of Christ JESUS One Highest, then Do according to Your "One Highest" Word as Christ JESUS Explained and Did.

The above Drawing "New Shapes" is that a battery system can be such as in the form of a desk or such as multifunctional rocket skin solar panel (reference trammel net design). As shown above the "coaxial cable" battery of elastic electronics (reference related molecular properties, tensile stretch and flex change to properties,...) can include many functions such as the wrapping of a battery formerly a layer (Baghdad battery clay layer, or in this generation have been a layer of metal type batteries) when rather toward God as with a scroll the rolled scroll layers (also reference plys, leaves for healing,...) can be made to capacitate ions (as with "solar", also condenser, legal, seeding the Multiverse,...) so toward built-in battery powering up, continuous [toward Eternal] recharging, heating or refrigeration, properly preparing, and concerning advancing proper DNA growing through the Multiverse: hence to growing living mansions and living systems such as Christ JESUS Did (John 14.2) for You, prior to You Going to reside (and then to be with the Second Coming, other particulars also apply).

So the heart of the [toward living] battery (reference "trammel net design", and such as epidermis, dermis, and with hypodermis) can become greater [toward or] as a new creature including as the secular "twisted pair" of many lamp cords of this generation, yet with new greater (see above text "desk") multifunctionality for special purposes as with a lamp thought first and continuing from and in Highest Purpose In Through And For Christ JESUS One.

The third battery type shown, "twin line", is as an open scroll, toward Christ JESUS (Mark 13.23). Historically in this generation such has often been utilized as antennas for older model radios. In-between and among the two scrolled parts is the unscrolled section normally as insulator (and for distinguishing precepts as much as applicable) though such could be as metal [such as foil] or such as semiconductor [flex] material and as such perhaps manually and/or auto-programmable, and this is a key, as the ancient Holy Scroll open part is that section that is being read or being written.

As a door can be written into a Temple structural design (or redesign improvement / update),

so too likewise "a door" (a passageway, portal,...) and other can be written into a Multiverse aspect

if and as much as the Will Of The Father Spirit In JESUS.

For example, a civilization out there (perhaps thriving though not as advanced, perhaps cast out and weak, perhaps destroyed itself,...) as much as remains (reference e.g. hieroglyphic technologies and instructions [as much as put under Christ JESUS then of value(s)]) may have modified the Physics Of The Creator by their sins (and/or the sins of previous residents of that location), so while the Pure Physics invite, the sin aspects are other. So if to open the "portal"(s) to the Multiverse, greater than Spiritually alone (as if alone), then a couple logic aspects under Christian Faith apply.

1. corrections to the sins (similar to fixing a car after a crash) to go back to the Pure Physics, or

2. to add these things to Your Proper Leadership.

Now both are for Pure Physics and the Holy Inviting Of Christ JESUS, yet the latter is greater than that which was. To Edify toward the secular, if to build today a precise replica of the first computer then toward enabling many viruses and allowing hackers to steal (so hackers are often toward wasting time on former things toward relatively easily broken into with little hope of fortifying)(also toward clones and therefore toward cumulative error).

In the latter #2 is as though the greater "cumulative error", save Doing as Christ JESUS Did, remove the log from the eye, remove the secular guesswork, properly grow overcoming before-the-fact as is written in Matthew 5.17 HCS:

Do not try to come through the barriers, rather through the straight gate to enter properly precept on precept into Heaven (the Multiverse of Heaven). In this sense "precept on precept" of course means not the sins of the previous, rather as Christ JESUS Taught And Did.

So if to restart their old technologies, and their civilization if applicable in the Will Of The Father Of The Multiverse for Christ JESUS One, then under and subject to Your current Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS. If their technologies crashed and/or their ways have not Your Highest Purpose, then as such would be alone, then You might opt to not entertain such endeavors, or to overcome rightly such isolated away strays from Christ JESUS to rather bring such properly into the Fold Of Christ JESUS.

So here is Given from Christ JESUS (precepts) a key concerning isolation control, so as toward keeping Oneself unstained from the world. So such tech (plasma ray guns, fortress barriers,...) and/or such [underdeveloped] unascended people (though note the Creator is in such, also Members might be of unencountered talents [or counted as though such]), then Highest Purpose In JESUS One distinguish as much as Given ability from Christ JESUS, and then if to adjust, accordingly for Christ JESUS.

A signal can be amplified, reduced, eliminated, digitized, and so on. Similar is to understand the "unencountered", since Christ JESUS explained all already, also as stated above a person already (for Edifying: such as normal to an adult) has encountered sufficient unto their [level, instead:] Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS.

Even so is this key: Together:

One Body, with many Members.

So many talents can come together, or perhaps brought together invitingly as to Counsel. Similarly it was of the Holy Plan not Spirit only, rather Holy Spirit Father One with the created for the Greatest Highest Purpose In Heaven.

Consider that if a disease is left to spread, it might. If to allow DNA and transplants (reference e.g. ancient Egyptian depictions on walls) without Your involvement then to allow such as diseases to come to Your current place (such as via meteorites), and such as to allow carelessly sinful monsters to flourish (also quickly as per if sinful transplants) to invade Your spaces.

God Gave this land (Earth) to You and God Gave this Multiverse to You Christian. And there are things to fix out there. There are things and living hopefuls in need of Your Highest Guidance. There are treasures for Your Holy Flock out there.

Key is that even to consider such for Christ JESUS is a New Highest Christian Faith key for properly Growing and Leaping For Joy One.

Though of the precepts of Christ JESUS, is not only to wait, not only to be aware, not only to be in a pew, rather Preaching With Doing.

With these [Highest (though see above)] things is this key now Given In Christ JESUS concerning the above Drawing lower right "Charged Scrolls",

that if to speak the Highest Faith Precepts into the microphone of the writable section, then to augment the Faith And Miracle(s) value(s) for Highest Purpose.

A person can speak to a computer in this generation and it would perform tasks. Speak into the Christian Bible (open scroll)(as Christian Leaders have Done already) and yet for Highest Purpose therefore for simultaneous Holy Word Yielding Holy Work (Christian "Work" is light burden, so toward Functioning).

Christ JESUS has already set things in motion for You, things are already set and "Functioning" properly for You already to Behold and Best Utilize [for their sakes] such as Your Christian Church Aloft Mansion Temple Of God, and other as much as if previously unseen. Though of the above on this page, as already seen in many ways yet sufficient for One Straight And Narrow Highest Purpose In The Father Son And Holy Spirit.

If a Christian Preacher already Broadcast a Christian Sermon long ago then far beyond the self Holy Cause And Effect (Romans 8.26): such as perhaps to open a portal. Note that a person can speaking to a computer (and/or a sinner) is hardly the same. Example: a person asks the computer to open a portal for a visitor to enter, though if limited to such then secular then normally toward selfishness (maintenance responsibility might apply, rather Highest In The Name Of Christ JESUS applies). If the portal is so they enter into Your Christian Church, then normally toward Highest Value.

So as many Christian Church Leaders are aware, is this key of importance from Christian Church to Christian Church (Highest, or toward Highest).

And with this priority key is also the comprehensive responsibility to Help all

(enabling the Miracle(s) toward Priority [Faith Path Help(s)], and rather Straight From Christ JESUS Leading [yet with free opting]).

So at least when starting let the Christian Leader (if to travel the Multiverse an amount or so) go from Christian Church to outer space Christian Church, to better, instead to Best know what to Do to Best Help out there in the Multiverse.

So at least from Sermons "already Broadcast" toward Growing Christian Churches (perhaps pending proper Christian Baptism, instead Highest Baptized already as much as Christ JESUS optionally would), consider the range / speed of travel of the "already Broadcast": Help local outer space neighbors before the long range out there (perhaps cast out for a reason such as to allow You to grow until empowered from above: as You Preach And Do increasingly greater in Christ JESUS).

One thing this Helps for instance, is that You may have gained souls for Christ JESUS here on Earth, and if so, then if They are as New Members only and not prepared for unknowns then nearby unknowns might be counted unto Such [Themselves] as attacks, perhaps such as receiving reply broadcasts toward tempting Them otherwise if You leave to travel the Multiverse, therefore if to travel then to conquer along the Way for Yours lest Your efforts have been in vain (as if, even so be toward Good instead of error).

In the above Drawing lower right item, "Charged Scrolls", consider how a printer prints a page, though the computer monitor is more continuous (toward Eternal). [At least] the start of the Christian Bible as One Entire Scroll is at one end of a scanner printer interactive continuous scroll system while the other end is Final End Time, and You have the interactive be with Your Part along the timeline, place events, and so on for Christ JESUS not merely Witness to the events yet Living The Will Of Christ JESUS.

Therefore consider the Continuous Portal.

Instead of the paper moving through the machine, let Your Pure Vessel move through the Holy Scroll

(devoid of improper tampering).

Today in this generation and weekly in the Christian Churches, in some more than others, the word and name "JESUS" is found though often infrequently; Israel was recognized as a nation by the United Nations and called itself Zion except without mention of Christ JESUS (according to some televised shows of the event and other sources) but Israel (so named according to having originally been ascending [in accord] with the Prince Of Peace JESUS Genesis 32.28) was foretold of the Birth Of Christ JESUS, many knew but few Rightly Believed, Israel heard and saw Miracles from Christ JESUS personally and Israeli leaders tortured and killed Him, after-the-fact the guard at the tomb and the multitude knew it was Christ JESUS but Israel (as in former ways toward crucifying [UN Peace Accord / Recognition was offered but from the start Israel verbally attacked what it called "Palestine" so against itself and Syrian Arab Republic / , ,]) did not want to make such peace with Christians For JESUS (reference Your [unascended] New Christian Church Flock Members, and the sinful secular definition Zion) and due to such disbelief Israel knew it not and was cut asunder (Luke 12.46) in a multi-missile attack this week; also even though the [Israeli religious laws (reference secular, Holidays, and previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS In This Series on Christ JESUS laws symbolized in hem knots powers and unraveling(s))] of the Jewish Torah often specify what the coming Christ would do such as Zechariah 9.9 LDS:

Also in Palestine Syria acted similarly toward sin (

"Palestine Syria" region was attacked by Israel. Note: United Nations though secular was established for peaceful purposes.

Now rather than judge sins, this about Palestine and conflict is stated for Christ JESUS concerning Miracles, Good for Truly Faithful Christianity, and other for others according to how they sin against themselves.

Above is told three chances [toward the Eternal] that Israel had to promote Peace (Matthew 5.40-48) before the Coming Of Christ JESUS, during Birth Of JESUS through the Crucifixion, and the facts after-the-fact; so on Highest though even in the lowest sins Christ JESUS reveals the Holy Power Of The Creator Father In The Physics Of God: for the Good efforts Good is Given From Heaven Above, and for sinners is freely opted hurtful words (ibid. pic of sad children, & hatred against people in "Palestine") and works such as "multi-missile attacks is their reward (Matthew 6.2).

Be aware Christian, if a person is unable to form Peace on Earth (reference Heaven On Earth), then hardly are they fit for traveling into the Heavens as if to represent You throughout the Multiverse.

This is a key, not because of sin, but because of the Love Of Christ JESUS (in Your Christian Highest Heart, Christian Leader) the Good Physics Of God shows Good is greater than evil (Matthew 5.39)(and for You / Creator Physics Romans 5.20).

Grace would that Israel freely opt to Give as in the past (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Accord tithing [by Israel], and on Mother Mary Grace Defense For Christ JESUS), even in this generation such as Israel gave land to Egypt [what had been the House Of Bondage] March 26, 1979 AD, as the Chosen People had already learned in going from tribes to a nation: toward togetherness for Christ JESUS In True Christian Zionism instead of toward wars and separations (if separate then instead as Ambassadors such as of Earth and for Earth and Earthlings including Christ JESUS).

The Christian Leader can (talents,...can apply) see the same repetitious works in problems in sinners.

Likewise the Christian Leader can see the same out there in the Multiverse.

Ascending Spiritual in Multiverse is with guiding toward the straight Path, already Prepared Physics In Christ JESUS.

Laniakea spirits and Christian Spirits Trump Kim Jong il New North Korea Accord Holy Event Schedule with new why Christian Bible is being written new known universe map Faith on Faith not mirrors but some similar aspects living scrolls JESUS and Immanuel English, Yeshua and Immanuel Hebrew, Yesous and Immanuel Greek UFOs increasingly identified hostages freed Christians owning Stars And Black Holes Betz Sphere two having memory self powered how to build an exoplanet exosystems atomic models of elements triangulate rolled scroll layers capacitate ions built-in battery powering up recharging heating refrigeration plasma ray Elon Musk Tesla Motors SpaceX Mars Neil Armstrong Stephen Hawking celebrities healed Easter Blue Paschal Moon unique West Leyline Miracle on Sunday Spectrum News Rabbi Schneider movie The Race for the Double Helix experts were brought to tears and hardly to merely see the first model of DNA stereo x-radiography machine initial pulses inline Dark Matter microtech goes into bodies access points underground South Pole, UFO landing pad refueling station Holloman Air Force Base movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind natural spas Iceland Shiloam Eden ancient civilizations Atlantis Pillars Of Hercules Tree Of Faith New Zion Archangel artifacts Aceh oil drilling Iran in Syria bombed Israel Ben Franklin winter wheat drought fires New Revelation on proper containing of spirits Volcanoes Earthquakes have spiked dramatically Christianity in demand Russia world Billy Graham right path to a big yellow star TBN Rich Wilkerson Nick Vujicic 1 Billion people Million dollars per day 1,000 Gigatons of ice melted Kilauea erupting Main Island Hawaii Embassy in Jerusalem Lutheran Washington DC Lieutenant General Director of Defense Information Systems Agency Commander of the Joint Force Headquarters Department of Defense Information Newtwork, ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS surprise For Christian Leaders  ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders.

In this generation and in these weeks in Christ JESUS is being the Will Of God as Promised, far beyond the previous physics of the "Known" ( even as Your Christian Leadership Eye(s) Behold(s) (Hebrews 4.13) In The Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS. In this Drawing, even though a fish (a Christian symbol, also a side view of some UFOs increasingly identified) can be in a stream as shown above the fish can also receive food or deliver a coin.

Christ JESUS Gives, in order to [proper precept on proper precept] free people from painful situations (self inflicted). Christ JESUS Sends Comfort when appropriate (John 16.7 / 2 Corinthians 1.8 [even toward a New North Korea]) as Christ JESUS Promised The Father In Heaven In You As Much You Spiritually As Highest. So Highest, therefore Father In Heaven Scheduler And Original Planner With Christ JESUS One (whether You are with the body or without, whether You are with the created or not) Eternal Physics Creator, from that former Multiverse is Given from You this New Heaven as symbolized in part in this above Drawing (in part, hence Holy Highest Path).

A "New North Korea", some would Praise God The Father (Highest You) mightily, such as soldiers to the South facing the North Korea border, toward the Victory In Christ JESUS Peace Accord with the laying down of former weapons of wars ( and with lifting up [Your, Father] New Weapons Of Peace (

Now Behold this previously cited verse, and the Holy Experts of this generation now but with many translations, when only One Best Translation In The Father In You JESUS is of the proper Spirit. With considering the Multiverse along with time travel (equipment factors) and space ships (ibid.), the verse is for the Highest purpose. Then formerly in this generation it was merely a roof as evident in fact and law (even if unwritten, such as prior to writing: example see above text "Known" legally proffered in this generation in the secular), and it wasn't until shown of properly ascending that evidence and fact revealed the higher value (toward spaceship [including crew,...] fuel): even a fiery landing pad (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS and Drawing at for instance if to climb to the top of a mountain to look around, but the tops of very many of the very ancient pyramids in many lands had no stairs to step onto the roof, not even for cooking on such altars).

This verse includes translations such as "Build a well-constructed altar to the LORD your God on the top of this mound", "to the LORD your God on the top of this height", "on the top of this stronghold in an orderly manner", "an altar unto the LORD thy God upon the top of this rock, in the ordered place" "a well-constructed altar to the LORD your God on the top of this rock", "for worshiping me on the highest part of the hill where your town is built", "in the proper way, build an altar to the LORD your God on top of this fortified place", and "upon the top of this strong hold" as specified from God The Faither (long forgotten Highest Purpose through generations, or ignored) as ordered under law prior to JESUS Christ 2,000 years ago "with stones laid in due order" "with the wood of the Asherah which thou shalt cut down" and "by the arrangement, and hast taken the second bullock, and caused to ascend a burnt-offering with the wood of the shrine which thou cuttest down."

All of these ["Holy Experts" with translations and interpretations] as One are as Members Of The Holy Body Spirit in whole together representing Christ JESUS, and so from former time "altar" interpretation for people of that generation, to "UFO" interpretation of the Holy Properly Ascending Christian Faith Path, to now in this generation the Highest (currently) Newest (ibid.) Purpose in Christ JESUS is this unraveled answer,

hence with enabling this key in Christ JESUS:

Future Father time ("Schedule", see below "Coming soon") / New Peace Accord Weapons (ink, keypad, broadcasting, Doing,...) from Christ JESUS / UFO landing pad refueling station / Highest altar to the Lord.

So Eternal Creator Christ JESUS Father Spirit provides each and all of these components:

Spirit Father "Schedule" / Peace for them / UFOs and colonizing / One Highest Purpose JESUS.

Many sinful spirits put into people things such as many have said such as "You never know", "Nobody knows the future", and such as "You don't know what will happen next" (

But Christ JESUS knows! Even the demons know (so if to follow demonic spirits then to be toward placement of yourself lower than demons but without Highest Holy Mission Purpose In Christ JESUS, therefore as a soul vessel boat lost and stranded on the water over sharks with a hole in the boat bottom while to sleep in confused dreams.

Rather Father In Heaven even as explained in verse the demons know the Scheduled timeframe ..."the right time", "the appointed time", and "before it is time".

So be with this Second Coming key: such are the spirits and tongues of people, average [so to speak (Edifyingly)] people: anybody not properly ascending in Christ JESUS, even instead be Highest JESUS Father Holy:

and be with this Second Coming key: a pure child lovingly following innocently knows Prophetically the Scheduled Time Of The Second Coming.

Matthew Chapter 11: Christ JESUS Is Father to any person, until and unless the person is Father (then One Matthew 12.50 [equal(s)]):

is the fruit of a vessel a parent or childishly causing problems, free the worthy, take them on proper and fitting vacations into Christian Temples and into places to be overcome properly, feed Them the Highest Feast and greater in Christ JESUS. Feed Them time, feed them the Multiverse and greater. If to be attacked, then for preventing their sins, let them know Christ JESUS and in this generation that their sins Will Be Stopped even if they force You to snack on their time a little lest they fall too much and lose what little good they had worked so hard to gain.

Provide entertainment, and much more. Some entertainment television shows for instance have redeeming social value and instead greater such as Christmas season in the midst of otherwise turmoil. So be all "Christmas" every season and time and Christ JESUS Will Give Your Soul And Flock all the greater "entertainment" even reality.

The "equal(s)" know the Schedule, but the demons would not let the people know. Save this in this generation as revealed in the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS from Word as previous, to now New Known over "the principalities and the authorities", from Christ JESUS the "manifestation of God" (from to You Father as much as Father at this time or another Scheduled time, at this place or another.

So in Christ JESUS be aware of this key (as You expectedly know already) that the student is not above the Master. Hence with the previous enabling this key:

as much as Given from Christ JESUS for to Faithfully Be On The One Holy Path properly then for the One Father to unravel that there already has been set a Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS Firmament over the demons and [counted as if] their sinners below that has previously interfered against knowing the "Schedule" from the source below. The Highest Purpose In Blessed Christ JESUS is the beautifully boundless Good of the Tree-Of-Life Harvested In Christ JESUS For The Father.

So this key: if to be Father then to [(Giving) counted as if] receive, so be as Christ JESUS Giving, or be as the Holy Spirit Father Giving [to, similarly:] for Christ JESUS to receive. So this key applies to the Giving

(a great example is Give to Your New Flock Member: New Holy Spirit Member: Their becoming a New Member Of Your Flock is a Comfort to You Christian Leader [such as in secular comparison: compared to a person or creature...that might otherwise attack You, such as a thorn]).

In the above Drawing left shows the flow of the fabric of the Milky Way and neighboring regions.

The fish, opt to travel with the current or against (yet both properly, for their higher purpose [often, such as evolutionary rate, or as shown adapting rate]). Yet the fish can freely opt to find coins, gems, bugs, and/or other things and give to the higher Firmament entity hand.

If the fish go so far as to go travel out of their way to provide coins for the higher entity (even if to freely opt to be hooked as may have been the case Matthew 17.27 [Peter may have eaten the fish, though more likely as a special pet returned it to the sea]; secular: goose that laid the golden egg story) a secular person might walk away though Christ JESUS is not far whether a person is providing coins or not (be the source of Proper Giving see : "love", and likewise "charity").

Give instruction to the fish. The previous Drawing "Charged Scrolls" are as Your Spirit In Your Vessel of living ink Blood, waiting for fresh clear paper to print, while Behold the paper is already new and awaiting print. The fish are already ready. The Multiverse vessel components are already ready in this generation, what secular thing is to blame?, money, they want profits, also other people and things and circumstances blind sinners, even as have blinded demons about the "Schedule" that they have already known prior to having been made aware of it from more recent Evangelism toward repentance.

Christ JESUS, above Drawing center, is with His.

If there is any lazy Flock Member, Give them this key: Christ JESUS is with His, already, now, in this generation.

Christ JESUS is now in Spirit In Your Christian [Church such as a building, and/or] Flock. Yet Christ JESUS is with His now, face to face (example the Lord JESUS "knew" Moses face to face and so of course knows Moses face to face and of course They Will know each other face to face Deuteronomy 34.10).

From the Father Spirit JESUS is this [new, or counted as though new per se] key, that if You imagine Christ JESUS being whipped, or hanging on the cross deformed by sinners, then that is how Christ JESUS With Power Will visit You when You are unawares.

His are up there with Him ("up there", per "Schedule") or at least His are "with Him" already in Holy Spirit "face to face" (some more than others at times see face to face, yet Highest Does See as much as appropriate Isaiah 6.10 rather Isaiah 6.9 [some Comforters are yet ascending, also "New" abounds]):

His up there already One with Him seeing often are invited to see Beautiful JESUS, whole and Beautiful in appearance (and Soul): Perfect (Matthew 10.41). Consider for a moment how Christ JESUS would want His Mother Immaculate Mary to Eternally see Him (having seen Him on the cross John 19.25 even though [victory over] Matthew 12.46).

So the former Holy Crucifix symbol has value (much: Evangelism, New Member,...), and the delightfully appearing (You) Christ JESUS is even more toward the living than evidenced in fact, while the Holy Spirit is with preferring all aspects living, though not to be confused with a wolf in sheep's clothing (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS): a delightfully smiling Preacher within the midst and in front of the Flock, Giving Joy from above to the Flock, and perhaps with a symbol of healthy Christ JESUS in His Prime, is therefore with better agreeing.

Yet this key is Given: not to tempt beyond ability to receive. There is a time to Marry, and there have been other seasons, and the worldly is not to be mingled with the Highest Purpose In The Eternal, save properly in Christ JESUS. In other words, sexy Christ JESUS is hardly suitable, generally speaking as a whole for this generation so far.

In the above Drawing under JESUS now with His Angels in the Heavens in outer space (see previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christian Leaders For Christ JESUS on golden cube, and on Holy Spirit In Heaven), is the formerly posted for sinners to repent, concerning multi-headed monsters, though a key is Genesis 1.28:

there are creatures on Earth, under man (ibid. on center of the Earth, and on a little lower than the Angels already accomplished)

and now is Given, Father, to travel into the Multiverse and Give dominion properly likewise, Teaching every creature the Word Of God. So, a strange looking creature does not mean it is unholy, also a creature that formerly on Earth was dangerous such as with poisonous fangs is no longer necessarily the same as it was, consider how microtech goes into Your (or another person's) body to convert poisonous cells into helpful cells (or to eliminate the danger if they do not convert: Word to Healthcare is to be with microtechnologies that offer redeeming social values [other related example: convert from a scalpel to more proper means such as tape]).

Christ JESUS enables people to come to Christ JESUS without cost. Today, May 14, 2018AD, at minimal cost (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS in this Series for Christian Leaders on "minimal", and on "maintenance" [if a vessel is needful then things toward Pure body and Evangelism]; and on "maximizing" and on "Highest Purpose" [Spiritual]) the New United States Of America Embassy Will be built in New Zion Jerusalem as Christian Executive Branch Leadership Of United States Of America allowed though toward no cost (ibid.) to renovate a building already there and owned by United States Of America, the US.

Currently in these weeks in the related news concerning ongoing Accord with North Korea and Christian led US (with some tensions ibid.) and Iran Syria attacks against the Christian led US Zion Israel, the main thing about the concerns tied to this Christian Sermon For Christ JESUS, "mapping", Into The Multiverse For You In Christ JESUS (lest to not have the above Drawing maps for You): the news maps are of aerospace (note as Your aloft Ark Chapel for colonizing Christians across the Multiverse travels more readily at higher velocity increasingly with ascending, initially at higher speeds while leaving the atmosphere, then faster when leaving stronger gravity against Your Mass [see previous Drawing on attenuation],...threads,...) toward the above Drawings astrophysically (a secular subset of Creator JESUS Astrophysics).

In other words the secular as Christ JESUS explained is under laws toward works [compliances (John 21.18 instead lead in the name of the Christ JESUS)], while the Highest Purpose Eternal One prepares the Faithful for things sinful principalities have wrongly and illegally kept censored and secret even from their own so involved (note that with the US Embassy was the secular kill-opposers-idea, rather Exodus 20.13, and the secular move in a black cloud so the secular applied Matthew 15.14 to itself also to gird thyself applies, while the black whirlwind applies in the Exodus of the Chosen People though also reference the Christian Vatican smoke colors and purposes; so You may distinguish while functioning with secular, toward minimal, also an Evangelism key as of previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on ascending properly that Good be added to You, while rather being of the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS [good abounds all the more (also James 4.6 & Matthew 5.47)]: so this mapping leads the Faith Way that is Prophetic In The Name Of Christ JESUS according to Faith as the Christian Bible (and proper Christian Sermons and materials explain), and even as ancient artifacts show.

So now of Christ JESUS this key is Given You Christian Faith Leader, You have hands,

Christ JESUS is alive and has hands,

Christ JESUS made the planets and stars and Multiverse with His Holy Father One Hand(s) (Isaiah 30.30),

So Christ JESUS Gives You these Heavenly Spirit artifacts now known in You as the aspect(s) of the Multiverse!

So this subset key: even all of nature and natural physics and the Eternal and the secular people therefore are Given: Yours Highest One In Christ JESUS.

As if Yours to sell or trade as slaves, though instead to free them, in One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS that they too be One.

You legally own them (Luke 24.44) including their thoughts, their spirits, their minds, brains, organs, plans, censored things, secret maps, and far greater even as much as known as not only Your Flock yet rather One Fold In Christ JESUS. These are Your precious beloved children, Your Heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven (note that this word "to" is as a Faith matter, and a plan such as a map and yet You already have the straight-and-narrow in Christ JESUS). Also note, the above verse "Isaiah 30.30" is of His arm, so at the risk as if to make jest and rather to better Edify You in Christ JESUS is that as stated in this verse: Christ JESUS Creator could with one hand make the Multiverse and far greater, as to work with one hand tied behind the back (reference also a great Christian Leader ; and previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the Spirit creating the Created, on Big Pulse, and on pulse).

In the above Drawing to the right, carried in the Spirit in the dream there were people spirits, interpreted as People In Christian Spirit, in threes (when clearly seen) standing moving quickly (interpreted as Faithfully toward JESUS In Heaven), and the Spirits were understood as living though not independently moving nor straying, and whether Spirits of souls of living bodies or of passed away bodies or of dreaming people,...only the above is symbolized similar to as appeared; as They traveled above the city.

The Hand Of The Creator You is in the Living Flowing Multiverse, a symbolic triad is:

Center of the Multiverse / Your Christian Heart / Your Soul / The Holy Spirit.

This would be such as to envision or dream control toward Holy Seeing (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Holy See and on Third Testament Bible Code Ether 1.6-32 such as at , also on "stay awake at all times" mid page at That is, to see the whole Multiverse as shown thus far in these Drawings (or greater new in Christ JESUS) or in any particular part as You wish: any whole and/or aspect as much as if the Will Of God For One Highest Spirit Purpose In Christ JESUS.

For clarity in Edifying, in secular terms (Mark 4.30) Spiritually as to fly as a rocket near and/or far as to see and know in Christ JESUS in an instant. Even so, and yet with dreams is the Good Highest Purpose so rightly distinguish the Good of any goodly aspect, and similar to the secular plans and visions, be instead for the One Highest Purpose even if in the secular (Psalm 23.4).

Yesterday on television an LDS Preacher explained the tremendous value of the original printing of the King James Bible. Like unto the previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS, see Drawing with "Prophetic Timeline" at , the intros to each Chapter of the Gold Pages of 3 Nephi showing the current point in [this given world perspective] time, especially the red pages of the King James Bible likewise have such timeline information (and other timeline and time frame stories for Greatest Edification), such as in Matthew 24.28[see above "Embassy" and "in an instant"]-37.

Father One You, Behold this verse 37 of Yours:

So "Noe", Noah, knew of the approaching flood (One Highest from Above).

A person knew, even though no person knew except the Father only (verse 36).

In other Word(s) if You Have Faith as Noah and Elias, then while the secular has former revelations of huge destructions and sufferings due to their sinful works,

New Multiverse and greater New Revelations (as to save Your Flock from the flood (meaning other destructions)(and exceedingly more importantly You can Baptize Highest (Anew In Christ JESUS) are Yours and from You One (ibid.).

As required of the True Physics Given, Good in You abounds all the more: Good on higher Good, proper precept on proper precept.

Even if sin tries to interfere, Good in You abounds all the more in You In Christ JESUS.

Beware: just as many beautiful things are found on the Internet but they give not God JESUS the glory, so to the Multiverse is not yet straightened, so: the Black Hole pit to sinners, while the goodly fruit along the Way for the Christians and also for Christians the One Ominpresent JESUS (Colossians 1.17)!

"As they traveled" (Acts 8.36 NIV) into the Multiverse "they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?" (ibid.)

Zion is now, officially recognized in law, in this generation, but only by Faith thus far too many of the Jewish in Israel,

yet this is as already accomplished long ago in Christianity: the True leader of Israel,

though as far too many of the people in the lands have refused to speak of Christ JESUS and so end their own sinful ways: so this key is Given now for to benefit all:

if to allow Christianity but not officially recognize "Christ JESUS" ("Jesus Christ" is also acceptable, as is "Jeshua", see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS In This Series for further details), then such a thing has been sin.

True Zion is far more than a mountain, even the closest star [to Earth] is higher. As You fly with Christ JESUS over the mountain, if properly (hence not as "missile" as stated above) for Holy Peace In The Heaven(s), then the Glory of the mountain is added unto You.

As You travel from star to star, Black Hole to Black Hole, into the Multiverse, these things (these Benefits, Gifts, Blessings From God, these Heavens [levels], and these Glories from above) are become added unto You as much as You be properly ascending.

So You [or some Christians per se (though instead One, even as a New Member late and behind the back pew near the exit door)] Owner Of Stars And Black Holes,

of another key, also ascend through the Multiverse as You ride planet Earth.

Christ JESUS spoke of an even more excellent Way, such as including the water and the daughters, Book Of John / The Genesis; John 4.20 & 21 LDS:

These verses are from before Zion was (meaning before the Earth vessel was, from the Big Pulse) Genesis 24 explains as with Genesis 24.13 YLT:

so from Abraham and the Holy Spirit(s) came the created talents, and with these above verses together is one of the multitudes of proofs that the Living God Is Christ JESUS both then and now (right to left):

Permanent Omnipresent (Multiverse) Spirit Zion JESUS One / Permanent Christian Jewish Zion JESUS Christ One / A mountain made Holy temporarily.

The word "temporarily" is that as the allotted timeframe closes "Christian Jewish Zion JESUS Christ One" has shut His eyes from sin Isaiah 33.16 & 17 NAS:

Hence "as the allotted timeframe closes" so too the eye-of-the-needle for the camel (see above text, also previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on tithing, on offerings, and on belongings and titles toward entering Heaven such as "crown Him with many crowns") is closing though a person small or larger than the largest camel would continue to be able to enter; as the change for the better comes now in this generation: the day is coming when as the former way of the Altar ended in Christ JESUS to no longer accept works of the hands, so too (reference the coming of the Second Coming: so prepare as Christ JESUS explained) the money waters as incomes of the religions would dry as much as of divers faiths (with applying of the Grace Of Good Hope Faith, as in Romans 11.6) as much as opted not Accord subset [so to set for proper ascending (into value in this generation in Christianity For Christ JESUS One)].

A closing eye-of-the-needle (see "shrunk" at Affiliated site is similar to a string pulling a hood closed around the face to of Graceful strategic planning [or at least tactics (tactics increasingly is as to shut a barn door after the horses escaped)] to keep out the lower level environs (such as for instance as celebrities might do for privacy).

A goodly example of a time frame change in secular perception to Edify (for Highest Edifying In Christ JESUS), is if a person crossed their eyes, then such as to see other things such as the nose while seeing the standard view doubled: though the distances did not change, the things in view did not change, the light did not play tricks. What happened is "a person crossed their eyes". A laser crosses light more, light goes to and fro repeatedly until a certain level of desired yield is produced.

Some things are of the proper Faith Path In JESUS, others are not. Generations have been and currently continue as with dating but not back and forth, not back; instead of dating one's own parent, the adult dates outward [toward the greater Multiverse]. If to time travel then toward the desert instead of into the city:

if a person changes things in the desert (or toward emptiness of some regions of outer space relatively), then less consequence often, as compared to making changes in a city causing many consequences, though according to this key: if to change things for Christ JESUS, seek to only Do the Will Of God JESUS One (Highest) and minimally (lower level) consider the Mission and after that the minimal cargo pertinent to that Mission (such as an aloft Ark Chapel full of mansions) therefore to consider what would be expected to be encountered reasonably: so rely on Christ JESUS, yet if Given from Christ JESUS to take with You on Your Mission rocket mansions for colonizing for instance then to so plan reasonably [if in the Highest JESUS Name Faith then:] nothing (Luke 9.3) [currently] save Charity (Mark 12.43).

So this key: Help Your Flock understand to provide for each other (far greater than the caption under the Christian Rosetta Stone Drawing at the ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at 50.7-10)[so (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on colonizing)].

Adam was formed with eyes in case there is a problem with an eye, rather [or instead] for Highest Reason beyond depth perception: Christ JESUS Taught One (Matthew 6.22): the single eye is full of light.

If to be "full of light" then to be as a window (New Flock Member Evangelizing with outpouring from Heaven) and with such rather a Christian Priest leading and yet "full of light" so as an open door (but Matthew 22.14 applies) Beloved Host.

Such is what is shown in the above Drawing to the right (brightness as Sun or stars or other lightbulbs,...have is not shown, as such is toward Glory, Genesis 49.6 NAS might apply so instead with John 17.5 NAS with the above key).

So a person, such as Adam, can result the self perceiving as of beam shift (or can move two light sources) by crossing their own eyes (hardly recommended, if to do then toward minimum per se) and such a change in how things are perceived (Old Testament Job 9.11, unto New Testament Acts 28.26 / Deuteronomy 29.4-6 yet / New Time Perceiving in the Eternal Mark 8.19: so if to time and space travel then Highest Purpose, including One Sound Eye Perceiving All Good properly). So the people are to move from wrong to right to Perfecting Everything: Christ JESUS said Go Do.

One of the keys to the Highest Level Of Precepting Anew In Christ JESUS involves the properly heading through New Christianity stages (living levels, hence similar to stagecoaches in the Multiverse) of selfliness, hardly for instance historically speaking to give away pieces of a grapevine so the recipient might nail them together to form their own living grapevine as if the dismembered and nailed would survive (reference crucifixion, also new DNA applications and other apply forthcoming).

So if to Give 100% then to Give properly in the precepts of Christ JESUS. With this is first Faith to leap in Christ JESUS, therefore with Pure Flesh hardly as though under the law since "Pure", therefore hardly trained in the spirits ( so instead Christian nourished in the Holy Spirit including at "the Highest Level"..."In Christ JESUS" (ibid.).

A proper Way to exemplify such as stage of selflessness is [(as explained in previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS In This Series For Christian Leaders) also:] such as Giving Help [such as exclusively (though the following in context applies)] for future generations so such "Help" per se is therefore less about the self and more [or all (ibid.)] for their sakes (various types of knowledge examples for Edifying include investing in an inheritance such as with bonds that won't mature for a long time and/or such as planting a vineyard with little immediate fruits rewards expectations [other than the Work Of God]), and with such selfless victory is increasingly with knowing the One True Path Of Christ JESUS, toward minimal in the secular, and maximized in New Christianity (see above text "For Christian Leaders").

So beyond the lower levels of the path, beyond the evolutionary rate and the adapting tactics rate, is to Give to Christ JESUS as the secular to that proper Christian Baptism point knows though hardly beyond,

even not beyond, in other words a secular person witnesses miracles, though can imitate; while the Christian can Do (if the Will Of God, and not for the sinner see above text "pieces").

So the Christian Leader moves according to Their [own, per se (Edifyingly)] new higher stage of Christian Faith

in the Will Of Christ JESUS so beyond the future (bonds maturing,...) to the Highest Level

then from Highest Level to New Highest Level In Christ JESUS One In Father In Spirit.

So from the unseen unperceived, into the Highest and therein seen and heard and known in the Pure Body. So

from the unknowable to the known

as much as properly in this New Christiantiy Path For Christ JESUS.

The Pure Body is increasingly with Eternal known. Consider how the Father is Spirit, and yet the created exists. So likewise You can be in Pure Flesh Vessel(s) and yet One JESUS.

So this key is with the Pure Body not only (as though text above example "bonds maturing,..."), instead future, then history, then now (again). In the secular such means repeat (as if toward Habakkuk 3.5&6) though Christ JESUS Taught And Exemplified In His Pure Body the higher than secular Holy Purpose In The Father:

the More Excellent Way!

So the Firmament over the secular (self imposed limit) is as a wheel that spins (like unto former secular symbol of the "Known Universe", see above Drawings) and eventually uses up the grease and wears out (examples include improper worldly laws concerning perpetual motion machines, and improper laws against JESUS [their Christ while they try to convince themselves otherwise and try to get away with things]). So toward the secular maximum is to change the entire "Known Universe" for their own selfish pleasure, even if to have discovered as much and to have called it their Universe or their Known Universe; or similarly their mound Jerusalem.

Above that secular Firmament the Christian might change such "Known" likewise, yet more importantly the Christian changes Their Self.

So while the secular sinner tries to change other entities to be their temporary slaves, the proper Christian Leader for All Good is with all such entities being properly added toward Oneness, a Pure Body on a line, the Holy Spirit JESUS ascending line into the Anew Precepting.

Precepting is "The action of "precept" (as explained, except as of the above text such "explained" censored and failed to explain: the Higher and the Highest Christian stages requiring proper Baptism and greater joy, and even the secular ascending is from Above JESUS though not mentioned therefore their source information is faulty as far as their site "explained" that is failed to cite the key source Christ JESUS, even so thanks goes to their site efforts for goodness found via Christian Faith In JESUS so thereafter conditionally from the Christian Faith In JESUS over the Tree Of Knowledge so at their site).

In the secular "A precept is a rule or direction, often with some religious basis, dictating a way you should act or behave." ( otherwise ibid.).

In New Christianity a precept is from Christ JESUS (all Holiness Good and Proper is fulfilled in Christ JESUS)(therefore New Christianity into Highest Oneness such as with Romans 8.3&4) and so a part of the Holy Good Proper Living New Christianity Faith Path For The Father In Christ JESUS (not as if above text "pieces" nor a piece such as a Miracle as if to grow for sin but it does not for sinners as they die in their sins (Romans 8.3&4)

so now here is a Hope key for Christian Leaders as Christ JESUS Taught and Did, the sinner is as a neutron bomb so that the Miraculous things the sinner accumulated become Christian owned without back tax nor cost (ibid. with Matthew 6.33).

So another key is Given, if to be heir to sinner things, then consider laws (for the sakes of any under laws) and Anoint such Good in spirits of people and things though not to anoint for evil so Anoint the Good aspect(s), so for instance rather than anoint a sinner as they might interpret wrongly such as to continue a sinful illegal practice, instead clearly Pray for the Good in each and such as in the Multiverse (also see above text on root word "Anoint").

So what value is it to Anoint the Multiverse?, to the sinner perceptions often toward no values, though for the Christian Leader it is with great comfort to be in a place or to travel (even all "pieces" of the Multiverse travel, some temporarily toward end, other such as toward Eternal) and feel rather know it is of greater comfort in You as You have Blessed it and made it Sacred as via Your Anointing Given, Via The Living Christ JESUS. In other words, the Christian becomes the Holy Heir now, and the sinner as a trespasser (for You Converting example that they might start more greatly to Benefit: that is via Their Christian Baptism to likewise Benefit others for Highest Christ JESUS.

So Comforter, Give this key to Your Christian Flock that They too be comforted.

In the above text is written "as the allotted timeframe closes", and "Adam was formed with eyes" toward oneness yet with clear and obvious knowledge that other frames of time / vision can be understood unto greater Wisely In Christ JESUS. Personal End Time is in Christ JESUS, and Christ JESUS (Yeshua) showed Himself such as circa 2,000 years ago in that timeframe and with Moses and Elijah (Moses timeframe and Elijah timeframe) so the three transfigured in One Holy Pure Bodies (each Pure Body) timeframe in One Holy Spirit, with witnesses (Matthew 17.2&3).

So if to triangulate time, such is an example yet also a Holy Standard (since Christ JESUS is in the Good Of It And The Source From The Holy Father). Now a key is Given concerning Leadership: a Pure Body is found not only in Christ JESUS, yet also in Moses and in Elijah (see above Drawing right in threes, side by side by side: One Way).

In the secular is something known as industrial stereo x-radiography (similar in medical) often able to resolve depths layers of incongruities. So the failed civilizations have left spirits to be properly Converted. A turned spirit such as of the forbidden fruit (contrary to the Will Of God, yet All Knowing God) has been pertinent to this civilization and this generation (tracing the source of secular sin back to Adam With Eve In The Garden Of Eden With Creator JESUS, and instead to circa 2,000 years ago Christ JESUS for One Highest Purpose).

Yet now beyond censorship other (ibid.) than this civilization, is to be Converted, past, present, and future (conditions apply for properly Converting, as with full repentance, and things with proper Anointing(s)). So there are ways, and there is the Best Way. Here for simple clarity to Edify is:

Multiverse Triangulation Standard In Christ JESUS / Printing Press / Print one letter at a time.

In the above Drawing with "Charged Scrolls" and the above text, is the "waiting for fresh clear paper to print" with "closing eye-of-the-needle" is that with increasing value meaning in Christ JESUS as to the fact and reasoning that "civilizations have left spirits to be properly Converted" is this key that the "Known Universe" is contaminated to the sinner (as though a tougher challenge, as if to fight and suffer and risk death, as though harder work longsuffering extra is required but such is hardly the case). For the Christian (Matthew 13.33 can apply, though also see Exodus 34.28): the Anointed is for the True Christian Faith Travelers: as though required to be with Joy In Christ JESUS [even so be with Joy In Christ JESUS].

Now the "Charged Scrolls" can be triangulated via stereo x-radiography (known a soft radiation over time) and/or similar (such as MRI) as for goodly reading without unrolling the parchments of ancient writings. Though let the Christian understand that such while better, is hardly perfect, as intrusions of studies can also deteriorate (see above text "trespasser", and reference such as ionization). Christ JESUS offers a key solution: let the proper Spirit (see above Drawing right) enter into and through and read [as if, that is, the Holy Spirit is already aware (even so reference properly ascending / New Christianity)] and then tell You what the scrolls say: Faith leading Body (Pure Christian Body).

Be aware, two sinners together and the one sees the other starting to fall off a cliff so grabs and saves the other: such is partly (see above text "pieces") not the same as properly ascending to the Highest (Ecclesiastes 9.11 though ibid.). The Christian can build Miracle On Miracle properly, as much as having built Faith properly in the Precepts Of Christ JESUS.

Triangulation can read the surface of a scroll, the second layer, the third,...and as much as the method is able. The Christian can read the entire length and width and depth of a scroll all at once (see previous sentence, and above text)(Ephesians 3.17&18).

The secular can miraculously advance toward reading the entirety of scrolls and the Multiverse: each all at once.

The Christian can read the entire length and width and depth of the whole Multiverse all at once.

Whole On Christ JESUS (Matthew 26.64) / Holy Precept on Holy Precept / Line by line / Em by em / Tittle by tittle.

Not only read, not only Say Perfectly, also Perfectingly For Christ JESUS Holy Father Do.

Such agrees in Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization In ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS (ICCDBB PCS:

Christ JESUS Gives to You Christian Leader, Holy Things, such as New Revelations for higher purposes, even as much as Your Faith For One Highest Purpose In The Father Son And Holy Ghost.

But backsliders can hardly receive Miracles Of Faith such as the New Revelations, since lacking Faith (two examples during a Sermon in a pew thinking about mowing, dinner, and what's on TV; or about their own hunger, finding food, and where to look [exceptions apply to both examples: Holy Grace, Highest Mercy,...(Matthew 15.32)]).

A fully repentant properly Baptized In Christ JESUS Christian is Saved, but if a backslider (then not properly ascending) then not to Prophetically See the oncoming New Revelations and so not to prepare properly: improper: so in the Grace Of God but somewhat toward sin, remembering sin, mindful of sin, as if to disconnect the soul Christ JESUS connected. Now both within a Christian person vessel and within a Multiverse vessel is One Perfect Connection; see the following lines A and B:

A. ascending Christian improves according to the Will Of God, such as to see New Revelations while traveling along the Faith Path Of Christ JESUS;

B. the non-ascending backslider can hardly see such New Revelations since hardly traveling along the Faith Path Of Christ JESUS

so the backslider (yet while Holy Follower Of The Highest) sees with eyes and concerning their secular education and secular experience former ways and is ascending very slowly (though not as slowly as the sinner rate with more trial and error, rise some fall some): former Miracles of the Book Of Revelation continue to apply for people of that level.

The New Highest Miracles are for Whom It Has Been Prepared In Christ JESUS, at that Highest Level Of Faith at the time Given for that set of "New Revelations", yet as much as Given extra time greater and better and More Blessed From Heaven above Will Prophetically be the even Newer Revelations: for such ascending in Highest Faith With Christ JESUS.

In the Old Testament a people terrorized another more innocent people, so God Gave the Miracle not to terrorists, but to the more innocent. In the New Testament the Miracles were Given to the More Faithful In Christ JESUS, in the name of Christ: JESUS.

Likewise along this Holy Faith Path in this generation the Highest Miracles are produced from (Accord and greater: in Christ JESUS, even greatest currently in Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS) Faith.

So now this Highest From Christ JESUS Principle Of Faith is Given You Highest Christian Leader:

Miracle New Revelation(s) / Test Of Faith / Highest Rate Of Properly Ascending In Christ JESUS that a person (toward repenting value(s) (or a Christian toward greater value) can ascend per Given talent.

Such is not a Test Of Faith to be conducted by a lower level, instead is according to Christ JESUS (see previous ICCDBB Sermons And Drawings For Christ JESUS on Firmaments and how such Holy Path or other paths might interact concerning ascending). Example:

Yet Higher Faith (with or without Miracle(s)) / Higher Faith (with or without Miracle(s)) / Properly Ascending Faith.

Of the Highest, Holy Of Holies In Christ JESUS, is the Holy Created With Holy Highest Physics, and the test from above is the Miracle Choice Given over the flesh vessel, the created, of free opting as Christ JESUS might opt, even so with such is (as if otherwise, instead One) Highest Purpose Physics during this Given time, times, and half a time; so Save the Holy Opting (as if otherwise, so for Edifying You that You Edify Your Flock) the Highest Physics are that the Test Of Faith is the seeing if over the Firmament (seeing any Good) and the person that might freely opt to properly ascend does ascend if evidenced of that Level Of Faith for which sometimes from above Miracles are Given and other times not, and such with "not" are Firmaments, and such with "not" therefore are "without Miracle(s)", so a Test Of Faith from above as written

[(concerning certain levels of Faith known as Firmaments) such as concerning whether to Prophetically meaningfully Highest Purposefully witness in advance a New Revelation]...a person [or You] would "receive no witness until after the trial of [their or] your faith" (Ether 12.6).

New Safety Miracles are not typically the highest answer (Matthew 10.16), though do not be slack in such, a New Commander and/or a New Commandment and/or a New Revelation is not typically the best answer, not even a New Unexpected Miracle to save a person (ibid.): often the old sufficeth in a new situation (ibid.). Ascend Properly In Christ JESUS (Luke 12.31 as Christ JESUS Said and Did in this Given world [instead In Faith as Living Christ JESUS Explains And Does]).

New Revelation(s) concerning You, the Holy Of Holies, and the Multiverse: for Guiding other(s).

Christ JESUS Loved (Loves) Apostle Paul, the most prolific of the Christian Bible Writers And Doers [at that time (circa 2,000 years ago)], has a certain value that may Help Your Faithful ascending in Christ JESUS. Christ JESUS has a range of love, though some hardly understand. Apostle Paul also has had a range of love, though including toward lowest in some secular worldly terms to which some people might relate.

As written at in Ellicott's Commentary: Saint "Paul, it has been well said, knew his own sins by experience, and every other man's per speculationem. In another place a similar feeling leads him to style himself as 'less than the least of all saints'"

Even so, instead Christ JESUS is a Saint even the Highest Saint on the Right Hand Of God The Father Spirit; yet Christ JESUS freely opted and went a little lower than the Angels including Saint Paul.

Note: "freely opted" is counted as though slavery to Good, though if "Good" then not the same feeling as being a victim of slavery; so while the slavery to Christ JESUS applies, also instead is the Highest Purpose freedom aspect, and if with "Highest Purpose" then at liberty (mindful of law, eventually toward the former sense the more; so freedom within the Grace Of God Of Heart meaning love pool soul source).

Apostle Paul had a range of doings, from sinfulness to some of the most beautiful of Christian Principles Of Faith including Faith In Action.

So, not for the purpose to criticize Saint Paul for the most Holy things, rather for Your Edification, is Given In One Highest Purpose: there is a range in the writings of Saint Paul, including toward selfishness so toward sin and/or toward the memory of sinfulness; and at the other end of the range Highest Holy Purpose. So as a net Saint Paul wrote it all, not caring if the lower levels would attack Him or not: but He didn't always convey the Holy Message properly since the lower part of His range included "toward selfishness so toward sin and/or toward the memory of sinfulness" (though "memory" instead of "toward sin" is likely reasonably: reference Given talents: so best able to say according to His Given talent: so a reason for even higher ascending toward better Worshiping Christ JESUS).

In other words, to tell You plainly (example John 11.14) Saint Paul (not merely sinner Paul nor later law abiding Paul) made mistakes (or at least counted as though such as here for the sakes of others):

plainly when Paul stopped talking about himself, He was able to unravel some of the awesome Highest Beauty (Philippians). In Philippians Chapter 3 Saint Paul mentions "I" over a dozen times.

So a key point including in Sainthood Christian Leader, is that the lower parts of the range often come through in Christian Sermons, and sometimes evidently for the self and hardly for uplifting others (jokes are often similar), though Christian Sermons are all [or far more than normally] uplifting (even if unseen matters) though some Preachers might target children, others Highest Purpose, others their own Church (see "I" above), others Healing, others Faith, others Love, and so on.

So Saint Paul has a range and so some of the New Testament is wrong or counted as if wrong, though such Does not make it wrong in the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS The Purifier Uplifter For His Purpose. For Holy Purpose higher than previously, Saint Paul was Given Of Christ JESUS to be over You for a time, until You = Saint, so until You = Highest One and in this sense to the extent of Saint Paul and yet Saint Paul And Christ JESUS Each And Both would have You ascend higher than what Saint Paul was unto what Saint Paul is today in Christ JESUS, more greatly ascended in Christ JESUS than what formerly He was.

Be clear: the New Testament is not wrong to the sinner, the New Testament is above the highest secular Firmament.

Be clear: correct the New Testament Beloved Christian Leader if even more perfectly higher for Good In Christ JESUS than the New Testament was,

though not higher than Christ JESUS nor any He says is Highest

(reference Final End Time, and One Highest Purpose), so the words of Christ JESUS [as much as translated properly and such] are already Perfect And Highest (so Quote Christ JESUS often and Prayerfully): but be careful how others might be interpreted.

Key: the Living Bible You Write is not wrong to the lower level You are trying to Help.

Many Christians make notes in Their paper Bibles: more often as much as many have evidenced Good notes (if to compare Christian Bibles, many of the same notes and symbols occur in each).

Now a very serious and great burden is Given Christian Leader (Matthew 11.30): Beloved Christian Leader if even more perfectly higher for Good In Christ JESUS, correct the mistakes that vessels that had sinned might have made in the Bible, that it be a New Living Bible and not to change the Highest Purpose Of The Living Christ JESUS.

If You know for instance a part of the Old Testament is not reasonably understood in this generation, maintain the original raw data yet write Your new opinion, and if higher Faith as Christ JESUS Explained then much more than a person's opinion for selfishly sinful gains.

Many Saints have already Done this as with exhaustive notes, and such as with Sermons and other Proper Christian Leadership interpretations, even Your New Members are of a level over sinners, even a Firmament level and levels (such as Eucharist, and perhaps with the Holy Spirit Given level per Given talents per vessel).

They are already Doing it though be of this clarity, not only as Saint Paul said, yet rather as Saint Paul wanted in You (not at grade school level, not secular repeating). Followers therefore are toward repeating: work, double work, triple work exhaustion, and as to fall [asleep at the Podium].

Christ JESUS said many things, You have these in Your Christian Bible: many Highest Purpose Truths.

If You know a Highest Truth [so for Good], state it plainly.

This is what Saint Paul tried to do in Philippians 4.6 but He said it wrongly (or it was mistranslated): don't "worry", don't "Be careful",...( such are not the things of Christ JESUS except accordingly under higher Principles Of Christian Caring Faith.

If to worry, worry about the Highest Purpose Faith In Christ JESUS, if to be careful (see above text on safety) be careful to Say And Do The Holy Will Of JESUS Father One. If to make a note or correction (whether over a typo or Principle, see the following quoted verses) then only if appropriate for Christ JESUS, also note the lower part of the range that if to sinfully change anything by adding or subtracting from the Christian Bible then the curses of the Bible could potentially (higher levels and their circumstances apply) be as a flying jet facing head-on a mountain barrier (the Physics Of God, so even the secular recognizes an "Act of God" or in other words the secular confesses it doesn't know how to have control over many things [so beware, be Highest Pure Christian Faith And Body, if to go on a lower level Mission]).

For instance in the Old Testament people of a generation knew who they were talking about, such as today the name Trump is widely recognized; while back then in an Old Testament generation they did not explain in cases for distant future generations (yes Your words are very important in the long run at least theoretically if given time, so prefer quality over speed and volume in this precept (Highest Quality In Christ JESUS [see above "Em" and "Tittle"] and comprehensively therefore reasonably maintain effectual speed for their sakes and One, so if One Quality properly ascend at top speed and velocity in Christ JESUS).

Speed in the wrong direction is hardly quality travel along the straight and narrow, except if Christ JESUS Gives You an atypical Mission.

Christ JESUS is Truth is now, the source in this world,

but the following two verses with pertinent info are stated

bluntly without first clarifying, to make an Edifying point.

So please finish reading this Sermon before judging the info.

In the following two verses for instance, the first shown here is wrong (Luke 16.19 LDS) and the second is right (Matthew 5.18 LDS) even though translated very properly in Christ JESUS For Good, Perfect or toward Perfect for then:

The truth in Christ JESUS for Good Highest Purpose is that it is easy for the law to fail (even the secular courts strike down illegal laws routinely)(the secular therefore also sins against the law) if "all be fulfilled."

Truly, truly, even the second is as the first: Christ JESUS Gave And Gives: including the even more excellent Holy Way for even Anew Highest Purpose In The Living Christ JESUS.

All was "fulfilled" in Christ JESUS circa 2,000 years ago, all was "fulfilled" in Christ JESUS in the Garden Of Eden prior to the falling away from Christ JESUS, and so on into the Eternal times, and the "fulfilled" is being fulfilled in You now: from Highest (if applicable) to Anew Highest In Christ JESUS The Leader One.

The Holy Of Holies became New In Moses (hardly as former tribal ways of values) and New as with David and even warriors eating show-bread for higher purpose to protect the Temple Of The Holy Of Holies and the show-bread, and of Christ JESUS Anew Creation Pure And Most Perfect And Holy. This agrees with the Perfect that the Creator made originally, that You are to go out there to convert to be perfect again.

Consider that a radio broadcast goes out into outer space even if a sinner was at the microphone. Sinners don't need microphones, but the Multiverse heard.

The above info is true, but in the secular sinful sense.

Now because of the trap laid "bluntly" for You Edification is Given the New Higher Truth key.

Christ JESUS did not lie when He said the above verses.

The secular sinners work themselves to death fully aware that they judge unfairly such as often censoring the innocent in their court system.

In secular cliche, the best they can do, is rather in Christianity in Christ JESUS. When sinners fail they blame others.

For example, if a Representative in the Legislative Branch is allowed to filibuster, but a victim in the Judicial Branch victim is not and not even allowed to respond to trick questions properly, then the Branches are not with higher equality, higher Truth found in Christ JESUS. To build on after-the-fact Miracle signs and secular wisdom (logic) without Christian Highest Faith In Christ JESUS is as to build the Tower Of Babel, and as to build a house on [sometimes quick] sand, and as to plant out of season (without greenhouse nor other tech)(as many as pertinent in this generation 1 Corinthians 1.22: concerning non-Elias 1 Kings 18.21 Jews that cut themselves off, and the after-the-fact Greeks reference the secular cliche "cradle of democracy"; and so others that followed those secular ways).

In the above two verses Christ JESUS told the Holy Truth, the same truth that the sinful pretend as if lies.

So in Christ JESUS is seen, per se and greater, why the proper Christian Baptism Firmament was formed of the Physics Of The Creator.

Just as it is hardly part of the answer that solves, rather the whole, so too the oppressed need reveal the whole truth

and the whole Truth is found in Christ JESUS.

For the sakes of all, the Truth sets free, so here is a new higher, even Highest Purpose Truth key in Christ JESUS: censorship against acknowledging Christ JESUS in the written law comprehensively and also as they Highest part of law of properly prioritizing, is sin.

It is sin to fight against the Truth. It is sin to claim the self as if authority if against the whole Truth.

The secular sinners work themselves to death with their hands and deeds and expect and demand You, Angel From Above, to do the same sinfulness.

Another Truth key is (referencing the above two verses) Christ JESUS told the Truth repeatedly in various ways (ways under One Way Of The Father Spirit In Heaven category and for the sakes of others), but if to try to dismantle the Whole Christian Truth JESUS, then toward crucifixion of the self; so instead be under and with the Whole Truth In Christ: JESUS. Be One Christ JESUS according to properly in the Whole Truth as Elias Taught And Christ JESUS Did (if to enable the More Excellent Way).

Another Truth key is the spirit of a speck of dust is of a truth (part of One Highest Whole Truth JESUS). And dust on dust can form a dune, toward pyramid shape, toward wave shape, but many dust particles per se do not save a soul. A moving sand dune includes quicksand. Christ JESUS is the True Pure Vessel, and the One Way, that can ride over any sand dune without sinking unless desired to bring up for greater in the Highest Purpose.

How did entire civilizations (including on Earth) abruptly end? (note they did not, not entirely necessarily that is, as the Good part may have been was spared of the Grace Of Creator Physics [concerning "may have been" consider how a sinful careless driver might have caused death to their own innocent children]) various ways under one Highest Christ JESUS Physics Victory over allotted times for full repentances. Consider how thus far in this generation there are many ways to kill most or all people, in the secular sense; even so, the power to so do has so far been entrusted (from Truth In Heaven Above, even if by others hands on such as sinners having others do chores) to those that do not make it so (or if to make it so, their system failed [reference misfire]). So it is within secular understanding that an entire civilization can be demised abruptly (or slowly).

So a key is that hardly a trace of a former civilization might be obvious to the secular, since only goodness remained generally speaking.

So another Truth key is Given from Christ JESUS, and even in secular logic: of Whole Truth In Good Source Christ JESUS, and if the People-of-Earth are to represented as a whole [(via a Christian Leader In The Name Of JESUS) or as might happen and/or as might have happened as evidenced to former civilizations] that representation has been by a secular leader (or even if to fail to represent in the Christ name JESUS) jeopardizes the whole of the People-of-Earth civilization (Matthew 10.40): therefore is this Truth key: properly colonize the Multiverse.

So now an even more excellent Truth is Given for You via Christ JESUS, with the whole Truth and the above keys including "entrusted" power (to destroy in the secular sense [as if, see above text "misfire" and instead Highest Purpose JESUS]) to Do Higher Good In Christ JESUS One, good anew to this generation, therefore consider the New Truth per se in the context of this verse added unto You, Mark 16.14 Webster's:

Consider how many other translations such as at word the verse as if Christ JESUS cared not for Them, His Own Disciples That He Chose To Be With Him, many other translations do not show the word "with": the original raw data whether of a logic decision "'with' or not", is at risk of failure if not with the Whole Of The Truth. The point being the secular logic decision is not over the proper Christian Baptism nor the Eternal One JESUS Truth. Key is that JESUS Christ "with" Them counted any Good in Them (Matthew 24.40).

With this is another key: it is as though You Proper Christian Leader In The Name Of JESUS are as though empowered and able to sentence others to former Revelations or to New Revelations, while of Highest Truth in the above verse They did it to Themselves according to Their [Follower, backslider,...] lack of proper ascending in Truth yet also in Love, in Christ JESUS: as if due in the secular sense to "their unbelief", while actually They, the Holy Ones, failed to properly ascend and so were counted in many translations as if among the sinners (so here is like unto a key, here is a clue see above text "sinful" "driver" "innocent children") but They were (are) Saints! So this "empowered and able to sentence" key is the Disciples did as They did (including both Good, and including at times backsliding according to the verse) and Christ JESUS tried to Help [Them as so counted, instead] His Chosen Apostles, into His Highest Newest Whole Truth.

If to build the Tower Of Babel, no problem, if of Highest Newest Truth In More Excellent Way JESUS. So now is Given:

How to Rightly build an exoplanet (so "Rightly" does not mean decision only):

An option is [at the appropriate height, at the top] build laterally (see recent ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Bucky Ball and on Bucky tech) to contain the sphere Earth (or another sphere): key:

Bucky Tech In Christ JESUS / Bucky Tech Of Christ JESUS / in the name of Christ JESUS;

another likewise is:

With or without Towers Bucky Tech In Christ JESUS / Perhaps Towers Of Christ JESUS / in the name of Christ JESUS.

So this point is first Faithfully Say [typing is also Acceptable] And Do the Word And Will Of Christ JESUS, then also throughout until [hence time / rate] Mission Victory for greater Anew Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS. Another Holy Acceptable Way In Christ JESUS if the Will Of God offers liberty (see above text) such as to immediately leap in Faith or if applicable to consider Your own talents, situation, and such, via Your Holy Hands (Psalm 119.73) is to add Babel In Christ JESUS and other things in Your Holy Name Of Christ JESUS as much as for Highest Purpose.

Therefore judging Good on Good, Most Excellent Way, and Perfectly Perfecting In Christ JESUS (law requires a "more perfect").

It's the law.

Tiny tech, such as in the [alleged] Betz Sphere (grapefruit sized, metallic) x-ray showed two tiny ball bearing type structures, with the whole unit having memory and self powered. Some planets are paired, and some exo-systems might also be paired (reference atomic models of elements). In Christ JESUS such can be added unto You. Behold, much of the thinking has already been precisely done for You Beloved.

Giorgio Tsoukalos said "Our origins are not here, but up there." (Ancient Aliens television series).

Christ JESUS is coming from "up there". When You Beloved come from "up there", know One Christian JESUS is coming from "up there".

If to try to convert sinners again and again, goodly, trying new ways (of One Perfect Way) to convert them. Do You want to see them harmed, no: then witness or instead go "up there" where You can accomplish much (Luke 2.49): key is to Do the Will Of God JESUS, yet if Given greater opportunity (see above "liberty") then Guide those yearning for Your Holy Guidance (reference Pastoring, though see above "backsliders"). Christ JESUS was hardly about forcing people, save such as to catch a falling backsliding Apostle (if any, see above details)(a person grabs the hand of a person falling off a cliff). Some of free liberty want to be in the Highest Name And Purpose Christ JESUS, the same that explained He would come again from Heaven, therefore of this great key: He went into the Multiverse. Travel with Your Olive Leaf For Christ JESUS (Genesis 8.11), and gain Anew Olive Leaf for Your Victorious Return In Glory (slave of the world or counted as if such: stated for Your Self Uplifting Sake In Christ JESUS, Beloved).

If there is sin, then abounds Good all the more, but if there is sin, then it needs be converted, though the precept, hardly by force applies. So rather than be trapped by sin nor subject to sinners, instead Lead: Do the Will Of God. Be hardly at the sinners' beck and call, to rather Do The Will Of Christ JESUS. Then to be in the Name Of Christ JESUS.

So a Whole Truth key is to be ascending unto the Newest Highest Level In Christ JESUS, so if to be "ascending" then Good with abounding greater Higher More Perfect Truthful Good, instead of with "sin, then abounds Good all the more"; so this new higher Truth key is Given that Christ JESUS in the above verse concerning "with" stayed with His Disciples, though until the Higher Purpose came from the Highest (John 13.36).

The Accord List:

The advent of the New Accord In The Name Of Christ JESUS (see below) is the proper Christian precept on precept (Isaiah 28.10) constructing (planting seeds, grafting, and greater) and growing (stepping, leaping [with knowing Faith Path and rocketing so to speak]) Christianity into the Multiverse is with this Christian "Faith Path" on Christ JESUS, and with the inviting (previous Accord: of the stated "months" timeframe yielding this "Accord List"), the New properly agrees with the Former: both for greatest Good; yet the coming New Accord is beyond this Multiverse (see above Drawing with referenced secular timeframe(s) as in the quintillions of years allegedly, hardly significant to the Eternal Christ JESUS save for this generation and such and all and for One Highest Purpose) and the "inviting" (though not against the "inviting") and into the Highest Christian Leadership (more than the former Pulpit Commentary).

Here are some of the dramatic Christian Faith Miracle Signs preceding the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS In His Glory, Year 2018AD (

2.21 Great Christian Television Preacher Billy Graham at age 99 passed on (1 Thessalonians 4:16&17)( West Leyline)(Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of Jesus Christ page 278 cluster in middle of Bible Code Pattern #7).

2.22 Lovely hot summer weather though in the middle of winter.

2.23 In a dream in the Holy Spirit set free some popular star celebrities (names not disclosed here for their sakes: privacy,...) according to the details Rabbi K. A. Schneider described having had sinners look Him in the eye (Jewish Jesus Christian television series & Ministries), and also by removing weights from the back (the weights looked like typical free weights on a bar as a person might see in a weight lifting facility, though it was clearly the Spiritual Purpose In Christ JESUS).

3.11 Christian President Don Trump of United States Of America agrees to talk [May 22 (Prensa Latina)] with North Korea Leader Kim Jong-il in a peace effort.

3.12 From Christian Faith, a Miracle key for traveling the "Known Universe" [and greater] in this generation Enlightening From Christ JESUS arrived involving Dark Matter and Bucky tech.

3.14 News announced snow again was effecting migratory and other patterns.

3.14 Icon theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen William Hawking passed away at age 76.

3.20 Start of atypically mild hail storm season.

3.21 News that power plants were being sued for causing global warming, atypical heating of Earth.

3.30&31 Easter weekend Blue Paschal Moon ("unique" showed 5 moons at Orchard Grass Court (see above "West Leyline").

4.10 Faith Path In Christ JESUS revealed many Miracles for various people (including for self such as to atypically Help in a car repair), and some Miracle(s) for all for Highest Purpose including time travel (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at

4.11 Christ JESUS revealed new Revelations pertinent for this generation to prepare now concerning Christian Records since time would no longer be as per the former ways such as per calendar nor clock because of time travel.

4.12 Russia Syria chemical weapons problem addressed by many nations for resolving. South Carolina becomes first state to have antisemitism (hostility to or prejudice against Jews) law (various sources [though as of 5.19 some legislators were still working on defining it]).

4.13 United Nations officially recognized Israel, and then Israel officially showed signs and called itself "Zion" (ibid.): this meets the in Accord criteria [Victory In Christ JESUS (see recent ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on this Accord, and on Israel tithing)].

4.15 "Miracle on Sunday" Spectrum News announced concerning an atypical [hail] storm-North-South-wall along Interstate 77 causing damages to many properties (see above "global warming" and "West Leyline")(the first of many such North-South-wall storms).

4.17 News that "Yellowstone National Park will open to vehicle traffic" [20th (] though as heating Earth ties to facts that "Volcanoes " and "Earthquakes have spiked dramatically since the 1990′s" ( such as concerning the ring of fire (Pacific rim) in the news such as the large volitile line starting at the Aceh oil drilling area (tied to the tsunami that had hit Southern Asia and the greater region) Southeast.

4.18 Christ JESUS Gave into the Heart that when appropriate to not write certain things until appropriate to tell the whole story per se.

4.20 Weather news said Western Oklahoma was is the most severe stage of drought. It includes the nearby regions in other states of the winter wheat region. It continues yet today 5.19 and the most severe stage of drought region has expanded through states South into Texas and West to Nevada and California.

4.21 News showed blazing fires in winter wheat states.

4.22 Christianity growing such as in Russia.

4.23 Christ JESUS appeared in a dream showing a lamp with a clay base and on it what seemed to be paths leading to a big yellow star (beneath the light bulb).

4.23 As ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS Affiliate A Check Exact predicted and paid for publishing in many scientific and other popular paper magazines years ago at the start of the Earth heating concern (global warming, climate change,...) the winds are increasing with storm frequencies and strengths increasing (also published in the same report was Earth's electromagnetic change effecting the poles, with resultant: "South Pole is gone"

4.25 Christian Churches are now in demand in many nations with new Christian Church buildings being built. On television, TBN, Christian Host Rich Wilkerson Senior had guest Joyful Christian Preacher Nick Vujicic reaching 1 Billion people for Christ JESUS (even though with no arms, no legs), also Nick explained a Billionaire was selling his toys and donating $1 Million per day for Christianity.

4.26 Secular news reported governments [such as city governments] in the United States Of America were working to leave United States Of America.

4.26 About or more than 1,000 Gigatons of ice had melted since 2003AD.

4.28 Received news of new technology available at no cost [and so later was Given the new technology device for added benefits for family and guests (1 Corinthians 9.18)].

4.28 The number of visitors to ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS varies though the number per day is sometimes more than the number that was per month just a few months ago: Thank You.

5.3 It became clarified in the Spirit Of Christ JESUS that as previously thought and explained in this ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS, each vessel has at least one spirit [heart].

5.5 Television news of Kilauea eruption on the Main Island (Daniel 3.29)(Pillar of Enoch Ministry Blog:

5.3 North Korea freed three people to United States Of America.

5.7 Dreams increasingly with sightings of Christ JESUS with increasingly proving ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS Faith Path in New Christianity For Christ JESUS.

5.9 Awake and sober, while writing in this Sermon for Your preparing for the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS came the Holy Spirit of drunkeness ("drunk in the Holy Spirit" as some Christians have called it), perhaps a minute, and then faintness associated with fasting a couple seconds, and then soberness again to continue writing.

5.11 News that Iran in Syria bombed Israel.

5.14 Under cover of black smoke (Matthew 15.14) the United States Of America opened it's Embassy in Jerusalem peacefully per se but with a threat to kill any opposition, television news reported.

5.19 This morning in a dream it became clear that if given a keypad then to type "JESUS", as previously understood while awake but without the Holy Keypad unseen in Christian Spirit Faith, though now more clearly concerning dreams and the Holy Spirit.

5.19 News came of some esteemed positions of some former students such as David Fenoglietto National Chairman of the Board Of Directors of Lutheran Services Washington, D.C., and that Lieutenant General Alan R. Lynn retired from Director of Defense Information Systems Agency and Commander of the Joint Force Headquarters Department of Defense Information Newtwork.

5.29 Christ JESUS appeared in a dream this morning saying He would Give "a surprise". In this Word And Work For Christ JESUS, hence in this ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS now the "surprise" as much as evidently pertinent at least per se is concerning the previous entry, instead of pointing to the past as many have interpreted things (arranging things, Miracle things, rather concerning Faith and Miracle things, rather concerning Faith On Faith In Christ JESUS) therefore blaming vessels when people should rather be preparing for the Second Coming Of Christ JESUS: Full Glorying Immanuel. As written in Matthew 20.16:

The previous entry, like the other entries, concerns the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS. With such the entry shows positions valued by many in the world. Many in the world have care and want to do good, but situations are often contrary for a time. So David and/or Alan may or may not have been properly Baptized as Christian(s). And while worthy of at least legal respect, David and/or Alan may of course have many other great talents not listed: not seen if to delimit to those said positions: so they are not necessarily to blame (unless otherwise [multitudes of conditions apply] Matthew 7.21)(therefore worthy of continuing respect Luke 17.21) that some websites with each of them do not mention Christ JESUS (JESUS is the English Translation for the same name Immanuel in the Hebrew Translation: and both are from the Highest Holy [unspeakable (2 Corinthians 12.4, Matthew 28.8)] Original Language Of God requiring a person to become a New Creature (see Matthew 6.22 with previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS).

On the surface the position of David seems Christian, and may be such, example site: And the position of Alan similarly has it's own set of (news, info,...) criteria, example site:

except at the example site of Alan mention today is made of "Jesus" and while at least one wrong conclusion was made, at least it mentioned at the site (see above text "At least they are talking about matters of the heavens"), although in a column to the right so evidently a blog about the site and other matters and/or ads. The column shows Jewish, Roman, and author selfishness toward sin, so wrongly; when instead Christ JESUS Immanuel conquered the killer Romans, and also conquered all others, including officially being named King Of The Jews and all for One Highest Good Purpose to benefit all.

The name Immanuel JESUS the Christ can be discussed though Luke 12.10 applies.

Some people want to speak of Christ JESUS Righteously, but others want to stir things improperly (Matthew 26.4, instead see

As stated above in the text and also in the above Drawing to the right, proper Christianity starts people on the right path, and as in the Drawing the Spirits were shown slightly curved in their travels (above Drawing left with bent fabric of space flows) over [through] the Multiverse yet toward the straight and narrow (such as relative to the 90 degree corners of the street intersections).

5.21 This morning while asleep and while dreaming two New Revelations came (as explained below), the first as from High Spirits, and the second seemingly directly from the Highest Holy Spirit as delivered via Christ JESUS.

5.21 New Revelation: a person can have subordinates working for the person, and such can be with many goodly values, though if to send a subordinate (perhaps a trainee, or Matthew 8.8&9) then to receive a subordinate's reward (Matthew 10.41) so instead [make worthy and] have Holy Christian Leaders to be rewarded with leading rewards, even so instead be All One In Christ JESUS to be with Christ JESUS reward (Matthew 25.21) and in this Sermon for Christ JESUS: Christ JESUS One Anointed Multiverse reward for All Christ JESUS One.

5.21 New Revelation if to explain a truth for a creature of goodly value [toward yielding Good (goodly since the creature can opt as much as at liberty to opt)], though if to explain a truth for a person then also toward building a same level trust, though if to explain a truth for a Christian then more toward these and with growing greater according to the Christian Truth In Christ JESUS, yet therefore seek to alway(s) explain the whole truth for the benefit of all, that Your Whole Truth Agree with the Whole Truth Source Christ JESUS that You be One.

These, [items with dates] of the above list, are in addition to the Christian Sermons published during this Sermon For Christ JESUS and the previous during this Given Accord time as stated with any nation that publicly entered into this Accord as stated above (depending on definitions, standards, laws,...such factor(s) would be applicable as much as for Good In Christ JESUS For One Highest Purpose For All), also including uncharted territories and New Revelations in the Father Son And Holy Spirit In Christ JESUS.

ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

May 21, 2018AD

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tags: Trump Kim Jong il New North Korea Accord Holy Event Schedule with new why Christian Bible is being written new known universe map Faith on Faith not mirrors but some similar aspects living scrolls JESUS and Immanuel English, Yeshua and Immanuel Hebrew, Yesous and Immanuel Greek UFOs increasingly identified hostages freed Christians owning Stars And Black Holes Betz Sphere two having memory self powered how to build an exoplanet exosystems atomic models of elements triangulate rolled scroll layers capacitate ions built-in battery powering up recharging heating refrigeration plasma ray Elon Musk Tesla Motors SpaceX Mars Neil Armstrong Stephen Hawking celebrities healed Easter Blue Paschal Moon unique West Leyline Miracle on Sunday Spectrum News Rabbi Schneider movie The Race for the Double Helix experts were brought to tears and hardly to merely see the first model of DNA stereo x-radiography machine initial pulses inline Dark Matter microtech goes into bodies access points underground South Pole, UFO landing pad refueling station Holloman Air Force Base movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind natural spas Iceland Shiloam Eden ancient civilizations Atlantis Pillars Of Hercules Tree Of Faith New Zion Archangel artifacts Aceh oil drilling Iran in Syria bombed Israel Ben Franklin winter wheat drought fires New Revelation on proper containing of spirits Volcanoes Earthquakes have spiked dramatically Christianity in demand Russia world Billy Graham right path to a big yellow star TBN Rich Wilkerson Nick Vujicic 1 Billion people Million dollars per day 1,000 Gigatons of ice melted Kilauea erupting Main Island Hawaii Embassy in Jerusalem Lutheran Washington DC Lieutenant General Director of Defense Information Systems Agency Commander of the Joint Force Headquarters Department of Defense Information Newtwork, ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS surprise For Christian Leaders.